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Version History

- Fixed: Certain item types were being saved with the wrong ID.
- Fixed: Handle Invalid path exception without crashing.

- Added: Support for GH:WT, GH:M and GH:SH/GH (Not all platforms have been tested)
- Added: Copy and Paste to the Qb Item tree structures. You can also copy and paste over different files.
- Added: Qb Item value to the Qb Item list.
- Added: Number search
- Added: The ability to create new files in the PAK
- Added: The ability to add new files to the PAK
- Added: The ability to rename files in the PAK
- Added: The ability to remove files from files to the PAK
- Added: Ability to import and export array types to text files, for power editing.
- Added: Type to files in PAK list.
- Changed: Qb Item list so it now shows the QbKey when no debug name is found
- Changed: App structure by splitting the core out to a dll (Queen Bee Parser). As used by TheGHOST and RawkSD.
- Changed: The name of StringPointer to QbKeyString
- Changed: The name of StringPointerB to StringPointer
- Added: New QbKeyStringQs types - these point to the qs.pak of strings. Editing is not supported in Queen Bee, export the
related text file, edit and import
- Changed: QbKey search so that entered text can be matched against QbKeys even when no debug file is loaded (full text match
- Fixed: Errors when paths are not found when loading / saving scripts etc.
- Fixed: Double in debug path when loading pak files from the root of a drive
- Changed: File access to readonly files can be opened without errors.

- Changed: Test All QB files now skips non QB files, rather than stopping with an error.
- Fixed: Entering a QB Key in hex mode will lookup the text value from the debug file.

- Changed: Script editor, pressing Enter/Return on the text box will simulate the Set button being clicked.
- Changed: Script editor now has full exception handling.
- Changed: Calculates QB File ID after file has loaded rather on first request.
- Changed: All formats support optional PAB file (Fixes formats where some PAKs have a PAB and some don't).
- Changed: When loading a PAK/PAB file the top item in the list is selected automatically.
- Fixed: Correctly set tab orders for Array and Script Editors.
- Fixed: PC WPC PAK loading, some PAKS failed.
- Fixed: Added exception handling to XBox Compress / Decompress.

- Fixed: Script length bug (again).

- Fixed: Script length bug.

- Changed: QB items context menu allows Add Child when no item is selected.
- Changed: QB remove item now has extra checking to prevent exceptions.
- Changed: Simple array editor now has full exception handling.
- Changed: Suppressed any exception messages when loading debug (other than when using the 'Load' button on the PAK tab).
- Fixed: Null object bug when searching for QB Key by CRC (Hex).
- Fixed: Scripts are only compressed if they are smaller than the uncompressed version.
- Fixed: Text boxes that accept Return now work on Key Down rather than Key Up.
- Fixed: Custom QB Key name was being wiped from QB item list on update.
- Fixed: QB item editor is cleared if no QB item is selected in the list.

- Added: QB Structure Editing, Right-clicking QB item structure pops up a menu with items for adding and removing items.
- Added: Array Editing, Right-clicking array items pops up a menu with items for adding and removing items.
- Added: Added support for Xbox (xbx) format used in Tony Hawk's Project 8.
- Changed: Array editor, pressing Enter/Return on the text box will simulate the Set button being clicked.
- Changed: QB Keys can now contain '.'.
- Changed: Included '=' in the recognised character set when detecting strings in scripts.
- Fixed: Issue when Updating a type when the Data Type has been switched from string to hex.
- Fixed: Incorrect filename was being shown on exceptions when testing QB file.
- Fixed: Error displaying Calculated and Written length difference had the names transposed.
- Fixed: Stopped the 'You have not saved changes' message box popping when changing tabs if a new QB is been loaded.
- Fixed: Disable the 'Save to File' button when loading a new QB is been loaded.
- Fixed: 00000000 QBKeys are visible editable for items that have them.
- Fixed: Script editor let you update a QB item when QB Key or Unknown was invalid.
- Fixed: Generic Edit Item bug where Data Type button displayed the wrong type name and text was formatted incorrectly.

- Added: Added icon for Midi QB files in PAK list.
- Added: Added support for PC (wpc) format used in Tony Hawk's American Wasteland.
- Changed: Now displays the file extension in Format dropdown list.
- Fixed: PAK file 'Extract...' and 'Replace...' failed when '/' was present in the filename.
- Fixed: Filename not being shown on exceptions when testing QB file.
- Fixed: Issue when Updating a type when the Data Type has been switched from the default in the Generic Editor.

- Added: XBox Support.
- Added: Script Uncompression / Compression.
- Added: Script Editor Panel, displays hex as well as found strings in the script hex.
- Added: String search searches for strings within scripts.
- Added: Search filter context menu. Right-click search results and select an item from the menu.
- Added: Array Editor Panel.
- Added: QB Keys can now be edited using the debug string text or crc.
- Added: New QB key strings are saved to a file named '<pak file>.UserDbg' so they are not lost on reload.
- Added: New QB keys are tested to ensure they do not have the same CRC as an existing debug CRC.
- Added: Ability to search for QB Keys with text as well as hex.
- Added: Hourglass pointer to Load PAK and Searches.
- Changed: Item QB Keys are now editable.
- Changed: Item QB Key now shown at the top of the generic edit list (if present).
- Changed: Integer data types are now displayed as signed int as default.
- Changed: Items that don't have QB Keys no longer have an item displaying '00000000'.
- Changed: Status bar to show PAB info (if available)
- Changed: 'Vector' datatype name to 'Floats'
- Changed: Section, Array and StructItem 'Vector' datatype name to 'FloatsX2'
- Changed: Section, Array and StructItem 'Vector3d' datatype name to 'FloatsX3'
- Changed: Rewrote internal state loading and saving.
- Changed: Rewrote the help pages.
- Fixed: Flickering bug when moving between QB items.
- Fixed: 'Extract All...' no longer displays a success message when the folder dialog was cancelled.
- Fixed: 'Extract File...' and 'Replace File...' now only save the path to the .config file.

- Fixed: Fixed a couple of bugs with StringW (unicode) strings.
- Fixed: Stopped PAB being loaded when no PAB was selected by user.
- Fixed: Detect reading outside of PAK/PAB file and raise an exception.

- Added: PS2 support
- Added: PC support
- Added: ConfigVersion to config file to help config migration for future updates
- Added: Unicode support for PC (tested) and XBox (untested), Wii uses 8bit chars for the StringW datatype, should support all
combinations of machine endian and file endian.
- Added: Icons for different file types within a Pak file .
- Changed: String2 item types to StringW (Wide/Unicode).
- Changed: Version number system to x.x from x.x.x.x.
- Changed: Selecting PAK will try and locate PAB and DBG files in the same folder.

- Added: Search tab. Search by String or QB Key.
- Added: Save and restore splitter positions.
- Added: Save and restore column widths positions and sort order.
- Added: Prompt when leaving QB tab with un saved items.
- Fixed: Improved performance on PAK load.
- Fixed: Internal form title tweak.
- Fixed: Form size and position save and restore (for maximise).
- Fixed: All QB Keys are displayed and edited as Big Endian (previously the hardware default).
- Fixed: Issue where if item had too many items Windows would run out of handles. Now shows message.
- Removed: 'Open QB >>' button from first tab.

- First Release.

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