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Bullying is an intentional behaviour that hurts, harms, or humiliates a student, either physically or
emotionally, and can happen while at school, in the community, or online. Those bullying often
have more social or physical “power”, while targeted have difficulty stopping the behaviour. The
behaviour is typically repeated, though it can be a one-time incident. Students often describe
bullying as when “someone makes you feel less about who you are as a person.”

Conflict vs bullying
 Conflict is a disagreement or argument in which both sides express their views.
 Bullying is negative behaviour directed by someone exerting power and control over
another person.

Bullying is done with a goal to hurt, harm, or humiliate. With bullying there is often a power
imbalance between those involved, with power defined as elevated social status, being physically
larger, or as a part of a group against an individual. Students who bully perceive their target as
vulnerable in some way and often find satisfaction in harming them.

In normal conflict, children self-monitor their behaviour. They read cues to know if lines are
crossed, and then modify their behaviour in response. Children guided by empathy usually realize
they have hurt someone and will want to stop their negative behaviour. On the other hand,
intending to cause harm and whose behaviour goes beyond the normal conflict will continue their
behaviour even when they know it’s hurting someone.

What is the difference between bullying and harassment? Bullying and harassment are often
used interchangeably when talking about hurtful or harmful behaviour. They are very similar, but
in terms of definition, there is an important difference.

Bullying and harassment are similar as they are about:

 Power and control
 Actions that hurt or harm another person physically or emotionally
 An imbalance of power between the target and the individual demonstrating the negative
 The target is having difficulty stopping the action directed at them.

The distinction between the bullying and harassment is that when the bullying behaviour directed
at the target is also based on a protected class, that behaviour is then defined as harassment.
Protected classes include race, colour, religion, sex, age, disability and national origin.

Three common characteristics of what makes an act bullying:

* bullying is intentional and tries to cause harm and distress to the victim.
 Bullying occurs between two students who have different degrees of power
 Bullying happen repeatedly over a period of time. P. 1

There are 3 types of bullying that occur”:

 Physical: hitting, kicking, spitting, tripping, pushing, breaking someone’s things, rude
 Verbal: teasing, name-calling, threats, inappropriate sexual comments, taunting
 Social: leaving someone out of a group on purpose, telling others not to be friends with
them, publicly embarrassing them, spreading gossip or rumours about someone.
With the increase us of computers and cell phones, especially among teens, there is also a
special type of bullying called cyberbullying, in which the harassment is done with electronic
means like texting, email, social media, etc.

What does the Bible say about bullying?

The Bible doesn’t talk directly about bullying but the Bible commands us to love our neighbour as
ourselves (Mark 12:31) and to treat others the way we should like to be treated. (Luke 6:31)
There is no room in the Christian faith for belittling or abusing someone. Every person, regardless
of colour, race, religion or how she/he acts like, is created in the image and likeness of God
(Genesis 1:26-27; James 3:9-10) and is worthy of the dignity that God gives every person. As
Christians we are called to honour God with our words (Ephesians 4:29) and our actions (James
1:22). If you treat someone badly, you are abusing God’s creation.

Christian attitudes to Bullying- All Christians oppose bullying

 Humans are created in God’s image. Bullying is mistreating God’s reaction and is a sin.
 Parable of the sheep and the goats- treat anyone as jesus and no one would bully Jesus.
 Parable of the Good Samaritan- it’s the duty of Christians to protect the weak. Bullying is
an exact opposite
 Using violence without a just cause is a sin. Bullying involves violence either physical or
verbal, so it is sinful
 Human rights- the right to live free from fear. Churches teach to protect human rights.
Bullying denies a person’s human rights, so it is sinful.
 Bullying is harmful for society. Victims are likely to be prevented from achieving careers
they would be capable of which affects their ability to contribute to society.

How should Christians respond to bullying?

 If you see something, say something. As Christians we are called to seek justice and to
defend the oppressed (Psalm 82:3-4; Isaiah 1:17) God, in his infinite wisdom, has
established human authorities like the government (Romans 13:1-4) to help make the
situation right. Reporting bullying is motivated by the desire tom protect the victim. It
protects you, the person being bullied, and everyone else around you. Use wisdom in all
occasion. Get an adult to help you or the proper authorities.
 Understand who you are in Christ.
Psalm 139:13-18 tells you that you are wonderfully made. You are special to God and
created in his image with immeasurable worth and value. Do not let the lies that bullies tell
you influence what you think who you are.
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 Even if you are wronged respond in a Christlike manner.

First, never try to get back at a bully or seek revenge. It is easier said than done. But the
scripture calls us to love our enemies and pray for them (Matthew 5:44) God is the one
who can Judge the world in righteousness and repay everyone for the evil that they’ve
done (Roman 12:19). Respond with kindness and love. You never know how your
kindness may change their heart.
Second, stick up for yourself. – may be difficult but if you are able to stay calm and
respond in a loving way, then you have every right as an image bearer of God to defend
yourself and speak the truth.
 Reach out to those being bullied. Befriend them, show acceptance and comfort to those
who are hurting.

How should a Christian respond to bullying?

There are two situations when a Christian may respond to bullying: when he is the victim of
bullying and when he is a witness to bullying. When being bullied the right response may be to
turn the other cheek or it might be self-defence. To turn the other cheek means not to return the
affront with insults of our own. It is however, advisable to report the bully to the proper authorities.
If the bullying is physical, self-defence may be appropriate. The Bible does not advocate total
pacifism. God’s instructions to Israel and Jesus’ instruction to his disciples to get the word in Luke
22i are informative. Christians are to be loving and forgiving, but not permissive of evil.

Why is Christianity against bullying?

 Bullying is opposed to the teachings of Jesus who said everyone should love their
 Most Christians believe that Christianity is a religion of peace and are
therefore opposed to bullying as a form of violence.
 The parable of the sheep and the goats teaches that people will be judged according to
their care for others, so bullies can expect to be punished.
 Christianity teaches that human beings are creation of God made in God’s image. Bullying
is mistreating God’s creation and is therefore wrong.
 No Christian would bully Jesus and so they should not bully anyone.
 Jesus taught in the parable of the Sheep and the Goats that Christians should treat each
one as if they are Jesus.
 Christianity teaches that it is the duty of Christians to protect the weak. Bullying is the
opposite of this as bullies attack and exploit the weak and the innocent, so bullying must
be wrong.
 Christianity regards using violence without a just cause as sinful and bullying is always
using violence (physical or verbal) which is unjustified and so is sinful.
 Christians should always try make society better.
 Bullying has harmful effects in society. The victims are likely prevented from achieving a
career they are capable of which affects their ability to contribute ton society. Bullies if not
corrected are likely to go one bullying and prevent more people to contribute to society
 All Christian churches teach Christians to protect human rights, bullying denies that right.
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