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July 20th, 2011

Hey just had an excellent trip to Marlette...
Hey just had an excellent trip to Marlette. Here is a photo of the one of the centerpieces which my sister-in-law donated to the local restaurant in Marlette. View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

Published by: 32bpwr3

*Google+ Challenges Both* Facebook and Twitter...

View or comment on Jon Morgan's post Google+ Challenges Both Facebook and Twitter qgAYSh The chart below is shows where Google+ is more like Facebook or Twitter. The red check marks () and gray shading highlight which service a Google+ feature is more like.

These are older photos, but since there is...

Jon Morgan shared an album with you. These are older photos, but since there is going to be a heatwave this week here in Michigan, I thought they would be fun to share. ...and 5 more photos. View album

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I wanted to thank everyone who has added ...

I wanted to thank everyone who has added me to their circle this month. I appreciate the interest, and hope that my posts live up to expectations. View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

Google's New *URL* Shortner ** that will...

Google's New URL Shortner that will only link to official Google products and services. Google plus Blog: Google's New URL Shortner Exclusively For Google Products Only. Unofficial news , tips and Extensions about Google plus, A blog that watches the Google services that help you to become more social

You can't escape ESC. [via +Abdulaziz Almasri...

You can't escape ESC. [via +Abdulaziz Almasri] View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

July 20th, 2011

Published by: 32bpwr3

Sharing photos that I took on Fourth of July...

Jon Morgan shared an album with you. Sharing photos that I took on Fourth of July ...and 5 more photos. View album

It might be more accurate to describe myself as an objective observer of the parade. That may be the only way that I can capture the event in a way which will have value to other people. View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

I Participated in the Country Fair Days parade...

I Participated in the Country Fair Days parade today in Marlette, Michigan. I totally under estimated the speed at which a parade could move! I'll admit, I assumed that it would move rather slowly, but it turns out that I was wrong. I should know from my experience with other parades, that there is a lot of difference between being a parade spectator and a parade participant. As a spectator, you're really just standing (or sitting) and watching for the next thing to come around the corner. I recall thinking at the beginning of this year's Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival parade that when you are are looking down the street at the very beginning it seems very slow. And, then I think the rest is an illusion. You might be so engrossed with what you are seeing or listening to (if its a marching band) that you really don't pay attention to speed. As a participant, you really do have a different perspective. You really don't have an idea about how the rest of the parade is going, you're only concerned with what's in front of your front bumper, who is behind you, and what's happening with the people on your float (ex: did anybody fall off?). So, you really are in your own "parade bubble" as you move along the route. Float volunteers have a different perspective to, because they might just be focused on the participants. Today volunteers had three roles: waving at the crowd, tossing candy, and handing out business cards. What I've learned about being a candy distributor during a parade is that it is really important to pace yourself. This refers to both the rate at which you hand out (or toss) candy, and the speed at which you move down the road. Otherwise, it is very easy to run out of candy before you're halfway through the route, and its easy to fall one or two parade entries behind your float. As a photographer, I'd like to say that I had a separate perspective as I watched the parade. As I studied the vehicles and floats in the parade and lined up my shots, I had to stay so versatile that I probably did move a lot faster than the parade itself. You really need to when you are trying to capture so many angles, and so many different volunteers working the crowd. When I photographed the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival parade, the best way I could explain my methods is to say that I really did move at my own speed. As a photographer, I couldn't count myself as either a spectator or a float volunteer, even as I attempted to take photos which represented both of those views.

Couple of photos I took while we were on ...

Couple of photos I took while we were on our way to the float. The kids are dressed in shirts that say "Carriage House," as promotion for my sister-in-law's business in Marlette.

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The Khan Academy iPad app is coming along...

The Khan Academy iPad app is coming along really well. We're getting near to a 1.0 release. This initial release will have video navigation and viewing as well as an interactive transcripts and offline support. Exercises will be coming in the next release. I've tossed a couple (very alpha) screenshots here. Huge thanks to +Adam Ernst and +Jason Rosoff for making this happen. Khan Academy iPad App Alpha (3 photos)

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July 20th, 2011

Published by: 32bpwr3

Kayla getting ready to leave for Saginaw...

Okay..that's a wrap. I'm going to eat a late...

Okay..that's a wrap. I'm going to eat a late dinner, and maybe hang out for a little bit. Probably should go to bed early tonight since I'm driving into Lansing in the morning. 201-233 W Clark St, Shepherd, Michigan View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

Kayla getting ready to leave for Saginaw. Theresa, Kayla, and Josh are meeting my sister-in-law in Saginaw to pick up my niece and nephew. They will be joining us tonight when we watch the premiere of the last "Harry Potter" movie at midnight. View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

"Google Me" (The Movie)

Google Me

How do I export my Google+ posts out to other services?

This morning, +Mike Turner asked me how I'm exporting my Google+ posts out to outside services. Well, I read somewhere (probably Mashable, but I'm not sure) that it was possible to email posts to your Facebook profile through your Facebook email address. To do so, you would create a record in your list of circles for your Facebook profile ("My Facebook") and then enter in your Facebook email address as the email. Then, when you add that "person" to a circle, and whenever you wanted your posts to go out to Facebook, you would include that circle. I knew that there are a lot of services which allow you to email in your updates, including Posterous, and Blogger. Last night, I started a blog (Called it "Jon+") on Blogger, and enabled the emailing option, then created person with that same email address. Whenever I want a post to appear in Blogger, I include a circle I started called "Export." Now, the trick is that I need to clean up each post after they arrive in blogger, because they come wrapped with Google's branding elements. I extract the text that I want to keep, delete the rest, and then post. I end up with a pretty clean blog post. Next, I used Twitterfeed to pull in the RSS feed from that blog and send the posts to Twitter and Facebook. There is a manual touch in the middle there which kind of makes it a pain, but at the same time I may want to screen the updates for posts which I don't want to appear outside of Google+. So, I think that it works out. View or comment on Jon Morgan's post - A documentary about a guy, Jim Killeen, who Googled himself and then went all over the world meeting others with his name. BUY THE DVD: ... View or comment on Jon Morgan's post

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