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Little Red Riding Hood 25/10/21


Once at her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood, notices that her
grandmother looks different.
The Brother’s Grimm version of the traditional tale “Little Red Riding
Hood” is a story about a girl who wears a red riding hood and who is
asked by her mother to take some food to her ailing grandmother who
Her grandmother’s eyes, ears, nose, and teeth are much bigger than she
lives across the woods.

Little Red Riding Hood, who is quite young, walks from her house, through
After a long conversation about the “grandmother’s appearance,” the
the woods from her house to her grandmother’s house, carrying a basket
wolf, who had eaten Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother and had
of food.
dressed in her clothing, jumps from the bed and eats Little Red Riding

On the way to her grandmother’s house, she meets a wolf. At the very end of the story, a hunter comes by the grandmother’s house.
The hunter cuts the grandmother and Little Red Riding Hood from the
wolf’s stomach and they are removed alive

The wolf asks her many questions about what she’s doing and where
she’s going.

After a bit, the wolf goes on his way, leaving Red Riding Hood to continue
on her way alone..

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