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Secrets of the Psalms

Lecturer and Publisher

A fragment of the practical kabala, with

e11tracts from other kabalistic writings,
as translated by the Author

Copyright © 1982
Dorene Publishing Co., Inc.
Arlington, TX 76004

All righrs reserved. No partof this book

may bt reproduced in any form or by any
means, wirhour permiss1on in wririfl from
tht publisher.

Eighth Printing.............................................January, 1990

Print� in U.S. A.
"When thou hast shut the door and darkened thy room, say not to
thyself that thou art alive, God is in the room."

- Epictetus

"The act of praying is the very highest energy of what the human
mind is capable."

0 Lord, keep me sensitive to the grace that is around me. May the
familiar not be neglected. May I see thy goodness in my daily
bread, and may the comfort of my home take my thoughts to the
mercy seat of God.

"It is a great art to commune with God."

-Thomas A. Kempis

Keep yourself in the love of God.

"He loves everyone as though there were but one of us to love."

-St. Augustine

Psalm for woman who is pregnant ..... 9
Psalm for dangerous confinement ..... 9
Psalm for danger at sea or storm ...... 10
Psalm for severe headache or backache .......... 10
Psalm for luck .. ......... 10
Psalm for court cases .. 11
Psalm to heal diseases of the eyes .......... . ...... ............ 12
Psalm for cross condition and to overcome enemies plotting against you ... 12
Psalm to be successful in business ...
Psalm to cure male children ................
Psalm to overcome an evil spirit.......................................................................................................................................14
Psalm to overcome fear and stop persecution ........ 14
Psalm to overcome persecuting influences . ............. 14
Psalm to protect from bodily sufferings and unnatural death ..... 14
Psalm to become free from slander and mistrust... 15
Psalm against insanity or melancholy moods 15
. Psalm to find out name of robbers...... 15
Psalm to turn sorrow into joy ......... 15
Psalm to keep secure from all evil ....... 16
Psalm if you are about to be attacked... 17
Psalm for a protracted and dangerous confinement 17
Psalm to become free from danger and suffering .... 18
Psalm for danger at sea ...... ......... 18
Psalm to keep all misfortune ............................... ......... 18
Psalm to receive instruction or through a dream or vision . 19
Psalm to escape danger of floods....... . .... .......... 19
Psalm for someone to undergo severe imprisonment .... 19
Psalm to receive hospitality....... ........... 19
Psalm to become reconciled with your enemy... 20
Psalm to cast out an evil spirit ..... ......... 20
Psalm to be safe from all evil occurrences. 20
Psalm to escape vexation...... .. 20
Psalm to receive grace, love and mercy ...... 21
Psalm to keep children alive ... ... 21
Psalm to have high people receive you favorably .. 21
Psalm for a law suit ....... 21
Psalm against all libel......................... 22
Psalm for anyone who drank too much .... 22
Psalm if the law is taking measures to punish you .. 22
Psalm to free yourself from evil spirits .. .. .. .............. 22
Psalm if enemies have made you lose money and have caused you
to be mistrusted.. ............ 22
Psalm to become safe from enemies ...... ................... 23
Psalm for making up between man and wife ... 23
Psalm to make yourself be believed by your fellowmen. 23
Psalm to overcome fever in a member of your family.......................................................................................23
Psalm to receive good after committing a heavy sin..... 24
Psalm to free yourself from slander ........ ....... . .
Psalm to revenge yourself from secret enemies .... 25
Psalm to free yourself from the influence of passion ...
Psalm to make yourself fortunate in any of your undertakings .... 25
Psalm to prevent harm when a vicious dog attacks you............... 25
Psalm to make yourself safe from being possessed with evil. .......... 26
Psalm to make soldiers safe from injury .. ............... 26
Psalm to make your home lucky. ...... .......... 26
Psalm to receive holy blessings..... ....................... 26
Psalm to overcome trouble, and loss from business partners.... 27
Psalm for those travelling at sea, to make themselves safe a"nd free
from all accidents .............
Psalm to become fortunate in all undertakings
Psalm when possessed with an evil spirit ................... 27
Psalm for severe imprisonment and fever caused by evil influence . 27
Psalm to free yourself from the slavery of sensuousness and to
conquer enemies ......... 28
Psalm to receive power liberating one from prison .. 28
Psalm to make yourself forever safe from poverty ... 28
150 Psalms of David (King James Version) beginning at page 42

It cannot be de n ied that true, wi se and enl ighte ned Kabal ists lived at
one ti me, and that some sti ll live . But such do not wander from place to
place, offering their art for sa le, in order that they may accumulate we al th,
but they are satisfied to re main qu ietly in the pillared palace of Solomon,
whe re they are constantly employed in gathering divi ne wisdom, so that (as
they express it), they may final ly be come worthy to re ce ive the hidden gifts
from above . I myself know such a man, who obtai ned ex alted wisdom from
the Kabala, and who, notwithstanding his extreme pove rty, neve r unde rtakes
a kabal i st ic process for money. When I once asked him why he refu sed to
write a de si red amulet for a noble lord, he offered him a la rge sum for his
se rvices, he answered me with an adage from the we l l-known Pirke Awoth
(Extract or Fragment from the Fathe r):
"Dei tschtammasch Be taggo Chalof," that is to say, "whosoe ve r accepts the
crown for his reward, will pe rish suddenly. Not for all the money in the world
wou ld I do such a thing. But if I can assist my needy ne ighbor therewith, then
I will do what I can, trusting in the_omnipote n ce of the Most Holy, without
looking for a reward. For my necessary support I do not fee l any concern, for
the Almighty has methods to support me if I trust in H im . Why, he even cares
for the sparrow."

It is Particularly re markable that the greatest and most ge nui ne Kaba

lists of the Jewish nation were ne arly all foll owe rs and discip les of the
blessed Saviour of the world, and they are so sti ll, as I can prove
satisfactorily, by nu me rous passages from their writings and prayers. Le t this
suffice for this one kind of me n. But that Kabal ists live and still live , who
engage in ex pe ri me nts, and who pe rformed wonderful works, and who will
ye t do wonderful things, is also an u nde niable fact, u nless we are pre pared to
condemn all that was ever said u pon this su bje ct by re nowned me n of

The ce le brated and we ll-known Prussian Hussar, Lord of Arche nwood

de cla res, in a de scription of London, that there li ves a man in that city, whose
name is Doctor Falcon, who is known to be a great Kabalist, and who is
visited and consul ted by the most honorable and in tell i gent people of Lon
don. He states further, that this same Dr. Falcon, lived not very long sin ce in
Brussels unde r the na me of Ju de Chaylim, Schmul Ful k, who according to the
eviden ce of the F rench Du ke of Nancy, in his published me mo irs of kabal
is tic processes, pe rformed the most astonishing feats.

I confi dently hope and trust, and I can assert without he sitation, that my
little book cannot have a te n dency to foster su perstition. Take it for granted
that one of my re ade rs shou ld choose to employ one of the methods
de scribed in the se pages in order to ad:ompl ish a de si red object, his eage
r ness to satisfy curiosity will soon disappear when he takes into consideration
the hard te rms and strict morali ty which a re requi red to avail him self to
them in orde r to de rive any be nefit or be suc cessful in the ir u se.

Be fore concluding my p reface, it is necessary to gi ve the re ader some

instruction concerning the arrange ment of this volu me. We find in it, for
instance, single words, na mes, se nten ces, and indeed enti re ex


printed in the He brew and Chal dean languages. Th is fact sh ou ld not pre vent
any one from purchasing the book. Be cause all the word s pri nted in Hebrew
and Chalda ie, wh ich are inte nded to be im pressed upon the mind, are also
printed in Engli sh in plain terms, and they have bee n carefully transl ated. So
far as the He brew passages are concerned, the me aning of each passage and
ex periment foll ows immediately in Engl ish, or it is placed be neath the He
brew ex pression. I have made th is arran ge ment in compliance wi th a request
from a num ber of prom i nent persons, to make s ure th at the transl ation
is ge nui ne and correct. The chapter and verse s of Holy Scripture, where all
passages quote d may bf!Jou nd, are also correctly recorde d.


Extract from the preface of the Kabalistic Publisher

It is universal ly known and acknowledged, th at we are named after the

most holy name of the Ru ler of the World and th at we re ce ive the holy
de calogue or the written law from hi m. It is further we ll known th at in addi
tion to the laws wh ich he gave to Moses en graved upon stone, he also gave to
him certain verbal laws, by wh ich, through his protracted stay upon the
mountain Si nai, where all Doctrines, ex planations of mysterie s, holy names
of God and the angels, and particul arly how to apply th is knowledge to the
best in terest of man, were entrusted to him. All the se doctri nes whi ch God
Jjronounced good, but wh i ch were not generally made known, and wh i ch in
the course of time were called the Kabala, or Traditions, Moses communi
cated, during his life, to J osh ua, his successor. Josh ua handed the m over to
the elders, the el ders gave them to the judges, and from the m to the me n
of the gre at synagogue, and the se gave them unto the wise me n, and so the
Kabala was handed down from one to the other- from m ou th to mouth- to
the pre sent day: There fore do we know th at in the Thora are many names of
the Most H igh and his angel s, besi de s dee p mysterie s, wh i ch may be
applied to the we lfare of man, but wh ich, on account of the perverse ness of
human ity and to guard against the ir abuse, have bee n hidden from the gre
at mass of human be ings.

E veryth ing th at I have here stated is as c le ar as the sun and nee ds

no f urther proof. and it is equally c le ar and incontroverti ble th at Al l-
merciful gave the Thora in the be ginning to promote man at the sa me time.
There fore has God endowed the be st in terests of the sou l and the body
of her with exal ted tale nts, powers and vrrtues th at, with a rational use of
her, man may prote ct him self from danger whe n no other he lp is at hand
and save himself simply by uttering the words of the Living God. On th is
account, the ex pre s sion, " For it is thy li fe," occurs freque ntly in the Thora.
And Solomon says in his Proverbs, vi 22: "When thou goest it sh all lead thee
, and whe n thou sleepest it sh a ll kee p thee." That the Psalms and the
Thora are equal in hol iness and worth i ness, w ill not be called in q uestion .
Our wise me n de cl are, " He who wi ll daily live cl oser to God, who de serve s
to uni te hi s soul with Him, and who is will ing to live in the closest commun
ication with him, sh ould often pray the Psalms, with fervor and devotion.
Happy is the man wh o does th is daily and hourly, forhis reward wi ll be gre
at." The Psalms are formed and

divided into fi ve books, just li ke the Thora. We can, therefore, impl icitly trust
in the doctrines of the enl ighte ned Kabalists, when they assert that the A l
mighty accorded equal talents and powers to the Psalms as he did to the
Thora, and that in them many names of the Most H igh Majesty of God and
his angel s, be si des, many mysteries, are hidde n.

Yet, de ar re ader, you must not doubt. Through a pious life and by a
rational use of the Psalms you may obtain the grace of God, the favor of
princes and magistrates and the love of your fel low-me n. You will be enabled
to promote your own welfare.

That this is aft true, the contents of the prayer, with which we end each
Psalm, and which we are in duty bound to pray, will amply de monstrate. But
the correctness of it is also establis hed by the te achings of the Talmud and of
the old wise me n, who assure us, that many of our famous forefathers avai led
them selves of apparently su pernatural me ans from ti me to ti me, to protect
the ir be st in te rests . T he truth of this I can establish by the most trustworthy
witne sses; yea, I cou ld e ven me ntion some great me n, who by a proper u se
of the Psalms, pe rformed great works. Such examples are rare. let it suffice.
I pre sent you with a few passages out of standard books, through which you
will be come fully convin ced that the Almighty has given his revea led word
true and u nexam pled tale nts and powe r, and that, in an extre me case of
necessi ty, we are pe rmitte d to ma ke u se of this gift of God, for our own and
our ne ighbor's welfa re. As for example, to cast out evil spirits; to rel ieve deep
me lancholy and to cu re grievous di sease; to set f ree prisoners who have bee n
imprisoned; to arre st and re sist e nem ies, opponents, mu rde re rs and
highway robbe rs: to q uench the fiercest fi res; to re sist floods of water, to
defend innoce n ce and to re veal it; and to foster good fortu ne, we ll-bei ng
and pe ace in a gene ral man ner.

Read the treatise on this su bject, of the excelle nt Rabbi S c.hi nmschon
bar Abraham, in his book entitle d, " Responsiones Raschaba." Exami ne the
words of the enl ighte ned Rabbi Jochanan be n Sackas in this T reati se of the
Talmud and Sen hedrin, Chap. 2, where he treats of magical conjurations, and
where he asse rts and proves, that it is al lowed, in dan ge rous and incurable
di seases, to ma ke use of words and passages in the Holy Scripture for the ir
cure. You wi ll find more or less simi lar re fe re nces in the treatise of Sabbath in
the Talmud, as well as in the Re sponsonibus, by Zemach, son of Simonis, in
which the Ninety-se cond Psalm, with ce rtain prescriptions added, are highly
re commended as a certain Jleans to avoid suffering and danger, even in case
of war, fi re and s im ilar instances, enabling us to escape unharmed, f ree ,
se cure and without hindrance.

U nder such happy circumstan ces, it is su rely right and proper, that such
wholesome knowledge, which up to this day was known but to a few me n,
and then only the learned, was yet f ree to all, but found only in the libraries
and cabinets of the great, although not ge ne rally known, shou ld at least, in
some degree, be brought to light.

Since, howeve r, I cannot gain my obje ct in any other way than giving
the se pages to the world in a printed form, and sin ce they will unavoidably

fall into unc lean hands, I fee l mysel f constrai ned, in order to preve nt an
unworthy use of them, to extend this preface, which might othe rwi se, ve ry
properly have en ded he re, in laying down a few rules and limits. Do not,
howeve r, be discouraged for I am re ally endeavoring to promote your be st
in te rests and sh iel d you from harm.

1. If you are willin g to avail you rse lf of the me ans indicated, I want you
to attempt it in a case of ex treme necessity, and whe n the re is no other he lp at
hand. �/

2. If this be so, in ex peri menti ng, pla ce your trust in the goodness and
powe r of the Most High and e ver b les sed God, u pon whom you may pe rhaps
have hitherto called unde r an unknown holy name.

3. T he ordai ned Psalm, for this or the other un de rtaki ng, besi des the
appropriate prayer, you must pray with a broke n, contrite heart to God, and
in addition to this keep in mind the added holy na me with its lette rs, which
are given the wi se Kabalists. At the sa me ti me you must have your unde rt ak
ing continually before your eyes.

4. I must say to you, if you wish to console you rse lf with this he l p, that
you must live in such a man ner that no crime or w illful sin can trouble your
conscien ce, for it is we ll known, that the prayer of the ungodly is not acce pt
able to God. And herewith I commit you to the protection of the Most H ig h .



Those who be l ieve in the efficacy of prayer and a re cital of the Psalms
while burning in cense , using Sanctuary Oi l or Holy Oil, may if they wish re ad
and apply the followi ng.


Before I proceed further with the translation of the Psalms, it is neces

sary to in sert in this pl ace an admonition, which the author, who wrote only
for his own nation, dee med un ne cessary, and which, neverthe less, should be
addressed to e ve ry one .

"E ach h uih an be ing," says the celebrated Kabalist, Rabbi Isaac Loriga,
"ex ce pt only the ignorant idolater, can by a pious and virtuous li fe en ter into
the consecrated te m ple of the true Kabala, and can avail himself of its be ne
fits without be ing able to s peak or understand the Hebrew Language. He can
pray, re ad and write everything in his mother tongue; only the holy na me of
God and the ange ls that may occur in the ex periment, must, under all circum
stances, be written and re tained in the mind in the Hebrew tongue (for they
must in no case be uttered), be cause, on the contrary, a wrong di rection
might othe rwi se easily be given to the ex pe ri ment, and conseq ue ntly it wou
ld lose all its holiness, work and efficie ncy."

With this pronunciation we must all be wel l satisfied, and, therefore, I

must write all s imilar words and names, f rom lette rs of which the holy names
are take n, in Hebrew. In order, howeve r, that the re ader may re ad all similar
occurring na mes and words in his mind and reta in them, I have writte n all the
Hebrew words with English lette rs together with their mean ing.



PSALM 1 . - When a woma n is pregnant and fe ars a premature de live ry, or a

dange rous confi ne me nt, she shou ld write or cause to be writte n on a piece of
parchme nt pre pared from the pure s kin of a dee r, the three first ve rses of the
above Psalm, together with the hidde n holy na me and appropriate prayer
contai ned he rein, and place it in a small bag made ex pressly for that purpose,
and suspend it by a string about the ne ck, so that the bag will re st against he r

The holy na me is called Ee l Chad, which signifies, great, strong, only

God, and is take n from the four foll owing words: Aschre, ve rse 1; Lo, ve rse 4;
Jatz liach, ve rse 3;1Ve de rec h, ve rse 6.

The praye r is as fol lows:

May it please thee, 0, Ee l Chad, to grant unto this woman, N., daughter
of R ., that she may not at this ti me, or at any othe r ti me, have a premature
confinement; much more grant unto her a truly fortunate de live ry, and kee p
he r and the fruit of he r body in good he alth. Amen! Se lah!


PSALM 2. - Shou ld you be ex posed to danger in a storm at se a, and your li

fe threate ned, then re ci te this Psalm without de lay and with becom ing
reve r en ce, and think re s pectfully of the holiest name contai ned the rein,
na mely Scaddei (which me ans, mighty God), then im med iately utter the
praye r be longing thereto, ane r which write everything togethe r on a
fragment of a pot,
and in full confiden ce in the Omnipotent, who f ixe s the boundary of the se a
and re strains its powe r, throw it into the foaming waves, and you w ill see
marvelous wonders, for the waves w ill instantly cease their roaring and the
storm will be lul led.

The words, the le tte rs of which constitute this holy name, a re take n from
Rageschu, ve rse 1; Nosseu, ve rse 2; and J oses, ve rse 9.

The praye r is as follows: " Let it be , Oh, Schadei! (Almighty God!) Thy
holy will, that the raging of the storm and the roaring of the waves may cease,
and that the proud bil lows may be the place of our de sti nation in safety and
in good time sti l led. Le ad us, Oh, all merciful Father, to he alth, for only with
Thee is powe r and might. Thou alone canst he l p, thus Thou wilt su rely he lp to
the honor and glory of Thy name. A men! Se lah!

This Psalm is also an effectual re medy against a raging headache. The

di rection is as fol lows: Write the first eight ve rses of this Psalm together with
the holy name and appropriate prayer, upon pu re parchment, and hang it
upon the neck of the patient; the n pray ove r him the Psalm with the prayer
arranged for it. Do this in humble devotion, and the suffe rer will be re l ie


PSALM 3. - Whosoe ve r is subject to seve re he adache and backache, let him

pray this Psal m, with the lead ing holy names and appropri ate prayer con
tained the rein, ove r a small quantity of ol ive oil, anoint the head or back
while in the act of prayer. This w ill afford immed iate re l ief. The holy name i s,
Adon (Lord), and is found in the words, Weatta, ve rse 3; Baadi, verse 3; Heki
zoti, ve rse 5; and Hascheini, ve rse 7. T he prayer is as fol lows: Adon (Lord) of
the world may it please thee to be my physician and he l per. Heal me and
re l ie ve me from my seve re he adache and backache, be cause I can find he lp
only with T hee, ana on ly with T hee is coun sel and action to be found.
Amen! - Sela h- Se lah!


PSALM 4.- I f you have bee n unlucky hithe rto, in spite of every effort, then
you shou ld pray this Psalm three times be fore the rising of the Sun, with
hum il i ty and devotion, while at the same time you shou ld i mpress upon your
mind its ru ling holy name, and each time the app rop riate p rayer, trusting
in th e help of the mighty lord, without whose will not the least cr eature
perish. Proceed in person to extricate your contemp lated undertak ing, and
all things will resu lt to your entire sat isfaction.

The holy na me is cal led: J iheje, (He is and will be), and is composed of
the four letters of the words. Tepp il lanti, verse 2; Selahfi, verse 5; Jehovah,
ver se 5; and Toschiwen i, verse 9; the p ray er is as foll ows: May it please
Thee, oh J iheje, to p rosper my ways, steps, and doings. G rant that my desire
may be amp ly fu lfil led, and let my wishes be satisfied even th is day, for the
sake of Thy great, mighty and p raiseworthy name. Amen! - Selah!

If you wish to accomplish an undertak-i-ng by or through another, pro

ceed in all things as already stated above, with this exception: you must
change the prayer as fol lows: let me find gr ace, favor and mercy in the ey es
of N., son of R., so that he may gr ant my petition, etc.

Again, if you have a cause to bring before high magistrates or princes,

you must pray this Psalm and the closing prayer arr anged for it, seven times
in succession before the rising of the sun.


I must be p ermitted in this place to insert another caution . When it is N.,

son or daughter of N., it must be understood that we must fi rst mention the
name of the person by whom we wish to be served, and afterward the name
of his mother, as, for examp le, Isaac, son of Sarah, or Dinah, daughter of


PSALM 5. - I f you have business to transact with your magistrates or with

your pr inces, and desire to obtain their sp ecial favor, then pray this Psalm
early at the rising of the sun and in the evening at sunset. Do this three times
over pu re ol ive oil, while at the same time you think unceasingly, upon the
holy name of Chananjah (merciful God), anoint your face, hands and feet
with the oil and say: Be merciful unto me, for the sake of Thy great, adorable
and holy name. Chananjah, turn the heart of my prince to me, and gr ant that
he may regard me with grace. Amen! - Selah ! -

The holy name is found i n the words; Ch apez, verse 5; Nechini, verse 9;
Nechona, ver se 10; Hadichemo, verse 1 2; and Kazi nna, verse 14.

Still another pecu liarity of this Psalm is, when you find notwithstanding
the utmost industry and case, your business does not prosper, and you have
reason to fear that an evi l star, sp irit or destiny is opp osing you, then pr ay this
Psalm daily, even to the last verse with great devoutness, and you will soon

find yourself in more favourable c ircumstances.


PSALM 6. - With this Psalm all diseases of the eye may be healed. Read the
Psalm for three days successively, and pray the prescribed prayer seven t imes
slowly in a low tone, and with devotion, and with this keep continually in
your mind the holy name of Jaschajah (which means help is with the Lord);
believe without a doubt th at the Lord can and w ill help you. The prayer is as
follows: Jehovah, my Father, may it please Thee, for the sake of the great,
mighty, holy and adorable name, J eschajah Baal H ats chna, th at is, Help is
with t he Lord (for he is t he Lord of help, he can help), which name is con
tained in this Psalm, heal me from my diseases, infirm ities, and from pa in of
my eyes, for thine is t he power and the help, and thou alone a rt mighty
enough to help; of this I am certain, and t herefore I t ru st in thee. Amen!

Fu rther it is said: If a traveler encounters danger by land or sea, he shall,

when there is no ot her help to hope for, pray this Psalm seven times, and each
time, with full confidence, in the mighty and su re help of the Alm ighty, and
add thereto: J eschajan, Lord of help! m�y it be thy holy will and pleasure to
assist me in th is ext rem ity and to avert this danger from me. Hear me for t he
sake of t hy great and most holy name, for thine is the power and the help. ·

Amen! - Selah! -

The five letters of this holy name contain, according to the prayer the
words; Jehovah al, verse 2; Schuba, verse 6; Oschescha, verse 8; Bewoshn and
Vej ibbahaln, verse 1 1 .



PSALM 7. - When evi l persons conspire to render you unfortun ate, if your
enemies watch for an opportun ity to overthrow you, if they pursue you in
order to harm you, t hen upon t he spot pray th is Psa lm and keep in your mind
the holy name of Eel Elijon , great, strong, highest God! then throw the dust in
the direct ion of your enemies, uttering a prayer prescribed for this case, and
you will find that your enem ies will cease their persecut ions and leave you
undi stu rbed. The l etters of the holy name are fou nd in the words: Aisher,
verse 1, Ode, verse 1 8, (according to the order of AI, bam, and t he letters verse
7; J adin, verse 9; Jashuf, \terse 1 3; El ijon, verse 18).

The prayer is as follows: Oh, Eel Slijon! great, st rong, and highest God!
may it please thee to change the hearts of my enem ies and opposers, that
they may do me good in stead of evil, as thou did st in the days of Abraham
when he cal led upon Thee by th is holy name. (Gen. xiv. 22.) Amen! - Selah! -

If you have incurred the ill-w ill of an enemy, whose cunn ing power and
vengeance you have reason to fear, you should fill a pot with fresh water, and
pronounce over it t he twelve last verses of this Psalm, namely the words:
"Arise, Jehovah! in thy wrath!" Pronounce these four times, and at the same
time th ink of the holy name of Eel E lijon, and of your enemy, and pray each
time. "H umble and overth row, O h! Eel Elijon, mine enemy, N., son of R., th

he may not have the power to provoke or to injure me." Amen! After this
prayer, pour the water upon a spot at your enemy's residen ce, or at a place
where he mu st pass over it, and by doing this you will overcome hi m.

If you have a case to decide before the court, and you have reasons to
fear an unfavorable or partial verdi ct, then pray this Psalm sl owly before you
appear in the presence of t he J udge, think ing at the same time of Eel Elijon
and of t he righteousness of your cause, and as you approach the judge pray
as fol lows: Oh, Eel Elijon ! turn thou t he heart of the judge to favor my best
i nterests and grant that I may be fully ju stified when I depart. G ive unto my
words power and strength and let me find favor. Amen! - Selah! -


PSALM 8. - I f you wish to secure the love and good will of all men in you r
business transactions, you shou ld pray this Psalm three days in succession
after sundown, and think continually of the Holy name of Rechmial, which
signifies great and strong God of love, of grace and mercy. Pronounce at
each time the appropriate prayer over a sma ll quant ity of ol ive oil, and
anoint the face as well as the hands and feet. The letters, composing the holy
name are found in the words: Addir, verse 2; Ja rea ch, verse 4; Adam, verse 5;
Melohim, verse 6; Tanischi lenu, verse 7. The prayer reads as follows: May it
please thee, Oh, Rechmial Eel, to grant th at I may obt ain love, grace and
favou r in t he eyes of men acc� rding to thy holy will. Amen! - Selah ! -


PSALM 9. - The principal att ribute of this Psalm according to the precept is,
that it is an unfail ing remedy in the restorat ion of male chi ldren, who are
feeble in healt h, when no medicines and help are at hand. This Psalm should
also be prayed against the power and mal ignity of enemies. In the fi rst
in st ance write this Psalm, with its holy name, upon pure parchment, with a
new pen, and hang it around the pat ient's neck. Afterwards repeat the prayer with
reverence, and think at t he same time of the holy name of E heje Aischu
E heje, th at is, I am he that will be, and utter the following prayer: All merciful
Fat her! for the sake of t hy mig hty adorable and holy name, E heje Aischer
E heje, may it please t hee to take away from N., son of R., the illness (here
name the disease} from which he suffers, and reli eve him from his pains.
Make him whole in sou l, body and mind, and release him during his life from
all plagues, injury and danger, and be thou his helper. Amen.

In the second case repeat this Psa lm and pray devout ly: May it be
agree able to thy w il l for thy sake of t he most holy name E heje Aisher E
heje, to release me from the power of my enemies and opposers, and to
protect me from their persecut ions, as thou once didst protect the Psa lm ist
from the enemies who pu rsued him. A men! - Selah!

The letters of this holy name are in t he words: Ode, 2; Haojeff, verse 7
and verse 1 6; and in alphabeti cal order in the At Basch.


PSALM 10. - I f any one is plagued with an unclean, rest less and evil spirit, l et
him fill a new earthen pot with water from the spring, and in the name of the
pat ient, pour into it pure ol ive oil, and pronounce over it this Psalm nine
times, keeping in mind consta nt ly the adorable name of Eel Mez, which
means Strong God of the oppressed, and at each end ing of t he Psalm: May it
be thy most holy will, Oh, Eel Mez, to heal the body and soul of N., son of R.,
and free him from all his plagues and oppression: wilt thou strengthen him in
sou l and body and del iver him from evil. Amen!- Selah -

The holy name may be found in the words: Alah, verse 6; Lamma, Ana
win, verse 1 6; and Hassez, verse 17 .


PSALM 1 1 . - Whoever prays this Psalm daily with feelings of devot ion and •.

w ith it keeps constantly in mind the holy name of Pele, th at is, Wonderful,
and who besides utters a suitable prayer to God; he w ill be safe from all ·

persecution, and will not have any great evil to fear.

The holy name is in the words: Ofel, verse 2; Paal, verse 3; and Adam.
The closing prayer may be as follows: Adorable, mighty and holy God Pele:
w ith thee is advice, act ion and power, and only thou canst work wonders.
Turn away from me all t hat is evil, an'd protect me from the persecut ion of
evil men, for t he sake of the G reat name Pele. Amen - Selah.


PSALM 1 2 . - This Psalm possesses s imilar power, acti on and worth as the
foregoi ng, The holy name is Ai neel, which means Strong God! my Fat her! and
is found in the words of the si xth verse of Ewjonim, Akum Lo. The prayer is as
fol lows: Alm ighty Father, my God Aineel ! grant that all conspiracies again st
me may be set at naught; turn away from me all danger and inju ry, and thine
is the kingdom and the power. Amen - Sela h!



PSALM 1 3 . - Whoever prays the Psalm daily with devotion, together with the
proper prayer belonging thereto, and th ink s at the same time of the powerful
name of E ss ie!, that is, My help is the mighty God, w ill be safe for the next
twenty-four hours from an unnatural deat h and from all bod ily sufferings and
punishments. The prayer is as follows: Protect me according to t hy good will
and pleasure from violent, sudden and unnatural death, and from all ot her
evi l accidents and severe bodily affl ict ions, for thou a rt my help and my God,
and thine is the power and t he glory. Amen - Sela h!

According to trad iti on this Psalm is atso a good cure for dangerous and
painful diseases of the eyes. The pat ient mu st procure a plant th at is good for
the eyes, and with this mu st pray this Psalm w ith a suitable prayer, t rusting

firmly in the certain help of the mighty Ess ie!, and then bind the plant upon
h is eyes . The letters composi ng this holy name are contained in the words:
Ezoth, verse 3; M ismor, verse 1; J arum, verse 3; Aneni, verse 4; Ojewi, verse 5;
and Jagel, verse 6.

Editor's Note: E yebright herb is cons idered very good for the eyes when
washed with a weak tea made of it.


PSALM 1 4 . - Whos o prays this Ps alm in childlike faith and trust in the most
holy name, Eel enunet, that is, the true God, or God of Truth, and prays the
prayer belonging to it dai ly, w ill find favor with all men, and w ill be free from
slander and m istrust. The prayer is as foll ows : "May it please thee, Oh! Eel
sum met, to grant me grace, love and favor with all men whose help I need.
G rant, that all may bel ieve my words, and that no slander may be effective
against me to take away the confidence of men. Thou canst do this, for thou
turnest the hearts of men according to thy holy will, and lia rs and slanderers
are an abom ination to thee. Hear me for the sake of thy name. Amen - Selah!

The letters com posi�g this holy name are fou nd in the words E lohim,
verse 1; Mask iel, verse 2; Echad, verse 3; Ammi, verse 4; and Azai, verse 6.


PSALM 1 5 . - Agai nst the presence of an evil spirit, i nsanity and melancholy,
pray this Ps alm with the prayer belonging to it, and the holy name I ali which
means: My Lord ! or the Lord, too, is mine, over a new pot fil led with wel l
water that was drawn for this express purpose and with th is water bathe the
body of the patient. The prayer which must be repeated during the process of
washing is as fol lows : May it be thy will, 0 God, to restore N, son of R., who
has been robbed of h is senses, and is grievous ly plagued by the devil, and
enl ighten h is mind for the sake of thy holy name l ali. Amen - Selah!

The three letters of this holy name are fou nd in the words: J agu r, verse 1 ;
Raga l, verse 3, and Jimmont, verse 5.

He who otherwise prays this Ps alm with re verence w il l be generally

received with great favor. '



PSALM 1 6 .- Th is Ps alm is important and can be profitably employed in

different undertakings. As for example, 1st. If any one has been robbed, he
m ust proceed as follows : Take mud or sl ime and sand out of a stream, mix
them together, then write the names of all suspected persons upon small sli ps
of paper and apply the mixture on the reverse side of the sli ps; afterwards lay
them in a large and clean bas in, fil led for this pu rpose with fres h water
from the stream - lay them in the water one by one, and at the same time pray
this Ps alm over them ten times with the prayer adapted to it keeping in mi
nd at

the same time the name of Caar, that is, living, which name is to be found in
the words of sixth verse, as fol lows: Chabalim, and Alei, and if the name of
the real thief is written upon the slip, that upon which his name is written will
rise to the surface. The prayer is as fol lows: let it be thy w ill, Eel, Caar, the
living Cod to make known the name of the thief, who stole from me (here
name th at which was stolen). Cod grant that the name of the thil'!f. if it is
among the names, may arise before thy eyes, and thus be made known to
mine an d all others who are present, that thy name may be glorified: grant it
for the sake of thy holy name. Amen - Selah!

2. Whoever prays this Psa lm daily with reverence, and in childl ike trust
u pon the eternal love and goodness of Cod, directed to circumstances, will
have all his sorrows changed in to joy.

Finally, itls said, that the daily praying of this Psalm will c h a nge ene-
mies into friends, and will disperse all pain and sorrow. -


PSALM 1 7 . - A traveler, who prays this Psalm the proper prayer, in the name
of Jah, will be secure from all evil for twenty-four hours. Rise early in the
morning, with vigor, together with prayer as follows: May it be thy holy will,
Oh Jah, J enora, to make my journey prosperous to lead me in pleasant paths,
to protect me from all evil, and to bring me safely back to my loved ones, for
thy mighty and adorable name's sake. Amen.

The two letters of the holy name J ah are taken from the words Shoddini,
verse 9; and Mirmal, verse 1 .


PSALM 1 8. - I f robbers are abou t to attack you, pray this Psalm qu ickly bu t
fervently, with the prayer belonging to it, with confidence in the ho liest name
of Eel J ah, that is, mighty, all-merciful and compassionate God, the robbers
w ill leave you su ddenly, without infl icting the sl ightest injury upon you. The
letters necessary to make the holy name of God ar e contained in the words,
Aisher, verse 1 ; Shoal, verse 1; Tamin, verse 33, and Haol, verse 47.

The prayer is the fol lowin g: "Mighty, al l-mercifu l and compassionate

God, Eel Ja h! may it be pleasing to thy most holy will, to defend me against
approaching robbers, and protect me against all enemies, opposers and evil
ci rcu mstan ces, for thine is the power and thou canst help. Hear me for the
sake of thy most holy name, Eel Jah. Amen- Se l ah !-

Is there a sick person with you, with whom the u sual bn dily remedies
have fai led, fi ll a small flask with ol ive oil and water pronou nce over it, with
reverence, the eighteenth Psalm, anoint the limbs of the patient, and pray a
su itable prayer in the name of Eel J ah, and he will soon recover.


PSALM 1 9 . - Du ring a protracted and dangerous confinement take earth

from a crossroad, write upon it the five first verses of this Psalm, and lay it
upon the abdomen of the parturient; al low it to remain until the birth is
accompl ished, bu t no longer, and in the meantime pray this entire Psalm
seven times in su ccession, with the proper holy name of God and the appro
priate prayer. The holy name of this Psalm consists of two letters from the
most holy name Jehovah. He, which, accord ing to the tradition of the Kaba
lists, are of great power, and which embrace the so- cal led ten Sepiroth or
reckonings, and other deep mysteries.

The prayer is as follows: lord of heaven and earth ! May it please thee
graciously to be with this parturient, N., daughter of R., who is f luctuating
between l ife and death; amel iorate her su fferings, and help her and the fruit
of her body that she may soon be delivered. Keep her and her child in perfect
health and grant her life, for the sake of the holy name, He. Amen. - Selah! -

Do you desire you r son to possess an open and broad heart, so that he
may become an apt student and understand th e lessons placed before him
readily, then speak th is Psa lm over a cu p fil led with wine and honey, pro
nounce also the holy name and an appropriate prayer over it, and let the lad
drink of it, and you r desires will be realized.

Final ly, it is claimed that this Psalm is effectual in driving away evil
spirits. It is necessary, however, to pray this Psalm, with the holy name and an
appropriate prayer seven times over the person possessed of the evil spirit.
The letters of the name He are conta ined in the words Hash amaijim, verse 2

and Begoali, verse 6.


PSALM 20. - Mix in a vessel, rose-oil, water and salt, pray ove r it seven times
in the most holy name Jeho, this Psalm and a suitable prayer, in a low voice
and with reverence, then anoint with this oil your face and hands and
sprinkle it on your clothing, and you will remain f ree from all danger and
suffering for that day.

Are you summoned to appear before the judge in person, in a judicial

trial, you shou ld avail you rself of the above means shortly beforehand, and
by so doing you w ill surely be justified and depart without restraint. The
prayer in the last case is as follows: Lord and judge of all the World! Thou
holdest the heartsof all men in thy power and movest them according to thy
holy will; grant that I may find grace and favor in the sight of my judges and
those placed above me in power, and dispose their hearts to my best i n
terests. G rant that I may be favored with a reasonable and favorable verdict,
that I may be justified by it, and that I may freely go f rom hence. Hear me,
merciful beloved Father, and fu lfill my desire, for the sake of thy great and
adorable name, Jeho. Amen. - Selah! -

The letters of the holy name J eho are contained in the words: Asnah,
verse 2; Sela, verse 4; and Korem, verse 10.


PSALM 21 . - During an existing storm at sea, when there is danger at hand,

mix rose-oil, water, salt and resin, pronounce over it slowly this Psalm, and
the holy name J eaen, and then pour the consecrated salve into the foam ing
sea while uttering the following prayer: Lord of the world! Thou rulest the
pride of the foaming and roaring sea, and calmest the terrible noise of the
waves. May it please thee, for the sake of thy most holy name Jehach, to calm
the storm, and to del iver us mercifu lly from this danger. Amen- Se lah !-

The letters of this holy name a re contained in the words: Jehovah, verse
2; Duma, verse 1 4; and Ki, verse 1 3.

If you have a petition to present to the king, or to some other person in

high power, pronounce this Psalm over a mixture of ol ive oil and resin, and at
the same ti me think of the holy name of J ehach, anoint your face, and prar in
faith and in confidence a prayer su itable to your circumstances, and then
you may comfort yourself with the assurance that you will be favorably
received and receive grace.


PSALM 22. - If a traveler prays this Psalm seven times daily, with the appro
priate divine name, Aha, and a prayer arranged according to surrounding
ci rcumstances, in fu ll trust in the mighty protection of ou r exalted and most
merciful God, no misfortune w ill happen to h im. Should he travel by water
neither pirates nor storms can harm him, and if he travels by land he will be
safe from harm, by beasts and men.

The letters of this holy name are found in the words: E li, verse 2; Assab,
verse 33.



PSALM 23. - Should you desire to receive reli able instructions in regard to
somethi ng through a vision or in a dream, then pu rify yourself by fasting and
bathing, pronounce the Psalm with the holy name Jah seven ti mes, and pray
at the end of each r�etition. Lord of the World! notwithstanding thy unu t
terable mighty power, exaltation and glory, thou wi lt still lend a listening ear
to the prayer of thy humblest creature, and wi lt ful fil his desires. Hear my
prayer also, loving Father, and let it be pleasing to thy most holy wi ll to reveal
unto me in a dream, whether (here the affair of which a correct kn owledge is
desi red must be pl ai nly stated) as thou didst often reveal through dreams the
fate of our forefathers. G rant me my petition for the sake of thy adorable
name, Jah. Amen - Selah! -

The letters of the holy name Jah, contain the words: Jehovah, verse 1 ;
Napschi, verse 3; and accordi ng to the alphabetical order Aasch Bechar,
accordi ng to which the letters He and Nun become transposed.


PSALMS 24 and 25. - Although the contents of these two Psalms differ
mate ri ally in respect to their mystical uses, they are equal and a like in power
and action. Whoever repeats these Psa lms dai ly in the morni ng with feelings
of devotion, wi ll escape from the greatest danger, and the devastating
flood wi ll not harm him.

The holy name is cal led E li, ' and is found in the words of the twenty-fi fth
Psalm; E lecha, verse 1; Lemaan, verse 1 1 , and Mi, verse 1 2.



PSALM 26.- When imminent dangers threaten, whether by land or by water,

or some one should be cal led upon to undergo severe imp risonmel'"!t, he
shou ld pr ay this Psalm with the in dicated holy name of Elohe, and with an
ap propriate prayer, and then he may confidently look forward to an early
release from prison.

You wi ll find the letters of this holy name in the words: Aisher, verse 1 0;
Li schmoa, verse 7; Lo, verse 4 (after the order of At Basch), and Chattaim,
verse 9.


PSALM 27. - I f you wi sh to be well and ki ndly received in a strange city, and
desire to be hospitably entertai ned, repeat this Psalm upon your journey
again and again, wi th reverence, and in full confidence that God wi ll dispose
the hearts of men to receive and entertai n you ki ndly.


Since the author has neither a holy name nor prayer for the above
Psalm, it may be presumed that the frequent repetition of the Psalm is su ffi
cient for all pu rposes intended.


PSALM 28. - Do you wish you r enemy to become reconciled to you ? Pro
nounce this Psalm, with the appropriate holy name Aile, and a su itable
prayer trusting in the power and readiness of the G reat Ru ler of hearts, and
so, you r wish wi ll be fu l ly rea lized.

The two letters of this holy name are contained in ,the words: Ledavid,
verse 1; and Allaolam, according to the order of At Basch.


PSALM 29. - This Psalm is highly recommended for casting out an evi l spirit.
The manner of proceedi ng is as fol lows: Take seven spli nters of the osier and
seven leaves of a date palm that never bore frui t, place them in a pot filled·
with water upon which the sun never shone, and repeat over it in the evening,
this Psalm with the most holy name of Aha, ten times with great reverence;
and then in fu ll tru st in the power of God, set the pot u pon the earth in the
open air, and let it remain there until the fol lowi ng evening. Afterwards pou r
the whole of it, at the door of the possessed, and the Ru ach Roah, that is, the
evil spirit, will su rely depart.

The two letters of this holy name are contained in the words Jehovah,
verse 1 1 , and according to the alphabetical order cal led A jack Bechar and
Habre, verse 2.


Wi th this Psalm also there is no prescri bed prayer given.


PSALM 30. - Whoever prays this Psalm daily, shall be safe from all evil oc
currences. The holy name is Eel, and may be found in the words: Aromi mdha,
verse 2; and Lemaan, verse 12 .


T his Psalm and the fol lowing are also without a prescribed prayer.


PSALM 31 . - Woul d you escape slanders, and are you desirou s that evil
tongues may do you no harm or cause you vexation, repeat this Psalm in a
low voice, wi th commendable devotion, over a small qu antity of pu re oi l,
and anoint you r face and hands with it in the name of J ah.

The l etters constituting this holy name are found in the words: Palteni,
verse 2, and Hammesachlim, verse 22.

RE MARK: The translator regards it necessary to remark once for all, that
prayers especially adapted to these as well as many of the fol lowing Psalms
are wanting, and that the author undoubtedly thought that the prayers al
ready given would enable each one to extemporize a su itable prayer. This
presum ption is the more probable, since we find further on in the work, that
the author exhorts all to engage in prayer to God, without pescribing any
particul ar form. Another.-<: ircumstance, however, related to the holy names,
and if these are wanting it was so ordered by the ancient Kabal ists, and on
this account it shou ld be particularly noted at all times.


PSALM 32. - Whoever prays this Psalm daily receives grace, love and mercy.
With this Psalm will be found neither holy name nor prayer.


PSALM 33. - Have you been unfortunate in respect to the constant death of
your children at birth, pronounce this Psalm with the hol iest name Jehovah,
over pure olive oil and anoint your wife, therewith, and the children born to
you thereafter w il l live.

At the time of a general famine, the inhabitants of the afflicted district

should pray this Psalm with united hearts and powers, and they will surely be

The Letters of this holy name you will find in Lajehovah, verse 2, Hodu,
verse 3, Azath, verse 9, and Hejozer, verse 1 4.


PSALM 34. - Have you resolved to visit a prince or another person high in
authority, pronounce this Psalm and the Holy name Pele, that is, Wonderful,
briefly before appearing in their presence and you will be received pleasantly
and find favor.

The letters of this holy name are found in the words, Paude, verse 23;
Lifue, verse 1 , and Kara, verse 7.

E ven so this Psalm is highy recommended to each traveler, for if he

prays it diligently he will surely finish his journey in safety.


PSALM 35. - H ave you a lawsuit pending in which you are opposed by un
righteous, revengeful and quarrelsome people, then pray this Psa lm with its
holy ingmorn for three successive days, and you
name jah, early in the
will su rely win your ca-se.

The letters composing this holy name are contained in the words,
Lochmi, verse 1; and in Wez inna verse 2.


PSALM 36. - Against all evil and slanderous libels pray this Psalm, and they
w ill cause you no inju ry.

The holy name of this Psalm is fou nd in the words: Arven, verse 6; Misch
patecha, verse 7; Tehom, verse 7.


PSALM 37. - I f any one has drunken so much wine as to lose his reason, and
in consequence fears are entertained for his safety, then quickly pou r water
into a pitcher, pronounce this Psalm over it and bathe his head and face with
the consecrated water, and give him also to drink of it.


PSALM 38 and 39. - I f you have been so much slandered that the king and the
officers of the law have been turned against you, and are taking measures to
punish you, arise early, at the break of day and go out into the fields. Pray
these Psalms and their holy name seven times with great devotion, and fast
the entire day.

The holy name of the first Psalm is Aha, and of the second He, taken
from the words Hascha, verse 1 4; and Amarti, verse 2.


PSALM 40. - The principal characteristics of this Psalm is that, by its use, we
can free ourselves from evil spirits, if we pray it dai ly.

The holy name is Jah, and is found in the words: Schauaiti, verse 2, and
Chuscha, verse 14 .



PSALMS 41 and 43. - I f you r enem ies have despoiled you of cred it and
caused you to be mistrusted, and thereby reduce your earnings, or perhaps
deprive you of your office and installed another in your place, you should
pray these three times a day for three successive days, together with a prayer
that is appropriate to your circumstances, and by doing this you w ill perceive
incredible things. Your enemies will be put to shame and you w ill be un

The 42nd Psa lm possesses this pecul iar characteristic. If you wish to be
sure in regard to a certain cause, and desire to obtain information through a
dream, you must fast one day and shortly before retiring to rest you must
pray this Psa lm and the holy name Zawa, (which means Lord of H osts) -

belonging to the Psa lm, seven- times, making known you r desires, each time,
in an appropriate prayer in which your wishes shou ld be plainly named.


PSALM 44. - I f you wish to be safe f rom your enemies the frequent praying of
this Psa, lm will, it is said, answer your expectations.


PSALMS 45 and 46.- These two Psalms are said to possess the virtue of
making peace between man and wife, and, especial ly, to tame cross wives.
The saying is namely: Whoever has a scolding wife, let him pronounce the
45th Psa lm over pu re ol ive oil, and anoint his body with it, when his wife, in
the future w ill be more lovable and friendly. But if a man has innocently·
incurred the enm ity of his wife, and desi res a proper return of conjugal love
and peace, let him pray the 46th Psalm over ol ive oil, and anoint his wife
thoroughly with it, and, it is said, married love will again return.

The holy name· is Adojah, (this name is composed of the first syllables of

the two most holy names of God, Adonai and Jehovah).

The letters are in the words: E lohim, verse 2; Meod, verse 2; Jehovah
verse 8, and Sela, verse 1 2 .


PSALM 47 . - Do you wish to be beloved, respected and wel l received by all

your fel low- men, pray this Psalm seven times daily.


PSALM 48. - I f you have many enemies without cause, who hate you out of
pure envy, pray this Psa lm often, and with it think of the holy name Sach
which means Pure, Clear and Transparent, and your enemies w ill be seized
with fear, terror, and anxiety, and in the future they will no more attempt to
injure you.

The letters of the holy name are to be found in the words: Achasatam,
verse 7, and Ki, verse 1 4.


PSALMS 49 and 50. - I s one of you r fam ily burdened with a severe and
perhaps incurable fever, then take a new pen and ink prepared for this pu r
pose, and write the 49th Psa lm and the first six verses of the 50th Psalm,
together with the appropriate holy name Schadd i, which signifies Al mighty,
and which belongs to these Psalms, upon pure parchment prepared for this
particular case, and hang it around the patient's neck with a si lken string.

The letters composing the divine name, Schaddei can be found in the
words of the 49th Psalm, Schi mma, verse 1; Adaw, verse 3, and Wikas, verse 8.


(Shou ld some one choose to write and wear talisman such as is

described on page 23, we wou ld kindly advise him to procure parchment, ink
and pen from a J ewish writer of the ten commandments).

It is asserted that whosoever wears the 50th Psalm, written as above

described, upon his person, w i ll be safe from all danger, and escape from all
the machinations of robbers. ·

The holy name is Chai, which signifies, Living, and the letters are taken
from the words: Sewach, verse 5; and Anochi, verse 7.


PSALM 51 . - I s any one troubled with an anxious and restless conscious on

account of the commission of a heavy sin, then let him pronounce this Psalm
with the word Dam connected with it in the mind, three times a day, namely,
early at noon and in the even ing over poppy-o il, and at the same time utter a
prayer su itable to the occasion in which the evil deed must be mentioned in
deep humility and sorrow, which must be obtained from the just yet merciful
J udge of all men through a contrite heart, then let him anoint himself with
the consecrated oi l over the body, and he w ill find in a few days that he has
found grace and that the heavy burden has been removed.

The letters of the word Dam, through the transposition of the B and M in
the words Parim, verse 20, and Bebo, verse 2, are taken accord ing to the order
of the al phabet, AI Bam, in which the B is taken for M.


PSALM 52. - He who is so unfortunate as to be disturbed through frequent

slanders is to utter this Psalm daily in the morning, and no special prayer or
holy name is needed to obtain the benefit of the Psalm.


PSALM 53 to 55. - These three Psalms are ordained to be uttered by him who
is persecuted without cause by open and secret enem ies. If he desires only to
qu iet his enem ies, or fill them with fear, he must daily repeat the prescribed
53rd Psalm with the holy name Ai. The letters of this name are the first letters
of the two blessed names of God, Adonai, Jehovah, and are found in the
words Amar. verse 2, and J i szmach, verse 6.

If, however, he wishes not only to be secure from their miracle, but if he
also desires to revenge himself upon them, then he must repeat the 54th
Psalm with the prescri bed holy name Jah. The·letters of this are found in the
last words of this Psalm, Eeni, and in the word lmmenu, verse 2, and indeed
according to the Kabal istic ru le Gematria, inasmuch as the letter He, when
it is written out signifies six in nu mber, and in this manner may easily be taken
for the letter Vav, which, in cou nting also numbers six.

Should he desire to render his enemies evil for evil, he shall repeat the
55th Psalm with the name Vah, which contains both of the final letters of the
name J ehovah. The letters of this name are found in the words: Wattah, verse
12, and Haasinad, verse 2.


PSALM 56. - This Psalm is recommended to him, who is desirous of freeing

himself from the bonds of passion and of sense, and who is anxious to be
delivered from the s o-cal led J ezer Horra, which means, the evil lusts of the
desire to commit s in.



PSALM 57. - Whosoever wishes to be fortunate in all his undertak ings shou ld
pray this Psalm daily after the morning prayer in the church, and with it the
holy name Chai, sign ifying Living, which name he shou ld keep constantly in
his mind.

The two letters of this name are contained in the words: Chonneni, verse
2, and in Eloh im , verse 6.



PSALM 58. - I f you shou ld be attacked by a vicious dog, pray this Psalm
qu ick ly, and the dog will not harm you.


PSALM 59. - Would you be entirely free from the J ezor Horra, that is, from
the inclination which all men possess to do evil, and the sinful appetites and
passions which often overcome them, then pray this Psalm from the second
verse to the end, for three days in succession, at early noon and in the eve
ning, and the holy name belonging thereto, namely Paltioel, which sign ifies
Strong God, My Rescuer and Saviour; also, pray the prescribed prayer, and
you will become aware of the most wonderful changes within yourself.

The prayer is as fol lows: Lord, my Father and the Father of mine, mighty
God! May it please thee for the sake of thy Great, holy and adorable name,
Paltioel, to release me from the Jezer Harra (from my evil desires and pas
sions and from all evil thoughts and acts), as thou didst the author of this
Psalm when he prayed to thee. Amen. - Selah!

The letters of the holy name of Pa ltioel may be found in the words,
Pischii, verse 3; Elohim, verse 5; Chattati, verse 3; Jehovah, verse 8; Aschir,
verse 1 5, and Maschel, verse 14 .


PSALM 60. - I f you are a sold ier in any army, and are about marching into the
field, repeat this Psa lm, keepi ng in mind the holy name of Jah, and at the
conclusion of each repetition of the Psa lm, utter a su itable prayer in full
reli ance upon the endless om ni potence of Him , who can give the victory
where he w ill, and you w ill be enabled to return to your home uninjured.

The two letters of the holy name J ah, are contained in the word Zarenu,
verse 14, as the last word of this Psalm, and in Lelammed, verse 1 .


PSALM 61 . - When you are about to take possession of a new dwel ling, re
peat this Psa lm just before moving in, with a suitable prayer, trusting in the
name of Schaddei, and you w ill experience blessing and good fortune.

The letters composing this name are taken from the words: Schimmu,
verse 2, Ken, verse 9; and jom, the last word of this Psalm. It shou ld, however,
be remarked that both the last letters are selected accordi ng to the alphabeti
cal order of Ajack Bechar.


PSALM 62. - Speak this Psa lm with proper reverence on Sunday immed iately
after the evening prayer, and on Monday after the evening prayer, and on
Monday after vespers, and at the same time think of the holy name lttami,
which means "concealed, hidden, or invisible" (which most probably refers
to the invisible God, who covers the transgressions of pen itent sinners) and
utter the fol lowing prayer: Great, mighty and merciful God! may it be thy
holy will to pardon me all my sins, transgressions and offences: wilt thou

cover them, and blot them out as thou didst the sins and transgressions of
him who uttered this Psalm in thy presence, wilt thou do this for the sake of
the adorable name of l ttam i, Amen - Selah!

The letters of this name may be found in the words: Achi, verse 2; jes
chuate, verse 2; E mot, verse 3; Lelohim, verse 6, and Leisch, verse 1 3.



PSALM 63. - I f you have reason to bel ieve that your business partners are
about to take unfair advantage of you, and that you will suffer loss through
them, and if you desire, on this account, to withdraw from the firm, repeat
this Psalm, and with it th ink of the holy name, J ach, ind you will not only be
able to withdraw without loss, but you will obta in further good fortune and

The letters of this holy name are contained in the words J dsjmach, verse
1 1 , and J echuda, verse 1 .



PSALM 64. - l n reference to this Psalm it is only necessary to say, that

seafarers who daily pray it with devotion will complete thei r voyage without
accident, and reach their place of destination in good health. As for the rest,
neither holy name nor especial prayer have been considered necessary.


PSALM 65. - Whosoever utters this Psalm with its appropriate name J ah,
persistently, will be fortunate in all his undertakings, and everything that he
attempts w ill resu lt to his best advantage. It is particu larly recommended to
one who has a petition to prefer, for it is asserted that he will certainly obta in
his desi res.

The two letters of this holy name are taken from the words ) oschiru,
verse 1 4, and Dum ijah, verse 2.


PSALM 66. - I f a man is possessed of a Ruack Roah (evil spirit), write this
Psalm on parchment and hang it upon him; then stretch your hands over him
and say: Save me, 0 God, for the waters are come into my sou l.



PSALM 67 and 68. - Both these Psa lms contain the divine name of )a h. The
letters composing it are found in the first Psalms and are selected from the
words: j echonnenu verse 2, and from the last word of the verse, Sela. In the

second, on the other hand, from J akum, verse 2, and from Aora, verse 36. The
first shou ld be payable in a protracted case of fever, or in severe imprison
ment. The second, on the contrary shou ld be prayed over a vessel fil led with
water upon which the sun never shone, in a low voice, and in the name of the
patient, and then work his body with the water, and the evil spirit will depart
from him.



PSALM 69 and 70. - The first of these Psalms shou ld be uttered daily over
water, by the l ibertine and sensualist, who is so confirmed in his evil habits, as
to become a slave to them, and who, however much he may desire to escape
these habits, is unable to do so. After having prayed this Psalm over the water
he shou ld drink of it.

The second shou ld be prayed by him who desires to conquer his ene

Neither of these two Psalms have prescribed holy name or prayer.


PSALM 71 . - With this Psalm there is likewise neither holy name nor prayer,
but it is said to have the power to liberate any one from prison, who w ill for a
time pray it reverential ly seven times a day.


PSALM 72. - Write this Psalm with the name Aha, in the usual manner, upon
pure parchment, and suspend it around your neck, and you will become a
universal favorite, and find favor and grace from all men; you may then live
unconcerned, for you can never come to poverty.

The letters of the holy name are taken from the words: Elohim, verse 1;
and J easshruhu, verse 1 7.

PSALM 73 to 83. - Since these eleven Psa lms have neither holy names nor
particular closing prayers, I shal l, in order to econom ize on space, record the
peculiar virtues ascribed to each one for the good of mankind.

The 73rd Psalm shou ld be repeated reverently seven times daily by

those who are compel led to sojou rn in a heathen, idolatrous or infidel cou n
try, and by doing so, no one need feel afraid that he w ill be in duced to deny
his faith.

The frequent and earnest prayer of the 74th Psalm is said to defeat the
persecution embittered by enem ies, and will frustrate the oppressions of the
self-mighty, wea lth-seek ing, hard-hearted people, and w ill at the same time
bring them to a terrible end.

The devout prayer of the 74th Psalm w ill effect the forgiveness of sins.

The 76th Psa lm is said to be the quickest and most effective defence
against danger from fi re and water.

Whosoever prays the 77th Psalm daily w il l not be overtaken by want or


Whosoever prays the 78th Psa lm earnestly and often, w ill be beloved
and respected by kings and princes and will receive favor from them.

The frequent prayer of the 79th Psalm, it is said, is fatal to enemies and

The constant and industrious prayer of the 80th and 81 st Psalms is said
to be a happy mea � s of saving men from fall ing into unbel ief and saves them
also from other errors.

The prayer of the 82nd Psalm will assist an envoy to transact his business
toward the last word of this Psalm, and in Lelammed, verse 1 .

You shou ld write the 83rd Psalm properly, upon pure parchment, and
suspend it around your neck, and by so doing you w ill abide safely in war,
avoiding defeat and captivity. If you shou ld, however, be overcome, your
captors w ill not harm you, for even in captivity no harm can befall you .

PSALM 84. - When a man, through a severe and protracted illness has ac
quired a repu lsive, disgusting and bad odor, he shou ld pronounce this Psalm
with the prescribed holy name of Af, w h ich means Father, over a pot of water
upon which the sun never shone, and then pour the water all over himself,
and the bad smel l will leave him .

The letters of the holy n ame Af, are found in the words: Zebarth, verse 2,
and in Bach, verse 6.

PSALM 85 . - Do you wish that your former friend, but who now lives at
enmity with you, shou ld again be reconciled to you, if you can discover no
disposition on his part to make it up with you, then go out into an open field,
turn your face towards the South, and pronounce this Psalm, with its pre
scribed holy name Vah, seven times in succession, and he will approach and
receive you in great friendship.

PSALM 86 to 88. - These three Psalms again are left without a holy name, and
there is nothing further said about them, than that a person shou ld accustom
himself to pray them often, because by so doing much good can be done and
much evil avoided. The frequent praying, of the 85th Psalm especial ly, is said
to promote the welfare of the community and the congregation.

PSALM 89. - Should one of your own family or dear friends waste away so
rapidly, in consequence of a severe illness, so that they are al ready near
collapse, and useless, speak this Psalm over ol ive oil and pour the oil over the
wool that has been shorn from a wether or a ram, and with it anoint the body
and limbs of the patient, and he w ill speedily recover.

If your friend is under arrest, and you desi re his liberation, go into an
open field, raise your eyes toward heaven and repeat this Psalm, with a

prayer su ited to the circumstances, which shou ld be uttered in fu ll confi
dence in God.

PSAlM 90. - Should you accidentally encounter a lion in the forest, or

shou ld you be deceived, cheated or plagued by an evil spirit or ghost, then
grasp in your mind the name of God (Schaddei) and repeat this Psalm, and
they w ill withdraw themselves. But you will be still more secu re when such a
danger shou ld arise, if you pray the fol lowing 91 st Psalm in connection with
the 90th, at one and the same time.

PSAlM 91 . - The holy name of this Psalm is El, which means Strong God.
After speaking this Psalm, and the preceding one, over a person tormented by
an evil spirit, or one afflicted by an incurable disease, in the name of Eel
Schaddei, then pray humbly: let it be thy holy pleasu re, oh my God! to take
from N., son of R., the evil spirit by which he is tormented, for the sake of thy
great, mighty and holy name El Schaddei. Wilt thou presently send him
health and let him be perfectly restored. Hear his prayer as thou once did that
of thy servant Moses when he prayed this Psa lm. let his prayer penetrate to
thee as once the holy incense arose to thee on high. Amen. Selah!

The two letters of the name, Eel are contained in the words J eschuti,
verse 16, and Orech, verse 1 6.

Again write this Psalm in connection with the last verse of the previous
Psalm upon clean parchment, and conceal it behind the door of you r house,
and you w ill be secure from all evil accidents.

Kabal ists ascribe to this Psalm when taken in connection with the
above verse, the most wonderful virtue, when it is used in accordance with
the nature of ex isting ci � cumstances, and when it is combined with other
scriptural passages, holy names of angels, characters and prayers, it is said,
for example:

Prayer through which all distress, danger and suffering may be turned
aside. If any one should be in danger of his life, or become distressed, be it
what it may, such as being attacked by an incurable disease, pesti lence, fire
or water, overwhelmed by enemies or murderers, in battles, sieges, robberies,
close imprisonment, etc., let him confess his sins first of all, and then speak
the Vi hi Nasmprayer (the name by which the 91 st Psalm with the aforesaid
verse is usually known), ninety-nine times, according to the number of the
two hol iest names of God, Jehovah Adonei. Each time when he comes to the
fourteenth verse, "Because he hath set his love upon me," etc., he shall keep
in mind the holy name, and then pray devoutly each time: "Thou art the most
holy, king over all that is revealed and hidden, exalted above all that is high,
sanctify and glorify thy adorable name in this thy world, so that all the na
tions of the earth may know that thine is the glory and the power, and that
thou hast secured me from all distress, but especially out of painful emer
gency (here the object of the prayer must be distinctly stated), which has
overtaken N., son of R. And I herewith prom ise and vow that I w ill now and
ever after this, as long as I shall live upon the earth, and until I return to the
dust from which I was taken." (Here the vow must be verba lly stated,

stating what we wi ll do, perform or give in the service of our C reator. The vow
may consist in fasting, giving alms, or in the daily reading of several chapters
of the Holy Scriptures. Psa lms, of the Sohar or of the Talmud, releasing of
captives. nursing the sick and burying the dead.) "Praised be Jehovah, my
Rock and my Sa lvation. Thou wilt be my representative and intercessor, and
wilt help me, for thou helpest thy poor, feeble and humble creature, and in
time of need releasest from fear and danger, and dealest mercifu lly with thy
people; merc iful and forgiving, thou hearest the prayer of every one. Praised
art thou, Jehova h, thou who hearest my prayer." (The last words should be
repeated seven times at each ending of the prayer.)

And now, whoever will. punctually observe the foregoing instructions

three days in succession, in full trust in the mighty help of God, he may rest
assured of the assistance which he desires.

Kabal ists, and especially the celebrated Rabbi I saac Loria have
as su red us that in a time of pesti lence or general emergency, the Vihi
Noam prayer shou ld be prayed seven times da ily connecting with it in the mind
the figure of the golden candlestick, when it is composed of forty-one holy and
important words and names of this Psalm with which we should especially
consider the holy names in their order. The following are the names.

Vean lmi lir,

Mii, lets. l bak.
Aab. Veal, Beni,
Aan, Betu, Jaub,
lma, Mili, Wich,
Beoba. Aki., llu,
Aim, Miz, Uma,
Tmol, Vetat, Rul,
Tetak, Pesch, Kuck
lakad. l ba, Atcham,
Schin, Ktaz. Raasch,
Mehoh, Ana.
(See Figure A - page 32)

After this should be spoken verses, 21 -26, chapter xii, of Exodus, and
with them keeping in mind the names conta ined in the 23rd and 26th verses.
in the fol lowing order:

Awa l, Jahel, Ito, luj, Husch, Aha, lmo, Vii.

As also Vohu, Uha, Bam. Bili. Zel, Holo, Vesop, and finally the holy
name: Nischasz les.

And now. he who observes all these things to the very letter, and who
can keep in his memory all the letters, poi nts or vowels, he shall be safe from
all danger, shall be as strong as steel, so that, no firearms can harm him. The
certainty of this is shown by the Kabal ists, because the letter Seijid is not to
be found in the entire Psalm, and since the word Seij in or Kie Seijin embraces
within its meaning all deadly weapons, this conclusion is entirely correct.


The extraord inary powers ascribed to the 91 st Psalm may all be right and
proper enough, but it is to be regretted that the reader cannot avail himself of
its benefits, espeCially in the last experiment, because all the recorded holy
names consist of the first letter of all the words of the 91 st Psalm, and like
wise of the 23rd and 28th verses of Exodus, chapter xii, a passage which has
al ready been quoted. It is, therefore, impossible to pronou nce this name,
properly, neither can it be translated into E nglish or into any other language.
And how shall we then memorize the first letters of each word of the Psalms
together with the points or vowels belonging to them? If any one, notwith
standing the difficu lties attending the use of this Psalm, should desire to
avail himself of its virtues, then he must undertake the burdensome task of
learning the Hebrew language, or he must write it, and wear it upon his heart
as an amu let.

PSALM 92. - He who desires to attain to high honors; let him take with this
object in view, a new pot fil led with water. Place in it myrtle and vine leaves,
and pronounce over it, with perfect trust. the following Psa lms, namely, 92,
94, 23, 20. 24, and 1 00, three times in succession, and at each time let him
wash himself out of the pot and afterward anoint his face and whole body
with the water; then turn his face toward the north, pray to God for the
fulfillme nt of his desi res, and he will see wonderful things. He will be as
ton ished with his ever-increasing good fortu ne. He will also. in a wonderful
manner, advance f rom one post of honor to another.

PSALM 93. - There is nothing special recorded of this Psalm, other than that
it is highly recommended to any one who has a suit with a stern and unjust
opponent. The proper use of this Psalm. it is said, will surely win him his
(Figure A.)
lifo. A

PSALM 94. - I f you have a hard, unyield ing and bitter enemy, who oppresses
you sorely and causes you great anxiety, repair to an open field on Monday,
take some incense, into you r mouth, turn with your face toward the East and
West, and repeat first the 94th Psalm and then the 92nd, seven times keeping
in mind at the same time the holy name Eel Kanno Taf, which signifies great,
strong, zealous and good God, and pray each time at the ending of these
Psalms: "May it please Thee, 0 great, strong, zealous and good God, to
humble my enemy N. , son of R. , as thou once did the enemies of our great
teacher Moses, who rests in peace, and who completed this Psalm to thy
glorification. let my prayer arise to thee as did the sweet smell of incense
from the altar of incense, and let me behold thy wonderful power. Amen!

PSALM 95. - The appropriate holy name of God pecul iar to this Psalm is Eel
which is, great, strong God, and the letters are found in the words: Eel, verse
3, and lezur, verse 1 .

The pious bel iever shou ld pray this Psalm for his erring and unbel ieving

PSALM 96 and 97. - The holy name of these two Psalms is Jah, and the letters
of the first are found in the words, J eschuato, verse 2, and Hawn, verse 7, and
those of the other in the words, J ismechu, verse 1 , and Atta, verse 9. Who
soever wi ll pray these two Psa lms three times dai ly, will cause his family
great joy and contentment.

PSALM 98.- The holy name of this Psalm is also Jah, and should be pro
nounced in order to establ ish peace and unity between fam il ies. The letters
of the holy name are taken out of the words: Israel, verse 3; and Haschiah,
verse 1 .

PSALM 99. - With this Psalm there is no holy name recorded, and all who
wish to become really pious are advised to pray it often with proper devotion.

PSALM 1 00. - The holy name J ah, so often mentioned already, is also appro
priate to this Psalm, and whoever prays it several days successively seven
times, will overcome all his enem ies. The letters of this holy name are re
corded in verse 3, and in Aetodah, verse 4.

PSALM 1 0 1 . - Whoever bears this Psalm in addition to the 68th u pon his
person, written upon parchment, is secure from the persecution of evil spirits
and vindictive persons.

PSALMS 1 02 and 103. - Both these Psalms are said to be very good for barren
women by the use of which they may receive grace and favor from God. The
holy name of the one is cal led )ah, and is taken from Anneni, verse 3, and the
name of the other is Aha, and is taken from the word Adonai, verse 1 2, and
from Sela, verse 20.

PSALM 1 04. - The frequent and .earnest prayer of this Psalm is said to be
attended with such great power, that through it the Masick may be de


The work Masick signifies, according to its poet, only something hurtful,
something that will cause harm, it may be by spirits, beings or animals. Gen
erally, however, the J ews understood the term to mean the Devil, and with its
connections in this place the word must mean original sin and the propensity
to commit s in.

PSALMS 105 to 107. - To these three Psalms the holy name of J ah is

ascribed, and according to the original writi ng, it is said, that the 105th Psalm
w ill cure three days' fever; and finally the praying of the 107th w ill cure the
daily fever.

The letters of the holy names are taken from Lejaikof, verse 7, and
H odu, verse 1, and further from Sochren i, verse 4, and from Tehil lato, verse 2
of the 1 06th Psa lm and fin ally from J ischlach, verse 1 9, and Verinna, verse 21

PSALM 1 08. - Write this Psalm with its proper holy name, Vi, (two letters
from the most holy name of Jehovah, in which Kabbal ists seek through its
many divisions, great secrets), upon clean parchment, and hide it in a secure
spot behind the door of your house, and then your going and com ing will be
blessed, and you will be successful in all your business transactions.

The two letters of the holy name J ehovah, by a transposition of Vav, and
J od, are contained in the words: Zarenn, verse 14, and in Nachon, verse 2.

PSALM 1 09. - Have you a mighty enemy, who plagues and oppresses you, fill
a new jug with new, sparkling wine, add some mustard to it, and then repeat
this Psalm three days successively, while at the same time you keep in mind
the holy name of Eel (great and strong God), and afterward pour the mixture
before the door of you r enemy's dwel ling. Be careful, however, that you do
not sprinkle a single drop upon yourself when in the act of pouring it out.

The letters of the name Eel are found in the words, Elhoim, verse 3, and
in Ki Jamood, verse 5.

PSALM 110 and 1 11 . - The first of these Psa lms is marked with the holy name
Jah, and by its frequent use in the form of a prayer, and a man may compel all
enem ies and opposers to bow to him and beg for quarter and peace.

Throughout praying the 1 1 1 t h Psalm a man may acqu ire many friends
without the necessity of keeping constantly in mind any special holy name.

PSALM 1 1 2 and 1 1 3 . - By praying the first of these Psalms a man will increase
in might and power from time to time, and by praying the second devoutly it
is possible to check growing heresy and infidel ity. Neither of these Psalms
has a pecu liar holy name.

PSALM 1 1 4 . - The Holy name of this Psalm consists of two letters, taken
together from the names Adonai (Lord), and Jehovah, namely Aha, which
may be found in this Psalm in the words J iszraoel, verse 1 , and Jehuda, verse
2. If you desire success in your trade or business, write this Psalm with its
appropriate holy name upon cle a n parchment, and carry it about your per
son constantly in a small bag prepared espec ially for this purpose.

PSALM 1 1 5 . - I f you are determ ined to dispute with infidels, heretics, and
scoffers at religion, pray this Psalm devoutly beforehand.

PSALM 11 6.- Whoever prays this Psalm daily with devotion, trusting fully in
God, will be safe from violent death, neither will he be overtaken by a sudden

PSALM 1 1 7 . - Did you make a vow to obtain a certain commandment or

perform a good work, and fail in the performance of them through forgetful
ness or carelessness, as soon as you recollect your remissness pray this Psa lm
with a broken and contrite heart.

PSALM 1 1 8 . - I f you pray this Psalm often and devoutly, you w ill be able to
si lence all free-thinkers, scoffers of reli gion and heretics, who labor to lead
you astray.

PSALM 1 1 9 . - This it is well known is the largest of all the Psalms, and con
sists in the Hebrew of eight alphabets, but in such a manner, that each letter
appears in undisturbed regularity, and through this there arose twenty-two
spec ial divisions, which are included in each eight verses, because a particu
lar power is ascribed to each division, which I cannot present to the reader in
clearer manner than by placing each letter before him which forms the par
ticu lar division.

ALE PH . - The eight verses of this letter, which all begin with Aleph,
should be pronounced over a man whose limbs shake and quiver, and if this
be done in a low and even voice, he will be rel ieved. If any one has made a
vow, which has become bu rdensome to fu lfill, it will be easy for him to keep
his prom ise.

B ETH .-It is said that through the second division from the ninth ·to the
sixteenth verse, a man may obtain a good memory, an open heart, desi rous to
learn, and an extended intelli gence. Whosoever desi res to attain th is must
begi n as follows: Remove from a hard-boiled egg the shel l deftly and cleanly,
so that the inside shal l remain uninju red, and pray over it the above eight verses
as well as the fourth verse, of Deutoronomy, xxxi ii, and eight verses of joshua, i,
and also the holy name of the angels Chosniel, Schrewniel and Mupiel. The
translation of these th ree angel-names it is not necessary to know because they
must not be pronounced, but since it w ill be of interest to the reader to know the
meaning of them, it will not be superfluous to give them here. Chosniel, signi
fies Cover, or overshadow me, mighty God! (namely, with the spirit of wisdom
and knowledge.) Schrewniel, turn me, again, mighty God! that is, change me,
convert me in to a better man or woman, as David once said: "Create in me, oh
God (namely, let me attend upon the decrees of thy laws, as if I heard and
received them from the mouth of God himself.) Finally the following must also
be prayed over the egg: Open and enlarge my heart and understand ing, that I
may hear and comprehend everyth ing that I read, and that I may never forget it.

All th is must be done on a Thursday evening, after fasting the enti re day, and
then the egg must be inserted whole into the mouth, and when it is eaten, the
four firs! verses of this division must be repeated th ree times in succession.

C I M E L . - The division of the third letter, verses 17 to 24 shou ld be

prayed seven times in succession, in a low, solemn tone and with fu ll confi
dence in the omn ipotence of Cod, over the seriously injured eye of a friend,
so that the pain may cease and the eye restored.

D A L E T H . - By the earnest praying of this division, verses 25 to 32, a

painful injury of the left eye can be cured in the first place, in the same
manner as is described above, and in the second place, if a man is engaged in
a lawsu it, or is vexed by a change of occupation, or residence, or if he desires
to make an advantageous selection, or make resolution, he shou ld repeat
these eight times in succession. On the other hand, however, if a man must
avail himself of the advice and assistance of many persons in order to accom
plish an undertaking successful ly, he should repeat this division ten times.

He. - The division of the letter H e, verses 33 to 40, is said to make

peo ple refrain from committing sins. A sinful being who has become so much
accustomed to commit sin and vice, that he cannot refrain from them,
notwithstanding his best resolutions shou ld write these eight verses upon
parchment prepared from a clean deer skin, (or cause them thus to be writ
ten.) place it in a bag prepared for this pu rpose and hang it around his neck,
so that he will carry it continually upon his breast.

VAU.- Speak these eight verses, 41 to 48, properly over water, and give
it to your servant or dependent to drink, and then your ru le and power over
him will become easy and agreeable, and he wi ll serve you will ingly.

ZA I N . - To the seventh division, verses 49 to 56, two different effects

are ascribed. It is said, for example: If one of your friends or acquai ntances is
afflicted with melancholy, or becomes splenetic, or has severe stitching in
the side, write this division, with the holy name Raphael, which signifies,
heal mighty Cod, properly upon a small piece of clean parchment, and bind
it upon the patient where the spleen is si tuated .

If you have been led into an undertaking that prom ises evil results,
through the misrepresentations of evil cou nsellors, repeat this division
eighteen times, and you w ill find means to withdraw from the undertaking
without inju ry to yourself.

CH ETH . - Speak the division of this letter, verses 57 to 64, seven times
over wine, and give a sick person, who has severe pains in the upper part of
his body, to drink of it, and he will soon find re lief.

T E T H . - The division of the letter Teth, verses 65 to 72, is an easy, qu ick

and tried remedy to cure the severest case of kidney or liver complaints, or to
take away pain in the hips. Pronounce these eight verses properly, specially
and reverently over the sick person and he will conva lesce.

JO D. - Wou ld you find grace and favor with God, and man, pray at the
close of each morn ing prayer the division of this letter, verses 70 and 80,
trusting fully in the mercy and grace of God, and your prayer will be heard.

CAPH. - I f one of yours has a dangerous sore, or a burning swell ing on

the right side of the nose, pray the eight verses of this division verses 81 to 88,
ten times, in a low and conjuring voice, over the sore, and you w ill perceive to
your aston ishment and joy, that the otherwise incurable sore will be healed.

LAME D. - I f you are summoned to appear personally before the judge

in a lawsuit, pray on the preceding day, just after the evening prayer, the
division of the letter lamed, verses 89 to 96, and you will obta in a favorable
hearing, and will be permitted to leave the court justified.

MEM. - For pa in in the limbs, and especially for paralysis in the right
arm or hand, a man should pray this division, verses 97 to 1 04, seven times for
three successive days, in a low conjuring voice, over the affected arm, and
the pain will cease and the arm will be healed.

N U N . - Have you a mind to travel, pray this division, verses 105 to 1 12 ,

which begins with the words: "For thy word is a lamp to my feet," a few days
previous to starting upon your journey, each time after the morning and
even ing prayer, and you wi ll accomplish your journey safely and will prosper
in your avocation.

SA M E CH .- If you have a favor to ask of a superior, pray, before pre

senting you r petition, or before you attempt to ask the favor verbally, the
eight verses of the letter Samech, verses 1 1 3 to 1 20, and you w ill not go away

A I N. - I n the same way and manner as the prayer of the division of the
letter Mem, heals pain in the right arm, so also, the praying of the eight verses
of the letter Ain, verses 1 21 to 128, will cure pain, in the left arm and hand.

PE. - The prayer of this division, verses 1 29 to 1 36, will prove of the
same effect in the case of a boi l or swell ing on the left side of the nose, and

the proceeding in both cases must be the same to effect a cure.

T S A D D I . - Since it frequently happens that persons in an official sta

tion are induced, thru misrepresentations and other circumstances, to give a
wrong and unjust dec ision, even against their better knowledge and desire,
they are kindly advised to pray thee eight verses of this letter, verses 1 37 to
1 44, three times devoutly before giving their decision, at the same time ask
ing the help of the judge of all judges, to enl ighten their minds.

KOPH . - The mysterious operation of this division, verses 145 to 1 52,

relates to the cure of a dangerous and pa inful injury at the left leg. These
eight verses shou ld be pronounced in a low and conjuring voice over a quan
tity of rose-oil and the injury anointed with the oil.

R E S H . - Are your bu rdened with a painful, constantly running boil in

the right ear, pronounce the eight verses of the division of the letter Resh,
verses 1 52-1 60, in a low and conjuring voice, over onion-water or juice, and

let one drop run into the ear, when you w ill experience immediate relief.

SCH IN. - Against severe and burning headache speak the division of
this letter, verses 1 61 to 1 68, in a low conjuring voice three times over pure
olive oil, and anoint the place where the pain is the most severe.

TAU. - The last division of this Psalm, verses 1 69-1 76, shou ld be used
in the same manner as the division of the letter Resh, that is, it shou ld b e
over onion-water, and by its use a boil in the left ear may be cu red.
Final ly, it is stated at the end of this Psalm; that whosoever is afflicted
with a tearing pain in both arms, in the sides, and in the legs at one and the
same time, shou ld repeat this whole Psalm in the following order: 1. The eight
verses of the letter Aleph, of Tau and Beth. 2. Those of the letter Schin. 3. The
division of the letter Gim mel. 4. The eight verses of the letter Resh. 5. The
division of the letter Da leth. 6. That of the letter Kuf. 7. The eight verses of
the letter He. 8. Those of the letter Zain. 9. The division of the letter Van. 10.
The eight verses of the letter Pe. 1 1 . The division of the letter Zain. 1 2 . The
division of the letter Ain. 1 3. The eight verses of the letter Cheth. 14. Those of
the letter Tamech. 1 5 . Those of the letter Tetch. 16. Of Nun. 17. The eight
verses of the letter J ud, and final ly, 18. The division ofthe letters, Mem, Caph,
and lamed. This remedy has been tried, and has proved infall ible. Should
any one become afflicted with tearing pains in the loins, make for him, at the
conclusion of this Psa lm, knots, combinations, or magical knots in water,
with or under the names of: Adam, Seth, Enoch, Canaan, Maba l leel, Jared,
Methusa leh, lamech, Ntah, Shem.

(The translator is compel led to admit honestly, that he does not compre
hend this latter clause, and much less is he able to give any directions in
regard to the method employed in making magical-knots, he does not pre
sume that any one w ill be interested in this matter.)

PSALM 1 20. - I f you must appear before the judge, repeat the Psa lm before
hand, and you w il l receive grace and favor.

If a traveler shou ld find himself in a forest infested with many po isonous

snakes, scorpions and other poisonous repti les as may easily happen, and
thus be exposed to danger, let him pray this Psalm as soon as the comes in
sight of the forest seven times and he w ill be able to proceed on his journey
without any harm.

PSALM 1 21. - Are you compel led to travel alone by night, pray this Psalm
reverently seven times, and you w ill be safe from all accidents and evil occu r

PSALM 1 22 . - I f you about to address a man high in station, repeat this Psalm
thirteen times beforehand, and you will be received graciously and find
favor. Also, pray this Psalm each time that you are present in church, and you
will obtain a blessing.

PSALM 1 23. - I f your servant or journeyman has run away from you, write
this Psalm, together with his name, on a leaden or tin plate, when he will
return to you.

PSALM 1 24. - I f you are about to cross a swol len stream, or undertake a
jou rney by water, pray this Psalm before entering the ship, and then you may
commence your journey without fear.

PSALM 1 25 . - I f you are compel led to travel in a country, where you have
avowed enemies whom you have reason to fear on account of threatened
inju ry to yourself, then take, before entering the cou ntry, both your hands
fu ll of salt, pronounce this Psalm seven times over it, and then scatter it into
the air towards the four quarters of the globe, and by so doing, not one of
your enem ies will be able to bring any harm against you.

PSALM 1 26. - A re you so unfortunate that your children are taken away from
you in their infancy, and that you are not able to raise any of them then, when
your wife again becomes pregnant, write this Psalm upon four amulets made
out of clean parchment, and add to the last line of each amu let the names of
the following angels: Sinu i, Sins uni, and Semanglaf, and afterward hide the
amu lets in the four walls of your house, when your child w ill live.

PSALM 1 27- Write this Psalm upon pure parchment, place the amulet in a
clean bag, and hang it about the neck of a new-born son immediately after
birth, and no evil w ill ever befall him afterward.

PSALM 1 28. - Write this Psalm upon clean parchment, and hang it upon a
pregnant woman, when she and the fruit of her body will always be secure
hom unlucky acc idents, and she will have a fortunate confi nement.

PSALM 1 29. - Whoever accustoms himself to repeat the Psa lm daily after
the morn ing prayer, will finally prepare himself to live piously and virtuously,
and will be able to carry out many many remunerative and good works.

PSALM 1 30. - I f you are living in a besieged city, to and from which no one
can go without danger, and if you have u rgent business, so that you feel
constrained to venture on a journey, then, just as you are about to leave the
ci ty, pray this Psalm in a low and abjuring voice, toward the four quarters of
the earth, 'and tlien you w ill be able to pass all the sentries without being seen
or harmed. A heavy sleep will overcome them, so that they will not be con
scious of your presence.

PSALM 1 3 1 . - He who is so strongly possessed of the evil spirit of pride that

he regards all other people with scorn, but who, upon sober reflection, de
sires to occupy a middle path, if his intolerable pride wou ld only perm it h im,
is advised to pray this Psalm reverently three times a day, after the morning
and even ing prayer. His pride will receive a certa in check.

PSAL M 1 32. - I f you have sworn to perform anyth ing p u nc tual ly, and
notwithstanding you r oath you neglect to perform you r obligation,
" and in
this manner have perjured himself, you should, in order to avoid a futu re
crime of a s im ilar kind, pray this Psalm da ily with profound reverence.
PSALM 133. - Whoever prays this Psalm dai ly, will not only retain the love
and friendship of his friends, but he w ill also gain many more friends.

PSALM 1 34. - This very short Psalm, consisting of only three verses, shou ld

be repeated by every learned man, and especially by every student before
entering col lege.

PSALM 1 3 5 . - Whoever is desirous of repenting sincerely from sin, and of

consecrating his life to the service of God, should pray this Psalm daily after
the morn ing and evening prayers, and then his heart and spirit w ill be daily
renewed, and he will become more closely united with God from day to day.

PSALM 1 36. - Whosoever desires, on account of wilful sins and transactions,

to make a penitent confession of his misdeeds, should pray this Psalm before
hand, and then make this confession with an humble and broken heart and
with great reverence.

PSALM 1 37. - The praying of this Psalm, it is said, will root out of the heart
the most inveterate hate, envy and malice.

PSALM 1 38. - Praying this Psalm, it is stated, will produce love and friend

PSALM 1 39. - This Psalm should be prayed to increase and preserve love
among married people.

PSALM 1 40. - Praying this Psalm is said to be a powerful means to remove

growing hatred between man and wife.

PSALM 1 4 1 . - Whoever is often oppressed with heartfelt fears shou ld pray

this Psalm frequently.

PSALMS 1 42 and 1 43. - Praying of the first of these two Psalms w ill cure pain
in the thighs and praying the other w ill remove tearing pains in the arm.

PSALM 1 44. - When any one breaks an arm this Psalm shou ld be prayed, and
the perfect cure of the arm cannot be delayed or interrupted by untoward

PSALM 145. - He who fears ghosts and evil spirits, shou ld pray this Psalm in
connection with the 1 44th, with reverence, for the praying of these Psalms
will drive away all ghosts and apparitions instantly.

PSALM 1 46. - Whoever has been dangerously wounded by a sword or other

deadly weapon, he shall, during the time he is recovering surgical assistance,
pray this Psalm reverently dai ly, and especially when the wound is being
dressed and the bandages renewed, and he will shortly find reasons to rejoice
in perfect restoration from his injuries.

PSALM 147. - For the cu re of dangerous and deadly wounds, bites, stings of a
salamander, lizard, snake, scorpion or other poisonous repti le, the earnest
prayer of this Psalm is said to possess the same power of healing as the former
Psalm, already described.

PSALMS 1 48 and 1 49. - These two Psalms are said to possess the desirable
virtue of check ing fire, when they are prayed in c hildlike trust on the unfail
ing help of the Alm ighty.

PSALM 1 50. - This happy Psalm of Praise shou ld be uttered by every God
fearing, thankful being, after havin escaped a great danger, or received a
pecu liar grace in answer to a prayer to the Lord of Hosts, and it shou ld be
repeated with a thankful heart to His praise and glory .






P.O. Box 1 466, Arli ngton, TX 76004

The meaning of this book in Hebrew means praises or
songs of praise.

These Psalms were gathered over a long period of time

starting from the days of Moses and extending to the
Postexilic time of the Second Temple.

It is reasonable to associate the early collections of

the Psalms with David, King of Israel. David enjoyed
the singing of songs du ring worship.

In future times other kings such as Hezekiah, Asa, Jo

siah and Solomon continued the use of the Psalms
during their reign as kings. The reading of these Psalms
have become very popular among people of all ages.

God Go With You


LESSED 6 Then shal he sPeak unto
the man that them ta his wrath, and vu
B walketh not in the
them ta his sore displeasure.

of the ungodly, nor standeth 6 Yet have I set my King

In the way of sinners, nor upon holy hil of Zion.
sitteth In the seat of the I wil declare the decree
scornful. i the LoRD
2 But his dellcht in the law me,: Thou art
hath said unto
: daY this
of the LORD : and in his law have I begotten thee.
doth he meditate day and
nl&ht. 3 And he shal be like a 8 Ask of me and I shal give
tree planted by the rivers of thee the bea en for thine
water, and the uttermost
his fruit bi parts of earth for thyPGs
that brlngeth forth
his season : his leaf also shal sesion.
not wither : and whatsoever be 9 Thou shalt break them with
doeth shall prosper. a rod of iron : thou shalt dash
4 The ungodlyorenot so: but them ta pieces like a potter's
are like the chd which the vesel.
wind driveth away. 10 Be wise now therefore, 0
6 Therefore the ungodly kings : be instructed, :ve
of the earth.
shal not stand in the
judgment, nor siners in the Serve the LORD with
of the
12 �!c e with trembling.fear1
the Son1 lest be be
6 For the LORD knoweth angry, and ye pensh from
the way of the righteous : but the way, when his wrath is
the wu of the ungodly shal kindled
but e. little. 'Blessed ore all they
that put their trust In
and do
people rage,•
vain The kings of the earth set & P1 ol Da'Jid, whea he 8ecJ froiD
2 Absalom hie soa.
themselves, and the rulers
take counsel together, against how are the Increased
the LoRD, and against his trouble me many ore
AD.ointecl. th ey that riseuaiDst me.
T£:i us break their
asunder, and cast away their
Many there which say of
There i.s no help for
3 But thou, 0 LORD, art a
cords from us.
4 He that sitteth In the
ens shal laugh : the Lord shal shield for me : my glory, ud
have them iD the lifter up of mile heacL
4 I cried unto the LoRD with 8 I wil both lay me downIa
my and he heard me out and sleep : for thou,
of his hil. Selah. only makest me elwel
5 I laid me down and slept: I iD safety.
awaked ; fortheLoRDsustamed PsALM &
6 I wil not be afraid of ten To the chiefMusician upoo Reldlotfl
thousands of people, that 4 Psalm of David,
have set themselves
uainstmeround ear to my words, 0
about. consider my medi
7 Arise, 0 LoRD: save 0 tation.
my God : for thou hast 2 Hearken unto the voice of
all mine enemies ullon the my cry, my and my God
cheek boDe ; thou hast for unto thee wil I pray.
broken the teeth of the : 3 My voice shalt thou hear Ia
ungodly. the morning, 0 LORD ; Ia. the
8 Salvation belongeth unto the
LORD : thy blessing is UPQD thJ' morning will I direct 171 Pr(liJer
people. Selah. unto thee, and
4 For thou art not a that
PsALM 4 hath pl sure in wickednes :
To the chief Muslclao oo Reclaoth. neithershal evil dwellwith
A Psalm of David.

li thee.
me when I cal, 0 The foolish shal not stand
:of ia. thy sight : thou hatest aU
God workers of iniquity.
my righteousness thou
hast enlarged me when I 6 Thou shalt destroy them
was UPOn tha t speak leasing : he
LoRD will abhor the bloody
an cio
in distress ; have merar d
me, and hear my prayer,
2 0 ye sons of men, how ceitful man. I wm come
7 But as for· me
how long wil ye love vanity, multitude into thy house in !he
of mer y: and
and Selah. in thy fear worship toward thy
seek after leasing? holy
3 But know tha t the LoRD
hath set apart him I that 8 me, 0 LORD, ia. thJ'
godly for himself : the LORD righteousness because of
wil hear when I call unto him. mine enemies: make thy way
4 Stand in awe, and sla not: straight before my face.
commune with your own heart 9 For there is no faithfulnes
upan your bed, and be stilL Ia. their mouth : their inward
Selah. part is very wickedness :
6 Offer the sacrifices of right their throat is an open
eousness, and put your trustiD sepulchreJ
the LORD. they flatter with their tongue.
10 Destroy thou them, 0
6 There be ll that
God: let them fall by their
show us CI1UIWho will
LORD, lift thouUP the light of own coun• sels ; cast them out
in the multi tude of their
thy countenance upon us. transgressions : for they have
7 Thou hast put gladness Ia
rebelled against thee.
my heart, more than in the 11 But let all those that put
time that their com anci their their trust in thee rejoice : let
wine increased.
them ever shout for joy, be-
cause thou defendest them : let 2 Lest he tear my soul like a
them also that love th.v name lion, rending it in pieces, while
be in thee. there is none to deliver.
thou, LORD, wilt bless 3 0 L RD my God, if I have
the righteous ; with favor done this; if there be
wilt thou compass him as iniquity
with a
4 I have rewarded evil
PsALM 6 unto him that was at peace
To the chief Musician on with me; (yea, I have
delivered him that without
upon Shemi.aith,
LORD, rebuke A Pl
me not In
0 · thine anger, neither chas
cause mine enemy;)
5 Let the enemy persecute lilY
ten me in thy hot soul, and take it; yea, let him
2 displeasure. Have UPGD mercy treail down my life UPGn the
me, 0 earth, and lay mine honor in
LORD ; for I am weak : 0 the dust. Selah.
LORD, healme: for mybones 6 In
3 are vued. My soul is also anger, lift up th.vself of
sore vued : the rage of mine enemies :
but thou, 0 LORD, how long? and awake for me to the
4 Return, 0 LoRD, deliver judgment lhat thou hast
my soul : oh save th.v me for
mer cies' sake. 7 So shal
the congregation of
5 For in death there is no re the people compass thee about
membrance of thee : in the : for their sakes therefore
crave who shal give thee
return thou on. high
6 8 The LORD shall the
I am weary with my
groan Ing; all the night
make I lilY
bed to swim ; I water my couch people : judge me, 0 ac
with my tears. cording to my righteousness,
7 Mine eye is consumed be and ac:cording to mine
cause of it wueth old integrity that is in me.
because all mine enemies. 9 Oh let the wickedness of
from me, al ye the wicked come to an end:
ers work but establish the .il!st : for the
8 iniquity ; for the LoRD right eous God trieth the
hath heard the voice of lilY hearts and reins.
weeping. 10 My defense is of God,
9 The LORD hath heard lilY which saveth the UPright
supplication ; the LoRD wil in heart.
ceive my prayer. ·
10 Let all
ashamed andmine
sore enemies
vexed : be
let 1 the richteous,
angry with the
an is
them return and be asbamed wicked every day.
suddenly. 12 If he tum not, he wil whet
Shlualon ofPsALM 7
De'rid, which be aa hla sword : he hath bent his
the LoJUt, made it ready.
unto · concendng hath also prepared for
worcla of Cuah the Benjamlte. the instruments of death ;
LORD lilY God, In thee do
he ordaineth his arows
I put my trust: save me against the persecuton.
from all them that persecute 14 Behold, he travaileth with
me, and deliver me: Iniquity, and hath conceived
mischief, and brought forth To the chief PsALM 9
falsehood. labbeu, Musicianlluth-
15 He made a pit, and digged A Psalm of
my whole heart; I
which he made. I
it, and is fallen into the ditchwn.L praise 0
16 His mischief shall return show forth al thy marvelous
upan his own head, and his vio­ works.
lent dealing shal come down 2 I will be glad and rejoice in
cordi his own pate. thee : I wil sing praise to thy
I wil praiSe th e LoRD ac­ 0 thou Most High.
ng to his righ teo snes : 3 mine enemies are
and wil sing praise to the nam.e turned back, they shal fal and
of the LORD most high. shFor
i p 4ethy presence. ned mY
t hou hast maintai
PsALM S andcause ; thou
To the chief Musician uponGittlth, A 5the rightmY
In throne satest
judging right.
Psalm of David.
0 Thou hast rebuked the hea­
LORD our Lord, how excel­then, thou hast destroyed the
lent is thy name in al the wicked, thou hast put out their
earth I who hast set thy glory name for ever and ever.
above the heavens. 6 0 thou enemy, destructions
2 Out of the mouth of babes are come to a perpetual end :
and sucklings hast thou or­ and thou hast destroyed cities;
dained strength beca se of their memorial is perished with
thine enemies, that thou micht­ them.
est stil the enemy and the 7 But the LORD shall endure
avenger. for ever : he hath prepared his
3When I consider thyheav� throne for judgment.
the work of thy fingers, the 8 And he shall judge the world
moon and the stars, which thou In righteousness, he shall min­
hast ordained;
ister judgment to the people in
4 What is man, that thou art
mindful of him? and the son ofThe LoRD also will be a ref­
5 Forthat thou
thou visitest
hast made him?uge
him a infor the oppressed,
times of trouble. a refuge
little lower than the angels, a.nd 10 And they that know thy
hast crowned him with glory name will put their trust in
and honor.thee : for thou, LORD, hast not
6 Thou madest him to have forsaken them that seek thee.
dominion over the works of thy 11 Sing praises to the LORD,
hands; thou hast put al thinsls which dwelleth in Zion : de­
under his feet : clare amouc the people his
7 Al sheep and oxen, yea, and doings.
the beasts of the field; 12 When he maketh Inquisi­
8 The fowl of theand the tion for blood, he remembereth
fish of the sea, and them : he forgetteth not the cry
passeth throudl the paths of the of the humble.
seas. 13 Have mercy upon me, 0
9 0 LoRD our excel­ LoRD; consider my trouble
lent is thy ame inthe earth1 which I suffer of them that
hate me, thou that liftest me up 6 He hath said in his heart, I
from the gates of death : shal not be moved : for I shizU
14 That I may show forth all never be in adversity.
thy praise in the of the 7 His mouth is ful of
cursing daughter of Zion : rejoice and deceit and fraud :
under his in thy salvation. tongue is mischief and
vanity. SUDk
15The heathen are down 8 He sitteth in the lurking
in the pit tlUJt they made : in the places of the viles: in
the net which they is hid their own secret places doth he
murder foot taken. the inocent : his eyes are
priv- is
16 The LoRD known bu the set against the por.
judgment which he executeth : He lieth in wait secretly as
a the wicked is snared in the work lion in his den : he lieth in
wait of his own hands. Higgaiou. to catch the poor : he doth
Selah. the poor, when he draweth him
17 The wicked shall be turned into his net.
into hell, and al the nations 10 He and hum
that forget God. bleth himself, that por
18 For the needy shal not al- fal by his strong ones.
ways be forgotten : the exp ect&- 11 He hath said in his
heart, tionPOor
of the shal not perish God hath forgotten : he
hidet!:i. for ever. his face; he wil never see it.
19 Arise, 0 LoRD; let not man 12 Arise, 0 LoRD; 0 God,
lift prevail : let the heathen be up thine hand: forget not
the judged in thy sight. humble.
20 Put them in fear, 0 LORD : 13 Wherefore doth the wicked
that the nations may know contemn God? he hath said
in themselves to be but men. his h� Thou wilt not
Selah. quire it.
PsALM thou
standest 10 afar of, 14 Thou hast seen it: for thou
m ef
0 LoRD? beholdesti and to
whrl hidest thou requite it with thy hand :
thrlself in times of trouble? POor committeth himself
unto 2 The wicked in his pride doth thee: thou art the
helper of thepaor
persecute the let them be fatherless.
taken in the :devices that they 16 Break thou the armo the
have imagined. wicked and the evilf man:
seek 3 For the wicked boasteth of out his wickednes tiU
thou find
his heart's desire, and blesseth none.
the covetous, whOm the LoRD 16 The LoRD is Xing for
ever and ever : the heathen are per-
4 The wicked, through the ished out of his land.

�e:o��ls =dprepare!��their
lli:f �� f!:h
h� thou wilt
5 His wa:vs are always griev- cause thine ear to hear:
ous ; thy judgments are far 18 To judge the fatherless
above out of his sight : as for and the oppresed, that
the all his enemies, he JIUfeth at man of the earth may no
more them. oppr�
To the cblet PsALM 11 LORD
llualciaD, A P..Zm of from ; I wil set
him him iD
pufeth at that him.
the L o R D put I my trust: 6 The words
words : as of the tried
silver are
LoRD iD a
IN say
how ye to my soul, Flee of earth, JIUI'ified seven
a as bird to your mountain? times.
2 the wicked bend their 7 Thou shalt keep them, 0
make ready their ar- LoRD thou shalt preserve them
that they from lhi8 lleneration for ever.row upon the
may privily shoot at uprigh t 8 The wicked walk on every
iD heart. side whea. the vBest men are
3 It the foundations be de- eulled. 13
stroyed, what can the PsALII
-To the cblet J:larid.
llualclul. A Pa
4 The LoRD is iD his holy tem-
of do? the LoRD'S throne is iD
ple, OW
lOili wilt thou forget
heaven : his eyes behold, his H
� 0 LORD? for
ever? the children of men. how long wilt face
The trieth the richt- from me?
eous : but the wicked and him 2 How 101 sba1l I take
coun that loveth violence his soul sel iD myhaui11 801,
sorrow iD bateth. my heart
dailY? how long shall
6 Upon the wicked he shal miDe ene:mybeeulted over
raiD fire and brimstone, 3 Considerand hear me, 0
me? snares,
and a horrible this LORD my God: lighten mine
shall be the portion cup. lest I sleep the sleeP of
7 For the righteous LoRD lov-
eth righteousness: his counte- 4 Lest mine ea.e:my su, I
have doth behold12 the upright. prevailed against him: aridthose
that trouble me rejoice when I
To the cbl et ll usldu am B
upon Sheml-
al th, A Pa ot ut I have trusted iD thy
ELP, LORD· forDavid.
the mercy · my heart sba1l rejoice iD
man ceaseth: for the faith- thy vation. LORD,
6 I wil Bing unto the
ful fail from &m ODI the children because he bath dealt bounti-
of men.
2 They speak vanity every
ful with
one with his neighbor : IIth
and PsALM 14
iDe lips
flatter- with a double heart To the cblet lluslclul. A Pstlm of
do they speak.
3 The LoRD shall cut off al
Battering lips, and the tongue T HE
fool bath said iD his
heart, There is no God They .

that apeaketh proud things : are corrupt they have done

4 Who have said, With our abominable works, there is
tongue wil we : our lips none that doeth gooCL
are our own : whois lordoverus? 2 The LoRD looked down from
5 For the oppression of the heaven upon the children
of poor for the sighing of the to see if there were God .

nee , nowd,. wil I arise, saith the did understand, and

any seek
3 They are all gone they Lord : my goodness ezteruleth
are aU together become not to thee;
there is none that doeth good, 3 But to the
no, not one. the earth. and to
that aTe in
ezcelent, 4 Have al the workers of in- in whom is al my
iquity no knowledge? who eat 4 Their sorws shal be mul
up my people as they eat bread, tiplied thlt hasten after
cal and not UPOil the LoRD. god: their oJferincs
6 There were they in great blood wil I not oJfer, nor take
fear : for God is in the genera- their names into my lips.
tion of the righteous. The LORD is the portion of
6 Ye have shamed the counsel mine inheritance and of my
CUP : of the poor, because the LoRD thou mamtainest my
is his refuge. 6 The lines are falen unto
me 7 Oh that the salvation of Is- in pleasant Places; :vea. I have
rael JDere come out of Zion I heritage.
when the LoaD bringeth back I will bless the LoRD, who
the captivity of his hath liven me counsel :
rejoice ,
and Israel reins also instruct me in the

PsALM: 15 night seasons.
A Psalm at David. 8 I have set the LoRD
shal alwa:vs before me : because
he is at
who abide in thy my right band, I shal not be
tabernacle? whoshal dwell moved.
in holy hil? 9 Therefore Dl heart is dad,
2 that walketh and my glory rejoiceth :
and worketh righteousnes, flesh also shal rest in hope.
speaketh the truth in his lieart. 10 For thou wilt not leave
my 3 He that backblteth not with soul in hell: neither wilt
his DOl' doeth evil to su1ferthine Holy One to see
his neighbOr, nor taketh up a corption.
reproach aCaJnst his neigh- 11 Thou wilt show me the
of life: in thy presence isbor.
4 In whose eyes a vile PerBOil of .ioY: at thy right band
is contemned: but he honorefh there tae Ple&surel for ever·
17them that fear the LoRD. He more.
that sweareth to his oum hurt,
and changeth not. A Prayer of David.

6 He that putteth not out his the ridlt, 0 LoRD,

at money usury,
to nor taketh re- tend unto my cry; live ear
ward against the Innocent. Be unto my prayer, that goeth
not that doeth these t.hbuls shal out of feigned lips.
never be moved. 2 Let my sentence come forth
from thy let thine
the things that are

M: lch tam of David. , Thou hast proved mine
thee do I
VE 0 God : for
my trust. heart : thou hast visited me in
2 0 mu soul, thou hast said the night: thou hast tried me,
unto the LoRD, Thou art my and shalt find nothing : I am
purposed that my mouth shal not transgress.PsALM 18
To the chief Mllcla, A PNim of
4 Concemil the works of David, the aervaut of the Loao,
who apU:e UDto the Loao the
by the word of thy lips I words of this 801 Il the day that
kept me hom the paths of the. the LoRD deUvered him from the
destroyer hand of al 11 enemies, and from
6 Hold upeoiDgs il thy
paths, that my love thee, 0 LoRD,
slip not. e hand of Seal: A.nd
th strencth.
6 I have called UPOD thee, my
for thou wDt bear me, 0 God: The LoRD is my rock, and
incline thine ear unto me, and my fortress, and my deliverer:
hear my SPeech. my God, my stren.cth, iD whom
7 Show thy marvelous lov:iD.e­ he uld, trust: my buCkler, and
I wil ·

kiDdDess, 0 thou that savest by the hom of my salvation, and

thy richt hand them which put my high tower.
their trust in thee from those 3 I wil cal UPOD the LORD,
that rise UP 1111inst them. who is wortluJ to be praised :
8 Keep me as the apple of the so shal I be saved from mine
eye : hide me under the shadow ofenemies.
thy wines,
4 The sorws of death com
9 From the wicked that oppress passed me, and the floods of un
me, hom my deadly enemies, godly men made me afraid.
whO compass me about. 5 The sorrows of hell
10 They are iDclosed il their compass ed me about : the
own fat : with their mouth they speak of
proudly, me.
11 They have now compassed 6 ID my distress I called
us il our steps : they have set upon the LoRD, and cried unto
their eyes bowiDc down to the my God : he heard my voice
out of
his temple, and my e:r:v came
12 Like as a lion that is creedy fore
be him, even into his ears.
of his prey, and as it were a
youne lion lurkiDc il secret 7 Then the earth shook and
places. trembledi the foundations also
13 Arise 0 LoRD, disappoint of the hills moved and were
him, cast lili down : deliver my shaken., because be was
soul from the wicked, which is wroth.
8 There went up a smoke
thy sword : out
14 From men which are thy of his nostrils, and fire out of
hand 0 LoRD, from men of the mouth devoured : coals were
worl�, which lile their partion his kindled by it.
i th1s life, and whose belly 9 He bowed the heavens also,
ou t1llest with thyhid treasure: and came down : and darkness
was under his feet.
they are ful of children., and
leave the rest of their substance 10 And he rode upon a cherub,
to their babes. and did fty : he did fly upon
the wines wind.
15 As for me, I wil behold thy
face il richteousness : I shall be 11 He made darkness his se
cret place: his pavilion round
satisfied, when. I awake, with about him were dark waters
thy likeness. and thick clouds of the skies.
12 At the brightness that
was him his thick clouds
passed, hail stones and coals of 26 With the pure thou wilt
fire. show thyself pure ; and with
13 The LoRD also thundered the froward thou wilt show
in the heavens, and the thyself froward.
Highest gave hailhis voice;
stones and coals of fire. ZT For thou wilt save the af
ft.icted people; but wilt bring
14 Yea, he sent out his arows, down high looks.
and scattered them ; and he
shot out lightnings, and 28 For thou wilt light my
candle : the LORD DlY God
discom fited them. wil enlighten my darkness.
15 Then the 29 For by thee I have run
chanels of waters through a troop; and by my
were and the God have I leaped over a
foundations wall. 30 AsGod,
for hisway is per
of the were discovered at fect : the word of the LoRD is
thy rebuke, 0 LORD, at the tried : he is a buckler . to al
blast of the breath of thy those that trust in him.
31 For who isGod save the
16 He sent from above, he LORD? or who is arock save
took me, he drew me out of our God?
many waters.
32 It is God that gjrdeth me
17 He delivered me from with strength, and maketh my
my strong enemy, and from way
them which hated me : for
to were
they 33 maketh my feet like
hinds' feet, and setteth me
strong for me. UpOn my high plilces.
They prevented me in 34 He teacheth my hands
the day of my calamity : but to war, so that a bow of
the LORD was my stay. steel is broken by mine
19 He brought me forth also arms.
into a large place; he 35 Thou hast also fiven me
delivered me, because he the shield of thy salvation :
delighted in me. 20 The LoRD and thy right hand hath
rewarded me ac cording to holden me up, and thy
my righteousness; according gentleness hath made me
to the cleaness of my hands great.
hath he recompensed me. 21 36 Thou hast enlarged my
For I have kept the ways of steps under me, that my feet
the LORD, and have not did not slip.
wicked ly departed from my 37 I have pursued mine ene
God. mies, and overtaken them :
22 For al his judgments neither did I turn again till
rDere before me, and I did they were consumed.
not put away his statutes 38 I have wounded them that
from me. they were not able to rise :
23 I was also upright they are fallen under my feet.
before, him and I kept · 39 For thou hast girded me
myseU from mine iniquity. with strength unto the battle :
24 Therefore hath the LORD thou hast subdued under me
recompensed me according those that rose up against me.
to my righteousness, according 40 Thou hast also given me
to the cleaness of my hands the necks of mine enemies;
in his eyesight.
25 With the merciful thou
wilt show thyself merciful;
with an upright man thou
wiltshowthy self upright ;
that I might destroy them that 2Dayuntoday uttereth speech,
hate me. and night unto Dight showeth
41 They cried but there was knowledge.
none to save t�em: euen unto 3 There is no sPeech nor Ian
the LoRD, but he answered guage, where their voiceis not
them not. heard.
42 Then did I beat them smal 4 Theiris line gone out
through as the dust before the wind : I all the and their
words to did c:ast them
as outdirt
the the end world. In them
in the streets. hath he set a tabernac:le for
43 Thou hast delivered m.e sun
Wmc:h is as a
from the strivings of the people ; 5 bridegroom
and thou hast made me the coming out of his chamber,
and head of the heathen : a people rejoiceth as a strong
man to run whom I have not known shal a race.
serve me. 6 His going forth is from the
44 As son as they hear of end of the and his cir
me, they shal obey me : the c:uit unto the of it :
strangers shall submit them- there is nothing hid from the
selves unto heat thereof.
me. shal fade 7 The law of the LoRD is per
45 The
away, and be out of their fec:t1 converting the soul :
the close places. testimony of the LORD is sure,
The LoRD liveth ; and making wise the simple.
46 ed be my Roc:k, and let 8 The statutes of the LORD are
theGod of my salvation be ex- right, rejoicing the heart : the
commandment of the LoRD
is 47 It is l
God that avengeth me, pure, enlightenin the eyes.
and subdueth the people under 9 The fear of the ORD is
clean, me. . for ever: the judg-
48 He delivereth me from mine ments the LoRD are true and
enemies : thou liftest me up righteous altogether.
above those rise up against tO More to be desiredare theu
me : thou hast delivered me than gold, yea, than muc:h fine
from the violent man. gold : sweeter also than hOleY
49 Therefore wil I give thanks and the honeyc:omb.
unto thee,0 LoRD, among the 11 Moreover by them is thy
heathen, and sing pr ses unto servant warned : and in
keeping thy name. of them there is great reward.
50 Great deliverance giveth he 12 Who c:an understand his
to his kinf: and showeth mercy errors? c:leanse thou me
from to his anomted, to David, and to secret faults.
his seed for evermore. 13 Keep back thy servant also

ef 19 A Psalm of from presumptuous sins; let
them not have dominion over
the chi David.
me : then shal I be upright, and
I shall be inocent froD:i the
HE heavens declare the great transgreson.
T glory of God ; and the firma- t4 Let the words of my
mouth, ment showeth his handiwork. and the meditation
of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, 0 settest a crown of pure gold on
deemer. H
LORD, my strength, and my re- his head.
4 e asked life of thee, and
PsALM 3) thou gavest it him length
To the chief Musiciao, A Palm of of days for ever and ever.

David.even His glory great in thy sal-

HE 6 is
LORD hear thee in the vation : honor and majesty hast
Tday of trouble ; the name of thou laid uPOn him .

the God of Jacob defend thee: 6 For thou hast made him
most 2 Send thee help from the sane- blessed for ever : thou
hast made and strengthen thee out him exceeding dad with
of Zion: countenance.
3 Remember al thy offerings, 7 For the king trusteth in the
and accept thy burnt sacri1ce; through the mercy
Selah. of High he shall not be
4 Grant thee according to thine moved.
own heart, and fulfil al thy 8 Thine hand shall find out
an counsel. thine enemies : thy right
thY hand 5 We wil rejoice in sal-
shalUlndoutthosethathatethee.9vation, and in the nsme of
our Thou shalt make them as a God we
wil set up our baners: fiery oven in the time of thine the
LORD fu1 all thy petitions. anger : the LoRD shall swallow 6
Now know I that the LORD them up in his wrath, and the
tlveth his anointed ; he wil hear fire shal devour them.
him from his holy heaveo with 10 Their fruit shalt thou de
the saving strength of his right from the earth, and
7 Some trust in and
from among the children
some in horses : but we re- For they intended evil
member the name of the LORD against thee : they imagined
mischievous device which theyour a God
8 They are brought down and are not ableto

fallen : but we are risen, and 12 Therefore shalt thou make
stand upright. them tum their back when
9 Save, LORD : let the kina: shalt make ready t�ine
thou us wheo
bear we calL UPOn thy strings against the
PsALM 21 face of them.
13 Be thou exalted, LoRD,
To the chlllf Musiciao, A Palm of
In own strength
shall joy In tb:v
king David. thine : so wil we
sinl aDd praise thy POwer.
strength, LoRD; and in
thy salvation how greatly shal
PsALM 22
the chief Musicia.D upoa Alfeleth
he rejoice ) Shahar, A � of David.
2 Thou hast given him bfs God my God, wh:v hast
heart's desire, and hast not i'orsaken me? whJJ art
withholden the request of his thou so far from helping me, and
Selah. from the words of D1f
thou preventest him with 2 0 my God, I cry m the day
the blessings of goodness : thou time, but thou hearest not:
in the night season, and am not 17 I may tell al my bones:
silent. thev look and stare upon me.
3 But thou art hobr, 0 thJ 18 Thev part my garments
that inhabitest the praises of among them., and cast lots
upon Israel. my vesture.
4 Our fathers trusted in thee: 19 But be not thoufar from
they trusted, and thou didst de- me, 0 LoRD : 0 my
strength, liver them. haste thee to help me.
6 They cried unto and 20 Deliver my soul from the
were delivered : they in sword; my darling fro m the
thee and were not confounded. power of the dog.
But I am a w� andno 21 Save me from the lion's
man; a reproach of mea, and mouth : for thou hast heard
me despised of the people. from the homs of the
Al me
laughthev that se 22 I wil declare th:v name
unto me to sc:m: they shoot out the my brethren : in the
midst of the liP, thev shake the head, sauinsl. congregation
wil I praise thee. 8 He trusted on the LORD Uuzt 23 Ye
he would
that fear deliver him: let him praise him: al ye the seed
the LORD
deliver him., seeing he delidlted Jacob, glorify him; and feu
in him. him, anye the seed of IsraeL
9 But thou art he that tok 24 For he hath not despised
me out of the womb : thou didst nor abhorred the afiliction of
the make me hopeI when was
UPOD afilicted; neither hath he
hid his my mother's breasts. face from him; but when he
10 I was cast UPOn thee from cried unto him, he heard.
the womb : thou art my God 26M:vpraise shaU be of IJl
from my mother's belbr. the great congregation : I wil
11 Be not far from me: for my vows before them that
trouble is near; forthere is him.
11.01e to help. 26 Th e meek shall eat and be
12 Many bullshave CODlP8S satisfied : they shall praise the
me : strong buUs Bashan
of have LoRD that seek him: your
heart beset me round. shal live for ever.
13 Thev gaped UPOI me with Z1 Al the ends of the world
their mouths, as a ravening and shal remember and turn
unto a roaring lion. the LoRD : and al the
kindred& be
14 I am POUted out like of the nations shal
worship and al my bones are out fore thee.
joint : my heart is like wu:; it is 28 For the kingdom is the
melted inthemidstofmybowels. LoRD'S : and he is the sovem�
16 MY strength is dried UPlike among the nations.
a potsherd; and my tongue 29 Al theu that be fat UPOI
cleaveth to my jaws: and thou earth shal eat and worship :
al hast brought me into the dust of they that go down to the
dust death. shal bow before him: and
1 compas soul.
6 For dogs have can keep alive his own
me : th� asembly of the wicked 30 A seed shal serve him; it
have inclosed me : they pierced shal be accounted the Lord
to my hands and my feet. for a generation.

3t They shal come, and shall 6 This Is the of
declare his righteousness 11to a them that seek seek
that shal be bom1 that face, 0 Jacob.
bath done Lift up h!!S� 0 J'e
PsALM 23 gates: and n lifted uljt,!:
A Psalm of everlasting doors: and
the of shal come in.of Jlory?
HE Davi&
LoRD is my
want.not shepherd: I 8 LoRD
makethme to lie down inThe
is this
the LoRD
strong and;y1
in battle.;y
pastures : he leadeth me 9 Lift up r.our heads, 0 ye
2 the stil waters. gates : even lift them up, ye ever-
3 He restoreth my soul: he lasting doors: and the King of
leadeth me in the paths of richt- glory shal come in.
eousnes for his name's sake. tO Who is this King of 'lory?
thou&hI walk through The LoRD of hosts, he as the
4 Yea
the va ey of the shadow of KiD&of dor:v. Selah.
death, h I wil fear no evil : for
thou art with me ; thy rod PsALM 25
A Psalm of Davi&
thy staf they comfort me. NT thee, 0 LoRD, do I

5 Thou preparest a table
fore me in the pr esen
ce of mine lift up mysoul.
enemies : thou anointest
head with oil; my CUP
0 my God, I trust in thee:
let me not be asbam� let
over. mine enemies triumph over
me. 6 Surely goodnes and mercy3 Y!At let none that wait
on shall follow me all dan
the of thee be ashamed : let them
be my life : and I wil dwell in the uhamed whichtransgres
with- house of the LoRD for ever. out cause.
PsALM 24
4 Show me th:vwa:va.0 LoRD:
A Palm of Davi& teach me thy paths.
earth is the LORD'S, 16 Lead me m thy tru� and
Tthe fulues thereof; the ofteach
and me : for thou art the God
my salvation: on thee do I
world, and thev that dwel walt al the day.
therein. 6 Remember, 0 LoRD, th:v
2 For he hath founded H tendw mercies and thy loVing
the � and established it
UPOD UPOD klndaes: for they lule
the 6ooCis. ever of old.
3 Who shal ascend into the 7Remember not sins the of
hil my of the LoRD? or who ahal nor tranagresaions :
4 Heinthat
his hath
holy place?
clean ber thou me formerc:v remem-
thy goodnes
and a PW"e heart : who hath Silk is the
lifted up his soul
11to vanity, and
�LoRD. 8
nor sworn deceitful. LoRD : therefore he teach
5 He shal receive the bles siners in the way.
from the �teoue- 9 The meek wil he in
ness from the of salva- Judgment : and the he
teach his way.
10 All the paths of the LORD 3 For thy
are mercy and truth unto such loving-kindness is
as keep covenant and before
w alked mine eyes
in thy : and I have
his his 4I have not sat with vain
11 For thy name's sake, 0
LoRD1 pardon mine sons,
neither wil I go in
iniquity; for it rs great. 5 I have hated the
12 What man is he that feu
eth the LoRD? him shal he congrega tion of evildoers;
and wil not sit with the
teach in the wu that he shal wicked.
choose. 6 I wil wash mine hands in
13His soul shall dwell atease; inocency : so will I compas
and hisseed shal inherit the thine altar, 0 LORD :
earth. 7 That I may publish with
14 The secret of the LoRD is the voice of and tell
with them thatfear him: and of al thythanksgiving,
wondrous works.
he will show them his 8 LORD, I have loved the
covenant. hab itation of thy house, and
Mine eyes are ever the place where thine honor
toward the LORD ; for he dwell· eth.
shalpluck lilY feet out of the 9 Gather not my soul with sin
net. ners, nor my life with bloody
16 Tum thee unto me, and
have merCY upon me: for I am men :
desolate and aflcted. tO In whose hands is
17 The troubles of my heart and their right hand is ful
are enlarged :0 brine thou me bribes.
out of my distresses. tt But as for me, I will walk
18 Lok upon mine in mine integrity : reaeem me,
afi6c6on and my pain; and and be merciful unto me.
fordve al lilY sins. t2My foot standeth in an
19 Consider mine enemies: even lace : in the
for they are many; and they congregatious wil bles the
20 0mekeep
with cruel
my soul, and
hatred. me: let me not be PsALM Z7
ashamed; for I put my trust
A Psalm of David.
in thee. LORD is my Ught
21 Let integrity and and my salvation ; whom
upright ness preserve me; for shal eu? the LoRD is the
I wait on
thee. strength
of my life: of whom shal I be
22 Redeem Israel, 0 God, afraid?
out 2 When the even mine
enemies and my came
of al his troubles.
PsALM 26
A Psalm of Davl& upon me to eat up lilY flesh,
thet' stumbled and fell.
me, 0 LoRD: for I 3 Though a host should en·
have walked in mine camp against me my heart shal
Integ rity : I have trusted not fear : though war should
also in the LORD; rise against me, in this wiU I
there(orelshallnotslide. be
2 Examine me, 0 LORD, co dent.
and prove me: try my reins nti One thiM have I desired of
and my 4
heart. the LORD, that wil I see after:
that I may dwell in the house of PSALM 28
the LORD all the days of my A Psalm of Davicl.
life, to behold the beauty of
NTO thee will I cry, 0
the LORD, and to inquire in
his U my rock: be not silent to
temple. me : lest, if thou be silent to
5 For in the time of trouble me, that
I become like them
he shall hide me his in pavilion down into the pit.
: in the secret of his tabernacle
shall he hide me: he shal set 2 Hear the voice of my
suppli cations, when I cry
me UP unto
a rock.
now shall mine head when I lift up my hands
be lifted up above mine thy holy oracle.
enemies round about me : 3 Draw me not away with
therefore wil I offer in his the wicked, and with the
tabernacle sac rifices of workers of iniquity, which
joy : I will sing, I will sing speak peace to their
praises unto the neighbors, but mischief is in
4 hearts.
7 Hear, 0 LORD, when I cry Give them according to their
with my voice : have mercy deeds, and according to the
wic:keClness of their endeavors
also : give them after the work
UPOD me, and answer me.
S When thou saidst, Seek ye
m:v face : my heart said unto
their hands: render to them
thee, Thy face, LORD, wil I their desert.
5 Because they regard not
seek. the works of the LORD, nor
9 Hjde not thy face far from the op. eration of his haniis,
me: put not thy servant he shall destroy them, and
away in anger : thou hast
been m:v help ; leave me not build them up.
not, neither forsake me, 0 6 Blessed be the LORD, be
God of m:v salva cause he hath heard the
ti o n. voice
of m:v supplications.
1 0 When m:v father and 7 The LORD is my strength
mother forsake me, then the and m:v shield : my heart
LoRD will take me up. trusted in him, and I am helped
11 Teach me thy way, 0 : there fore m:v heart greatly
LoRD, and lead me in a plain and with m:v song wil praise
path, because of mine ene him.
mies. 8 LORD is their
12 Deliver me not over strength and is the savingl
unto the wil of mine strength o his anointed.
enemies : for false witnesses 9 Save thy people, and bless
are risen up against me, and thine inheritance : feed them
such as breathe out cruelty. also1 and lift them up for
13 had fainted, unless I ever.
I believed to see the PsALM 29
goodness of the LORD in the
in g . A Psalm of Davlcl.
land of the liv 1 4 Wait on unto the LORD, 0 78
the LORD : be of mich t:v give unto the
cood courage, and he shal glory and ·

strengthen thie heart : wait, LORD 2 Give unto the LoRD

I the glo ry due unto his name;
say, on the LORD. worship
the LORD in the beauty of holi- the remembrance of his holi-
ness. ness.
3 The voice of the LoRD is 6 For his anger endureth but
upon the waters : the God of a moment; in his favor is life :
glory thundereth : the LoRD weeping may endure for a
is upon many waters. nir;ht1 but joy cometh in tho
4 The voice of the LoRD is mornmg.
powerful; the voice of the 6 And in my prosperity I said,

is full LoRD of majesty.
The voice of the LoRD 7
breaketh the cedars; yea, the hast
I shall never be moved.
by thy favor thou
my mountain to
LoRD breaketh the cedais of stand strong : thou didst hide
Lebanon. thy face, and I was troubled.
6 He maketh them also to 8 I crieil to 0 LORD; and
skip unto the LORD made suppli
like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion cation.
like a young unicorn. 9 What profit is there in
7 The voice of the LORD my blood when I go down to
divid the pit? Shall the dust praise
eth the flames of fire. thee? shall it declare thy truth?
8 The voice of the LORD 10 Hear, 0 LORD, and have
shak eth the wilderness; the mercy upon me : LORD1 be thou
my helper.
LoRD shaketh the wilderness
of Ka desh. Thou hast turned for me
my mourning into dancing :
9 The voice of the LORD ·thou hast put off my
mak eth the hinds to calve, dis sackcloth1 and girded me with
and covereth the forests : and gladness;
In his temple doth every one 12 To the end that 1TlJI glory
SPeak of his glory. . may sing praise to thee, and
10 The LORD sitteth upon not be silent. 0 LORD my
the flood; yea, the LoRD I wil give thanks unto thee
sitteth King for ever.
11 The LoRD will give PSALM 31
strength unto his people; the To the chief Musician, A Psalm ol
LORD wil bless his people David.

with peace. thee, 0 LORD1 do I put
PsALM 30 my trust ; let me never be
ashamed : deliver. me in lth:v
A Psalm and Song at the4e41catlon righteousness.
of the bouse of David.
2 Bow down thine ear to me:
WILL extol thee 0 LoRD: deliver me speedily: be thou my
I for thou hast llfted me up,
and hast not made my foes to
rejo ice over me.
2 0 LORD my God, I cried strong rock, for a houae of de
unto thee, and thou hast healed fense to save me.
me. LoRD thou hast brought 3 For thou art my rock and my
3 0
fortress ; therefore for ;: thY
u p m y soul from the grave :
name's sake lead me. and guide
thou hast kept me alive, that I me.
should not go down to the pit. 4 Pull me out of the net
4 Sing unto the LoRD, 0 ye that they have laid privily for
saints of his, and give thanks at me : for thou art my
5 Into thine hand I commit my 18 Let the lying lips be put
to spirit : thou hast redeemed me, silence; which speak
grievous 0 LORD God of truth. things proudly and contemptu-
6 I have hated them that re- ously against the righteous.
gard lying vanities : but I trust 19 Oh how great is thy
goad in the LoRD. ness, whichthou hast laid up
for 7 I will be glad and rejoice in them that fear thee; which
thou thy mercy : for thou hast con- hast wrought for them
that sidered my trouble; thou hast trust in thee before the
sons of known my soul in adversities; I men
8 And hast not shut me up into 20 Thou shalt hide them in the
the hand of the enemy: thou secret of thy presence from
the hast set my feet in a large room. pride of man: thou
shalt keep
9 Have mercy upon me, 0 them secretly in a pavilion from
LORD, for I am in trouble : mine the strife of tongues.
eye is consumed with grief, llea, 21 Blessed be the LORD : for
mY soul and my be y. he hath showed me his mar-
tO For my life is spent with velous kindness in a strong
grief, and my yeani with sigh- city.
ing : my strength faileth because 22 For I said in my haste, I
am of mine iniquit:v, and my bones cut off from before thine
eyes :
are consumed. nevertheless thou heardest the
11 I was a reproach among all voice of my supplications
when mine enemies, but especia y I cried unto thee.
among my neighbors, and a 23 0 love the LORD, all ye his
fear to mine acquaintance : they saints : for the LORD
preserveth that did see me without fled the faithful, and
plentiful re- from me. wardeth the proud doer.
12 I am forgotten as a dead 24 Be of good courage, and
he man out of mind : I am like a shal strengthen your
heart, al broken vesel. ye that hope in the LoRD.
13 For I have heard the slander
of many: fear IDClS on every PsALM 32
side : while they took A Psalm of David. Masch!L
counsel against me, they de-
together LESSED is he whose trsDS
vised to take away my life.
B r;ression is forgiven, whose
14 But I trusted in thee 0 sin is covered.
LORD : I said, Thouar t myGod. 2 Blessed is the man unto
15 My times are in thy hand : whom the LoRD imputeth not
deliver me from the hand of iniquity, and in whose spirit
mine enemies, and from them there is no guile.
that persecute me. 3 When I kept · silence, my
16 Make thy face to shine upon bones wa:r:ed old throudi
my thy servant : save me for thy roaring al day the long.
mercies' sake. 4 For day and night thy hand
17 Let me not be was heavY upon me : my moist-
0 LORD; for I have ure is turned into the
drought upon thee : let the wicked be of sumer. Selah.
ashamed, and let them be silent 5 I acknowledged my sin unto
in the grave. thee, and mine iniquity have I
not hid. I said, I wil confess the host of them by the breath
IDY transgressions unto the of his mouth.
LORD ; and thou forgavest the 7 He gathereth the waters of
iniquity of my sin.
Selah. the sea together as a heap : he
6 For this shal every one layeth up the depth iD store
that is godly pray unto thee houses.
in a 8 Let all the earth fear the
time when thou mayest be LoRD : let all the
found : surely in the fioods of inhabitants of the world
great waters they shal not stand in awe of him .

come nigh unto him .

9 For he spake, and it was
7 Thou art IDY hiding place; done; he commanded, and it
thou shalt preserve me from stood fast.
trouble; thou shalt compass 10 The LORD bringeth the
me about with songs of counsel of the heathen to
deliverance. Selah. nought : he maketh the
8 I wil instruct thee and teach devices of the people of none
thee in the way which. thou effect.
shalt go : I wil guide thee with 11 The counsel of the LORD
mine eye. standeth for the thoughts
9 Be ye not as the horse, or as of his heart to generations.
the mule, which have no 12 Blessed is the nation
under standing : whose mouth whose
must be held in with bit and God is the LORD ; and the
bridle, lest they come near whom he hath chosen his
unto thee. own inheritance.
10 Many sorrows shall be to 13 The LORD looketh from
the wicked : but he that trusteth heaven ; he beholdeth all the
in the LORD, merCY shall com sons of men.
pass him abOut. 14 From the place of his hab
11 Be glad in the LORD, and itation he looketh UPOD all the
rejoice, ye righteous : and Shout inhabitants of the earth.
for joy, al 11e that are upright 15 He fashioneth their hearts
in heart. alike ; he considereth all their
PsALM 33 works.
EJOICE 16 There is no king saved by
in the LoRD, 0 the multitude of a host : a
R ye righteous : for praise mighty man is not delivered
is comelY for the upright. by much strength.
2 Praise the LORD with harp: 17 A horse is a vain thing for
sing unto him with the safety : neither shall he deliver
psaltery and an instrument of any by his great strength.
ten strings.
3 Sing unto him a new
18 Behold, the eye of the
song; play skilful with a loud LoRD is upan them that fear
4 noise. For the word of the him, upon them that hope in
LORD is right; and al his works his mercy;
are done 19 To deliver their soul from
in truth. death, and to keep them alive
in famine.
5 He loveth righteousness
and judgment : the earth Is 20 Our soul waiteth for the
ful of the goodness of the LORD : he is our help and our
LORD. shield.
6 By the word of the LORD
were the heavens made; and
21 For ourheart shall rejoice in 13 Keep thy tongue from
evil, himt because we have trusted and thy lips from
in his holy name. guile .
22 Let thy LoRD, 14 Depart from evil, and*dG
be uPOn us, as we J.ood: seek peace, and pursue
hope in thee. 1t.
PsALM M uPOn The righteous,
15 the eyes of theanLoRD are
d his ears
A Psalm of David, when he clwlced are o/Jen unto their .
his behavior before Ablmelech; 16 The face of the LORD is
who drove him awaJ, ILild he de- against them that do to cut
parted. off the remembrance them
wn.L bless the LoRD at al from the earth.
I times : his praise shaD con- 17 The righteous and the
tinually be in my mouth. LoRD heare� and
2!ob soul shal make her boast them out of al their troubles.
in the LoRD : the humble shall 18 The LoRD i$ unto them
bear thereof1 and be dad. that are of a broken heart; and
3 0 magnify the LoRD with saveth suc:b as be of a
contrite me, and let us eult his name spirit.
together. 19 Many are the afilictions of
4 I sought the LoRD, and he the righteous : but the LoRD
de heard me, and delivered me livereth him out of them
all. from al my fears. 20 He keepeth Il his bones
5 TheY looked unto him, and not one of them is broken.
were lichtened : and their faces 21Evil shal slay the wicked :
were not ashamed. and they that hate the righteous
6 This por man cried, and the shal be desolate.
LoRD heard him. and saved him 22 The LoRD redeemeth
the out of al his troubles. soul of his servants : and
none trust in
7 The angel of the LoRD of them that him shal
encampeth round about them be desolate.
that fear him, and delivereth PSALM 35
them. andse that theLoRD A Psalm al David.
SO taste
is good : bles is the man
that trusteth In him.
p LEAD 1JUI cause, 0 LORD,
with them that strive with
9 o fear the LoRD, ye his me : fight against them that
saints : for thereis no want to fight against me.
them that fear him. 2 Takehold of shield and
t buck- The young lions do lack, UP for
mine help.
O sufer hunger : but they 3
and out also the spear, and
that seek the LoRD shal not stop the wau against them
that want any go thinJI. persecute me : say unto my

unto me :
soul, 11 Come, e children, hearken I am thy salvation.
wil teacli you the 4 Let them be confounded and
fear of the LoRD. PUt to shame that seek after my
12 What man is he that de- soul : let them be turned
sireth andloveth manu and brought to confusion that
days, that may see good? devise my hurt.
. PSALMS, 35
6 Let them be as chatf
before 17 Lord, how long wilt thou
the wind : and let the angel of look on? rescue my soul
from the LoRD c:base them. their · destructions, my
darling 6 Let their wu be dark and from the liOD&
slip pery: aDd let the ansel of 18 I wil live thee
th e persecute them. the sreat consregation : I
thanks wiliD7 For without cause have they Praise Oilthee 8Dl much
people. hid for me their net in a pit, 19 Let not
them that are mine wiUch without duliY cause they have
enemies wron reJqice over digged for my
soul. me : neither let them wiDk
8 Let destruction come upon the eye that hate me without a
him at unawares ; and let his cause.
net that he hath hid catch him- .20 For they apeak
self : iDto that very destruction but they devise mat
let him fall. ters asainst them that are quiet
9 And my soul shall be Joyful iD the laDd.
in the LoRD : it shal rejoice in 21 Yea, they OPened their
his sa lva ti on. mouth Wide aainst me, and
LoRD , my bones shal say, said, � aha, our eye hatb
who is like unto thee, seen it.
which dellverel the po from 22 This thoa hast seen, 0
him that Is to strong for him, LoRD: keep not silence : 0
:vea, the po and the needY be not far from
me. from him that BPOileth him? 23 up tluself, and awake
11 False witnes did rise up; to my unto
ther laid to my charge things my cause, m:J' and my
that I knew not. Lord.
12 The&' rewarded me evil 24 Judie me 0 LoRD my God,
for 1"good to the SPOilins of m:J' accordiDs to t\.'7 rishteousnes;
soul. and let them not reJoice over
13 But as for me when they me.
were sick, my clothing was 26 Let them not say in their
sackcloth : I humbled m:J' soul hearts, Ah, so would we have it
: with fastinc; and my prayer re- letthem not 11&7, We have
swal- into mine own bosom.
tumed lowed him
14 I behaved myself as thoush 26 Let them be ashamed and
he had been m:J' friend or brousht to confusion together
brother : I bowed down heavily, that rejoice at mine hurt : let
as one that moumeth for hiS them be clothed with shame and
mother. . dishonor that magnify Uaem-
15 But in mine adversit:v they selves asalnst me.
rejoiced, a.nd gathered them- 'Z1 Let them shout for JOY,
and selves together : Ilea. the ab- be glad, that favor my
risht jects gathered themselves to- eous cause : let them
say me, aDd I �ew continualy, the LoRD be
not; did tear me. and magnjded which hath pleasure
ceased not: in the proSPerit:v of his serviUlt.
16 With hypocritical mockers 28 And m:J' tongue shall speak
in feastst they gnashed upon me of thy righteousness and of
thy with thear teeth. praise al the day long.
�o the chiefPsALM 36 A Psalm of
Musician, PSALM
A Psalm :r1
of 4)aricl.
RET n o t thy s elf beca us e
vid th
of tran
o f
evildo e rs , ne ith er be th
Lo sgres
RD. o u
of t he
sa.ith within my envious acainst the workers of
"t y
God tJuzt his
heart, there 18 no fear of · ·
eyes. � �or "th e y shall BO be cut
2 For he flattereth himself In down like the grass, and wither
his his iniquity
be own eyes, until as
3 the green
Trust In the LoRD, and
3 The words of his mouth
are ini
he hath qui
to bety and deceit:
good:off so tosha lt th o u d well in th e
an d veril y th ou 4shal t bthyself
e f ed . in the
left be wise, and to do LoRD: and he shal give thee
4 He deviseth mischief uPOD the desires of thine heart.
not go: he ab-
himself : trustll t thy
in a sha also way unto the
his bed: 6 Com
b rin g
In him: and he
h orr
not way
evil.eth it to
5 Th y pas
the 6 Al he thy

0 shal
: thy richteousoes forth
re a cheth bring
unto the douds. Judgment as and
6 Thy righ the
in the LoRD, an d wait
creatmountaios :
patiently for
ares is
ea like th e
great deep : 0 LoRD, thou self because of hlm
p resJ udgm maoeo a,ots d
him : fret not
who prosezcel
7 beast:
How en t p er eth In thyhis wu, because of
thy loving- is th e w ho
kiodn�mao 0 God I therefore brbigeth wicked
devices to
trustchildren of men put of
their 8 Cease aocer,thyself
and for

8 under the· be
sbal shadow thy sake wrath : fret not
abundantly in

any wise be cut

9 F or
to d o evil.
evil d oers
with the fatnes of thy off: but those tha t wait
UPOn h o us e: and thou shalt make the LoRD, they
th e m
drink of the river of thy earth.
abal loherit the
pleasures. 10 For yet a little while, and
9 Fo r Wi th th ee is the fountain the wicked
of lif e : in thy ligh t
shal we see thou
shal not be: yea,
his consider
1 0 0 co n tin u e y lo vinplace,
g-and 1 be.
kinit d- not 1
n e ss un to th e m tha t kn ow th ee : th eahal de li gh t
an d th y Brig uth th
t eeomUSiles
e e k to the
Bhal Inheritth e m se lves in the a bundan c e o f
u Pr igh t in earth
he a rt . p e a ce .
1 1 Le t food t of p ri d e
not th : e an 1 2 Th e wick ed plo tt eth
co m e a gain st m e, an d le t n o t th e j ust , an d gnash e th
the hand of the Wicked remove with hiS
teth. UPOil him
me. 13 The Lord shal laugh at
12 There are the workers of hlm : for he aeeth that his
day qui ty f al be able
en : th e1y 4are
Th e wi ck ed y e
rise. , an d abal
to no t
th e s wor d, an d hav e
cast is coming. d r a wn o u t
b e n t th e ir
to cast down the por and ever : but the seed of the wicked
and to slay such as be of shal be cut
co n versa tion. 29 The righteous shal
shalo off.
their wnsen w htereart
in to
ord ,
an dbinherit
th e eir
br o bo kenw .s
th e l a n d, and dwel therein for
30 The mouth of the righteous
shal ev er .
16 A little that a righteous man speaketh wisdom, and his
ha this b ett er than the riches of tongue talketh of
shal wi ck ed.
many 3 1 Th e Iaw
17 Fo r th e
u pholdeth thearms o f th e wicked h eart ;
b e br ok en : b u t th e none of his shal
righteous. LORD slide.
32 e wicked watcheth the
18 The LoRD knoweth the righteous, h and seeketh to slay
days of th e upright : and
shal be for ever. 33 The LoRD wil not leave
inh eri tan ce
19 They
their him. shal n ot be ashamed him il his hand, nor
il th e evil tim e : and in the daYS him when
shal be satisfied. 34 Wait on the and
he 20 B u t eth
f amiD. th eey wick ed sh al l perish,
an d t h e en emi LoRD theees to
o inherit
f th thee land : when
keep his way, and he shan be as the fat of lambs :
consume; into smoke shal shalt ae
they the wicked are cut of, thou 21 ThCOilSUIe
it. e aw ay. 35 I have seen th e
wick ed bor weth, and IJ' ea t an d
w i ck ed il
ap r ea dil
payeth not again : but the ri&ht- a IJ'eel bay tree.
showeth mercy, and 36 was ot :pas
Y etnhe yea, away,
giv- lo , hI e
22 For such as be blesed of he could not be found.
him shal inherit the earth : and :r1 the perfect num, and
th e u t h a t be cursed of him shal be
23 The smant ep s o f a
hold the uprisht :
b ego cu b t o
y ff th
. e of
for the end
are 38that man tranSIJ'esrs
IS peace.
or d e r the
way. : and he be
of the wickedtogether
destroyed : the end
be cut
d e li g h
his off. shal
ed24 Th ou gh he fall, he shall not 39 But the
u intte rly
besalvationcast down : for the righteous is of the LORD : he is
of the

L OR D upholdeth him with his th e ir st in the time of

h an d 25
. I h a v e b e en y ountro u d no w
40o l An
d ; y de th L
t hae v e OR D
l no l shalsee n th
th amem , an d de liv er th em : he shal
righ bread.
teous forsaken, nor
H e i s ev e r merciful,
se save them,
and trust in
them from they
lende th ; an d
blessed. his seed is
Z1 D epart from
g ood : an d dw ell L o RD lo veth judg
evil , an d d o fo rsa
saints; ke th not
for ev erm o re .
28 F or th e his
m en they t, an aredpreserved for
A Pa at Darid, to bdDa: to r-em-

t h y wrath : neither chastea

me in rebuke me ia
not displeasure.
thy hot
2 For thine arrows stick fast i11 peth, they JJl8IDif themselves
· and thy hand presseth me uainst me.
sore. 17 Fer I e�mready to halt, and
3 There is no soundness in my my sorrow is contl1ually
before flesh because of thine anger; me.
neither is thne an11 rest in my 18 For I will declare mine in
bones because of m>· sin. iquity ;I will be sorry for my
sin. 4 For mine init�uities are gone19 But mine enemies
are over mine head : as a l!.ea¥Y liveb·, and they are strong :
and burdea they are too hea\"Y for the)· that hate me
wrongfully me. · are multiplied.

5 My woun!ls stink and are 20 They also that render evil

corrupt because of my foolish- for cood are mine adversaries;
ness. becau&e I follow the thinv that
6 I am troul!led: Iam be�wed good is.
down ueatly ; I go mouminc all 21 Fersake me noO t, LoRD 0
the day long. m:r God, be not far :from me.
7 For m.r loins are filled with a 22 Make hute to hel.p me, 0
loathsome dis11ase: and there is LOI"d rtJ¥ salvation.
no soundness in my fiesh.
8 I am feeble and sore T PsALM
ebl M
e f 39 us i cia n ,
I ha-re roared by reason
ltr o ke n : o Jeduth
th w> , A Psaevml m o f David.
9 al o f th e toe
of my
my heart.
desire is before SAID, I will take heed to my
thee: and my groaning is not I
ways, that I sin not with my
hid from thee. tongue : I will keep m>· moutll
10 My heart panteth, my with a bridle, while the wicked
strength faileth me : as for the is before me.
light of mine eyes, it also is 2 I was dumb with silence, I
gone from me. held my peace, even from good;
11 My lovers and my friends and my sorrow was stirred.
stand aloof from my sore ; and 3 My heart was hot within
my kinsmen stanci afar off. me: while I was musing the
12 They also that seek aftermy :fire bumell : then spakeI
with life lay snares for me; and the>· my tongue,
that seek my hurt speak mis- 4 LORD1 make me to know
c:hievous things, aad imaJiline mine end, and the measure of
deceits all the day long. my days, what it is; that I may
13 But I, as a deaf man. heard know how frail I am.
not; and I was as a dumb man 5 Behold, thou hast made my
that openeth not his mouth. days as a handbreadth : and
14 Thus I was as a man that mine age is as nothing before
heareth not, and in whese thee : verily every man at his
mouth are no reproofs. best state is altogether vanity.
15 For in thee 0 LORD, flo I Selah.
hope : thouwil l hear, 0 Lerd 6 Surely every man walketh
my God. ln a vain show : surely they are
16 For Isaid, Hear me, lest disquieted in vain : he heapetl1.
otherwise they should rejoict' up riches, and knoweth not who
over me: when mY foot sliP- shal gather them.
7 And Lord, what wait and speak of· them, they are
more than can be numbered.
8 Deliver me from all my 6 Sacrifice and offering thou
trans�;res�ions : make me not didst not desire ; mine ears
hast the reproach of the foolish. thou opened : burnt offering
9 Iand was
d umIb, opened not my sin offering hast thou not
m outh ; because thou didst it. quired.

10 Remove thy stroke away 7 Then said I, Lo, I come : in

from me : I am consumed by the volume of the book it is
the blow of thine hand. written of me,
1 When thou with rebukes 8 I delight to do thy will, 0
doI t correct man for iniquity, my God : yea, thy law is
s u makest his beauty to con- my heart.
sume away like a moth9 : Isurely have preached
is every man
righteous vanity. Selah. ness in
the great congregation : Hear my Iprayer, 0 lo, have
and i not ·refrained my lips,
g veear unto my cry; 0 LORD, thou knowest.
no thy peace at my tears : for I 10 Ithy
have not hid
righteous a stranger with
thee, and a ness within my heart; I have sojourner, as al
my fathers declared thy faithfulness
thy and were. salvation :
13 0 I have not con
I � spare me, that thy may re- cealed
1 thy loving-kindness and
cover strength, b•fore go truth from the great coa4
hence, and be no more. gregation.
t thou thy t ll4
PsALM 40 11 Withhold no e
derthymercies from me, 0 LORD thy
To chief M u s i c i a n . A
the : let loving-kindness a.nd
D a of
Psalm v i d. truth preserve
I WAITED patiently for the
LoRD ; and he inclined
12For inumerable evils have
unto and heard my cry. compassed me about : mine
in4 iquities have
taken hold upon
2 He brought me up also out me, so that I am
of a horrible pit, out of the miry t no able to
look they are more than the
clay, and set my feet upon a
rock, and established my hairs mine head : efther ore
goings. 3 And he hath put a my
new song in my mouth, even heart faileth me.
praise unto our God : many 13 Be pleased, 0 LoRD, to
fear, see
and and trust in the de liver me : 0 LoRD, make
it, shal
haste to help me.
LORD. 14 Let them be ashamed and
confounded together that seek
4 Blessed fs that man that
maketh the LoRD his trust, and after my soul to destroy it; let
respecteth not the prou� nor them be driven backward and
such as turn aside to lies. put to shame that wiah me
evil .
5 Many 0 LoRD my God, are
thy wonderful works which Let them
15 lie desolate for
thou hast done, and thy thoughts a reward of their shame that say
w hich areto us-ward : they can uato me, Aha, aha.
not be reckoned up in order 16 Let all those that seek
unto thee: if 1 would declare thee rejoice and be glad il
thee : let such aa love tl
salvation su
1be be mag- 12 And as for me) thou
upho1ri uifled. est me in mine mtegrity, a:1d
17 But I poor and needy: settest me before face for
the LoRDamthin keth up on me : ev er. thy
11et art my help and my de- 13 Blessed be the LORD God of
liverer; make no tarying, 0 Israel from and
to my everlasting, Amen, Amen.
'l'o the chletPsALM 41A Psalm
Musician, PSALM 42
of for
is he that consider-
To the chief
Musician, Maschit,
sons of Korah.

B eth the poor : the LoRD will the hart panteth after the
water brooks, so panteth
deliver him in time of trouble.
2 Tb.e LORD wil
and keep
preserve hhim ali ve 2 My
m my soul after thee, 0 God.l
: and he shall soul thirsteth for
be blessed upon the earth : and for the living· God : whton
thou wilt not deliver him unto come and appearbefore Gu,l?
the will of his enemies. 3 My tears have been my
3 Tb.e LORD will strengthen meat day and night, while they
him upon the beci · of languish- continually say 11to me, Where
ing : thou wilt make all his bed is thy God?
4 When I er these
4 I said,
rememb in hisLORD, be merciful things, I pour out my soul in me:
un to me : heal my soul: for I for I had gone with the multi
hav e against thee. tude, I went with them
sined ·to the
5 Mine enemies speak evil of house of God, with the voice of
me, When shall he die, and his jay and praise, with a
multitude name perish? that kept holyday,
6 And if he come to see me, · i Whyart thoucast d o wn 0
he speaketh vanity : his heart my soul? and wh11 art thou
dis aathereth iniquity to ,itself: quietedin me? hope thouin
when he goeth abroaci, he God : for I shall yet praise him
telleth it. for the help of his counte-
7 Al that hate me whisper to- nance.
aether against me : against me 6 0 my God, my soul Is cast
do they devise my hurt. down within me : therefore will
8 An evil disease, sau thert, I remember theef rom the land
cleaveth fast unto him: anci of Jordan, and of the
Hermon now that he &hallieth he rise ites from the hill Mizar.
no more. 7 Deep calleth unto deep at the
Yea, mine own fam il ar noise of thy waterspouts : all thy
friend, in whom I which waves and thy bilows are
gone did eat of my bread, lilted over me.
hi1 heel against me. 8 Yet the LORD will
But thou, 0L OR , be mer- his loving-kindness in the day
ciful untoand
me, and raise me time
up, and ·in the night his song
that I may them. shal?be
with me, and my
11 BY thi1 know that thou unto the God of my life.
favorest me, because mine en- 9 I wil say unto'God
my eDU' doth J:P.ot triumph over me. Why hast thou
why go I mourning because of1 3 For they got not the laad
In the oppression of the enemy? possession by their own sword,
10 As with a sword in my neither did their own arm save
bones, mine enemies reproach ; thera : but thy rigat hand, and
me; while they say daily unto thine ann, ani the light of thY
me, Where i thy God? countenance, because thouhadst
11 Why art s thou east down 0 a favor unto them.
my soul? and why art thou dis- 4 Thou art my King, 0 God :
quieted within me? hope thou in command deliverances for
God : for I shall yet praise him, Jacob.
who is the health ofmy CO\I.Ilte- 5 Through thee wil we push
nance, and my God. down our enemies : through thY

PsALM 43 that rise up against us.

For I will
n ame willwenot trust
tread them under
me, 0 God, and
my cause against an \l.lgod- bow, neither shall my
nation : 0 deliver me from save me.
In m:r
Jy deceitful and unjust man.
the 7 But thou hast saved us from
2 For thou artthe God of my our enemies, and hast put them
strength : why dost thou cast to shame that hated us.
me off? why go I mourning be- 8 In God we boast all the da:r
cause of the oppression of the long, and rais
p thye name for
enemy? •
ever. Selah.
3 0 send out thY light and thy 9 But thou hast east off, and
u : let them lead me; let put us to shame; and goest not
tr th
them bring me unto thy holy forth with our armies.
h ill and to thy tabernacles. 10 Thou makest us to
4 hen will I go unto the altar back from the enemy : and
they of God, unto
turn myGod exceeding which hate us spoil for
them joy : yea, upon the harp wil I selves.
prr;.ise thee, 0 God my God. 11 Thou hast us like
5 thou down and
my soul? and why art thou
meat:Why artdis- hast scattered us castamong
the quieted within me? hope in God : heathen.
for I shall yet praise him, who 12 Thou sellest thY people for
is the health of my CO\I.Ilten&lce, nought, and dost not
and my God. PSALM 44 t h 11 wealth by their price.
To the chief 1 Thou
3 makest us a reproach
the sons of
to our neighbors, a scom and a
Musician about
n to them that are round
havefor MaschiL
heard with our
ears, makest us a byword
WE 14 Thou
0 God, our fathers · among the heathen, a shaking
t oldwhat
u s, people.

work thou didst in of the head am01g the
their the times of old. 15 My confusion is continuallY
2 How didst drive out before me, and the shame of
the heathen with thy hand, and ; face hath covered me)
plantedst them; how thou didst For the voice of him that
my the people, and cast them proacheth
afflict re and blasphemeth;

1 16
b:r out.
reason oftheenemy
t7 Al this come
is upon us; 4 And thyIa pros
yet have we not forgotten thee, perously, because truth aad
neither have we dealt falsely in meeknes and righteousness;
thy coveaat. aad thy right hand shall teach
18 Our heart is not turned thee terrible things.
back, neither have our steps 5 Thine arows are sharp in
decliaed from thy way ; the heart of the King's enemies;
19 Though thou hast sore bro- wherebll the people fall under
kea us in the place of dragons, thee.
and covered us with the shadow 6 Th:v throne, 0 God, is for
of death. ever and ever : the sceptre of
20 If we have forgotten the thy kingdom is a right sceptre.
name of our God, or stretched 7 Thou lovest righteousness,
out our hands to a strange and hatest wickedness : there
cod; . fore God, thy God, hath
21 Shall not God search thts anointed thee with the oil of
out? for he knoweth the secrets gladness above thy fellows.
of the heart. 8 Al th:v garments smell of
22 Yea for thy sake are we llh, and and cassia,
killed a the day long; we are out of the ivor:v where
counted as sheep for the slaugh- by the:v have made thee glad.
ter. 9Kings' dauKhters wereamong
23 Awake, why sleepest thy honorable women : upon
0 Lord? arise, cast us not thy right hand did stand the
for ever. queen in gold of Ophir.
24 Wherefore hidest thou th:v 10 Hearken, 0 daughter, and
face, and forgettest our aftlic- consider and' incline thine
ear; tion and our oppression? also thine own people,
25 For our soul is bowed down thy father's house;
to the dust : our belly cleaveth 11 So shall the King neatly
uato the earth. desire thy beauty : for he i
26 Arise for our help, and re- th:v Lord; and worship thou s
deem us for thy mercies' sake. him.
12 And the daughter of T:vre
PSALM 45 shall be there with a gift ; even
To the chief M u s ic ia a a po a Sho- the rich among the people shall
shaDDlm, for t h e s oS:orah,
as o entreat
Maschil, A Soag of loves. 13 The daughter is all
heart is inditing a good glorious her clothing is
M : I speak of the
things which I have made
of wrought gold.
14 She shall be brought uato
touching the King : my tongue the King in raiment of needle
is the pen of a ready writer. work : the virgins her
compaa- 2 Thou art fairer than
- the chil ions that follow
her shall be
drea of mea : grace is poured brought uato thee.
into thy lips : therefore God 15 With and rejoicing
hath blesed thee for ever. shall brought : they shal
3 Gird thy sword upon th11 eater into the King's palace.
thigh, 0 most Mighty, with thy 16 Instead of thy fathers shall
dor:v ud th:v majesty. be thy children, whom thou
mayest make princes In al 11 The LORD of hostsis with
the earth.
make thy ll&Dl
17 I wil e to be us; the God of Jacob is our
remembered in all generations : refuge. Selah.
therefore shall the people PSALM 47
praise thee for ever and To the chief Mualcian, A Psalm for
ever. the soas of Korah.
PsALM 46
To the chief 0 CLAP your hlulds al ye
MusiciaD for the
K o r a h , soas A Song upon
people; shout unlo God
with the voice of triumph.
O D is our Alamoth. 2 For the LORD most high is
G strength, a refuge and
very present terrible; he is a great King over
help in trouble.
Therefore wil not we fear, all the earth.
though the earth be 3 He shall subdue the people
removed, and though the under us, and the nations under
mountains be carried into our 4
He shal choose our Inherit
the midst of the sea;
3 Though the waters thereof ance for us, the excellency
roar and be though of Jacob whom he loved.
the mountains shake the Selah.
swell ing thereof.
Selah. 5 God is gone up with a
4 There is a river, the streams sbout, the LoRD with the
whereof shal mAke glad the sound of a trumpet.
city of God, the holY Place of 6 Sing praises to God, sing
the tabernacles of the Most praises : sing praises unto our
King, sing pratses.
5 God is in the midst of her ; 7 earth God is the King of all
she shall not be moved : God the : sing ye praises
shall helP her, and that right with understanding.
early. 8 God reigneth over the hea
then : God sitteth upon the
6 The heathen raged, the throne of his holiness.
kingdoms were moved : he 9 The princes of the people
ut tered his voice, the earth are gathered euen
melted. the people of the God of
7 The LORD of hosts is with
us ; the God of Jacob is our shields of the earth: for the
refuge. Selah. is belong
8 Come, behold the works of enlted.
God : he greatlY
the LORD, what desolations he PSALM 48
hath made in the earth. A Song and Psalm for the BODS ol
9 He maketh wars to cease Korah.
unto the end of the earth ; is the LoRD, and
breaketh the bow, and cutteth
he greatlY to be praised in the
the spear in sunder; he city of our God, in the
bumeth the chariot in the fire. mountain
10 Be and k.uow that I of his holiness.
am 2 Beautiful for situation, the
God : I be exalted among joy of the whole mount
the heathen, I wil be enlted Zion, on the sides of north,
in the earth. the city of the greatKing.
3 God is known in her palaces
for a refuge.
4 For lo, the kings were 5 Wherefore should I fear in
assembled, they passed by to- the da.Ys of evil, when the
gether. uity of my heelS shal
5 They saw it. and so they me about?
marveled ; they were troubled, 6 They that trust in their
and hasted away. wealth, and boast themselves in
6 Fear took hold upon them the multitude of their riches ;
there, and pain, as of a woman 7 None of them can by any
in travail. means redeem his
7 Thou breakest the ships of give to God a ransom for
Tarshish with an east wind. 8 the redemption of their
8 As we have heard so have we is precious, and it
seen in the city of the LoRD of for ever :)
hosts, in thecityof our God : God · 9 That he should still live
for will establish it for ever. Selah. not see corruption.
9 We have thought of thy lov- tO he seeth that wise men
midst of
0 God, in the die, likewise the fool and the
10 According to thy name, 0 brutish person perish, and leave
their wealth to others.
God, so is thy praise unto the 11 Thei inward thought is. that
endsof the earth : thyright hand their houses shall continue for
is ful of righteousness. ever and their dwelling places
11 Let mount Zion rejoice, let to all generations ; they call
their the daughters of Judah be glad, lands after their own
names. because of thy judgments. 12 Nevertheless man
beina in
12 Walk about Zion, and go honor abideth not : he is like
round about her: tell the towers the beasts that perish.
thereof. 13 This their way is their folly
: 13 Mark ye well her bulwarks, yet their posterity approve
consider her palaces; that ye sayings. Selah.
may tell it to the generation 14 Like sheep they are laid in
following. the grave · death shal feed on
14 For this God is our God for them ; andthe uprightshallhave
ever and ever : he wil be our dominion over them in the
guide e11en unto death. morning; and their beauty shall
consume in the grave from
To the chief Maaiclan,
the sons A Psalm for their dwelling.
of Korah.
15 But God redeem:my soul
from the power of the grave :
this, all 11e people; for he shal receive me. Selah.
give ear, an 11e inhabitants 16 Be not thou afraid when
of the world : one made ric� when the
2 Both low and hicb, rich and gloryisof his house is Increased;
POr together. 17 For when he dieth he shal
3M'Y mouth shal SPeak of wis- car nothing away : his glory
dom; and the meditation of my shal not descend after
heart shaa be of understanding. 18 Though while he lived he
4 I wil incline mine ear to a blesd his soul, (and men wil
parable : I wil open my dark praise thee, when thou doest
saying upon the harp, wel to tlurself,)
19 He shall go to the genera- 13 Will I eat the ftesh of buls,
tion of his fathers; they shal or drink the blood of
never see light, 14 Offer unto God thanksdv-
20 Man that is in honor, and ing; and pay thy vows unto the
understandeth not, is like the Most High :
beasts that perish. 15 And call upon me In the
day of trouble : I wil deliver
PsALM 50
HE mighty God, euen
thou shalt jdorif:v me.
of 16 unto the wtcked God
the saith, What bast thou to do
T to LoRD, bath spoken, and declare m:v statutes, or that
thou called the earth from the rising shouldest take m:v
covenant in
of the sun unto the going down thy mouth?
thereof. 17 Seeing thou batest instruc-
2 Out of Zion, the perfection and castest m:v words be-
of tiath shined. thee.
3 Our shall come, and 18 When thou sawest a thief,
shall not keep silence : a fire then thou consentedst with
him, shall devour before him, and it and hast beea partaker
witti shall be very tempestuous adulterers.
round about him. 19 Thou civestth:vmouthtoevil,
4 He shal call to the heavens and thy tongue frameth deceit.
from above, and to the earth, 20 Thou sittest and speakest
that be may judge his people. against thy brother: thou
6 Gather m:v saints together derest thine own mother's
son. unto me; those that have made 21 These
things bast thou a covenant with me by sacrifice. done, and
I silence : thou
6 And the heavens shall de- thoughtest that was
altogether clare his righteousness : for God such a one as
thyself : but I wil is judge himself. Selah. reprove
thee, and set them in
7 0 m:v people, and I order before thine eyes.
wil 0 Israel, and I will 22 Now consider this, ye that
testify acamst thee : I am God, forget God, lest I tear IIOU in
euen thy God. and there be none to de-
S I will not reprove thee for
thy sacrifices or thy burnt offer- 23 Whoso offereth praise
glori ings, to haue been continual fieth me : and to him that
order before me. eth his conversation wil
9 I wil take no bulock out of I show the salvation of
thy house, nar be goats out of
folds : PsALM 51
10t For ever:v beast of the
for To thechiefMusician, A Palm of
David, when NathllD the
est is mine, and the cattle prophet came unto him, altar
UPOn a thoulld hils. he had gone In to Bath-eheha.
11 I know aU the fowls of the AVE mercy upon me 0
mountains : and the wild
beasts of the field are mine. H � according to thy
12 If I were hungry, I would �ov ing-kindliess: according
not tell thee : for the world unto the multitude of thy
is mine, and the fulness tender mer cies blot out m:v
thereof. transgressions.
2 Wash me thoroughly from contrite heart, 0 God, thou wilt
mine iniquity, and cleanse me not despise.
from my sin. 18 Do good inthy good pleas-
3 For I acknowledge my trans- ure unto Zion : build thou
the gressions : and my sin is ever walls of Jerusalem.
before me. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased
4 Against thee only, have with the sacrifices of righteous
! sinned, and this evil in ness, with burnt offering and
thy sight : that thou mightest be whole burnt offering : then
shal justified when thou spea.kest, they offer bulocks upon
thine and be clear when thou judgest. altar.
5 Behold, I was shapen in PsALM 52
iniquity; and in sin did my To the chief Musician, MuchU, A
mother conceive me. Psalm of David, when Doeg the
6 Behold, thou desirest truth Edomite came and told Saul, and
in the inward parts : and in the aaid u.nto him, David is come to the
hidden Part thou shalt make house of Ahimelech.

me to know wisdom.
boastest thou
7 Purge me with hysp, and mischief, 0 mighty
I I thyself man?in the goodness of
shall be clean : wash me, and God en dureth continually.
shall be whiter than snow. 2 Thy tongue deviseth mis
8 Make me tohear joy and chiefs ; like a sharp razor,
gladness ; that the bones work ing deceitfully.
which thou hast broken may 3 Thou lovest evil more than
rejoice. good ; and lying rather than to
Hide thy face from my sins, speak righteousness. Selah.
and blot out all mine iniquities. 4 Thou lovest all devouring
10 Create in me a clean words, 0 thou deceitful tongue.
0 God ; and renew a right 5 God shall likewise destroy
within me. thee for ever, he shall take thee
11 Cast me not away from thy away, and pluck thee out of thJ
and take not thy dwelling place, and rot thee
Spirit from me. out of the land of the living.
12 Restore unto me the joy of Selah.
thy salvation ; and uPhold me 6 The righteous also shal
with thJJ free Spirit. see, and fear, and shall laugh at
: 7 Lo, tliis is the man
13 Then wil I teach trans him that made not God his
gressors thy ways ; and
siners shall be converted strength ; but trusted in the
unto thee. abundance of his riches, and
14 Deliver me from in his wickedness.
strengthened him
bloodguilt iness, 0 God, thou self 8.
God of my salvation : and treeBut I am like a green olive
in the house of God: I
my tongue shal trust in the merc:y of God for
aloud of thy righteousness. ever· and ever.
0 Lord, open thou my
9 I wil praise thee for
lips ; and my mouth shal show because thou hast done
forth thy praise. it:
16 For thou desirest not sac I wil wait on thy name; for it
rifice ; else would I give it: is good before thy saints.
thou in not burnt
offering. 17 The sacri1ces of
God are a
broken spirit : a broken. and
PsALM 63

shall reward evil unto
To the chief Musician upon Mahalath.
min e e ne mies : cut them off in
Ri d f ino lhish a th sa th ee : wil thpraise
D avh id.
il, A P s alm of th6 Iy trufreel:v . sac:ri1lce unto
thy n.ame,
done he abominable iniquity : wil7 F o r h e h a t h de liv er ed m e
E a rt,doeth ua t ll : for
is none that
r u T he re is
2 p t ar e th ey, oe0oIfLORD
y e tr oit uis b le : an d min e
h at h s en his desire up01 mine
G od loo k e d d o wn e n55 e mi es.
UP.O n th e c h il dr laRe
f ro h ea v

en o f m en , to
sw ee e re if t ahen ri/ e t ha t To Muc:hl,
e chief Musician
t undiha det rsdione
ta d of
ns dthem, k isG o A Psalm of David.
d ee
d3 gone.
th e ve are 2 H e ar my p r a ye
ba ck :
doethcom egood, fino,ther
lthnoty ; e ar to th e wo 3r dF so ro
altogether nonebethat r , 0 God; give a gai n s t
4one. H a v e t he w f
norowkherokns eoawftinuipquity l ed g e? str an g er s ar e ri
m e, an d o pp re ss o
p eo p le a s th e y s en u p
h avnoe fear no t c al:lf e God d rs se ek
a t br ea was
ewhere d : th ey 5 af
u p on G
en eam peth against
hath o d. y God haterv m:ev nots setou l : th e
hThere a were
4 Behold, ptheyisutinmine
st God greathelper
fear, Se la bh .efo re th e m .
sc:attered th a tof
e :the
th bones
the o u th e Lord is with them that
my soul. b o ld
cause Godthheamth uP
t o6 sOhh a m e ,thatb the e
d esa p isel e d th e m .
salvation of w e r e
When c o m e o ut o f Zio
bn rI in g et h b a ck th
e ca pandt iIsrael v i ty Shal of
sh abel l r e joi c e,
his people, Jacob
PsALM 54
To the chief Musician on Reglnoth,
Maschil, APsalm of David, when
the Ziphim came and said to
Saul, Doth not David hide
himself with us?
AVE me, God, by
S name, an0d judge me
by strength.
thy th
my mouth.
ear to m :v
God ; and hi de
p r ay er ,
n o t th y se0lf 2
A tten d untm oe me,
: Ian dmo urn hear in m:v supplication.
co m plain t,
3 B eca and make a
u see m:vo f , th e v oi ce o noise;
f bt hecae u se o f th e op p
r e s sio n o f they hate me.
th e winic iqke uid ty: fo r
thu eyPO nca m ste , an d
in wr ath
4M:v h eart
ni me : an d are fallen upon me.
is so r e p a in ed
th e t e rr o rs o f hath overwhelmed me.
5 F earfuln
wi th ar e co me
d ea th
up o n
an d tr em b lin g
m e, an d ho r o r
6 An d I sa id, O h
w in I had gs rliwk eeostua.ld dI flyov e!
away, anfdor betheant
a n d r em ain in the
7 Lo, then would I wander
ness . Sfre 8omlahI thw. oe u l d o ff,
hasten m:v escape wind:v storm and tem
9 D e s tr o y, 0 Lo rd and divide
th 10ei r t o n gu Desay : anfor violence and strife in�
dabo n ig ht ut it upog on have se en
the ci ty .
mthei wsc alh lse f a lso thereo fan:
d th esorrow m i d arste
o in f it1 t.
W i c k e dn e ss isthiner not from her streets.
theoef mi: d dec ste it an d g
uil e d ep art
t� For it was not an enemy ful men shall not live out half
that reproached me; then I their days; but I wil trust in
could have bome it: neither was thee.
it he that hated me that did PSALM 56
magnify himself against me; To the Musiclaa upoa/ outh
then I would have hid myself elem-rechokim, Michtam o David,
from him : when the Philistines tok him ia
13 But it was thou, a man Gath.

BE: merciful
mine unto me, 0 God
equal, my guide, and mine for man would swallow
ac quai'ltance. me daily
14 We took sweet counsel to up ; he lighting oppresseth
gether, and walked unto the me.
house of God in company. 2 Mine enemies would daily
15 Let death seize upon swallow me up : for theu be
them, and let them go down many that fight against me, 0
quick into hell : for wickedness thou Most High.
is in their dwellings, and 3 What time I am afraid, I wil
among them. trust in thee.
16 As for me, I will call 4 In God I will praise his
upan in God I have put my trust;
God ; and the LORD shall save wil not fear what flesh can do
me. unto me.
17 and
a nd 5 Every day they wrest my
at noon, Icrypray, words : all their thoughts are
aloud : and he shal hear my me for evil.
voice. Thev gather themselves
to gether, they hide
18 He hath delivered my soul
in peace from the battle that themselves, they mark my
steps, when they wait for my
was against me : for there.
were many with me. soul.
7 Shall thev escape by
19 God shall hear, and iniquity? in thine anger cast
a.ftlict them, even he that down the p eople, 0 God,
abideth of old. Selah.
8 my wanderings
Thou tellest
Because they have no
changes, therefore they fear put thou my tears into thy bot
tle : are theu not in thy book?
not God.
9 When I cry unto thee,
20 He hath put forth his shal mine enemies tum back
hands : this I know: for God is
against such as be at peace for
with him : he hath broken his me.

10 In God wil I P.raise his

cove nant.
21 The wards of his mouth word : in the LoRD wil I
were smoother than butter, but praise his word.
war was in his heart : his 11 In God have I put my
words were softer than oil, yet
were they drawn swords. trust : I will not be afraid what
22 Cast thyburden UPOD the man can do unto
12 Thy vows are upon me,
LORD, and he shall sustain me. : I wil render praises
0 God
thee : he shall never sufer the unto thee.
righteous to be moved. 13 For thou hast delivered my
23 But thou, 0 God, shalt son! from death : wilt not
bring them down into the pit thou
of destruction : bloody and
PSALMS, &7 .
my feet from falliDJ,ht at
d eliuer
I 1 1 theBe thou e :m lt ed , 0 God,
walk before God m may a bo be
ve above al
a earth.
ve n s : let
the living? glory
1i&ht of
��M m the
��M �
To the chief Musiciaa, To the chief Muslclaa, Al-tuchith.
Michtam of David, wbea he Michtam of David.
0 ye indeed speak
unto me, 0 God, D
o m Saul il
B be
E merciful
unto me : for my
congregation? do
ness, 0
soul t:rusteth in thee : yea the ye judge uprightly, 0 ye sons
shadow of thy wings wil f make m en?
my refuge, until inthese of Yea,2 In heart ye work
�ties be overpast. wick· edness; ye weigh the
2 I wil cry unto God most violence of your in hands the
hi g hfor; me.un t o God that earth.
3 The wicked are estranged
a U t 3hHe
performeth in shal
gs send from from the womb : they go
heaven, and save me the astray as soon as they be bom,
reproach of him that would sPeak ing lies.
swallow me up. Selah. God 4 Their poison is like the PO;
shall send forth son of a serpent : theu
· are like
his mercy and his truth. the deaf adder that stoppeth her
4 and ear;
S to
lie soul isamong
among lions
them that Which will not hearken
I set on fire, even the sons of the voice of charmers,
men, whose teeth are spears charming never so wisely.
and ar 6 Break their 0 God, in
rows, and their tongue a their mouth : out the
sharp sword. great teeth of the young lions,
S Be thou exalted, 0 God, 0 LORD.
above the heavens; let thi 7 Let them melt away as wa
glory be above all the earth. run
6 Thev have prepared a net t e rs he which bow to:
bendeth his
for my steps ; my soul is w h en
shoot his arows, let them be as
bowed down : they have cu t in pieces.
digged a pit before me, into 8As a snail which melteth, let
themidst where of they are everu one of them pass away
fallen themselves. Selah. : like the untimely birth of
7 My heart is fixed, 0 God, my a
heart is fixed : I wil sing and woman, that they may not see
give praise. the sun.
8 Awake up, my glory ; 9 Before your pots can feel the
psaltery and harp : I thoms, he shall take them
T7U/Self awake early. away as with a whirlwind,
9 I wil praise thee, 0 Lord, both liv ing, and in his wrath.
among the people : I will sing tO The righteous shall rejoice
unto thee among the na when he seeth the vengeance :
tions. he shall wash his feet in the
tO For thy mercy is great blood of the wicked.
unto the heavens, and thy 11 So that a man shall say,
truth unto the clouds. Verily there is a reward for the
righteous : verily he is a God
that judgeth in the earth.
PsALM 59 13 Consume them in wrath,
To the chief Musician, Al-tuchith, consume them, that they mCI
Micbtam of David; when Saul
sent, and they watched the bouae not be: and let them know that
to kil him. God ruleth in Jacob unto the

ends of the earth. Selah.
me from mine 14 And at evening let them
enemies, 0my God : return : and let them make a
defend from them that rise up noise like a dog, and go round
me. about the city. - -
Deliver me from the 15 Let them wander up and
workers of iniquity, and save down for meat, and grudge if
me from bloody men. they be not satisfied.
3 For, they lie in wait for 16 But I will sing of thy power;
my soUl : mighty are
gath ered against me; not for my yea, I will sing aloud of thy
mercy in the morning : for thou
transgression, nor my sin, 0 hast been my defense and ref
LORD. r u g e in the day of my trouble.
4 They run and prepare them 1 7Unto thee, 0 my strength,
selves without m11 fault : will I sing : for God is my de
awake to help me, and behold. fense, and the God of my
5 Thou therefore, 0 LORD mercy.
God of hosts, the GOd of PSALM 60
Israel, awake to visit all the To the eblef Musician apon Shasbaa
heathen : be not merciful to eduth, Miebtam of David, to
any wicked transgresrs. teach; when be strove with
Selah. Aram-aaba raim and with Aram-
6 They return at evening : zobab, wben returned, and smote
they make a noise like a dog, of Edom the valey ofsalt twelve
and go ro und about the city.
7 they belch out with
0 thousand.
thou hast cast us
their swords are in their off, thou scattered us, thou
lips : for who, SCI thw. doth hast been displeased; 0 turn
hear? thyself to us again.
8 But thou, 0 LoRD shalt 2 Thou hast made the earth
laugh at them; thou sha\t have to tremble ; thou hast broken
a ll t h e he a th e n in it : heal the breaches thereof:
9 B e cauhissstrength it shak eth .
e o f will
derision. for 3 Thou ha st
I wait upon thee : for God is showed thy people hard
my things: thou hast made us to
defense. drink the wine of astonish
10 The God of my mercy ment.
shall prevent me : God shall let 4 Thou hast given a baner to
me see 17l upon mine enemies.
desire them that fear thee, that it
may be displayed beca:use of
11 Slay them not, lest my the truth. Selah.
peo ple forget : scatter them
by thy power; and bring them 5 That thy beloved may be
down, 0 Lord our shield. delivered; save with thy right
the sin of their mouth hand, and hear me.
the words of their lips let 6 God hath spoken in his
them even be taken in their holi ness: I will rejoice, I will
pride : and for cursing and divide
which lying and mete out the
they speak. valley of
7 Gilead is mine, and .Manas
PsALM 62
seh is mine: Ephraim also is To the chief Musician, to Je4athu.a,
the strength of mine head ; A Psalm of
Judah is my lawgiver ;
RULY David. my soul waiteth upon
8 Moab ismy washpot; over
Edom will I cast out my shoe : Tsalvation.
God : from him cometh my
Philistia, triumph thou
of me.use 2 He only is my rock and
my salvation : he is my de
9 Who wil bring me into fense ; I shall not be greatly
the strong city? who will lead moved.
me 3 wil
into Edom? How long ye imagine
10 Wilt not God, which
mischief against a man? ye
hadst cast us and thou, 0 be slain all of you : as a
God, which didst not go out bowing wall shall 11e be, and
with our armies? as a totter ing fence.
11 Give us help from trouble 4 They onlY consult to cast him
: for vain is the help of man. down from his excellencY :
12 Through God we shal do they delight in lies : they bless
valiantly : for he it is that with their mouth, but they
tread down our enemies.
shal curse in wardly. Selah.
5 MY soul, wait thou only upon
PSALM 61 God: for my expectation is from
To the chief Muslelaa upoa Neg!Dah, him.
A Psalm of 6 He only is my rock and my
my cry, 0 God; at salvation : he is my defense: I
H tend unto my prayer. shall not be moved.
2 From the end of the earth 7 In God is my salvation and
will I cry unto thee, when my glory : the rock of
heart is overwhelmed : lead strength, and my refuge, is in
me to the rock that is higher God.
3 I. 8 Trust in him at all times ; ye
For thou hast been a people, pour out .your heartbe
shelter for me, and a strong fore him : God is arefuge forus.
tower from the enemy. Selah.
4I will abide in thy 9 Surely men of low degree are
tabernacle for ever : I will trust vanity{ and men of hidl
in the covert of thy wings. are a ie : to be laid in the
Selah. ance, they are altogether lighter
5 For thou, 0 God, hast heard than vanity.
my vows : thou hast given me 10 Trust not in oppresion,
the heritage of those that fear and become not vain in
thy name. if robbery: riches increase, set
6 Thou wilt prolong the not your
king's life : and years
his as gen
m.a.ny heart uPon them.
erations. 11 God hath spoken once:
7 He shall abide before God twice have I heard this; that
for ever : 0 prepare mercy power belonueth unto God.
and truth, which may preserve 12 Also unto thee, 0 Lord, be
him. loTUleth mercy : for thou render
8 So will I sing praise unto est to every man according to
thy name for ever, that may I daily his work.
perform my vows.
PsALM 63 th e insurection of the workers
A Psalmwilderness
of David, of
when be-• in the
Judah. of3 iniquityWh o whet their tongue like
0 G O D , t h ou art my shoot a sw orandd,bend their bows to
e ar l y wi l l :
God; I seek thee : their arows, even bitter
ul t h irs te th f or : 4 Tha t th e y ma
lon ge t h fo nor th e a tyt sh heoop et inrf ectse cr :e t
thirsty land, where
thdry ee an, my d flesh g2lorTyo, see su d de nl y do t he y
wthe ater as ois ; as I have seen shoot at him, and fear not.
san ctuand ary . 6 They encourage themselves
thee power
in thy thyloving-kindness imnunane oefvillayinmagttesnr
3 Because
:th ethy say, ey c omshall see
i s be t
p ra i s e life, my lips ar6 es priWho
Th vil y;
e r th an shal th
them? y ;a cc oemarpclhisohutaindiqiluiigtieens
e e y s
t he e . t
4 Thus will I bless thee while
I live I wil lift upmy hands in
thy name.
s e ar ch : bo th the inward thought
5 My soul shall be satisfied as o f ev is ery of them, o ne and
with marrow and fatness; heart,
ma SoGod k t
e shal
h th e yshoot
sh aat;l su ddenly shall
my mouth shall praise thee the o wi t h an
wn arem ow
e y b e w oun fdea dl .
ton g u e t
with joyful
Wh e lips
n : remember U
ththem PG
deep. n t
mandy be d ,
upon 6 I

in the
h7elpaBst meditate
ec anda be
u s ee nth my on
o uthee selves : al that see them shall
th e sha d o w ni
, th e r e
watches. fo re flee away.

of 9 And all men shall fear, and

thy wings will rejoice. shal l declare the work of God ;
8 My soul follo weth hard for they shal wisely consider
th e ethy right hand his doing.
of 10 Th e righteous
me. ni th e

after But
9 those that seek
t destr oy shall be glad
LoRD, and shall trust
my soul, i t, s al go ; e and
in to the parts o f the earth a inl hlhimth ea
t uPri&ht in
. 10 Th g l o ry . sha ll
y shallswfall
efor foxes. shalby ord
bethea : PsALM 65
PGrtion ey To the cblef Musician, A Psalm
11 But the king shall rejoice in Sonaand of Da•id.

b y RAI S E w ai te th f o r
: eve ry on e t h a t P th eGode, ni , Z i on : an d un
sw sha e ar ethll gl o r y : 2to0t hth eo eu that hearest
him bu t th e
mou th of them that speak un shallt the
o th vow e ebe performed.
lies stopped. shal all flesh come.
3 Iniquities prevail against me
shal be as f or our tran sgr es s i o ns,
PSALM 64 hsthou
: a l t pu rge them a w a y .
To the chief Musician,
David. A Paalm of
H m y my voice , 0 God , in
p re serv e m y
4 Ble s s ed is t he m an w h o m
th ou c h oo se st, an d ca us es t t o
life from of the enemy. ap p roa c h un to t hee , that
2 Hide me from the
counsel of the wicked; from mh a y d w ell in th y c ourts :
secret w e
shal be satisfied with the good-
ness of thy house. even of thy 3 Say unto God, How terrible
holy temple. art thou in thy works !
5 shal
Bu terrible things in right- the greatness of thy POwer
eousness wilt thou answer us, 0 thine enemies submit them
God of our salvation ; who art selves unto thee.
the confidence of al the ends of 4 Al the earth shall worship
the earth, and of them that are thee, and shall sing unto
thee; afar otl uPon the sea: they shal sing to thy name.
6 Which by his strength setteth Selah.
fast the mountains ; being girded 5 Come and see the
works of with pawer : God : heis terrible in his
doing 7Which stilleth thenoiseof the toward the children of
men. seas, the noise of their waves. 6 He turned the sea dry
and the tumult of the people. land: they went through the
8 They also that dwell in the floodon foot : there dillwe re
uttermost parts are afraid at thy joice. in him
tokens : thou makest the ou40- 7 He ruleth by his POwer
for ings of the morning and evenmg ever ; his eyes behold
the na to rejoice. . tions : let not the rebellious
9 Thou visitest the earth,and exalt themselves. Selah.
waterest it : thou greatly enrich- 8 0 bless our God, ye
people, est it with the river of God, and make the voice of
his praise which is full of water : thou pre- to be heard :
parest them com, when thou 9 Which holdeth our soul in
hast so provided for it. life, and sufereth not our feet
tO Thou waterest the ridges to tie moved.
thereof abundantly: thou set- tO For thou, 0 God hast
tlest the furows thereof : thou proved us : thou hast tri;/ us, as
makest it soft with showers : silver is tried.
thou blessest the springing t t Thou broughtest us into
the thereof. net; thou laidst aflction
t t Thou crownest the year our loins.
with thy goodness: and thy t2 Thou hast caused men to
paths drop fatness. ride over our heads ; we went
t2 TheY drop uPon the pastures through fire and through
water :
of the wildernes : and the little but thou broughtest us out
into hills rejoice on every side. a wealthy Place.
t3 The pastures are elotb._ed t3 I will go into thy house
with with flocks; the valleyS also are bumt otlerings : I wil
pay thee covered over comiwith they my vows
shout for joy1 they alsosmg. t4Which my lips have uttered.
and my mouth hath SPOken1
66 when I was in trouble.
To the c:l 'Mustcla.a, .& Souc � t5 I wil otler unto thee bumt
Psalm. sacrifices of fatlings, with the
AKE joyful noise unto incense of rams: I wil otler
aGod. al ye lands : bullocks with goats. Selah.
2 Sing forth the honor of his t6 Come and hear, all ye
that name : make his glori- fear God, and I wil declare
ous. what he hath done for my
17 I cried unto him with my 3 Butlet the righteous be glad ;
mouth, and he was extolled let them rejoice before God : yea,
let them exceedingly rejoice.
with my tongue. 4 Sing unto sing praises
18 If I iniquity in
heart, the wil not hear to his name : him that
me: rideth uPOn the heavens by
his 19 But verilyGodhath heard name JAR, and rejoice before
me: he hath attended to the him .
voice of my prayer. 6 A father of the fatherless,
2J)Blessed beGod, which hath and a judge of the widows, is
not turned away my prayer, nor God in his holy habitation.
his merey from me. 6 God setteth the solitary in
families : he bringeth out
To the chief Muatclao oo Regtooth, which are bound with chains:
A Psalm or So�� but the rebellious dwell in a
ODbe merciful nnto us, and 7 0 God, when thou wentest
G bless us; and cause his face forth before thy people,
to shine uPOn us; Selah. thou didst march throli&h
the 2 Tluit thy way may be known wildemes ; Selah :
uPOn earth, thy saving health 8 The earth shook, the
heavens among al nations. also dropped at the presence
of 3 Let the people praise thee,God 0 even Sinai itself was
God; let al the people praise: moved at the presence of
God, thee. the God of Israel.
4 0 let the nations be glad 9 Thou, 0 God, didst send
and sing for joy : for thou shalt a plentifulrain, whereby
judge the people righteously, didst confirm thine inheritance,
and govem the nations uPOn when it was weary.
earth. Selah. 10Thy congregation hath
dwelt 5 Let the people praise thee, 0 therein : thou, 0 God,
hast pre God; let al the people praise pared of thy goodness
for the thee. poor.
6 Then shall the earth :rield her 11 The Lord gave the
word : increase; and 9:od, even our great was the of
those own God shal bles us. that published it.
7 God Shall bless us; and all 12 Kings of armies did flee
the ends of the earth shall fear apace : and she that tared at
home divided the sPOil.
PsALM 68 13 Though ye have lain
To the chief Musldao, A Psalm among the POts, uet shall ue
or of be as the
Soq Darid.
God wings of a dove covered with
arise, let his ene- silver, and her feathers with
mies be scattered : let them yellow gold.
also that hate him flee before 14 When the Almighty scat
him. tered kings in it, it was white
2 As smoke is driven away, so as snow in Salmon.
drive them away : as wa:rmelteth 15 The hil of God isas the hill
before the fire, so let the wicked of Bashan ; a high hil as the hil
perish at the presence of God. of Bashan.
16 Why leap ye, ye high princes of Zebulun, and the
hils? this is the hil which princes of Naphtali.
God de sireth to dwell in y2S ;h t Thy God hath commanded
yea, the
LORD wil dwell in it for strength : 0
ever. God, that which thou
17 The chariots of God are wrought for us.
twenty thousand, even thou J92eru Bec ause of thy temple at
sands of angels : the Lord is salem shall kings bring
among them, as in Sinai, in presents unto thee.
the holy Place. 0s3
pe Rebuke the company of
18 Thou hast ascended on armen, the multitude of the
high, thou hast led captivity with the calves of the peo­
captive : thou hast received pleeverJI one submit him­
for men; yea, for the rebellious sell with pieces of silver : scat­
ter thou the people that delight in war.
that the Lord God might
d amona them. E3g1 Princes shall come out of
19 Bl essed be the Lord, who ypt; Ethiopia shall soon
daily loadeth us with benefits. stretch out her hands unto God.
even the God of our salvation. d3o2msthe eartli unto0 God,
sing ye king­
20 He that is our God is the praises unto the Lord ; Selah :
God of salvation ; and unto 33 To him that ridethupon the
GooLord belona the ises
the heavens of heavens, which were
from death. of old ; lo, he doth send out his
21 But God shall wound the voice, anil that a mighty voice.
head of his enemies, and the G3o4d Ascribe ye strength unto
hairy scalp of such a one as : his excellency is over Is­
goeth on stil in his trespasses. rael, and his strength is in the clouds.
22 The Lord said, I wil bring
again from Bashan, I wil 35 0 God, thou art terrible out
bring PeoPle again from the depths of thy holy places : the God ot
of the sea Israel is he that giveth strength
: 23 That thy foot may be and power unto his people.
dipped in the blood of thine Blessed be God.
·enemies, and the tongue of in
thy dogs the same. PSALM 69
24 TheY have seen thy goings, To the chief Musician upon Sho-
0 God; even the goings of my ahan A Psalm of David.
God, my King, in the sanc
tuary. S AVEme, OGod;
are come forthewaters
in unto
25 The singers went before, th2erIe sink in deep mire, where
mJ/ soul.

the players on instruments fol is no standing : I am come

lowed after ; among them into deep waters, where the
were the damsels playing floods overflow me.
with 3 I am weary of my crying: mY
throat is dried : mine eyes fail
26 Bless ye God in the congre while I wait for my God.
gations, even the Lord, from ca4 They that hate me without a
the fountain of use are more than the hairs
27 There is little Benjamin
with their ruler, the princes
Judah and thea council, the
of mine head : they that would unto me according to the
multi destroy me, being mine enemies tude of thy tender
mercies. wrongfully, are mighty : then I 17 And hide not thy
face from restored that which I took not thy servant; for I am
in trouble : away. hear me speedily.
5 0 God, thou knowest my 18 Draw nigh unto my soul,
foolishness ; and my sins are and redeem it : deliver me
be- not hid from thee. cause of mine enemies.
6 Let not them that wait on 19 Thou hast !mown my re
thee, 0 Lord GoD of hosts, be proach, and my shame, and
my ashamed for my sake : let not dishonor : mine
adversaries are those that seek thee be con- all before
founded for my sake, 0 God of 20 Reproach hath broken
my Israel. heart; and I am full of heavi-
7 Because for thy sake I have ness : and I looked for some
to borne reproach ; shame hath take pity, but there was
none; covered my face. and for comforters, but I
found 8 I am become a stranger unto none.
my brethren, and an alien unto 21 They gave me also gall
for my mother's children. ·
my meat; and in my thirst
they 9 For the zeal of thine house gave me vinegar to
hath eaten me up; and the re- 22 Let their table become a
proaches of them that re- snare before them : and that
proached thee are falen UP<l which should have been for
me. theirwelfare,letitbecomeatrap.
10When I wept, and chastened 23 Let their eyes be
darkened, my soul with fasting, that was that they see not;
and make to my reproach. their loins contin118. to shake.
11 I made sackcloth arso out thine mdignation
arment; and I became prov-
a my 24 them,
UP<l Pour and let thy wrathful
gerb to them. anger take hold of them.
They that sit in the gate 25 Let their habitation be
deso speak against me ; and I was the late; and let none dwell
in13their song of the drunkards.tents.
But as for me, my prayeris 26 For they persecute him
unto thee 0 LORD in an ac- whom thou hast smitten ; and
ceptable fuie: 0 C:k;d, in the they talk to the grief of those
multitude of thy mercy hear whom thou hast wounded.
m e , in the truth of thy salva- 'Z1 Add iniquity unto their in·
t iDeliver
o n . me out of the mire,
iquity : and let them not come
and let me not sink : let me into thy righteousness.
be 28 Let them be blotted out of
delivered from them that hate the bok of the living and
not me and out of the deep waters. be written with the
rig�teous. 15'Let not the waterflood over- But I
29POr and amsorrow flow me,

neither let the deep ful: let th:v salvation, 0 God, swallow
me up, and let not the set me up on high.
pit shut her mouth upon me. 30 I will praise the name of
16 Hear me, 0 LORD; for thy God with a song, and will
mag loving-kindness is good : tum nib him with
31 This also shall please the incline thine ear unto me, and
LORD better than an 0:1 or bull- save
me. that hath horns and hoofs. 3 Be thou my strong habi
. 32 The humble shall see this, tation whereunto I may con
and be glad : and your heart tinualbr resort : thou hast
given shall live that seek God. COIIdment to save me: for
33 For the LORD heareth the thou art my rock and my for-
por, and deSPiseth not his pris- tress.
oners. 4 Deliver me 0 my God, out
34 Let the heaven and earth of the hand o �the wicked, out
praise him, the seas, and every of the hand of the
man unrighteous
thing that moveth therein. and cruel .
35 5 For God will save Zion, and For
thou art my hope, 0
wil build the cities of Judah : Lord GOD : thou art my trust
that they may dwell there, and fr om: my youth.
have it in 6 BY thee have I been holden
36 The seed also of his serv- up from th3 womb : thou art
he ants shall inherit it : and they that took me out of my
that love his name shal dwell bowels : my praise shal be con-
therein. PsALM
70 tin ual am asof athee.
wonder untomany;
To the chief MusiclaJI, A Psalm of7 but I

Devld, to briag to remembrance.

thou artmy strong refuge.
Let m.y m outh be filled with
8 haste, 0 God, to de-
thy praise
with thy honor
·liver me; make haste to all the day.
help 0 LORD. 9 Cast me not off in the time
2 of Let
be ashamed and old age : forsake me not when
that seek after my my strength faileth.
soul : let them be turned back- 10 For mine enemies
SPeak ward, and put to confusion, that against me : and
they that lay desire my hurt. wait for take counsel
my soul
3 Let them be turned back for to g ether1
1 1
a reward of their shame that Saying, God hath forsaken
say Aha aha. him: persecute and take him:
4 L;t � those that seek thee for there is none to deliver
him. rejoice and be glad in thee : and 12 0 God, be not far
from me : let such as love thy salvation 0 m.y God, make
haste for my
say continual, Let God be h e lp.
1 3
ma Let them be confounded
But I am po and needy; and consumed that are adver
make haste unto me, 0 God : sarles to my soul : let them
be thou art my help and
m.ytardeliv- covered with reproach and
erer: 0 LORD, make no - honor that seek mY hurt. dis
PsALM 71 14 But I wil hope
continually, and wil yet
thee, 0 LORD, I put
do praise thee more
my and more.
trust : let me never be put to 15 lib mouth shall show forth
and thy
co Deliver in thy righteous-thy al the day; for I know
tion salva-
2 and cause me to escape: the numbers thereof.
16 I will go in the s ength of 3 The mountains shall bring
the Lord GoD : I wil make men- peace to the people, and the
lit lion of thy righteousness, even tie hills, by
righteousness. 4
of thine only. He shall judge the poor of
17 0 God, thou hast taught me the people, he shall save
the from my youth : and hitherto children of the needy,
and have I declared thy wondrous shall break in pieces the
works. pressor.
18 Now also when I am old and 5 They shall fear thee as
long grayheaded God, forsake me as the sun
and moon lendure, not; until thy have Showed
throughout all generations. strength unto this
generation, 6 He shall come down like and thy power toas
every one that rain upon the mown grass :
is to come. showers that water the
19 Thy
earth. righteousnes also, 0 7 In hisdays shall the righteous
God, is very high who hast flourish ; and abundance of
done great things : b God, who peace so long as the moon
is like unto thee I endureth.
20 Thou, which hast showed 8 He shall have dominion also
me great and sore from sea to sea, and from the
shalt quicken me again, river unto the ends of the earth.
shalt bring me up again from 9 They that dwell in the wil
the depths of the earth. demes& shall bow before him;
21 Thou shalt increase my and his enemies shal lick the
greatness, and comfort me on Tarshish and
d u st.
1 0
every side. The kings of
22 I wil also praise thee with of the isles shall bring presents
: the psaltery, even thy truth,0 the kings of Sheba and
SebaGodmy: unto thee will I sing shal offer
the harp, 0 thouHoly One 11 Yea, al kings shal fall
of Israel. down before him: al aations
23 My liPs shall greatly rejoice sh all serve him.
when I sing unto thee: and my 12 For he shal deliver the
soul, which thou hast re- needy when he crieth; the POr
deemed. also, and him that hath no
24 M:v tongue also shal talk helper.
of thy righteousness all the day 13 He shall sPare the POr
and long : for they are confounded, needy, and shal save
the souls fortheyare broughtunto shame, of the needy.
that se my hurt. 14 He shal redeem their soul
from deceit and violence : and
PsALM 72
A P•alm for Solomoa. precious shal their blood be in
his sight.
the king thy Judg
ments, 0 God, and thy him 16 And he shal Uve, and to
righteousnes unto the king's shal be given of the gold
son. of Sheba: prayer also ahal be
made for him continually; and
2 He shal Judge thy people
with righteousnes and thy daily shal he be praised.
16 There shall be a handful of
POr with judgment.
com in the earth upon the top
of the mountalns: the fruit tO Therefore his people return
thereof shal shake like Leba hither : and waters of aful cu/1
non : and theu of the city are wrung out to them.
shall flourish like grass of the
earth. 17 His name shall 1 t Andand they say Bow doth
endure for ever : name shal God know? is lb ere
be conhis
in theMost High?
tinued as long as the t Behold, lmowl these are the un
sun : and men shall be godly, who proSPer in the
blessed in him : all nations world: they increase in riches.
shal cal him blessed. 13 Verily I have deansed my
18 Blesed be the Lord GoD, heart in vain, and washed my
the God of Israel, who only hands in innoceney.
do eth wondrous this. 14 For al the day long have
19 And blessed be his
glorious name for ever : and let Ichastened been
f Placuedt
every momin .
the whole earth be filed with 15 U I say,wil speak thus:
his glory. Amen, and Amen. behold, I should ofend against
20 The prayers of David the the generation of thy
son of ]esse are ended. c:bildren.
PsALM 73 16 When I thought to know
A Psalm of Aapb. this , it was to painful for me;
RULY 17 Until I went into the sanc
T even
to is good to of a tuary of God:
as are their end.
then understood I

18 Surely thou didst set

clean heart. them in slippe places : thou
2 But as for me,my feet were castedst them down into
almost gone: my steps had destruction.
well nigh slipped. 19 Bow are they brought into
3 For I was envious at the fool desolation, as in a moment!
when I saw the prosperity they are utterly consumed
with terrors.
wic:ked. 20 As a dream when one
of For there are no bands in awaketh: Sb, 0 Lord, when
their death : but their thou awakest, thou shillt de
strength is Brm. spise their image.
5 They are notIn trouble as 21Thus my heart was
other men: neither are they grieved, and I was pricked
plagued like other men. in my reins.
6 Therefore pride 22 So foolish was I, and
compasseth them about as rant : I was a.s a beast
a chain: vio lence covereth igno
gar before thee.
them a.s a ment. 23 Nevertheles I am
7 Their eyes stand out with continu ally with thee : thou
fat nes : they have more hast holden me by my right
than heart could. wish hand. shalt
· 8 They are corrupt, and 24 Thou guide me with
speak wickedly concerniTI/1 thy counsel, and afterward
oppres sion : they speak re ceive me to •

loftily. 26 Whom I m heaven

9 They set their mouth but thee? and there is none
against the heavens, and up. on earth that I desire
their toncue walketh thrOugh besides thee.
the earth.
26MY flesh and my heart fail- 10 0 God, how long shall
the eth : but God is the strength of adversary reproach? shall
the my heart, and my portion for enemy blaspheme thy name
for ever. ever?
27 For, lo, they that are far 11 Why withdrawest thou thy
from thee shall perish : thou hand, even thy right hand?
hast destroyed all them that go pluck it out of thy bosom.
a whoring from thee. 12 For God is my King of old
28 But it is good for me to draw working salvation in the
midst near to God : I have put my of the earth.
trust in the Lord Goo, that I 13 Thou didst divide the sea
may declare all thy works. by thy strength : thou brakest
the heads of the dragons in the
Mascbl of Asaph. waters.

0 GOD why hast thou cast 14 Thou brakest the heads of

leviathan in pieces, and
us off /or ever? whJJ doth h gavest to be meat to the
thine anger smoke against the
sheep of thy pasture? i people
2 Remember thy inhabiting the wilderness.
15 Thou didst cleave the foun
which thou hast purchased tain and the flood : thou
old; the rod of thine
inheritance, which thou hast driedst up mighty rivers.
redeemed; this mount Zion, 16 The day is thine, the night
wherein thou hast dwelt. also is thine : thou haSt
prepared the light and the sun.
3 Lift up thy feet unto the
per petual desolations ; euen 17 Thouhast set al the borders
all that the enemy hath done of the earth: thou hast made
sumer and winter.
18 Remember this, that the
edly in the Sli.nctuary.
4 Thine enemies roar in the
e en hath reproached, 0
midst of thy congregations: m LoRD,
and that the foolish people
they set up their ensigns for
signs. have blasphemed thy name.
6 A man was famous 19 0 deliver not the soul of thy
according as he had lifted UP turtledove unto the multitude
ues UPOn the thick trees. of the wicked: forget not the
6 But now they break down con gregation of thy POr for
the ever. 20 Have respect unto
carved work thereof at once the cov enant : for the dark
with ues and hamers. places of tq.e
earth are ful of
7 They have cast fire into thy of cruelty.
sanctuary, they have defiledbrl the habitations
castiTl down the dwelling 21 0 let not the oppressed re
place of thy name to the turn ashamed : let the POr
ground. and
8 They said in their hearts, thy name.
Let us destroy them together :
22 0 God, plead thine
they have burned up al the sy own cause : remember how
agogues of God in the land. n foolish man reproacheth thee
9We see not our signs there the
is no more any prophet : not the voice of
neither is there among us any thine enemies : the tumult of
that know eth how long, those that rise up against
thee in creaseth continualy.
PsALM 75 ' 4 Thou mt more glorious and
To the chief Musician, Al-taschith, I excellent than the mountains of
A Psalm or Song of Asaph. ' prey.
NTO thee 0 God, do we 5 The stouthearted are
U spoiled give thanks, unto thee do they have slept their
sleep : and
we give thanks : for that thy none of the men of might have
name is near thy wondrous found their hands.
works declare. ' 6 At thy rebuke, 0 God of
Ja- 2 When I shall receive the · cob, both the chariot and
horse congregation I wil judge up- ' are cast into a dead
sleep. rightly, ! 7 Thou, even thou, art to be
3 The earth and all the inhabit- feared : and who may stand
in ants thereof are dissolved : I thy sight when once thou art
bear up the pilars of it. Selah. 1 angry?
4 I said unto the fools, Deal : 8 Thou didst cause judgment
not foolishly : and to the wicked, ' to be heard from heaven ;
the Lift not up the hom : ' earth feared, and was still,
6 Lift not up your hom on high : : 9 When God arose to judg-
speak not with a stif neck. ment, to save all the meek of
6 For promotion cometh neither the earth. Selah.
from the east, nor from the : 10 Surely the wrath of man
west, nor from the south. ' shall praise thee : the remainder
7 But God is the judge : he ! of wrath shalt thou restrain.
putteth down one, and setteth 1 11 Vow, and pay unto the

up another.
I LoRD your God : let all that
For in the hand of the LORD be round about him bring pres
there is a cup, and the wine is ents unto him that ought to be
red; it is ful of mixture ; and he feared.
poureth out of the same : but I 12 He shall cut off the spirit
the dregs thereof, al the wicked I of princes : he is terrible to the
of the earth shal wring them ! kings of the earth.
out, and drink them.
9 But I wil declare for ever ; PsALM T1
I to
wil sing praises the God of To the chief Musician, to Jeduthua,
Jacob. A Psalm of Asaph.
10 Al the boms of the
CRIED unto God with my
wicked also wil I cut off: but
the homs
Ivoice, even unto God with my
of the righteous shal be ex- voice ; and he gave ear unto me.
alted •
2 In the day of my trouble I
PsALM 76 sought the Lord : my sore ran in
To the chief Musiciaa oa Negiaoth, the aight, and ceased not : my
A Psalm or Song of

soul refuSed to be comforted.
ph. is God known: his 3 I remembered God, and
was name is great in Israel. troubled: I complained and m:v
2 In Salem also is his taber- spirit was overwhelm;f. Selah.
nacle, and his dwelling place in 4 Thou boldest mine eyes
wak Zion. ing : I am so troubled that I
can- 3 There brake be the arows not speak.
of the bow, the shield, and the 5 I have considered the days
of sword, and the battle. Selah. old, the years of ancient
6 I call to remembrance my PsALM 78
sonr: in the night : I commune Ma.schil of Asapb.
IVE ear, 0 my people, to
with mine own heart : and my
spirit made diligent search. my Iaw : incline your ears
7 Will the Lord cast off for to the words of my mouth.
ever? and wil he be favorable 2 I will open my mouth in a
no more? parable : I will utter dark
S Is his mercy clean gone for ings of old :
ever? doth his promise fail for 3 Which we have heard and
evermore? known, and our fathers have
9 Hath God forgotten to be told us.
gracious? hath he in anger shut 4 We will not hide them
from up his tender mercies? Selah. their children,
showing to the
10 And I said, This is my in- generation to come the praises
finity : but I will remember of the LORD, and his strength,
the years of the right hand of and his wonderful works that
he the Most High. hath done.
11 I will remember the works 5 For he established a testi·
of the LORD : surely I will re- mony in Jacob, and appointed
member thy wonders of old. law in Israel which he com-
12 I will meditate also of all manded our fathers, that they
thy work, and talk of thy doings. should make them known
13 Thy way, 0 God, is in the their children : .
sanctuary : who is so great a 6 That the generation to
come God as our God? might know them, even the
14 Thou art the God that doest children which should be born
; wonders : thou hast declared who should arise and
thy strength among the people. them to their children :
15 Thou hast with thine arm 7 That they might set their
redeemed thy people, the sons hope in God, and not forget the
of Jacob and Joseph. Selah. works of God; but keep his
16 The waters saw thee, 0 mandments :
God, the waters saw thee; they 8 And might not be as their
were afraid : the depths also fathers, a stubborn and rebel
were troubled. lious generation ; a generation
17 The clouds poured out ' that set not their heart aright,
water : the skies sent out a and whose spirit was not stead
sound : thine arows also went fast with God.
abroad. 9 The children of Ephraim,
be- tS The voice of thy thunder ing armed, and bows,
was in the heaven : the light- turned back in the day battle.
nings lightened the world : the 10 They kept not the
covenant earth trembled and shook. to of God,
ThY and refused walk in
19 way is in the sea, his Jaw ;
and thy path in the great wa- . 11 And forgat his works, and
ters, and thy footsteps are not his wonders that he had showed
known. , them.
20 aThou
like flockleddest
by the thy
hand of ithe
people 12sight
of theirthings didinhe
fathers, thein
Moses and
l landof Egypt, inthefi.eldof
Aaron. Zoan,
13 He divided the sea, and fowls like as the sand of the
caused them to pass through; sea :
and he made the waters to 28 And he let it fall in the
stand as a heap. midst of their, round
14 In the daytime also he led about their habitations.
them with a cloud, and al the 29 So they did eat, and were
night with a light of fire. well filled : for he gave them
15 He clave the rocks in the their own desire ;
wilderness, and gave them 30 They were not estranged
drink as out of the great depths. from their lust : but while their
16 He brought streams also meat was yet in their mouths,
out of the rock, and caused 31 The wrath of God came
waters to run down like rivers. upon them, and slew the
17 And they sined yet more of them, and smote down the
against him by provoking the chosen men of Israel.
Most High in the wilderness. 32 For all this they sinned
18 And they tempted God in still, and believed not for his
their heart by asking meat for wondrous works.
their lust. 33 Therefore their daYS did he
19 Yea, they spake against consume in vanity, and their
God; they - said, Can God fur- years in trouble.
nish a table in the wilderness? 34 When he slew them, then
20 Behold, he smote the they sought him: and they re
that the waters gushed out, turned and inquired early after
the streams ovei1iowed; can he God.
give bread also? can he provide 35 And they remembered that
flesh for his people? God was their rock, and the
21 Therefore the LORD heard high God their redeemer.
this. and was wroth : so a fire 36 Nevertheless theydid ftatter
was kindled against Jacob, and him with their mouth1 and they
anger also c:ame UP against Is- lied unto him with thea tongues.
rael; :n For their heart was not
22 Because they believed not right with him, neither were
in God, and trusted not in his they steadfast in his covenant.
salvation : 38 But he, being ful of com-
23 Though he had commanded passion, forgave their
the clouds from above, and and destroyed them not : yea,
opened the doors of heaven, many a time turned he his
24 And had rained down man- anger and did not stir up
na upon them to eat, and had all his
given them of the com of 39 For he remembered that
heaven. they were but flesh: a wind
25 Man did eat angels' food : that passeth away, and cometh
he sent them meat to the ful. not
26 He caused an east wind to 40 oft did they provoke
blow in the heaven : and by his him in the wilderness, and
power he brought in the south grieve him in the desert!
wind. 41 Yea, they turned back and
Z1 He rained ftesh also UPOn tempted and limited the
them as dust, and feathered Holy One of
42 TheY remembered not his 1 them an inheritance by Une,
and hand, nor the day when he made the tribes of Israel to
delivered them from the en- dwell in their tents.
emy :
56 Yet they tempted and pro-
43 How he had wrought voked the most high God, and
signs in Egyp; and his wonders not his testimonies :
in the field of Zoan But turned back, and
dealt 44 And had turned their rivers like their
fathers : into blood: andftoods,
their they were turned aside like a
that they could not drink. deceitful bow.
45 He sent divers sorts of flies 58 For they provoked him to
among them, which devoured anger with their high places,
them : and frogs, which de- and movedhim to jealousy with
stroyed them. their graven images.
46 He gave also their increase 59 When God heard this. he
unto the caterpillar, and their was wroth, and greatly ab-
labor unto the locust. horred Israel :
47 He destroyed their vines 60 So that he forsook the
with hail, and their sycamore tabernacle of Shiloh, the tent
trees witli frost. which he placed among men;
48 He cave up their cattle also 6 1 And delivered his strength
to the hail, and
their hot flocks to into and his glor:v
· into the enem:v's
49 He east upon them the 62 He gave his people over
also fierceness of his anger, wrath, unto the sword ; and was
wroth and indignation, and trouble, by with his inheritance.
sending evil angels among 63 The fire consumed their
them. young men : and their
50 maidens He made ahis way to an- were not given to
ger; he spared not their soul 64 Their priests fell by the
from death, but cave their life sword ; and their widows
made over to the pestilence; no lamentation.
51 And smote al the firstbom 65 Then the Lord awaked as
in Egypt; the chief of their one out of sleep, and like a
strength m the tabernacles of mighty man that shouteth
b:v Ham : reason of wine.
52 But made his own people to 66 And he smote his en
go forth like sheep, and guided emies in the hinder parts :
he them in the wildemess like a put them to a perpetual re-
ftoek. proach.

53 Andthey feared
he led them not : bu{ tabernacle
on safely of Joseph,
67 Moreover and the
he refused
chose the sea overwhelmed their en- not the tribe of
Ephraim : emies. 68 But chose the tribe of
54 And he brought them to the Judah, the mount Zion which he
sanctuary e11en to
b order of hismountain, which loved.
� right 69 And he built his
thissanctuary hand had purChased. like high Palaces, like the
5 He east out the heathen al- which he hath established
so for
5 before them, and divided ever.
70 He chose David also his 10 Wherefore should the
hea and took
him from the then Where is their od?
let him knoWl among the
71 From following the ewes heathen in our sight bu the
great with young he brought revenging of the blood of
him to feed Jacob his people, servants which is shed.
thy and Israel his inheritance. 11 Let the sighing of the pris-
72 So he fed them according oner come before thee; accord
to the integrity of his heart ; and ing to the greatness of thy
guided them by the skilfulness power preserve thou those that
of his hands. are appointed to die;
12 And render unto our neigh-
PsALM 79
A Psalm of Aaph. bors sevenfold into their bosom
heathen are come their reproach, wherewith
0 into inheritance; thy they have reproached thee, 0
13 So we thy people and sheep
holy temple have they defiled of thy pasture will give thee
; they have laid Jerusalem on thanks for ever : we wil show
heaps. forth thy praise to al
2 The dead bodies of thy genera- tions.
ants have they given to be PsALM SO
meat unto the fowls of the To the chief Musician
Dim-Eduth, upon
A Psalm
of Asapb.
heaven, the flesh of thy saints
unto the
beasts of the earth.
3 Their blood have they shed IVE ear, 0 Shepherd of
like water round about Jeru G Israel, thou that leadest
salem ; and there was none Joseph like a flock; thou that
to dwellest between the cherubim,
b ury them.
4 We are become a shine forth.
our neighbors a scom and 2 Before Ephraim and Benja
reproach derision to them lbit min and Manasseh stir up thy
are round about us. strength, and come and save
6 How long, LoRD? wilt 3 us. Tum us again, 0 God,
thou be angry for ever? shal and cause thy face to Shine;
thy jealousy bum like fire? s and we
6 Pour out upon the be saved.
heathen that not knoWl h4 0 LORD God of hosts,
thee,andupon king
the doms how long wilt angrythou be
that have not called upon against
thy name. 7 For they have the prayer of thy people?
devoured Ja 6 Thou feedest them with the
cob, and laid waste his dwelling bread of tears: and givest them
place. tears to drink in great
8 0 remember not against us measure. 6 Thou mak:est us a
former iniquities : let thy strife ulito our neighbors : and
tender our enemies
mercies speedily prevent us; laugh among themselves.
for we are brought very low. 7 Turn us again, 0 God of
9 Help us, 0 God of our hosts, and cause thy face to
salva thy shine; and we shall be saved.
tion, for the glory of name 8 Thou hast brought a vine out
: and deliver us, and purge of Egypt : thou hast cast out
away our sins, for thy heathen,
the and planted it.
name's sake.
9Th ou prepared st roo m be- 81 3 Bl ow u p th e trum pet
for e it , u d didst cau se it to n ew m oon , in th e tim e
take deep root, ud the
ID ed,thone ourthissolemn feast
land. aP POin4 For
t was a statute
it 1led
1 0 The biD s were covered with Israel, and a law of the God of
th e sha do w o f
thereof it, ud the boughs Jacob.
S he s en tthe out her boua;bsfor aun-testimony,
were like a;oodiy 5 This he ordainedin Joseph
out through the he
when: lud of Egypt:
1 1dar&.
to th e s ea , u d
wentthe river. her branches wh er e I hear d a lana;uace that I
Why hast th o u th en brok en un dI rerst emoodo ved n othis . sh oul d e r
do12wn her hed c es , so th at al th6e b ur : hisd en ha nd s w er
they which
pluck her? fr o m the
e d e7 Thou caledst m trouble, ud
pas bY wu
1 3 Th e bo a r out of the wood I delivered thee: I
do thit, wu ast d the e wil d th e e in th e sea e t p la
b e a st of the fie ld d oth de- of Meribah. de r : ISelah.p rov ed th e e a t
v o u r it. Return, we beseechc thee, e of th un people, ud I
th e 0w at ers
8 Hear, 0 my
God o f h os ts will·testify unto thee 0 Israel,
h eave n , u d if thou wilt hearken unto me:
9 :

this viDe:
: loo k d o wn T he re s ha l l no str u c e c
be ho ld , u d in th ee : n e ith er sh al t th ou
fr om 1 6 A nd th
visi t ri g ht h&D d
e vin
ha th
e y ar d w hi ch thy
p al n t ed , u d the &DY sLtrugeO R go d.
ran ch16 I tht is a burn
t thou ed madest strongfbiwhich
c 10 I brought
am th eth e e out
th yof theGod,
r th cu yse
wi t thd th, iteyi s thy mouth
l pe &D drisho f a t th e
w id e, a nd
rebuke of thy countenuce. 11 But my peo\)le would not
17 Letothy
man f thyband
rightbebud,upon upon
the the wouldtonone
hearken of me.ud
my vo1ce:
son o f
w ho m thou madest 12 So I g av e th e m u p unto e i r
1 8 Sofor thIsrael
wil yse n ofl t. we g o b ack own fr om h e artwalked
s ' inl their
: counsels. th e y
th e e : q uick e n us , u d w e
call uPOn thy name. wil O h th atand my people had
to Israel
of h19 oTum s ts, us ca use
again, he toark
had 14 Ieshould
walked nedin myunson have me,
shin e : u d we 0 LORD

waysI shal be saved. th eir ud turn ed my

PSALM 81 Aa ph.
To the chief Muaic:ial UJIOil Gittlth, should16have
buThed haters
him: but
submitted of theadthem-versari es.
mG Aaloud un to LORD
of selves unto theile
r should haveenduredfor ever.
a ou
S H e
n o i s e dunto
shoul h avthe Godfedof Jaco
th em b .
jo yful
al1so6 wi
th th e fin est of th e 2 T ak e a
psalm, u d b ring w h eahi th t er : u thde w ith
with e
h ou e y out o f lea S&D t t h
thee.e rock sh oul d I
h a ve sa tisfi e d
PsALM 82 8 Assur also Is Joined with
A Psalm of Asaph. them : they have helped the
OD standeth in the congre- children of Lot. Selah.
G gation of the mighty> he 9 Do unto them as unto the
judgeth among the gods. Midianites ; as to Sisera, as to
2 How long wil ye judge un- the brook of Kison :
justly, and accept the persons of 10 perished at En-dor :
the wicked? Selah. they became as dung for the
3 Defend the poor and father- earth.
less : do justice to the a1cted 11 Make theirnobleslike Oreb,
and needy. and like Zeeb : yea, al their
4 Deliver the POr and needy : princes as Zebah,as and
Zal rid them out of the hand of12 theWho
said Let us take to
wicked. neither wil L.
5 They !mow ourselves the ouses of God in
they : al the foundations
darlmess 13 0 my God, make them
walk on passession.
n of the earth are out of course. a wheel ; the stubble
before 6 I have said, Ye are gods; and the as wind.
all of you are children of the 14 As the fire bumeth a w�
Most High. and as the flame setteth the
7 But ye shall die like men, mountains on fire;
and fall like one of the princes. 15 So persecute them with thy
8 Arise, 0 God, judge the tempest, and make them
afraid earth : for thou shalt inherit al with thy
nations. 16 Fill their faces with
PsALM shame: that they may se
A Soag83
or Psalm of 0 LORD.
thy name,
God:not thou
hold n osilence, 17 Let
t thy0 peace, them
and be confounded
troubled for ever : yea, let
0 God
and be not stil, . them be put to shame, and
2 For, lo, thine enemies make perish :
a tumilt: and they that hate 18 That men may !mow that
thee have lifted up the head. thou, whose name alone is
JE- 3 They have taken crafty coun- HOVAH art the Most
and con- over al thesel against thy
suited against thy ones.
4 Theyhavesaid, Come,andlet PsALM 84
us cut them of from being a To the chief M:aslciaa upoa Glttith.
na- tion ; that thenameoflsrael
may be no more in A Psalm for
amiable arethethy of
remembrance. to- aow
5 For they have consulted
gether with one consent :
2 Mynacles
soUl longeth,
O LoRD of hostsl
yea, even
are confederate against thee : fainteth for the courts of the
6 The tabernacles of Edom, LORD : my heart and my flesh
and the lshmaelites : of Moab, crieth out for the living God.
and the Huarenes: 3 Yea, the sparow hath found
7 Gebal, and Ammon, and house, andthe swallowa
nestfor Amalek; the Philistines with herself, where she may
lay her the inhabitants of Tne •young, euen thine altars, 0
LoRD of hosts, my Kine, and 6 Wilt thou be angry wi1 us
my God. for ever? wilt thou draw out
4 Blessed are they that dwell thine anger to all generatkns?
in thy house : they wil bestil 6Wilt thou not revive us again :
praising thee. Selah. that thy people ma:v rejoice in
6 Blessed iS the man whose thee?
strength is in thee: in whose 7 Show us thy merc:v, 0
heart are the ways of them. and grant us thy salvation.
6 Who pas through the 8 I wil hear what God the
valley of Baca make it a well: LORD wil speak : for he wil
the rain also fileth the pols. speak peace unto his people,
and his
7 They go from strength to to saints : but let them not
strength, eveTI one of them in turn again to folly.
Zion appeareth before God. 9 Surely his salvation is nigh
8 0 LoRD God of them that fear him; that glory
my prayer : give ear, 0 of may dwell in our land.
Jacob. Selah. 10Mercy and truth are met to-
9 Behold, 0 God our shield, gether : righteousness and peace
and look upan the face of thine have kissed each other.
anointed. 11 Truth shal SPring out of the
10 For a dayin thy courts is earth: and righteousness shal
better than a thousand. I had look down from heaven.
rather be a doorkeeper in the 12 Yea, the LORD shal give
house of my God, than to dwell that which is good; and our
land in the tents of wickedness. shall :vield her increase.
1 1 For the LORD God is a sun 13 Righteousness shall go
be and shield : the LoRD wil give fore him: and shall set us in
the his
grace and glory : no good thing way of steps.
wil he wj.thhold from them that PSALM
walk upnghtly.
12 0 LORD of hosts, blessed A Pnyer of David.
is the man that trusteth in
thee. B OW down thine ear, 0
hear me : for I am poor
and needy.
PsALM 86
2 Preserve my for I am
To the chief Musician, A Psalm
f« the aoas of Korah. holy : 0 thou my save thy
servant that trusteth m. thee.
thou hast been
able unto thy land : 3 Be merciful unto me 0
thou l
hast brought back the Lord : for I cry hee
captivity unto
of Jacob. daily.
2 Thou hast forgiven the In
iquity of thy people : thou 4 Rejoice the soul of thy
serv ant : for unto thee, 0
hast covered all their sin.
Selah. Lord, do I lift up my soul.
3 Thou hast taken away all 6 For thou, Lord, art good,
thy wrath : thou hast turned and ready to forgive : and
thuself from the fierceness plenteous in mercy unto all
of thine anger. them that call UPOn thee.
4 Turn us, 0 God of our 6 Give ear, 0 LORD, unto my
sal prayer ; and attend to the voice
of m:v supplications.
vation, and cause thine anger
toward us to cease.
7 In the day of Il trouble 3 Glorious things are sPoken
I of thee 0 city of God.
wil call uPOn thee : for thou wil ! make mention of
an Selah. and Babylon to them
wilt swer
8 that 4know
I me : behold
Among the gods there is Philistia, and this man with
none like unto thee, 0 Lord ; Ethiopia; was
are there aTlJI works neither b om of Zion it sbal1 be
5 s
like unto Thi
thy works. and that man was bom in
9 nations whom thou her : and the Highest himself
bast made shall come and sh all establish her.
Al thee, 0 Lord; and
before The LORD shall count,
gl o For
rify thou
thy he when
writeth up the that
art great, and
1 0
do e s t wondrous things:
ar t G od
alone. this man was bom there.
11 Teach me thy way, O Lord 7 As well the singers as the
will walk in thy truth : unite players on instruments shall be
my there: al my springs are in
h eart
will to thee, 0
fear thy
praise thee.
12 I Lord
I wil
my God , with all my heart : and
PsALM 88 SODS of
more. glorify thy name for or Psalm for the
ever to the chief Musician upon
Mahalath Leannotb, Mascbil of
13 For great is thy mercY Heman the Ezrahite.
to ward me : and thou hast
deliver ed my so u l from the
0 LORD God of my salvatlon
lIhave cried day and nigh
14 0 hell.
God, the proud are b efore theeprayer
Let my : come before
risen me, and the
assemblies violent have th ee : incline thine � unto my
sought after
my soul : and have not set thee 3cry
For my; soul is full of trou
bles : andmylife draweth nigh
unto the grave.
be Butforethou,
them. 0 Lord, art a
4 am counted with them that
long-suffering, anil
anil go down into the pit : am as a
man that hath no strength :
plenteous in mercy and truth.
6 F r ee among the dead, like
16 0 turn unto me, and have sl ain ·
mercv upon me; give thy
strength unto thy
save the son of thine servan� and the that lie in the grave,
17 Show me a token for good; whom thou rememberest no
that they which hate me may more : and they are cut off from
see it, and be ashamed : be th y
cause thou, LORD, hast helped
6Thou hast laid me In the
me, and coin.forted me. low est pit, in in the
APsalm orPsALM
Song lor87
Eorah. the SODS of 7 Thy wrath hard UPOn
and thou hast afilicted me

foundation is in the all thy waves. Selah.

holy mountains. 8 Thou hastfar
acquaintance put away
from me;mine
2 The LORD loveth the gates hast made m e an abomination
of Zion more than all the Ia m I
of Jacob. un to come
: shut up, and
9 Mine eye moumeth by rea 5 And the heavens shall
son of affl.iction : LORD, I praise thy wonders, 0 LORD :
have called daily upon thee, I thy faithfulness also in the
have stretched out my hands congre gation of the saints.
unto thee.
10 Wilt thou show wonders 6 For who in the heaven can
to the dead? shal the dead be compared unto the LORD?
who among the sons of the
arise and praise thee?
mighty can be likened unto
Selah. the LORD?
11 Shall thy loving-kindnes
7 God is to be feared
be declared in the grave? or
in the assembly the saints,
thy and to be had in reverence
faithfulness in destruction? of al them that are about
12 Shall thy wonders be him.
known in the dark? and thy 8 0 LORD God of hosts, who is
righteous ness in the land of a strong LORD like unto
forgetfulness? 13 But unto thee? or to thy faithfulness
thee have I cried, round about thee?
0 LoRD; and in the morning 9 Thou rulest the raging of
shall my prayer prevent the sea: when the waves
thee. thereof arise thou stilest
14 LORD, why castest thou off them.
my soul? whJJ hidest thou thy
10 ou hast broken Rahab in
face from me? pieces, as one that is slain :
15 I am afilicted and ready thou hast scattered thine
to die from mu youth up : enemies with thy strong arm.
while I sufer thy I am dis 11 The heavens are thine, the
tracted. earth also is thine : as for the
16 Thy fierce wrath goeth world and the fulness thereof,
over me; thy terrors have cut thou hast founded them.
me off. 12 The north and the south
17 They came round about thou hast created them :
me daily like water; they Tabor and Hermon shal
com passed me about rejoice in thy name.
together. 13 Thou hast a mighty arm:
18 Lover and friend hast
strong is thy hand, a nd high
thou put far from me, and is thy right hand.
mine ac quaintance into 14 habitation
Justice andofJudgment are:
darknes the thy throne
PsALM 89
of of Ethan
sing themercies
of the Ezrai

Imythe LoRD for ever : with

mouth wil I make mercy and truth go before
known thy shal
thy face. _
faithfulness to al generations. 15 Blessed is the people that
2 For I have said, Mercy shal know the joyful sound : they
be built up for ever : thy shall walk, 0 LORD, in thelight
faith fulness shalt thou of thy countenance.
establish in the very heavens. 16 In thy name shal they
3 I have made a covenant re joice all the day : and in
with my chosen, I have swom thy righteousness shal they
unto David my be ex alted.
4 Thy seed wil establish for 17 For thou artthe glory of
ever, and build up thy throne their strength : and in thy
to al generations. Selah. favor our hom shal be
18 For the LORD is our de from him, nor sufer my faith
fense ; and the Holy One of
fulness to fail.
Israel is our King.
19 Then thou spakest in vision
34 My covenant will I not
break, nor alter the thing that
to thy holy one, and saidst, I
is gone out of my lips.
have laid help upon one that
is mighty ; I have exalted one 35 Once have I swom by my
dlosen out of the people. holiness that I will not lie unto
20 I have found David my
servant ; with my holy oil have 36 His seed shall endure for
ever, and his throne as the sun
I anointedhim : before me.
21 With whom my hand shal � It shall be established for
be established : mine arm also ever as the moon1 and as a
shall strengthen him. faithful witness m heaven.
22 The enemy shall not exact Selah.
upon him; nor the son of wick 38 But thou hast cast off and
edness afict him. abhorred, thou hast been wroth
23 And I will beat down his with thine anointed.
foes before his face, and plague 39 Thou hast made void the
them that hate him. covenant of thy servant : thou
24 But my faithfulness and hast profaned his crown b11
my mercy shall be with him : casting it to the ground.
and in my name shall his hom 40 Thou hast broken down all
be exalted. his hedges; thou hast brought
25 I wil set his hand also in his strongholds to ruin.
the sea, and his right hand in 41 Al that pass by the way
the rivers. SPOil him: he is a reproach to
26 He shall cry unto me, Thou his neighbor$.
art my father, my God, and 42 Thou hast set up the right
the rock of my salvation. hand of his adversaries; thou
'Z1 Also I wil make him mu hast made all his enemies to
firstborn, higher than the kings re joice.
of the earth. 43 Thou hast also turned the
28 My mercy will I keep for edge of his sword, and hast
him for evermore, and my cove not made him to stand in the
nant shall stand fast with him. battle.
29 His seed also will I make to 44 Thou hast made his glory
endure for ever, and his throne to cease, and cast his throne
as the days of heaven. down to the ground.
30 If his children forsake my 45 The daYS of his youth hast
law, and walk not in my judg
ments; thou shortened : thou hast cov
ered him with shame. Selah.
31 U they break my statutes,
and keep not my command 46 How LORD? wilt
ments ; thou bide thyself ever? shall
thy wrath bum like fire?
32 Then will I visit theirtrans
gression with the rod, and 4 Remember how short my
their iniquity with stripes. tim is : wherefore hast thou
made all men in vain?
33 Nevertheless my loving
kindness wil I not utterly
48 What man is he that li�t�
and shal not see death?
he deliver his soul from the 10 The days of our years are
hand of the grave? Selah. threescore years and ten ; and
if 49 Lord, where are thy former by reuon of strength thell
be loving-kindnesses, which thou fourscore years, yet is
their swarest unto David in thy strength labor and
truth? for it is son cut olf, and we fly
50 Remember, Lord, the re- away.
proach of thy servants ; how I do 11 Who knoweth the power
of bear in my bosom the re/lroa&h thine anger? even
according to of all the mighty people
thy ; fear so is thy
51 Wherewith thine enemies 12 So leach us to number our
have reproached, 0 LORD ; that we may apply our
wherewiththeyhave reproaehed unto wisdom.
the footsteps of thine anointed. 13 Return, 0 LORD, how long?
52 Blessed be the LORD for and let it repent thee concern-
evermore. Amen, and Amen. ing thy servants.
PsALM 90
A Prayer ol Moses the 11 o1 God.
be glad
al our daYS.
thou hast been our 15 Make us glad according to
dwelling place in al gener- the days wherein thou hast
ations. aflcted and the Years
2 Before the mountains were wherein we seen evil.
brought forth. or ever thou 16 Let thy work appear unto
hadst formed the earth and the thy servants, and thy glory
unto world, even from everlasting to their children.
everlasting, thou art God. 17 And let the beauty of the
3 Thou turnest man to de- LORD our God be upon us :
and struction ; and sayest, Return, establish thou the work of
our ye children of men. hands upon us; the work
4 For a thousand years in thy of our hands thou it.
sight are but as yesterday
when it is past, and as a PsALM 91
watch in the night.
5 Thou earriest them away
H that place
eret dwelleth in the
of the Mostse-

with a flood ; they are as a shall abide under the shadow of
sleep : in the morning theu are the Almighty.
like grass which groweth up. 2 I wil say of the LORD, He
is 6 In the morning it ftourisheth, my refuge and my fortress :
my and groweth up; in the evening God ; in him wil I trust.
it is cut down, and withereth. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee
7 For we are consumed by from the snare of the fowler,
thine anger and by thy wrath and from the noisomepestilence.
are we trou bled. 4 He shall cover thee with his
8 Thou hast set our iniquities feathers, and under his wings
before our secret sins in shalt thou trust : his truth shall
the light of countenance. be thll shield and buckler.
9 For all our days are passed 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for
away in thy wrath : we spend the terror by night; nor for
the our years as a tale that is told. arow that ftieth by
6 Nor for the pestilence that uPOn the harp with a solemn
walketh in darkness; nor for sound.
the destruction that wasteth at 4 For thou, hast made
noonday. me glad through work : I
7 A thousand shall fall at thy wil triumph in the works of
side, and ten thousand at thy thy hands.
right hand ; but it shall not come 5 0 how great are thy
nigh thee. works I thy thoughts are
8 Only with thine eyes shalt very deep.
thou behold and see the reward 6 A brutish man knoweth not :
of the wicked. neither doth a fool understand
9 Because thou hast made the this .
LORD which my refuge, even 7 When the wicked spring as
the Most's thy habitation ; the grass, and when all the
10 There no ev l befall workers iniquity do flourish :
thee, neither shall any plague it is that shal be destroyed
come nigh thy dwelling. for ever :
11 For he shall give his angels 8 But thou, LoRD, art ost
chargeover thee, to keep thee in high for evermore.
all thy ways. 9 For, lo, thine enemies, 0
12 They shall bear thee up in LORD, for, lo thine enemies
dash thy
their hands, lest thou shall perish l1
; a the workers
foot against a stone. iniqu ty shall be scattered.
13 Thou shalt tread upon the 10 But my hom shalt thou
lion and adder : the young l on e:ult l ke the horn of a un
corn : and the dragon shalt thou I shal be anointed with
fresh trample under feet. oil.
11 Because he hath set his Mine- eye also shall see
love UPOn therefore w ll I desire on mine enemies, and
del ver him : wil set him on mine ears shallmu 14
hear mu
high, because he hath known of the wicked that rise up
my name. me.
and I righteous shall flourish
15 He shall call upon
me,answer him : I wiU be w th like the palm tree : he shal
him in trouble ; I wil deliver grow like a cedar in
Lebanon. honor him. 13 Those that be planted in
16 long life wil I satisfy house of the LoRD shall tl.ourish
my salva- in the courts of our God.him, and show him
tion. 14 They shal still bring forth
PsALM 92 fruit n old age: they shal be
A Pulm arSong for the sabbath
is a llay. and flourishing :
good thing to give thanks 16 To show that the LORD is
unto the LORD, and to s ng upright : he is my rock, and
unto thy name, 0 Most t'!ere is no unrighteousnes il
2 To show forth thy loving

PsALM 93

kindness in the morning, and
thy faithfulnes everynight, be Is
Tclothed with the
3 UPOn an instrument of ten LORD is clothed with strength,
strincs, and uPOn the psaltery: wherewith he hath girded
self : the world also is stab- 11 The LoRD knoweth the
lished, that it c:aDilot be thoughta of man, that they are
moved. 2 ThY throne is vanity.
established of old : thou art 12 Blessed is the man whom
from everlasting. 0 thou chastenest 0 LORD, and
3 The floods have lifted up, teachest him oul of thy law ;
LORD, the floods have lifted up 13 That thou mayest give him
their voice ; the floods lift up rest from the days of adversity,
their waves. until the pit be digced for the
4 The LoRD on high is wicked.
mightier than the noise of 14 Far the LORD wil not cast
many than
11ea. the mighty waves ol
waters off his people, neither wil he
forsake his inheritance.
the sea. 16 But judgment shal return
5 Thy testimonies are very unto righteousness: and al the in heart shall follow it•

sure : holiness becometh thine

house, 0 LoRD, for ever. wil rise up for me
against the evildoers? or who

0 LORD God, whom

wil stand up for me against the
workers of iniquity?
; 0 God, 17 Unless the LORD had been
to geance belongeth ven-
to whom vengeance belongeth, my help, my soul had almost
show thyself. dwelt in silence.
2 Lift up thou judge 18 When I said, MY foot sliP-
of the earth : a reward peth ; thy mercy, 0 LoRD, held me
to the proud.
3 how long shal the 19the multitude of my
wicked, long shal the thoughts within me thy com­
wicked triumph? forts delight my soul.
4 How lo11 shan they utter 20 Shal the throne of iniquity
and speak hard things? and all have fellowship with
the workers of iniquity boast
themselves? 21 Thev gather themselves to­gether against the soul of the righteo
5 They break in pieces thy
people, 0 LoRD, and a1Bict
thine heritage.
6 They slay the widow and 22 But the LORD is my de-
the stranger, and murder the fense; and my God is the rock
father- less. of my refuge.
7 Yet they su, The LoRD 23 And he shall bring uPOB
shalsee, neither shal the God them their own iniquity, and
of Jacob regard it. shall cut them off in their own
8 Understand, :ve brutish wickedness; Ilea, the LoRD our
among the people : and 11e God shal cut them off.
fools, when wil ye be wise?
9 He that planted the ear, shal PSALM 95
he not hear? he that formed the
eye, shall he not
0 COME, let us sing unto the
LORD : let us make a
10 He that chastiseth the noise to the rock of our
hea- then, shall not he
correct? he that teacheth man tion.
knowledge, shaU not he know7
2 Let us come before his 5 For all the gods of the na
pres ence with thanksgiving,
tions are idols : but the LORD
and make a joyful noise unto
him with psalms. made the heavens.
3 For the LORD is a great 6 Honor and majesty are be
King above ail
fore him : strength and beauty
God and a great are in his sanctuary.
4 In his hand are the deep 7 Give unto the LORD1 0 ye
places of the earth : the kindreds of the people, g1ve
strength of the hills is his un to the LORD glory and
also. strength.
5 The sea is his, and he made 8 Give unto the LORD the
it : and his hands formed the glory due unto his name :
dry land. bring an offering, and comehis
6 0 come, let us worship and into courts.
bow down : let us kneel before 9 0 worship the LORDin the
the LORD our maker. beauty of holiness : fear before
7 For he is our God: and him, all the earth.
we are the people of his pas 10 Say among the heathen
and the sheep of his that the LORD reigneth : the
To-day if ye wil hear world also shall be
his voice, established that it shall not be
8 Harden not your heartt as in moved : he shall judge the
the provocation, and as rn the people right eously.
day of temptation in the wilder 11 Let the heavens rejoice,
ness : and let the earth be glad ; let
9 When your fathers tempted the sea
and the fulness thereof.
me, proved me, and saw my
work. 12 the field be joyful, and
10 Forty years long was I all that is therein : then shall
grieved with this generation, all the trees of the wood
and said1 It is a people that rejoice
do err in thea heart, and thev 13 Before the LORD : for he
have not known my ways : cometh, for he cometh to judge
the earth : he shall judge the
11 Unto whom I sware in
my wrath that they should world with righteousness, and
not enter into my rest. the people with his truth.

PsALM 96 PSALM 'i1

0 SING HE LORD reimeth :. let the
unto the LORD a
new song :. sing unto the T earth rejoice: let the mul
titude of isles be glad thereof.
2 Clouds and darkness are
round about him righteousness
all the earth. and judgment : are the habita
2 Sing unto the LoRD, bles tion of his throne.
his name: show forth his salva 3 A fire goeth before him, and
tion from day to day. burneth up his enemies round
3 Declare his glory among the about.
heathen, his
wonders among all 4 His lightnings enlightened
people. the world : the earth saw, and
4 For the LoRD is great, and trembled.
greatly to be praised : heis to 5 The hills melted like wax at
feared above al gods. the presence of the LoRD, at
be the
presence of the Lord of the 6 With trumpets and sound of
whole earth. comet make a joyful noise be
6 The heavens declare his fore the LORD, the King.
righteousness, and al the 7 Let the sea roar, and the ful
people see his glory. ness thereof ; the world, and
7 Confounded be all thev they that dwell therein.
that serve craven images, that 8 Let the floods clap their
boast themselves of idolS : hands : let the hil be joyful
worship together
him all 11e gods.
8 Z ion and was glad; 9 Before the LoRD; for he
and the of Judah cometh to judge the earth : with
re joiced because of thy judg righteousness shall he judge
ments, 0LoRD. the world, and the people with
9 For thou, LoRD, art high equity.
above all the earth : thou art PSALM 99
exalted far above all gods. HE LORD reicneth ; let
10 Ye thatlove the LORD,
hate evil : he preserveth the
people tremble : he sitteth
between the cherubim; let
soUls of saints; he delivereth the earth be moved.
them 2 The LORD is great in Zion
out of the hand of the wicked. ; and he is high above al
11 Licht is sown for the the
right eous, and gladnes forUP people.
the richt in heart. 3 Let them praise thy ¥.eat
12 Reioice in the LORD, ye and terrible name ; for 1t is
righteous ; and give thankS at holy.
the remembrance of his holi- 4 The kine's strength also lov
ness. eth judgment : thou dost es
PsALM 98 tablish equity, thou executest
A Psalm. judcment and righteousness in
0 .SING unto the LORD anew Jacob.
song ; for he hath done 5 Exalt ye the LoRD our God,
velous things : his right hand, and worship at his footstool;
and his holy arm, hath cotten for he is holy.
him the victory. 6 Moses and Aaron among
2 The LORD hath made known his priests, and Samuel among
his salvatio : his righteousnes them
hath he openly showed in the that call upon his name ; they
sicht of the hea hen. called upon the LoRD, and he
3 He hath remembered his answered them.
mercy and histruth toward the 7 He spake unto them in the
cloudy pillar : they kept his tes
house of Israel : all the ends of the ordinance that
the earth have seen the salva he gave
tion of our God. 8 Thou answeredst them, 0
4 Make a joyful noise unto LORD our God : thou wast a
the God that forgavest them,
LoRD, all the earth : make a though thou tookest vengeance
loud noise, and rejoice, and of their inventions.
sine praise. 9 Exalt the LORD our God,
6 Sing unto the LORD with and worship at his holy hill; for
the harp; with the harp, and the LORD our God is holy.
the voice of a psalm.
PsALM 100 that telleth lies shall not tar
A Psalm of praise. in my sight.
AKE a joyful noise unto
M Serve
the LoRD, all ye lands.
the LORD with
8 I will early destroy all the
wicked of the land ; that I may
2 cut off all wicked doers from
glad ness : come before his the city of the LORD.
presence with singing.
3 Know ye that the LORD he PSALM 102
is God : isit he that hath A Prayer of the amicted. when he is
made us, and not we ourselves overwhelmed, and poureth out his
; we are his people, and the complaint before the LoRD,
sheep of his pasture. EAR my prayer, 0 LORD,
4 Enter into his gates with
thanksgiving, and into his
H and let my cry come unto
courts with praise : be thank 2 Hide not thyI face
the day when am from me in
trouble ;
ful unto him , and bless in
name. incline thine ear unto me : in

his the day when I eal answer

me speedily.
5 For the LORD is good ; his
mercy is everlasting ; and his 3 For my days are consumed
truth endureth to al genera like smoke, and my bones are
tions. burned as a hearth.
4 My heart is smitten and
PsALM 101 withered like grass : so &at I
A Psalm of David. forget to eat my bread.
5 By reason of the voice of my
I judgment
wn.L sing of merc7 and
: unto thee, 0 groaning my bones cleave to
my skin.
LORD, wil I sing.
2 I will behave myself wisely 6 I am like a pelican of the
in a perfect way. 0 when wilt wilderness : I am like an owl
thou come unto me? I wil .
of the desert
walk within my house with a 7 I watch, and am as a
perfect sparow alone upon the

heart. housetop.
3 I will set no wicked thing 8 Mine enemies reproach me
be fore mine eyes : I hate the al the day: and they that are
work of them that turn iaside ; mad against me are sworn
shal notcleave to me. t me.
4 A froward heart shall For I have eaten ashes like
depart from me: I wil not bread, and min.gled my drink
know a wicked Person. with weeping,
5 Whoso privily slandereth his 10 Because of thine indigna
neighbor, him wil I cut off : tion and thy wrath : for thou
him that hath a high look hast lifted me uP, and east me
and a proud heart wil not I down.
sufer. 11 My da:vs are like a
6 Mine eyes shall be upon the shadow that declineth ; and I
fa;thful of the land, that they am wither ed like grass.
may dwell with me : he that 12 But thou, 0 LORD, shalt en
walketh in a perfect way, he dure for ever : and thy
shall serve me. remem brance unto al
7 He that worketh deceit shal
not dwell within my house :
13Thou shalt arise, and have 27But thou art the same, and
mercy upon Zion : for the time thy years shall have no end.
to favor her, yea, the set time, 28 The children of thy
servants is come. shall continue, and their seed
14 For thy servants take pleas- shal be establiShed before
ure in her stones, and favor the
dust thereof. PsALM 103
15 So the heathen shal A P$alm of David.
fear the name of the LORD, LESS the LORD, 0 my soul:
and al the ofkings the earth
thy glory.
B and al that is within me,
bless hishol:v name.
16When the LORD shal 2 Bless the my soul,
build and forget not all benefits :
UP Zion, he shal appear in his 3 Who forgiveth all thine in
glory. iquities; who beal eth al thy
17He wil regard the prayer diseases ;
of the destitute, and not 4 Who redeemeth thy lifefrom
despise their prayer. destruction ; who crowneth thee
18 This shal be written for with loving-kindnes and
the generation to come : tender mercies;
and the 5Who satisfieth thy mouth with
people which · shal be good things; so tl thy
created shall praise the 1s youth renewed like the
LORD. eagle's.
19 For he hath looked down 6 The LORD executeth right
from the height of his sanctu eousness and judgment for
ary ; from heaven did the al that are oppressed.
behold the earth; 7 He made knownhis wa:vs
unto his acts unto the
20 To hear the groaning of children of
the prisoner ; to loose those 8 The LoRD ismerciful and
that are sracious, slow to anger, and
to death; plenteous in mercy.
To declare the name of 9 He wil not alwa:vs chide :
the LORD in Zion, and his neither wil be keep his tiTIer
praise in Jerusalem ;
22When the people are
gather- ed together, and the
kingdoms, to serve the LoRD.
23 He weakened my strength for ever.
in the way; be shortened my 10 He hath not dealt with us
days. after our sins ; nor rewarded
24 I said, 0 my God take us according to our iniquities.
me not away in the d' mi st 11 For as the heaven is high
of my daYS : thy years are above the earth, so great is
throughout all generations. his mercy toward them that.
25 Of old hast thou laid the fearhim 12 As far as the east
foundation of the earth: and is from the west, so far hath
the heavens are the work of he removed
thy hands. our transgresions from us.
26 The:v shal but thou 13 Like as a father pitieth
shalt endure : yea, of them his children, so the LORD
shall wu old like a garment; pitieth them thilt fear . him
as a vesture shalt thou 14For he knoweth our
change them, and they shalbe frame; he remembereth that
changed : we are dust.
15 Asfo man, his days are as 6 Thou coveredst it with the
r : as a flower of the field, deep as with a gannent :
so the he flourisheth. waters stood above the moun-
16 For the wind passeth over tains. ·
it, and it is gone: and the place 7 At thy rebuke they fled: at
thereof shall know it no more. the voice of thy thunder
17 But the mercy of the LORD hasted away.
i from everlasting to everlast- 8 They go up by the moun
s upon them that fear him, tains : they go down by the
and hisrighteousness unto chil- valleys unto the place which
dren's children : thou hast founded for them.
18 To such as keep his cove- 9 Thou hast set a bound that
nant, and to those that remem- they may not pass over ; that
ber his commandments to do theytum not again to cover
them. the earth.
19 The LORD hath prepared 10 He sendeth the· sPrings
into his throne in the heavens : and the valleys, which run
his kingdom ruleth over all. the hills.
20 Bless the LORD, ye an-his 11 They give drink to every
gels1 that excel in strength, that beast of the field : the wild
asses dohis commandments,hearken- quench their thirst.
ing unto the voice of his word. 12 By them shall the fowls of
21 Bless ye the LORD, all ue the heaven have their habi
his hosts : ue ministers of his, which sing among the
that do his pleasure.
22 Bless the LORD all his 13 He watereth the hills from
works in all places lo his do- his chambers : the earth is
satis minion : bles the . LORD1 0 DlY fied with the fruit of thy
works. soul. 14 He causeth the grassto
PsALM 104 grow for the cattle, and herb for

LESS the service of man : that he

the LORD, 0 mY soul. may bring forth food out of
B 0 LoRD my GOd, thou the earth ·
very great ; thou art clothed 15 .b d wine tluzt maketh
art honor and majesty :
with glad the heart of man, and oil
2 Who coverest thuself to make his face to shine, and
with light as with a ganent : bread which atrengtheneth
who stretchest out the man's heart.
heavens like a curtain : 16 The trees of the LoRD
3 Who layeth the beams of are ful of saP:
cedarsthe of
his Leb which he hath planted;
chambers in the waters : who 17 the birds make
maketh the cloudshischariot : their nests : as for the stork,fir
who walketh upon the wings the trees are her house.
of the wind : , 18 The high hills are a
4 Who maketh his angels refuge for the wildand goats;
. spirits ; his ministers a flaming the rocks for the conies.
fire 19 He appointed the moon for
: 5 Who laid the foundations of
the earth, that it should not be seasons : the sun knoweth his
removed for ever. going down.
� Thou makest darknes, the wicked be no more. Bless
and it is night : wherein al the thou the LORD,
beasts of the forest do creep 0 my souL
Praise ye the LORD.
21 The yowu: lions roar PsALM 105
after their prey, and seek
their meat from God. 0 GIVE thanks unto the
22 The sun ariseth, they LORD; cal upon his
gather lay make his
known deeds among
themselves together, and name : the people.
2 Sing unto him, sing PSalms
them down in their dens.
23 Man goeth forth unto his
work and to his labor until the unto him: talk ye of al his won
evening. drous works.
24 0 LoRD, how manifold 3 Glory ye in his holy name :
are thy works
I in wisdom hast let the heart of them reioice
thou made them all : the that seek the LORD.
earth is ful of thy riches. 4 Seek the LoRD and his
25 So is this great and wide l
strength: seek his ace ever-
sea1 wherein are things more. ·
creeP 5 Remember his marvelous
ing mnumerable, b oth smal
and ·

beasts. _ works that he hath done ; his

There go the ships : there wonders, and the judgments
is that whom thou hast of his mouth;
made to play 6 0 ye seed of Abraham his
Z1 These wait all upan thee; servant, ye children of Jacob
that thou mayest give them his chosen.
their meat in due season. 7 He is the LORD our God:
28 That thou givest them his judgments are in all the
they gather : thou openest earth.
thine hand they are filed with 8 He hath remembered his
good.T covenant for ever, the word
29 hou hidest thy face, they which he commanded to a
are troubled : thou takest thou sand generations.
away their breath, they die, 9 Which covenant he made
and re turn to their dust. with Abraham, andhisoath unto
30 Thou sendest forth thy Isaac;
spir 10 And confirmed the same
it, they are created : and unto Jacob for a law, and to
thou renewest the face of the. Israel for an everlasting cove
earth 31 The glory of the nant :
LORD shall endure for ever : 11 Saying, Unto thee wil I
the LORD shal reioice in his give .the lana of Canaan, the
lot of your inheritance :
32 He looketh on the earth,
12 When they were but a few
and it trembleth : he men in number ; yea, very
toucheth the hills, and they few, and strangers in it.
smoke. 13 When they went from one
I will sing unto the LORD
as long as I live :1 wil sing
praise to
my God while I have my
34 My meditation of him shall nation to another, from one
be sweet : I wil be glad in kingdom to another people;
the 14 He sufered no man to do
LORD. them wrong : yea, he
35 Let the siners be con reproved kings for their sakes
sumed out of the earth, and ;
15 Swing, Touch not mine 33 He smote their vines also
anointed, and do m y prophets and their fig trees ; and brake

no harm. ::f
trees of their coasts.
16 Moreover he called for a 34 He ake, and the locusts
famine upon the land : he brake came, an caterpil, and
that the whole staff of bread. without number,
17 He sent a man before them, 35 And did eat up all the
herbs even Joseph, who was sold for a in their land, and
devoured the servant : fruit of their ground.
18 Whose feet they h\Jrt with 36 He smote also all the first-
fetters : he was laid in iron : bom in. their land, the chief
19 Until the time that his word all their strength.
came : the word of the LoRD :n He brought them forth also
tried him. with silver and gold·: and
there 20 The king sent and loosed was not one feeble
/lerson vhim; e en the ruler of the among their tribes.
people, and let him go free. 38 Egypt was glad when they
21 He made him lord of his departed : for the fear of
them house, and ruler of all his sub-UPOD fell them.
stance : 39 He apread a cloud for a
22 To bind his princes at his coverin J: and fire to give
light pleasure ; and teach his senators in the mght.
wisdom. 40 The /leOPle asked, and he
23 Israel also came into Egypt; brought quails, and
and Jacob sojourned in the land them with the bread of
heaven. of Ham. 41 He opened the rock, and
24 And he increased hispeople the waters gushed out; they
greatly ;and made them stronger ran ID the dry places like a
than their enemies. river.
25 He tumed their heart to 42 For he remembered his
hate his people, to deal sub- holy promise, and Abraham his
his servants. servant.
26 .sent Moses his servant; 43 And he brought forth his
and Aaron whom he had chosen. people with joy, and his
'Z1 chosen They showed his signs with gladness :
among and wonders in 44 And gave them the lands
of the land of the heathen : and they in-
28He sent darkness,and made herited the labor of the
people; it dark; and they rebelled not 45 That they might
observe his his word. his ws.
statutes, and keepla
tumed their waters IDto Praise ye the LoRD.

blood and slew their fish. PsALM 106

30 Their land brought forth
frogs in abundance, in the cham- pRAisE ye the LoRD. 0 give
bers of their kings. thanks unto the LORD ; for
31 He SPake and there came he is good : for his mercy
divers sorts ol flies, and lice in endureth for ever.
all their coasts. 2 Who can utter the mighty
32 He gave them hail for rain, acts of the LORD? who can
show and flaming fire in their land. forth al his praise?
3 Blessed are they that keep ' 17 The earth opened and swat
judgment, and he that doeth ! lowed up Dathan, and covered
4 Rememberat me,
all times.LORD, . the cOJmpanr of Abiram.

unto thy people :

0 bearest
with the favor that thou
0 visit me with ed
18 And a fire was kindled ·il
their cempan}·; the flame bum
UJI the wicked.
thy salvation ; 19 They made a calf in Ho-
5 That I may see the good of : reb, and worshipped the
thy molten chosen, that I mayrejoice il · image.
the gladness of thy that 20 Thus they changed their
I may glory with thine glory into the similitude of
an ance. ox thd eateth grass.
6 We have sined with our 21 They forgat God their
sav fathers, we have committed il- iour, which had
done creat in
we have done wickedly. things Er;ypt;
Our fathers understood not 22Wondrous works in the land
thy wonders il Egypt; they 1 of Ham, and terrible thinr;s by
remembered not the multitude the Red·

of thy mercies; but •rovoked 23 Therefore he said that he

him at the sea, even at the Red would destroy them, had not
sea." ' :Moses his chosen stood befere
8 Nevertheless he saved them ; him il the breach, to tum
for !Lismake his mig!ity
to be known.
sake, that
he ; 5troy
his wrath,
them. lest he should de
24 Yea, they despised the
9 He rebuked the Red sea · pleasant land, they believed

led them through the depths,

as the wildeme5s.
also, and it was dried up : so he ; not his word :
25 But murmured il their
tents, and hearkened not unto
10 And he saved them from the the voice of the LORD.
hand of him that hated them, ! 26 Therefore he lifted up his
and redeemed them from the hand against them, to over
hand of the enell. throw them il the wilder-
1 1 And the waters covered ness :
their enemies : there was not 27 To overthrow their seed
one of them left. also among the nations, and
to his
12 Then believed they scatter them in the lands.
words ; they sang hili praise. 28 They joined themselves
13They soon forgat his works; also unto Baal-peor, and ate
the they waited not for his coun- sacrifices of the dead.
sel : . 29 Thus they provoked him to
14 But lusted exceedingly il anger with their inventions:
the wilderness, and · tempted . ' and the plague brake in upon
God ilthe desert. them.
15 And he gave them their 30 Then stood up Phinehas,
request; but sent leaness into and executed judgment : and so
their seul. the plague was stayed.
16 They envied Moses also in , 31 And that was counted unto
the camp, and Aaron tho saint him for righteousness unto al
of the LORD, cenerations for evermore.
32 The:v angered him also at 46 He made them also to be pitied of all those that cared them captives.
the waters of strife, so that it
went ill with Moses for their
sakes : 47 Save us, 0 LORD our God,
33 Because they provoked his and gather us from among the
spirit, so that he spake unadvis- heathen, to cive thanks unto th:v
edb· with his lips. holt name, and to triumph il
34 The>· did not destroy the thy
nations, concerning whom the 84 bethe LoRD God of
LORD comn1anded them : Israel from everlasting to ever-
35 But were mingled among lasting : and let all the
the heathen, and learned_ say, Amen. Praise ye the
their works. PsALM 107
36 And the:v served their idols
: were a snare unto them. 0 GIVE
LoRD, thanks unto the
:r1 Y they sacrificed their for he is cood : for
sons their daughters unto his merc:v endureth for ever.
devils, 2 Let the reJeemed of the
38 And shed inocent blood LORD say so, whom he hath
ellen the blood of their sons and redeemed from the hand of the
of their daughters, whom they e3ne
A d· pthered them out of
sacrificed unto the idols of
Ca- naan : and the land was the Ianda, from the east, and
polluted with blood. from the west, from the north,
39 Thus were they defiled and from the south.
with their own works, and 4 They wandered in the wil­
went a whorin& with their demesa in a solltan' way; they
own iD.ven- tions. found no dty to dwell in.
40 Therefore was the wrath 6 Hunii'J' and thirsty, theh!
of LORD kindled against his soul fainted in them.
people, insomuc:h that he abhor
6 Then they cried unto the
red his own LORD in their and he
41 And he cave them into the
inheritance. delivered them out ofd.i.&­
hand of the heathen : and they treueL
that hated themruled 7 And he led them forth b:v the
ri&ht way, that they"mi&ht 10 to
overthem. aof J:iabitation

42 Their enemies also OP- L8oRD thatmen wouldpraisethe

them, and they were his wonford his coo:iness, and for
into subjection under dren of erful works to the chil­
their hand: men I
43 Many times did he dellver 9 For he sa tisfteth the
them: but they provoked hini soul, and fileth the hungry
with their counsel, and were witli
brought low for their iniquity, 10 as sit in darlmess
44 Nevertheless he regarded and in the shadow of death
their affliction, when he being bound in afiction an �
heard their cry: iron;
45 And he remembered for 11 Because they rebelled
them his covenant and ll.lains tho words of God, and
ed according to �
repent- e multitude
of his mercies.
contemned the counsel of the :!6 They mount up to the
:Most High : heaven they go down again to

12 Therefore he brought !lown the depths : tht:ir soul is melted

their heart with labor ; they fell because of truuble.
down, and there was none to
help. � 7 T h edrunken y re elman,
to and
andfro, and
13 Then they cried unto the s tare a at
g gtheir
e r wit's
l i ke
LoRD in their trouble; and Ihe�8 Then they cry unto the
saved them out of their dis- LoRD in their trouble, and h e
tresses. bringeth the m out of their dis-
14 He brought them out of tresses.
darkness and the shadow of 29 He maketh the storm a
death, and brake their bands in calm so that the waves,

thereof sunder. are sti ll .

15 Ob that men wOuld praise 30 Then are they . glad be

the LORD for his goodness, and cause they be quiet ; so he
for his wonderful works to the bringeth them unto their de-
children of men ! sired haven.
16 For he hath broken the 31 Oh that men would praise
gates of brass, and c:ut the bars the LORD for his goodness,
and of iron in sunder. for his wondedul works to· the
17 Fools, bec:ause of their children of men!
transgression, and because of 32 Let them exalt him also in
their iniquities, are afilicted. the congregation of the people,
18 Their soabhorreth all and praise him in the assembly
maner of meat;w and they draw of the elders.
near unto the gates of death. 33 He turneth rivers into a wil-
19 Then they c:ry unto the demess, and the watersprin1111
LoRD in their trouble and he into ground ;
saveth them out of their dis- 34 A land ihto barren
tresses. ness, for the wickedness of them
20 He sent his word1 and that dwell therein .

healed ·theJD., and dehvered 35 He tumeth the wilderness

them from their destructions. into a standing water, and dry
21 Oh that me11 would praise ground into watersprings.
the LoRD forhisgoodness, and 36 And there he maketh the
for his wonderful works to the hungry to dwell, that they may
c:hildren of men ! prepare a city for habitation ;
22 And let them sacrifice the37 And sow the fields, and
sacrifices of thanksgiving, an!l plant vineyards, which may
declare his works with rejoicing. yield fruits of increase.
23 They that go down to the 38 He ble sseth them also, so
sea ilships, that do business in that they are multiplied
greatly; great··waters; and suffereth not their cattle to
24 These see the works of the decrease.
LoRD, and his wonders in the 39 Again, they are minished
· 25
be commandeth,
brought l.ow through · OP-pression,
the stormy wind, which
lifteth up the waves thereof.
affliction, and sorrow.
40 He poureth contempt upon
princ:es, and causeth them to
wander PSALMS, 108

in t he wilderw.ess, 12 Give us help from troultle:

4 1 Yet setteth !lte th e poor for is the help of
where there i� no
hwai gy a nd 13 Through God we shall do
v a man.
him h fafrom
mil ie affliction,
like a flock. maketh tread aliantdownly for heenemies.
it is that shal
and all ini q u i ty

ALll 109
42 Thre joice : shall see it. To tbe chief Musician.
e righteeus A Psalm of
st p o wise, and

ob- OLD not

D av id.
th y peace,
e see t h i n gs, e ven
her mouth.
th rv
su hn dalle rsis t a n d th wille 0 God

lovin&- H 2 of Fomy r th e m e uth o f th

kin1es of the an d th e m o u th C!f til e
LORD. e w ick ed
Ps A L M
de c e i tf u l
are openee a1amst me : hey t

A Soag Psalm of have s p o ke n uainst me with a

0 GOD, my hDa911L eart is :fl :� ed ; t o n cu e .
w il l sing an d &ive praise, 3
I c o m pa ssed me about
even w i th mr glory. a lso with w e rd ofs hatred;
2 Aw
m11self will
a ke ,awake
psalteryearly.and harp: I cause. apinst m e without a
3 I will p aise tlaee, 0
r and
4 F or my .lo v e they are my ad
among· tk e people
p r a is e s unto thee : v er saprayer.
ri e s: I bgive u t m!lself
among naI t i o n s .
i And they have rewarded me
and 4 i' o r t h y m e rc: y e vil for good, and hatred for
h ecr unto eh ea at the va ebov nse: an l 6o Set
clouds. ve. thou a wickes man

and let Satan stand at his


6d B t he thou y . truexalted,th 0 Ged, him: over

a bov e shal be judged, let
him be condemned: and let his
t h e h e earth;
a ve ns : become aiD.
and thY 6 That w o v e a l l th e 8 his da Y I b e fe w : and let
delivered another
9 Let his takchildren
e hi sbeo father fi c e.
thY andbelovedanswe r be
len his children be
his wife a widow.

: save may 10 'Let

i th thY
m e. 7 God riaht hath spoken in
I w il l re jo ic e ,
Shech em , &Ji d m e •
I w il l di vide

ley o of ut �ucthoth e val

8 G c i le a d is mine Manasseh is ually vacaboads, and beg : let

a in e ;E p h rail a ls o them seek tllllr pbread


s . out
strength o f min e he a d ; of11their Let desol
la c ealso
fheateextorti o n e r c atch all
is the
Ju y dahla w g iver; is
M o ab labor.
o em willisI w ashpot; over that he hath; and let the stran
ca st out my sboe; lenl spoil his
v er Philistia
10 W hbring
will I triumph.
o w me illinto
th 11u . 0 God, who
him : an d
str en g c it wily?lead who there any 0 God, go forth witla
1 W i lt n omet
into Edom? the
hast 1 ca s tu s o four ?
1 2 L et ther e be none to extend
m e rcbe7 un to
less dr to favor
his posterity be cut off; c h i l en.
13 Let

be blotted out. •nd in the generation

let th t!r
1 4 Let the iD.iquity of his Z1 That they may know
th fae th ers
be remembered with this is thy hand; Uun thou,
LoRD; and let not the sin LoRD, bast done
his m oth er be blotted out. 28 Let them c:urse, but bleas
15 L et th em be before the thou : when they arise, let
L oofRthe D memory
themofthat he may be ashamed; but let tlU' servant
them from
t Beca
c:u16earth. use tha t 29 Let mine adversaries be
h e n rem
rejoice. ot to
em sho
ber- w m
d o thed wi th
e n:y , b ut per-
th em co ver
sec:uted th e PGOI' and needy their o wn ei confusiODt as with a
� tha t h e micht man tl e .
the tiroken in even slay 30 I wil creatlJ' praise the
let I
17 As he loved
heart. LoRD with my mouth; yea,
It come unto him: as he wil praise him amcmc the mut
ed not in bles, so let it be 31 For he shal stand at the
far from him.
18 As he dothed himself with right hand of the PGOI', to
c:ursinc likso as with his sa.r- him from those that condemn
com ande likeinto
his his soul. PsALM 110
into his bones. A Pu1m crl Dari4.

19 Letit be unto him as HE L o R D said unto my

en t w hich TLo until
rd, S i t thou at rig ht
and f him ,
or a cover
ldrdl e
wher ew ith heth
is continually. mies my ene-
inake thine
I be the re war d o f 2 shal sen
mine ad foo t stol
versari es fr o m th e out o f
d th e rod
LoRD, and of them that apeak in the midst of thine ene-
evil Zi on : ru
a ainst le . mies.
my soul of thy
21 B u t do th ou for m eth GoD
!. 0 ou
strength 3 Thy sluJl be wilg in
the name s sake : the thy POWer, In
beca use is good, de- b ea u ties of ho liDea
liver th thethy
w om b of th e m ominc :
ou 22
me.For I am PGOI' and needy, the dew of
an d from the
thy th ou has t

my heart Ia wounded wi� 4 The LoRD sworn, and

In me. I am toBSedwil not Thou ir
a 23 down I am cone l ike the 5
as the locust. shadow
The Lord at thyfor ever
right hand
w hen It dedln e th :
kn e e s are weak through shal strike through
the order of kiDcs in the
fa s t i n g ; an myd flesh faileth of day of his
25 I b ecam
fatnes wrath. 6 He shall judge among
the to th e e also
un m : awhen they heathen, he shal
with the dead fW the
bodies ; he shall
UPOD me they shook their wound the heads over
many 26 Help me, 0 LORD my God : 7 He shall drink of
0 thy
sa v e me according to in the way : therefore shal
brook m e r cY :
thehe lift UP the
PsALM 111 4 Unto the upright there
ariseth light in the darkness :
praise the
the Lo RD.11I he is gracious, and ful of
wil whole heart, iD the com
passion, and
assembly of the inupright, and 5 A gOod man ahoweth
the congre gation. righteous.
lendeth : he wil
2 The works of the LoRD are auide and
hiS affairs with
great, sought out of al them discretion.
that have pleasure therein. 6 Surely he shall not be
3 His work is honorable and ever shal
glorious : and his righteousnes moved for : the
righteous be iD everlastinc
7 Be not be afraid of
endureth for rful evil tidiDcs : his heart is fiz:ed,
4 He hath made his wonde trusting iD the LoRD.
works to be remembered : 8 His heart is estabUshed, he
the LORD is gracious and
ful shal not be afraid, until he
compassion. see
5 He hath dva of meat his desire upan hiS enemies.
aato them that fear him: he 9 Betohath dispersed
wil min beof his covenant.
everdful dven the PGOr: his he hath
6 He hath showed his people
the pawer of his wor!m, that ifih
ness teous
endureth for ever : his hom
shall be exalted with
he maY give them the 10 The wicked shal se it,
heritue of the heatha. honor.
and be grieved ; he shal
7 The works of his bands anash with his teeth, and
are verity and Judcmat: al melt awu : the desire ofshal
his commandments are sure. perish.
8 They stand fast for ever the wicked
and ever, and are done il
truth and P
PsALM 113
RAISE yethe LoRD. �
He sent redemption unto 0 ye servants of the LoRD,
his people : he hath praise the name of the LoRD.
comded his covenant for 2 Bles be the name of
ever : holy and reverend is the LoRD from this time
his name. forth and fo r evermore.
10 The fear of the LoRD From the3rislna of the sun
the beging of wisdom:aood a aato the coin� down of the
have al they same the LORD s name is to be
that do commandmmts: his praised.
4 The LoRD is high aboveaU
praise endureth for ever. nations, and his doi'J' above
PsALM 112 h eavens
. 5 Who is like unto the LoRD
ed is the the LORD. Bles
tlutt feareth
the LoRD, tlutt deliBhteth
our God, who dwelleth on him,
6 Who humbleth hbnself to
greathis ly in behold the thint1s tluJt are iD
commandments. michb' heaven, and iD the earthI
2 His seed shal be 7 Be raisethUP.the paor out of
upon earth the generation the dust, and lifteth the needy
of the : upright shal be out of the dunghill:
blesed. 8 That he may set him with
3 Wealth and riches shaU be
princes, even with the
iD his house : andhis princes of his people.
righteousness endureth for
9 Be maketb the baren 7 They have hands, but they
woman to keep house, and to be handle not: feet have they, but
a Jorlu1 mother of children. thv walk not : neither speak
PnJse J'e the LoitD. they their throat.
8 TheJ"make them are
·w-HEN"' PsALM 114
EuPt, the house tof out
Israel uwen
r iD
like unto them; so u eve one
t th
that m.e
trust thou the
from a peOple of strance ian- L9oRD0 : hetheir help mand
IU&IeJ their shield.
2 JUd&h wabissanctua.Jy, and 10 0 house of in
Israel his dominion. the LoltD : he u their and
3 The sea saw it, and fled : their shield.
an dwasr driven
Jo back. 11 Ye that fear the LoitD, trust
4 The mountains likeD.I the LoitD : he u theii help
�lambS. and the like and their shield. th been mind-
12 The LoitD ba
6 What ailed thee 0 thou fulbles of usus;: be
he wil
ea, sthat thou fledCl est? thou wil bles the bouse of Israel;
Jor� UIGt thou wast driven he wil bles the house of Aaron.
back? 13 Be wil bless them that
6 Ye moantalna, that ye skip. fear the LollD1 both smal and
like rams; and ye little creat.
like lambs? 14 The LoRD shal Increase
thou earth, at the you more and more. you and
preaeDcethe Lord, at the urJ'ochildren. presence of16
the God of Jacob;Ye tiTe blea of the LoitD
8 Which tumed the rock into which made heaven and earth.
a standiD.a water, the flint Into 16 The heaven, nen the heav-
a fountain of waters. are the LOitD'S : but the
PsALM 116 liveo to the chil-
un unto0 LoRD, not dead praise not the
to un t o thy name LoitD1 neither au that go
thy mercy, and down Into silence.
sake. d the bea- 18 But we wil bles the LORD
2 shoul from tbia time forth and fot
then au, Wh ere u now their evermore. Praise the LoitD.
ne�s�: t our God u iD the beav-Ps.wl116
be bath done whatsoever LOVB the LoRD, because be
be hath pleased.
4 Their idols are silver ud
I bath heard my voice and my ·

the work ofmeD's hands. he hath Inclined his

6have mouths, but they ear unto me, therefore wil I cal
sreak not : eyes have they, buthim as lODS as I live.
se not : sorws of death com-
6 They have ears, but they passed me, ud the pains of
hear not : noses have they, but hell gat bolil UPOD me: I found
they smell not :trouble ud soaow.
4 Then called UPOil
I the name 2 For his merciful kindness Is
of the LORD; 0 LoRD, I be great toward us: and the
seech thee, deliver my sOul. truth of the LoRD endureth
5 Gracious is the LoRD, and for ever. Praise ye the LORD.
righteous; yea, our God is
mer ciful. PSALM 118
6 The LORD preserveth the
simple: I was brought low,
GIVE thanks unto the
for he is good : be
and he helped me. . cause his mercy endureth for
7 Return unto thy rest 0 my ever.
soul ; for the LoRD hath 2 Let Israel now sa:v, that his
dealt bountiful with thee. mercy endureth for ever.
8 For thou hast delivered 3 Let the house of Aaron
my soul from death, mine e:ves now say, that his mercy
from tears, and my feet from endureth for ever.
falng 9 I will walk before
4 Let them now that fear
the LORD in the land of the the LoRD say, that his merCY
livinc. endureth for ever.
10 Ibelieved, therefore have 5 I called UPOD the LoRD in
I sPOken : I was greatly distress : the LoRD answered
aflcted : 1 1 I said
Alin my me, and set me in a large
haste, men place.
are liars. 6 The LoRD is on m:v side:
12 What shal I render unto I wil not fear : what can man
the LORD for al his benefits do unto me?
toward me? 7 The LORD taketh Dl part
13 I wil take the cup of sal with them that help me :
vation, and cal UPOil the there
name of the LoRD. fore shall I see m11 desire UPOD
14 I wil pay Dl VOWS unto the them that hate me.
LORD DOW in the presence of 8 It is better to trust in
al his people. the LORD than to put
16 Precious in the sight of confidence in man.
9 It is better to trust in the
the his
LORD is the death of
16 0 LORD, truly I am thy
servant; I am thy servant, and LoRD than to put confidence in
the son of thine handmaid : princes.
thou hast loosed my bonds. 10 Alnations compassed me
17 I wil offer to thee the about : flut in the name of
fice of and wil
the LORD wil I destroy
call UPOD the them.
18 I wil pay my vows unto 11 They compased me
the LoRD DOW in the presence about: they compassed me
his people, of al about : in the name of
the LoRD I
19 In the courts of the wil destroy them.
LoRD'S house, In the midst of 12 They compas me about
thee, 0 Jerus&lem. Praise like bees; they are quenched
yetheLoRD. as the fire of thoms : for in
the name of the LoRD I wil
PsALM 117 destroy them.
0 PRAISE the LORD, aU 13 Thou bast thrust sore at
:ve nations : praise - me that I might fal : but the
all ye LORD helPed me.
14 The LORD is my strength PsALM tt9
and BODI, and is become my ALBPB
salvation. LESD are the undeftled
15 The voice of rejoicing in the wa , who walk in
and is
salvation in the the law of the ORD.
l B
tabernacles of the rilhteous : 2 Blessed are they that
the rilht hand of the LORD keep his and that seek him with the
doeth valiantly. heart.
16 The rilht hand of the 3 They also do DO iniquity :
LORD is exalted : the rilht they walk in his wus.
hand of the LORD doeth 4 Thou hast commanded us to
17 keep thy precepts dili1ently.
I shall Dot die, but live, 5 0 that my ways were di
and declare the works of the rec ted to keep thy
LORD. Then
6 shal I not be ashamed,
18 The LoRD hath when I have respect untotbi all
chastened me sore : but he statutes
hath not liven me over unto 7 I wil praise thee with
death. rilhtness of heart, when I
19 Open to me the sates of shall UP have learned tU
ri1bteousness : I wil 10 into rilbteous
them, and I wil praise the
LORD : 8 keep thy statutes : 0
20 This a.te of the LORD, forsake me Dot utterly.
into which the shal nlhteous
enter. 21 I wil praise thee : BBTB
for thou hast heard me, and 9 Wherewithal shall YOUDI 8
art become
my man cleanse his way? by
taking heed thereto accordins
22 The stone which the to thy word.
build ers refused is become With m:v whole heart
the head stone of the comer. have sou1ht thee : 0 let me
23 This is the LoRD'S doina: I not wander from thy
it i marvelous in our eyes. tO
24 command
s This is the day which ments.
the LORD bath made; we

t t word have I hid in

wil re joice and be dad m that I JD.iaht not
it. mi n
sin a1ainst
25 Save I beseech thee, Th:v
12 Blessed art thou, 0 LoRD :
0 LORD : 0 I e
teach me thy statutes.
beseecli thee send now 13
With my liP& have I
prosperity. al the Judaments
26 lessed be be that clared thy mouth.
de of
cometh in the name of the
LORD : we have blessed you 14 I have rejoiced iD the wa:v
out of the house of the of thy testimonies, as much as
all riches.
LoRD. iD
'Z1 God is the LORD, which 15 I wil meditate iD thy pre
hath showed us lilbt : bind cepts, and have respect unto thy
the sacrifice withwen cords,
unto the boms of the altar. wil m:vself in
28 Thou art my God, and I thy statutes : I not forget
praise thee : thou art my thy word.
will ezalt thee.
29 0 live thanks unto the
LoRD : for he is 1ood : for his
mercy mdureth for ever.
o:onL m
t7 Deal bountiful thy 33 Teach me, 0LORD way
servant, tllt I mu Uve, and of thy statutes ; and I� keep
keep thY word. itthewith
unto the end.
18 Open thou mine Give me understanding
I may behold
wondrous l
an d I shall keep thy law; yea,

out of thy law. shall observe it with mJI whole

19 I am a stranger In the heart.
earth : hide not thy command- 35 Make me to go in the path
ments from me. of thy commandments; for
20 My soul breaketh for the therein do delight. I
longing that il hath unto thy 36 Incline my heart unto thy
judgments at al times. testimonies, and not to covet-
21 Thou hast rebuked the ousness.
proud that are c:ursed,
which do :nTum away mine eyes from
err from thy comilments. beholding vanity; and
quicken 22 Remove from me reproach thou me in thy way.
and contempt; for I have kept 38 Stablish thy word unto
thy thy testimonies. servant, who isdevoted to thy
23 Princes also did sit and fear.
&Peak against me: but thy serv- 39 Tum away my reproach
ant did meditate in thy statutes. which I fear : for thy
24 ThY testimonies also are are good.
my delight, and my counselors. 40 Behold, I have longed after
thy precepts : quicken me in thy
25 My righteousness.
d ust soul deaveth unto the
: quicken thou me VAU
ing to thy word. 41 Let thy mercies come also
26 I have declared my wan, unto me, 0 LoRD, even thy
Slil· and thou heardest me: teach vation, according to thy
word. me thy statutes. 42 shall I have wherewith
'Z1 Make me to understand the toSO answer him that reproacheth
way of thy precepts : so shal I me : for I trust in thy word.
talk of thy wondrous works. 43 And take not the word of
28 My soul melteth for heavl- truth utterly out of my mouth;
ness : strengthen th01 me ac- for I have hoped In thy judg.
cording unto thy word. ments.
29 Remove from me the way 44 So shall I keep thy law con
of lying : and srant me thy law tinually for ever and ever.
graciously. 45 And I wil walk at Uberty:
30 I have chosen the way of for I seek thy precepts.
truth : thy judgments. have I I 46 wil apeak of thy testi
laid before me. monies also before kina, and
31 I have stuck unto thy testi- wil not be ashamed.
monies : 0 LoRD, Plt me not to 47 And I wil delight mnelf
shame. in thy commandments, which I
32 I wil run the way of thy have loved.
when thou 48My hands also wil I lift.uP
shalt enlarge my unto thy·commandments, which
PSALMS, 119"
I have lO't'ed; and I wiDmedi- M The earth, 0 LoRD, Is fuD
tate in thY statutes. of thy mercy : teach me thY
49 Remember the word unto 65 Thou hast dealt wen with
thY senrant, UIIOil which thou thy servant, 0 LoRD,
bast caused me to hope. according unto thy word.
50 This ismy comfort in my 66 Teach me good judgment
aflction : for thY word bath and knowledge : for I havebe
quickened me. lieved thy commandments.
51 The proud have had me fY1 Before I was aflicted I
greatly in derision : r1et have went astray : but now have I
I not declined from thy law. kept thy word.
52 I rememberedthY 68 Thou art go_od, and doest
ments of old, 0 LoRD; J udg and good : teach me thy statutes.
have comforted myself. 69 The proud have forged a
53 Horror hath takeo bold lie against me : but I wil
UPGn me because of the keep thy precepts with mr1
wicked that forsake thy law. whole heart. is
64 statutes
Thy behave 70 Their heart as fat as
so ngs in gr ease but I delight in lew.
my the house of my 7 for me that have
pil beeo that I might
learn thy statutes.
55 I have remembered thy 72 The law of thy mouth is
name, 0 LoRD, in the night, better unto me than
and have kept thy law. thoUS81lds of gold and silver.
56 This I had, because I
kept thy precepts. JOD
73 Thy hands have made me
CBETB and fashioned me : give me
67 Thou art POrtion, 0 un derstanding, IDA7
that I
LoRD : I have that I learn
wOuld keep thy words. co�D.�D.�Udments.
58 I entreated thy favor They that fear thee wil be
with mu whole heart: be when theysee me; because
merciful unto me according to have hoped in thy word.
thy word. 59 I thought on my 75 I lmow, 0 LoRD, that
turned my feet unto thy judgments are rigb� and
monies. that thou in faithfulnes Jiast
60 I made haste, aflct ed me.
del.a.yed nottb7 to keep 76 Let, I pray th� thy mer
comd ments. ciful kiDdles be for my com
61 The bands of the wicked according to thy word unto
have robbed me: but I have senrant.
not forgotten thy law. Let thy tender mercies
62 At midnight I wil rise come unto me, that m.&7
I live :
thanks for thy law is my delight.
give unto thee 78 Let the proud be ashamed;
because of righteous for they dealt penrersely with
am a companion of an
them that fear thee, and of me without a cause : but I wil
them that keep thy precepts. meditate in thy precepts.
" PSALMS, 119
79Let those that fear thee tum 95 The wicked have waited
for unto me, and those that have me to destroy me : but I
will known thy testimonies. consider thy testimonies.
80 Let my heart be sound In 96 I have seen an end of all
thy statutes: that I be not perfection : but thy command-
ashamed. ment is uceeding broad.
8t My soul falnteth for thy sal- 97 0 how love I thy law! it is
vation : but I hopeIn thy word. m:v meditation all the day.
82Mine eyes fail for thy 98 Thou through thy com
saying, When wilt thou mandments hast made me
wiser me? than mine enemies : for
83 For I am become like a are ever with me.
bottle in the smoke ; 1/et do I 99 I have more understanding
not forget thy statutes. than all my teachers : for thY
84 How many are the days of testimonies are my meditation.
thy servant? when wilt thou 100 I ·1mderstand more than
eJ:ecute judgment on them that the ancients, because I keepthY
persecute me? precepts.
85 The proud have pits 101 I have refrained my feet
for me, which are not thy from every evil way, that I
law. keep thy word.
86 Al thy commandments are I have not departed from
faithful : they persecute me thy for thou hast
wrongful ; help thou me. me.
87 They had almost consumed How sweet are thy words
me upon earth; but I forsok unto m:v taste ! uea, sweeter
not thy precepts. than honey to m:v mouth.
88 Quicken me after thy lov- 104 Through thy precepts I
get lng-kindness; so shall I keep the understanding: therefore I
hate testimony of thy mouth. every false way.
89 For 0 LoRD, thY word 105 Thy word is a lamp unto
is settledIn m:v feet, and a light Il
90 ThY unto faithfulness is unto al path.
generations : thou hast estab- 106 I have sworn, and I wil
lished the earth, and it abideth. perform it, that IWilkeep thy
91 They continue this dayae- righteous ·

cording to thine ordinances : for 107 I am very much :

al are thYservants. quicken me, 0 LoRD,
according Unless thy law had been unto thy wGrd.
delights, I should then have 108 Accept, I beseech thee, the
perished in mine a1Biction. freewil offerings of m:v
mouth, 93 I wil never forget thy pre- 0 LoRD, and teach tbj
me cepts : for with them thou hast
quickened me. My soul is continually
In 94 I am thine, save me: for I m:v band : yet d o I not·

forget havo 10\Jcht thY precepts. thY law.

110 The wic:ked have laid a 125 I am thy servant: give me
snare for me : yet I erred not understaDdiDg, that I may !
mow thyfrom precepts. thy testimonies.
111 Thy testimonies have I 126 It is time for thee. LoRD,
taken as a heritage for ever : to work : for they have
made for they are the rejoicingmy of void thy law.
heart. 127 Therefore I love thy com-
112 I have inclined mine heart mandments above sold :
to perform thy statutes alwus, above tine
even unto the end. 128 I esteem al thJJ
precepts concemirul al things to
113 I hate vain thoughts : be right; I hate every false
but way.
thy law do I love. PB
114 Thou art hidiDg place 129 ThY testimonies
and my shield : hope in thy derful : therefore dothare my soul
word. them.
115 Depart from me, ye The entrance of thy
evil- doers : for I wil keep words giveth li&ht: it giveth
the com my
mandments of under staDding unto the
God .
simple. my
116 Uphold me according 131 I opened mouth, and
unto thy word, thatI may live : panted : for I longed for thy
and let me not be ashamedmy of commandments.
hope. 132Lok thou upon me, and
117 Hold thou me and I be merciful unto me, as thou
shal be safe : and I have usest to do unto those that
respect unto thy statutes love thy name.
con tinually. 133 Order my steps in thy
118 Thou hast trodden down word : and let not any iniquity
all them that er from thy stat have dominion over me.
utes : for their deceit is false 134 Deliver me from the op
hood. pression of man: so wil I keep
119 Thou puttest away all the
wic:ked of the earth like dros Make thy face to shine
: therefore I love thy
upon thy servant: and teach
me thy statutes.
testimonies. 1:1DMy flesh 136 Rivers of waters run down
trembleth for fear of thee: mine eyes, because theY
and I am afraid of thy keep not thy law.
judgments. .AIR
121 I have done Judgment 13'7 Rishteous art thou, 0
and justice : leave me not to LORD, and upright are · thy
mine judgments.
138 Thy testimonies that thou
Be surety for thy servant
for good : let not the proud
OP press me.
123 Mine eyes fail for thy
vation, and for the word of thy hast commanded are righteous
righteousness. and very faithful.
124 Deal with thy servant 139 My zeal hath consumed
ac cording unto thy mercY, me, because mine enemies
and teach me thy statutes. have forgotten thy words.
140 Thy word il very pure : 156 Great are thy tender mer
therefore thy servant loveth it. LoRD : quicken me ac-
14t I am small and despised : to thy judgments.
uet do not I forget thy precepts. 167 llrla.n7 are my persecutors
142 Thy ri4b:teousness il an and mine enemies: uet do I
not everlasting nghteousnes and decline from thy
testimonies. thy law is the truth. 168 I beheld the
transgressors, 143 Trouble and ancuish have and was grieved :
because the:v taken hold on me : uet thy com-
not thy word.
mandments are DlY deli&hts. Consider how I love thy
144 The riJJhteousnes of thy precepts : quicken me, 0
LORD, testimonies
me understanding,
.J! accordinc
to thy loving-kind·
live. JtOPB 180 Thy word is true from the
145 I cried with mu becin : and every one of
whole righteous judgments endureth
heart: bear me, 0 LORD : I wil for
ever. thy statutes. SCHIN
I cried unto thee: save me, 16t Princes have persecuted
and i shal keep thy testimoniea. me without a cause : but
my 147 I prevented the dawningof heart standeth in awe th:v
of the morning, and cried : I hoped word.
in thy word. 162 I reJoice at thy word, as
148 Mine eyes prevent the one that findeth great spoil.
night watches, that I might 163 I bate and abhor lying :
in thY word. but do I love.
Hear my voice according 164 times a day do I
unto thy loving-kindness : 0 praise thee; because of thy
quicken me accordinc to richteous jui!gments.
165 Great peace have the:v
draw nigh that follow which love thyIa w: and nothinc
after mischief : the:v are far shall oftend them.
from thy law. 166 Lotm, I have boped for thy
151 Thou art near, 0 LoRD: salvation, and done th:v
com and al thy commaniimenta are
truth. soul bath kept thy
152 Concerning thy testimo- testimonies: and I love them
Dies, I have known of old that u:cecl:v.
thou bast founded them for 168 I have kept thy precepts
ever. RESH ud thy testimonies : for al m:v
153 Consider mine wa:vs me before thee.
ud deliver me: for I do TAU
forget thy law. 169 Let my come aear be-
1M Plead my cause, and de- fore thee, give me
liver me : quicken me accordinc understancic accordinc to
m:v to thy word. word.
155 Salvation is far from the 170 Let my supplication come
wicked : for that' seek not thy before thee : deliver me accord·
statutes. ing to thy word.
PSALMS, 4123 B eh o l d,h etha t k ee p e th
1 7 1 M Y lips
w sh o ur pr aise, sh
h alen htutte I sraa lle l n e itli er slum b er n o r
s lee p .
has172 t Mtaugh
statutes. tm e
tonguw oryd e shal speakthYof LoRD 6 The LoRD is thy keeper : the
is thY shade UPOn thy
: for ban d .
thy al thy T h e s un shal
command are
173 Let thine mdanooy ot, nnsmiorbytethe th e e
ni gh t .
fo r band I
help me:chosea � Th
c e pts . have pre LoRD shal preserve
thee from
174 I have longed for thy sal al e vil : he ahal
is pre 8 The L o . R D sha
and thy law serve thy s o oul
LoRD :
175praiseLet mythsouleelive, andlet ll pr es erv u t e th an y d
shall : and th this
y co timmi e n fort g hin, anford
thy he lp m e.
hav egon e ev ermo re.
los t she e p :s e e k th y even PsALM 12
aI dstray o notlikforget
e a thy comd-
mservents. an t: fo r A Soac of degrees of Da91cJ.
I unto
WASme, gladLet
whenus they
go intosaidthe
houseJof 0theJerusalem.
heardunto ci32erusi
Soac of desreea.
Ime.Nthe LoRD, and heI cried tyOlt emu ris feet shal standa
tth y gates, co m pa

ct to g e th e r :
soul, 2 0De live r my 4Whitheisr th e tri b es g o u p , th e
fr om LoRD, lyin g li ps,
ceitful tongue. and from a
tribes of the LoRD unto the
3 Wh de
th eea t shal be given testimony of Israef, to give
? o r wuntohat
un t o thee, shal th beu done 5oRDFor.unto therethe arname
e se of t thron es o f
4 S harp
fa l se t ongue? ar ow th e t
h r o n es of th e
sw oit f hth coe als of
5 W o e
house of
juniper. is me that I sojourn in
t ho.t dwell in the tents 6 P ra y fo r the peace of Jeru
Kedar ! l
ofMesech, sa le m : th e y
with soul hath long dwelt
ahal prosper that
him that hateth peace. u p min e ey es u
7 I fr o m wh en ce co
SPeak, theY are for war.
n to
PsALM 121
A Soac of L lift LORD, which made heaven and
I help.
the h il ls,
32 WIL
MY wil not sufer helpthycometh
7 P e a ce be wi thi
be m o v ed : he th a t pn rothy s pw eri ty w ithin
n o t sl um b er . th y p aalallcse,sand.
keepeth thee 8 F o r my b r e thr
p an io n s' sak e s , I
en and com wil now
9 Because of the house of the
our God I wil seek
good. PsALM 123
U desre ea. e lifty e s ,
A So n c of
0 inNTO
thth oe uhthe e a
v Ien Us. P mi n e
th at d we lle s t 2of
Be h o l d, a s serv
anth te s el oo y esk of
to th e b an d
their masters, and as the eyes is round about his people
from of a maiden unto the hand henceforth even for ever.
of her mistress ; so our eyes 3 For the rod of the wicked
wait upon the LORD our God, ahal not rest upon the lot of the
until that he have mercy upon righteous ; lest the righteous put
us. forth their hands unto
3 iniquity. Have mercy upon us, 0 4 Do good, 0 Loan,
unto those
LoRD, have mercy upon us : for that be goOd, and to them that
we are exceedingly filed with are upright in their hearts.
contempt. 6 As for such astum aside un-
4 Our soul is exceedingly filed to their crooked ways, the
LoaD with the scorning of those that shall lead them forth
with the are at ease, and with the con- workers of iniquity :
but peace tempt of the proud. shal be UPon Israel.
PsALM f24 PsALM 126
A Song of degrees of DaricL A Song of degrees.
F it had riot been the LORD the LORD turned
I who was on our side, now
may Israel say;
again the captivity of Zion,
we were like them that
2 If it had not been the dream. 2 Then was our
LORD mouth filled with laughter,
who was on our side, when and our tongue with singing :
men rose up against us : then said they
3 Then they had swallowed LORD the hath
heathen, The
great things
us up quick, when their wrath
was kindled against us : for them. 3 The LORD hath
4 Then the waters had over done great things for us;
whelmed us, the stream had whereof we are
gone over our soul : glad.
4 Tum again our captivity, 0
5 Then the proud waters had Loan,
gone over our soul. asthe streams in the
6 Blessed be the LORD, who
hath not given us as a prey to 6 They that sow in tears
their teeth. shall reap in joy.
7 Our soul is escaped as a 6 He that toeth forth and
bird out of the snare of the weepeth, bearing precious
seed, shall doubtless come
fowlers : the snare is broken, again witli rejoicing, bringing
and we are escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of his sheaves with hini.
the Loan, who made heaven PsALM 1Z1
anci earth. ·

A Soilc
o f degrees for
Song of degree& the LoRD build the
house, they labor in vain
125 that build it : except the LoaD
A that trust in the keep city, the watchman
T shaU be as mount Zion,
LoRD which canot be
waketh in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up
earlyd to sit up late, to eat the
removed, but brea of sorrows : for so he
abideth for ever. giveth his beloved sleep.
2 As the mountains are
round about' Jerusalem, so the
3 Lo, children are a heritage 6 Let them be as the grass
of the LORD : and the fruit of uPon the housetops, which
with- the womb is his reward. ereth afore it groweth up :
4 As arows are in the hand of 7 Wherewith the mower
fileth a mighty man; so are children not his hand ; nor he
that bind- of the youth. eth sheaves hisbosom.
5 Happy is the man that hath 8 Neither do they which go
by his quiver ful of them : they sa:v, The bles of the
LORD shall not be ashamed, but they be UPOD you : we
bless :vou in
shal SPeak with the enemies in the Dame of the LoRD.
th e gate. PsALM 128 PSALM 130

A Soocis

B feareth the
ol ever:v one that

LORD; that
UT & theoldepths
degrees.have I

thee, 0 LORD,
walketh in his wa:vs. Lord, unto
hear m:v voice : let
2 For thou shalt eat the labor thine ears be attentive to the

of thine hands : happy shalt thou voice of m:v supplications.
be. and shaH be well with 3 LoRD, shouldest
thee. it markIf 0 Lord, who
3 Th:v wife shall be as a fruitful shall stand? .
vine by the sides of thine house : 4 But there is forgiveness
th:v with children like olive plants thee, thatthouma:vest
befeared. round about th:v table. 5 I wait for the LORD, m:v
4 Behold, that thus shall the doth wait, and in his word do I
man be blessed that feareth the hope.
LORD. 6 My soul waiteth for the
Lord 5 The LoRD shall bless thee more tha.u thev that watch for
out of Zion : and thou shalt see the morning : I sau. more
than the good of Jerusalem al the that watchfor the
morning. da:vs of th:v life. 7 Israel hope in the LORD
: 6 Yea, thou shalt see th:v chil- for with the LORD there is
mer dren's children, and peace IIPOD c:v, and with him is
IsraeL reiiemption.
PsALM 129 8 And he shaD redeem Israel
A Sooc of degrees.
ANY a time have they from al his iniquities.
M aftlicted me fromm:v
youth, may Israel now say :
PsALM 131
& Sooc of degrees f1l
m:v heart is not
ed me m:v youth : yet they nor mine eyes
have not prevailed against me. lofty : neither do I exercise
3 The plowers plowed upon self in great matters, or in
m:v back: they made long their 2 to high for me.
fur ws. I have behaved and
4 Th e LoRD is ·righteous: he a child that
hath Clt asunder the cords of is weaned of mother : m:v
the wicked. soul is even as a weaned
child. 5 Let them all be confounded 3 Let Israel hope in the
LoRD and turned back that hate Zion. from henceforth and
for ever.
PsALM 132 17 There wiii I make the hom
A So��g of degrees. of David to bud : I have or
David, and dained a lamp for mine anointed.
2 al afctions : 18 His enemies wil I clothe
LORD,Howand vowed unto
he sware the with shame : but upon himself
unto the
mighty God of Jacob; shal his crown flourish.
3 Surely I wil not come into
the tabernacle of my house, PsALM 133
nor go up into my bed; A Soog of degrees of Darid.
4 I wil not give sleep to mine
or slumber to mine eyelids, B EHOLD, how good and
how pleasant it is for
5 I find out a place for brethren
the LoRD, a habitation for to dwell together in unity !
the mighty God of Jacob. 2 It is like the precious oint
6 Lo, we heard of it at ment uPOn the head, that ran
tah Ephra we found it in the down upan the beard, even
: fields of Aaron's beard : ·that went
the wood. down to the skirts of his gar
7 We wil go into his taber ments;
nacles : we wil worship at his 3 As the dew of Hermon, and
footstool. as the dew that descended UPDJ:I
8 Arise, 0 LoRD, into thy the mountains of Zion : for
rest; there the LoRD commandedthe
thou, and the ark of thy bless ing, even life for
strength. evermore.
9 Let thy priests be clothed
with righteousness; and let PsALM 134
thy saints shout for joy. A Soog or degrees.
10 For thy servant David's
sake turn not away the face B EHOLD, bless ye the
LoRD, all 11e servants of the
of thine anointed. LoRD, which by night stand
11 The LoRD hath sworn in in the
truth unto David ; he wil not house of the LoRD.
turn from it; Of the fruit of 2 Lift up your hands in the
thy body wil I UPOnset thy throne. sanctuary, and bless the LORD.
12 If thy children wil keep 3 The LoRD that made heaven
my covenant and my and earth bless thee out of
testimony that Zion.
I shall teach them, their chil
dren shall also sit UPOn thy
throne for evermore.
P PsALM 135
RAISE ye the LoRD. Praise
ye the name of the LoRD:
13 For the LORD hath chosen praise him. 0 ye servants of
Zion ; he hath desired it for his the
habitation. LORD.
14 This is my rest for ever : 2 Ye that stand in the house
here will I dwell; for I have of the LoRD, in the courts of
desired it. the house of our God,
15 I wil abundantly bless 3 Praise the LORD: for the
provision : I wil satisfy her LoRD is good : sing praises
paor with bread. unto his name; for it is pleas
16 I will also clothe her 4 For the LORD hath chosen
with salvation : and her saints Jacob unto himself, and Israel
for his peculiar treasure.
shal shout aloud for joy.
6 For I know that the LORD 20 Bless the LoRD, 0 house of
is great, and that our Lord is Levi : ye that fear the LoRD,
above al gods. bless the LORD.
6 Whatsoever the L ORD 21 Blessed be the LORD out of
pleased, that did he in Zion, which dwelleth at Jeru
and in earth, in the seas, salem. Praise :ve the LoRD.
al deep places.
7 He causeth .the vapors to PsALM 136
ascend from the ends of the
earth; he maketh lightnings for
0 GIVE thanks unto the
LoRD ; for he is good :
for the
rain he bringeth the wind his mercy endureth for ever.
out of;
his treasuries. 2 0 give thanks unto the God
8 Who smote the firstbom of of gods: for his mercy endureth
Egypt both of man and beast. for ever.
9 Wl:o sent tokens and won- 3 0 give thanks to the Lord
ders into the midst of thee, 0 of lords : for his mercy
endureth Egypt, upan Pharaoh, and upan for ever.
al his servants. 4 To him who alone doeth
10 Who smote great nations, great wonders : for his mercy
and slew mighty kings; endureth for ever.
11 Sihon king of the Amo- 5 To him that by wisdom
made rites, and Og king of Bashan, the heavens : for his
mercy and al the kingdoms of Ca- endureth for ever.
naan : 6 To him that stretched out the
12 And gave their land for a earth above the waters : for
a his heritage unto Israel endureth for ever.
his 7 him that made great
13 Thy name, 0 LORD, endur- for his mercy
endureth eth for ever; and thy memorial, ever :
0 LoRD, throughout al genera- 8 The sun to ruleby day:
tions. for his mercy · endureth for
14 For the LORD will judge ever :
his people, and he will repent 9 The moon and stars to rule
himself concerning his serv- by night : for his mercy
ants. . eth for ever.
15 The idols of the heathen 10 To him that smote Egypt
in are silver and gold, the work their firstbom : for his
merc:v of men's hands. endureth for ever :
16 They have mouths, butthey 11 And brought out Israel
from sPeak not; e:ves have they, but among them : for his
mercy they see not; endureth for ever.
17 They have ears, but they 12 With a strong hand, and
hear not; neither is there anu with a stretched out arm: for
breath in their mouths. his mercy endureth for ever.
18 They that make them are 13 To him which divided the
like unto them : so is every one Red sea into parts : for his
that trusteth in them. mercy endureth for ever :
19 Bless the LORD, 0 house of 14 And made Israel to pass
Israel : bless the LoRD, 0 house through the midst of it : for
his of Aaron : merc:v endureth for ever :
15 But overthrew Pharaoh 6 IfI do not remember thee,
and his host in the Red sea : let tongue cleave to the
for his mercy endureth for roofmy of my mouth; if I prefer
ever. not Jerusalem above my chief
16 To him which led his
people through the wilderness :
for his mercy endureth for children of Edom0in the the
17 To him which smote great Jerusalem; who sai4, Rase it,
kings : for his merey endureth rase it, even to the foundation
for ever: . thereof.
18 And slew famous 8 0 daughter of Babylon,
for who
his mercY endiD'eth for ever shaUart to be destrwed; happy
: 19 Sihon king of the
kings: he be. that rewardeth thee as
Amorites: for his mercY
20 Andfor
endureth Ogeverthe :kine of Bashan: .thou hast served us.
fo hisr mercy endureth for ever 9 Happy he be that

: taketh and shall

dasheth thy little
21 And gave their land for a ones against the stones.
heritage : for his mercy end! PsALM. 138
D'· eth for ever :
Even a heritage unto A Psalm of David.
22 his servant : for m y
Israel WILL praise thee with my
bis erc
endureth for ever.
Who remembered
23 estate : for his mercY
I whole heart : before the
us In our wil I sing praise unto thee.
low 2 I will worship toward thy
endur eth for ever: holy temple, and praise thy
24 Andhath redeemed us name for tliY loving-kindness
from our enemies : for his and for \)!Y truth : for thou
mercy en hast mu:nified thy word above
for ever. all thy name.
25 giveth lo to al flesh : 3 In the day when I cried
for his mercv endurethfor thou answeredst me, and
ever. 26 0 give thanks unto str� enedst me with
the God of heaven : for his
end!D' strength in my soul.
eth for ever.
Al the kings of the earth
shal praise thee, 0 LoRD,
PsALM 137 when they hear the words of

thy mouth.
the rivers of Babylon, 5 Yea they shall sing In the
there we sat down, yea, ways ol the LORD : for great
we wept, when we is the glory of the LoRD.
remembered Zion. 6 Though the LORD be high,
2 We hanged our harps UPon yet hath he respect unto the
the willows in the midst lowly : but the proud he
thereof. know- eth afar off.

3 For there they that cared

us away captive required of us midst 1 Though I walk in the
of trouble, thou wilt
a song ; and they that wasted revive me : thou shalt stretch
us required of us SIing. forth thine hand against the
Sing us one of mirth, the songs of wrath of mine
Zion. enemies, and thy right hand
4 How shal we sing the shall save me.
LORD's song in a strange
land? 5 If I forget thee, 0
let Jerusalem, my right hand
forget her
P8.\LMS, 140 .
8 The LoRD wil perfect that 14 I wilpraise thee: for I am
which concemeth me thy: mer- fearfuland wondeifulymade
c:,: 0 LoRD, endureth for ever : marvelous are thy works;
and foisake of not the works thine that m:v soul
knowethright well. owu hands. 15 MY
substance was not hid
from thee, when I was made in
PsALM 139
'l'o lhe chid M ui !'i an, A secret, anil curiously wrought in
D an d. the lowest parts of the earth.
Psi d. 16 Thine eyes did see m:v sub-
LORD, thou hast searched stan � yet being unperfect;
me, and known me. in thy
and knowest
and m:v downsit-
mine uprising ; thou un-were book al mu members
written, which in c:ontin
derstandest m:v thought afar off. uance were filshioned, when as

Q 3 Thou c:ompassest m:v path Jlet there was none of them.

17 How precious also are thy
and m:v lying down, and art thoughts unto me, 0 God!
how acquainted with all my ways. great is the sum
of themI 4 For there is not a word in m:v 18 Ifl should
c:ountthem, they tongue, but. lo, 0 LoRD, thou are more
in number than the
knowest it altogether. sand : when I awake, I am stil
6 Tho hast beset me behind with thee. .
and before, and laid thine hand 19 Surely thon wilt slay the
me. · wicked, 0 God: depart from
me is
Such knowledge too won- therefore, ye blood:v men.
derful for me; it is high, I c:an- 20 For tl:iey sPeak against
thee not attai'n unto it. wickedly, and thine
enemies 7 Whither shall I go from th:v take thJ name In vain.
Spirit? or whither shal I flee 21 Do not I hate them, 0
from th:v presence? LoRD, that hate thee? and
am 8 If I ascend up into heaven, not I grieved with those
that thou art there : if I make my rise up against thee?
bed in hell, behold, thou art 22 I hate them with perfect
there. hatred : I count them mine
ene- 9 If I take the wings of the mies.
moming, and dwell in the utter- 23 Search me, 0 God, and
most parts of the sea; know m:v heart : tr:v me, and
tO Even there shall th:v hand know my thoughts :
lead me, and thy right hand 24 And see if there be anJI
shal hold me. wicked way in me, and lead
me tt If I say, Surely the daria!ess in the wa:v everlasting.
shal cover me; even the mght
shall be light about me. PsALM 140
12 Yea, the datkness hideth To the chief Musician, A Psalm of
not from thee: but the night David.
shineth as the da:v
: the D ELIVER
the evil manme, 0 LoRD, from
: preserve me
ness and the are
both alike
light from the violent man;
to thee.
13 For thou hast possessed 2 Which imagine mischiefs in
m:v reins : thou hast covered their heart ; continually are
me in m:v mother's womb. they gathered together for
3 They have sharpened their
tongues like a serpent: adders' 2 Let my prayer be set forth
before thee as incense : and
poison is under their lips. the lifting up of my hands as
4 Keep me, 0 LoRD, from the
evening sacrifice.
the of the wicked: preserve
me the violent man: who 3 Set a watch, 0 LORD, before
my mouth : keep the door of my
have purposed to overthrow lips.
my 4 Incline not my heart to tm1
evil thing to practise wicked
5 The proud have hid a mare works with men that work in
for me, and cords: they have iquity : and let me not eat of
spread a net by the waY&ide: their dainties.
they have set gins for me.
5 Let the righteous smite e:m
it shall be a kindness : and
6 I said unto the LORD, Thou let him reprove me ; it shall
art my God: hear the voice of be an excellent oil, which
my supplications, 0 LORD. shall not
7 0 Goo the Lord, the break my head : for yet my
strength prayer also shall be ia their
of my salvation, thou hast calamities.
cov my ia 6 When their judges are
ered head the day of over thrown in stony places,
battle. they
8 Grant not, 0 LoRD, the shal hear my words; for they
de are sweet.
sires of the wicked : further 7 Our bones are scattered at
not the gra"e's mouth, as when
his wicked lest theyone
exalt themselves. cutteth and cleaveth wo
9 As for the head of those uPOn the earth.
that compass me about, let the 8 But mine eyes are unto
mis chief of their own lips thee, 0 GOD the Lord : in thee
cover them. is my trust; leave not my soul
10 Let burning coals fall desti
upon them : let them be cast tute.
into the fire ; into deep pits, 9 Keep me from the mares
that they rise not up again. which they have laid for me
11 Let not an evil speaker be and the gins of the workers
o iniquity.
established in the earth: evil
shall hunt the violent man to 10 Let the wicked fall into
overthrow him. their own nets, whilst that I
12 I know that the LoRD wil withal
maintain the cause of th e af
flicted, and the right of the PsALM 142
poor. Muchl was Ia the of David;
.13 Surely the righteous shal A whea
give thanks unto thy name :
the upright shall dwell in thY
I CRIED unto the LORD
with my voice : with my voice
unto the LORD did I make my
pres- ence. suppli
PsALM141 cation.
A Psalm of David. 2 I poured out my complaint
I cr:v unto thee : before him: I showed before him
make haste unto me; my trouble.
give ear 3 When my spirit was over
unto m:v voice, when I cry whelmed within me, then
thee. thou
knewest my path. In the way face from me, lest I be like
unto wherein I walked have they them that go down into the
privily laid a snare for me. pit.
4 I looked on mJI right hand, 8 Cause me to hear thy loving
and beheld, but there was no kindness in the morning; for
in man that would know me : ref- thee do I trust : cause me
to uge failed me; no man cared for know the way wherein I
should my soul. walk; for I lift up my soul unto
5 I cried unto thee, 0 LoRD : I thee.
said, Thou art my refuge and 9 Deliver me, 0 LoRD, from
my POrtionil the land of the mile enemies : flee unto thee
living. to hide me.
6 Attend unto my cry: for I 10 Teach me to do thy wil: for
am brought very low : deliver thou art my God: thy Spirit is
me from my persecutors ; for good ; lead me into the land of
they are stronger than I. uprightness.
7 Bring my soul out of prison, 11 Quickea me, 0 LoRD1 for
that I may praise thy name : thy name's sake : for thy nght
the righteous shall compass me eousness' sake bringmysoul
out about; for thou shaltboun-
deal of trouble.
tiful with me. 12 And of thy mercy cut off
mile enemies, and destroy all
A Psalm of Davl4. them that my soul : for I
EAR my prayer, 0 LoRD, am thy servant.
H give ear to my supplica�
tions : in thy faithfulness an- A Psalm of David.

ness. B
swer me, and in thy righteous- LESSED be the LORD my
strength, which teacheth
2 And enter not into judgment my hands to war, and my
fin with thy servant : for in thy gers to fight :
sight shall no man living be 2 My goodness, and my for
ju stified. tress ; my high tower, and my
3 For the enemy hath perse- deliverer: my shield, and he il
c uted
my soul : he hath smitten whom I trust ; who ·

mysubdueth life down to the ground ; he my people under

me. il · man
hath made me to dwell dark- 3 LoRD, what is that
ness, as those that have been thou takest knowledge of' himl
long dead. or the son of man, that thou
4 Therefore is my sPirit over- makest account of him
wi t hin me within me: my heart 4 Man is like to vanity : his
isIdesolate. days are as a shadow that
5 remember
I the days of old : passeth away.
I meditate on all thy works: I li Bow thy heavens, 0 LoRD,
muse on the work of thy hands. and come down : touch
the 6 I stretch forth my hands unto mountains, and they
shall thee : my soul thirsteth after smoke.
thee as a thirsty land. Selah. 6 Cast forth lightning, and
7 Hear me speedily, 0 LORD : scatter them : shoot out thine
my spirit faileth : hide not thy arrows, and destroy them.
7 Send thine hand from above; 4 One generation
shall praise rid me, and deliver me out of thy works to
another, and shall
great waters, from the hand of declare thy mighty acts.
strange children; 6 I will speak of the glorious
8 Whose mouth speaketh van- honor ofthy majesty, and of
and their right hand is a thy wondrous works.
hand of falsehood. 6 And men shall speak of the
I wil sing a new song unto might of thy terrible acts :
and thee, 0 God : upan a psaltery I wil declare thy
greatness. and an instrument
of ten strils 7 They abundantly utter wil I sing
praises unto thee. the memory of thy great good-
10 It is he that giveth salvation ness, andshal sing of thy right
unto kings : who delivereth Da- eousness.
vid his servant from the hurtful 8 The LORD is gracious, and
sword. ful of compassion : slow to
11 Rid me, and deliver me ger, and of great mercy.
from the hand of strange chil- 9 The LORD is good to all : and
dren, whose mouth speaketh his tender mercies are over all
vanity, and their right hand is a his works. .
right hand of falsehood : 10 Al thy works shall praise
12 That our sons malbe thee, 0 LORD ; and thy saints
plants grown up in their youth; shal bless thee.
that our daughters mal be as 11 They shall apeak of the
comer stones, polished after the glory thyof kingdom, and
talk similitude of a palace : of thy POwer;
13 That our garners mal be 12 To make known to the sons
ful, afiording al ma.ner of of men his mighty acts, and the
store; that our sheep may bring glorious majesty of hi,s
forth thousands and ten thou- 13 Thy kingdom is an ever
sands in our streets : lasting kingdom, and thy do-
14 That our oxen mal be minion endureth throughout
al strong to labor ; that there be no generations.
breaking in, nor going out ; that 14 The LORD upholdeth all
there be no complaiDing in our that fall, and raiseth up al
16 Happy is that people, that is those that eyes
16 The be bowed
of alldown.
wait upon
in such a case : thee; and thou givest them their
that people, whose is the meat in due season.
145 16 Thou opeoest thine hand,
David's Psalm ol pra!ae. and satisflest the desire of every
living thing.
WIL extol 0 17 The LoRD is righteous in all
King; and I bless his wus, and hol:v in al his
name for ever and ever. works.
2 Every day will I bles thee; 18 The LoRD Is nigh unto all
and I wil praise thy name for them that cal UPGD to all
ever and ever. that cal UJ!on him in
3 Great is the LoRD, and 19 Be wil fulfil the desire of
creatl:v to be praised ; and his them that fear him : he also
will creatDess is unsearchable.
20 The LORD preserveth al 2 The LORD doth build UP
Je them that love him: but al the rusalem : he gathereth
together wicked wil he destroy. the �utcasts of Israel.
21 My mouth shal SPeak the 3 He healeth the broken in
praise the LoRD : and let al heart, and up bindeth
flesh his holy aame for wounds.
ever and He telleth the number of
ever. th lrt¥5: he calleth them al
Pthe LORD, 0 mY soul.
e Great is our Lord, and
Jreat 110wer : his understanding
ofye the LORD. Praise
2 While I live wil I praise the zs infinite.
LoRD : I wil sing praises unto 6 The LoRD lifteth UP the
mYGodwhile I have anybeing. meek : he casteth the wicked
3 Put not your trust in princes, down to the ground.
nor in the son of man,il whom 7 Sing unto the LoRD with
there is no help. thanksgiving ; sing praise UpOn
4 His breath goeth forth, he the harp unto our God :
returneth to his earth; in that 8 Who covereth the heaven
very day his thoughts perish. with clouds, who prepareth rain
5 Happy he that hath the for the earth, who maketh
God grass of Jacob for his to grow u110n the mountains.
hope is in the LoRD his 9 He giveth to the beast his
6 Which made heaven, and food, and to the young ravens
earth1 the sea and al that which cry.
therem 10 whiCh keepeth truth He delighteth not the
for ever : strength of the horse : he tak-
7 Which e:recuteth P!clgment eth not pleasur e il the legs of
for the oppressed : which giveth a man.
food to the hungry. The LoRD 11 The LoRD taketh
pleasure looseth the prisoners: in them that fear him, in
8The LORD openeth the wes that hope in his mercy.
o the
f blind : the LoRD raiseth 12 Praise the LoRD, 0
Jerusa them that are bowed down : the lem ; praise thy God,
0 Zion. LORD loveth the righteous: 13 For he hath
9 The LORD preserveth the the bars of thy gates; he hath
strangers ; he relieveth the fa- blessed thy c:hildren within
therless and widow : but the thee.
way of the wicked he tumeth 14 He maketh peace in thy
UPside down. borders, and filleth thee with
10 The LoRD shaD reign for the finest of the wheat.
ever, even thy !30. 0 Zion, un- 15 He sendeth forth his
com allto generatioDS. Praisema ye dment uPon his earth :
word the Lo RD. runeth very swiftly.
PsALM tfl
16 He giveth snow like wool :

RAISE ye the LoRD: for

it is good to sing praises
he scattereth the hoar frost
P unto our God ; for it is
like ashes.
17 He casteth forth his ice like
pleasant; and morsels : who can stand before
praise is comely. his cold?
18 Be sendeth out his word, ucellent: his dorY is above the
and melteth them : he causetli earth and heav-
his wind to blow, and the waters 14 Be also e:mlteth the homof
flow. his people, the praise of all his
19 Be showeth his word unto saints: even of the children of
Jacob, his statutes and his Israel, a people near unto him.
judgments unto Israel. Praise :re the LORD.
Be hath not dealt so with
nation : and as for his PsALM 149
any they have not
them. Praise :ve the LORD.
known pRAIS :re the LoRD. SiDe
unto the LoRD a new song,
aJid his Praise
congrega- tion of samts.
in the
PRAI ye the LoRD. PraJse 2 Let Israel rejoice in him
ye LORD from the heav- that made him: let the c:hil
ens : praise him in the heights. dren of Zion be joyful in
their 2 Praise ye him1 all his an- Kine.
eels : praise :re him, al his 3 Let them praise his name in
hosts. the dance : let them sing praises
3 Praise ye Jilin, 11 and unto him with the timbrel and
moon : praise him, au :ve stars
of light. the LoRD taketh pleas-
4 Praise hi,m, :re heavens of ure In his he wil
heaven� and :ve waters that be beautif:r the with salve-
above the heavens. tion.
6 Let them praise the name of 6 Let the saints be joyful in
the LORD : for he comded.
and the:v were created. beds.: let them sing aloud upon
6 th6 eir
Be hath also stabUabed Let the high llraises of
themforever and ever : he hath be In their mouth, and a
two God
made a decre which sbal not edged sword in their
hand;· PUS 7 To execute vengeance
7 Praise the LoRD from the the heathen, and punishments
:re clracons, and al
8 and hail; saow, and and their
their nobles
kings with
of iron:
vapor ; storm:r wmd uecute upon them the
his 9 To
9 :
Mountains, and aD. hDls; written : this honor
fruitful and al cedars: al his saints. Praise n
to and al cattle: tbe LoRD.

11 Kings of the and al

Praise people: princes, and
pRAISE :re the.LoRD.
in God
judges his :
sanctuar:v Jl
of the earth: him in the firmament of his
12 Both youngmen, and maJd-
ens; old men, and chldren : 2 Praise him for his might:v
13 Let them praise the name of acts: praise him according to
the LoRD : for bis IUe aloue is his acelent creatnes.
3 Praise him with the sound 5 Praise him UPOD the loud
of the trumpet : praise him with cymbals : praise him upan
the the psaltery and harp high sounding cymbals.
4 Praise him with the tim- 6 Let every thing that hath
brel and dance : praise him with breath praise the LoRD.
Praise striD.gediDstrumentsa.ndorga.ns. ye the LoRD.


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