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10 Inventions

During The
Time of Renaissance
1.Telescope - The first telescope was invented in the 17th
century by Galileo Galilei.
2.Thermometer - The first thermometer was invented on
1513 by Galileo Galilei.

3.Watch - The first watch was invented in 1505 by Peter

4.Eyeglasses - The first eyeglasses were invented on
around 1285 by Salvino D'Armate.

5.Wrench - The first wrench was invented in the 18th

century by Leonardo Da Vinci.
6.Slide ruler – The first slide ruler was invented by
William Oughtred.

7.Screwdriver - The first screwdriver was invented by

Henry Frank Philips.
8.Mechanical Clock – The first mechanical clock was
invented by Christiaan Huygens in 1656.

9.Astrolabe - The mariner's astrolabe was a navigation

tool used for taking the altitude of the sun or stars while
at sea. It was invented by Hipparchus around 200 B.C.
10.Barometer - Evangelista Torricelli is the inventor of
the barometer, which is a device that can measure air
pressure. He made the first barometer in Florence, Italy,
in 1644.

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