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Muhammad Riski Mauludi/B.Inggris Hukum Hki Smt 4/201105020001

The term philanthropy is defined as a sense of love for humans which is

engraved in form of giving to others. Philanthropy is also interpreted as a
conceptualization of the practice of voluntary giving, voluntary service provision and
voluntary association to help others in need as an expression of love. Philanthropy is
social philanthropy that is programmed and aimed at alleviating social problems (such
as poverty and inequality) in the long term. In Islam, The word 'philanthropy' was an
unknown term in early, although recently some of Arabic terms have been used as
synonyms of it. Sometimes called Al-'ata' Al-ijtima'i (social giving), and sometimes
called At-takaful Al-insani (human solidarity) or Al-'ata khayri (gift for good).
However, terms such as Al-Birr (good deeds) or As-Shadaqah are also used. The
philanthropic potential of Muslims is manifested in the form of obligatory zakat, infaq,
shadaqah, waqf, grants and other donations. The Funds are intended for the benefit of
society. Islamic philanthropy has three principle things for the benefit of society.

First principle thing in Islamic Philanthropy fot the benefit of society is the
principle of justice and equality. For its people, Islam requires humans to establish laws
in accordance with what was revealed in the Qur'an and Al-Sunnah. The command of
zakat and the Sunnah of infaq, Shadaqah and waqf, becomes a principle of equitable
justice in the distribution of wealth, so that wealth will not be enjoyed by a handful of
people or groups of people, but is distributed fairly according to the word of Allah
Subhanahu wa Ta’ala, Q.S. Al-Hasyr : 7, ".. so that the treasure does not circulate only
among the rich among you..” The principle of justice and equality are contained in
islamic pihlanthropy, because islam also highly upholds a sense of justice and equality.

Secondly is the principle of amar ma'ruf nahi munkar. Shaykh Anas Ismail Abu
Daud mentions in ad-dalilu as-sailin that amar ma'ruf is ordering or enforcing
everything that in the view of reason and religious law is good. Meanwhile, Munkar is
something that according to religion is bad, forbidden by religion.Amar maruf nahi
munkar (after prayer and zakat) is the most important factor in the establishment of the

Islamic economy for islamic society. Even Muslims are not entitled to God's help
except by carrying out the duties of amar maruf nahi munkar. Indeed, it is an
affirmation of the obligation to carry the burden (takaful) morally among the Muslims.
Even though infaq, shadaqah and waqf are sunnah, they symbolize the existence of an
order to lighten the burden between Muslims in economic matters.

The Third Principle is At-Ta'awun principle. This principle has the meaning of
mutual assistance between fellow human beings who are directed according to the
principle of monotheism, especially in increasing goodness and piety. In social life,
humans need each other, there is no human on this earth who does not need help from
others. According the principle of At-Ta'awun, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says in Q.S.
Al-Maidah : 2, “..And help you in (doing) righteousness and piety, and do not help each
other in sin and transgression. And fear Allah, verily Allah is severe in punishment." In
its application, the at-ta'awun principle is in the form of ijarah, loan, trust, debt and
other related practices.

In Conclusion, that three principle things for the benefit of society in Islamic
philanthropy is the principle of justice and equality, principle of amar ma’ruf nahi
munkar and the principle of at-ta’awun. The potential of Islamic Philanthopy is
manifested in the form of obligatory zakat, infaq, shadaqah, waqf, grants and other
donations, the Funds are intended for the benefit of society. The Muslims symbolize the
existence of an order to lighten the burden between Muslims in economic matters. By
applying the principles of Islamic philanthropy, which are manifested in the form of
zakat, infaq, shadaqah grants and other donations, it is hoped that it can provide benefits
to the society, namely reducing poverty and increasing social welfare.

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