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Selayar, 01 June 2022

Subject: Application for Employment


Principal of State Elementary School 01 Selayar

In –

The place

Yours faithfully,

I, the undersigned below:

Name : Muhammad Arif

Place/date of birth : Selayar, January 19, 1994

Gender :Male gender

Last Education : Elementary School Teacher Education

Address : West Lambongan

Religion : Islam

Phone : 082188021177

In connection with the information I got on the website related to the opening of job vacancies to become

a teacher at your school, I hereby intend to submit a job application letter in order to be able to occupy the

position as an elementary school teacher at your school. Currently, I am in good physical and mental

health. I am also active in organizations and have fluent English skills. Honesty is always my priority and

my educational background is very satisfying.

Along with this letter, for your consideration, I attach the following:

1. Curriculum Vitae (CV)

2. Photocopy of diploma.
3. Photocopy of KTP and Family Card

4. Photo 3x2 (2 sheets)

5. Completeness of Other Supporting Files.

Thus this job application letter I made based on my actual condition. If in the future there is a difference,

then I am fully ready to take responsibility. For your attention, I say thank you.

Yours faithfully

Muhammad Arif

2. Please fill in the blanks with the proper expression that is suitable with the conversation.

Tobias: Yes I agree, I feel that it is the right time, because I also don't have any other

business appointments that day. I would be very happy if you could introduce me to

Mr. Sorrento. Thank you.

3. The expression is implied in each underlined sentence 1 and 2 is:

1. Expression disagree

2. Expressio agree

4. Simplify the conclusions below into simple phrases.

1. Original conclusion:

We are developing our current long-term and medium-term business plan based on

the sustainability goals or the 17 SDGs formulated by the United Nations in

addressing the global crises and issues.

Revised conclusion:

We are developing long and medium term business plans with the aim of addressing

global crises and problems.

2. Original conclusion:

We will be doing what we can on our own, but our focus is on open innovation, or, in other

words, the collaboration with all kinds of excellent companies and startups around the world.

Revised conclusion:

We will do what we can ourselves, and collaborate with all kinds of excellent companies and

startups around the world.

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