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Preface of the Symposium “State of the Art of Modeling and Numerical

Analysis for Wind Turbines”

Alexandru Dumitrache and Florin Frunzulica

Citation: AIP Conf. Proc. 1389, 1490 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3637907

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Preface of the Symposium “State of the Art of Modeling and
Numerical Analysis for Wind Turbines”
Alexandru Dumitrache1 and Florin Frunzulica 1,2
“Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy, 050711 Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Politehnica University of Bucharest , Romania

The main and analyzed subject in this session is highlighted by the topics of wind turbine: design, aerodynamic
and aeroelasticity characteristics estimation, control methods of wind turbine (active or passive), performance
prediction using mathematical modelling and numerical techniques, improving wind turbine operational efficiency.
This session included seven scientific paper in wind energy topics, two have been presented by senior researchers
and five by PhD Students.
In the paper entitled “Semi-Empirical Modelling of Broadband Noise for Aerofoils” by Michele De Gennaro
and Helmut Kuehnelt, (AIT Austrian Institute of Technology G.m.b.H., Vienna, Austria) the authors analysed a
semi-empirical modeling of broadband noise for airfoils against a CFD model, with application mainly for wind
turbine rotors, propellers or fans.
The authors first formulated the CFD model and semi-empirical broadband noise model for a specific aerofoil
(DU96) for which many experimental results are available.
The pressure coefficient distribution, velocity magnitude and total pressure profiles in the boundary layer for
suction and pressure side are presented for angle of attack = 3 deg, flow speed equal with 28.8 m/s, Re=1.53 x 106
and compared with the existing experimental results.
The noise prediction model used is the Brooks, Pope and Marcolini (BPM) model widely described in literature.
The BMP noise model was implemented as MATLAB script including three main sub-models, also used in the usual
way in applied engineering.
It was proved that the BMP approach is a good choice, first of all since requires very low computational cost for
fast broadband noise computations of 3-D geometries and then because can be embedded in an optimization
procedure for design-to-noise of airframe components.
In the paper entitled “Active Circulation Control for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine” by Alexandru
Dumitrache1, Horia Dumitrescu1 and Octavian Preotu2 ,( 1 Institute of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Calea 13
Septembrie no. 13, 050711 Bucharest, ROMANIA, 2 University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania), the authors made a
systematic study needed to fully evaluate the benefits of circulation control technology for wind turbines, using a
viscous solver (FLUENT), on a given wind turbines geometry for which there exists the experimental results (NREL
–Phase VI rotor). Circulation control is implemented by tangentially blowing a small high-velocity jet over a highly
curved surface, such as a rounded trailing edge. This causes the boundary layer and the jet sheet to remain attached
along the curved surface due to the Coanda and causing the jet to turn without separation.
Since a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of turbulent flow involving complex geometry such as HAWT is very
costly, Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) are used in this study. The effect of turbulence is modeled using a
semi-empirical model : Spalart-Allmaras Detached Eddy Simulation (SA-DES) . The main conclusions obtained in
this paper are:
- for attached flow conditions, circulation control technology (using trailing edge blowing and Coanda effect) is
very effective at increasing circulation around the airfoil section leading to a net increase in generated power
compared to the baseline rotor.
- at high wind speed conditions, where the flow is separated, the trailing edge blowing become ineffective in
increasing the power output
In the paper entitled “Active and Passive Lift Force Augmentation Techniques on Wind Turbines” by F.
Frunzulica*, H. Dumitrescu**, R. Mahu† and O. Preotu††, (*POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering, Polizu 1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania, **“Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute
of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, P.O. Box 1-24, RO-010145, Bucharest, Romania, † TENSOR
SRL, Bucharest, Romania, †† University of Craiova, st. A. I. Cuza no.13, 200585, Craiova, Romania ) the authors
presents a short review of active and passive lift force augmentation concepts for wind turbines. The few models

Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011

AIP Conf. Proc. 1389, 1490-1493 (2011); doi: 10.1063/1.3637907
© 2011 American Institute of Physics 978-0-7354-0956-9/$30.00


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presented were analyzed using CFD to determine their potential in terms of improved performance of wind turbines.
There will also be presented and computational aspects related to modeling active and passive control systems.
Numerical simulations are based on RANS (Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes) equations model supplemented with
a suitable turbulence model; in this case turbulence models used were k  Z and k  Z SST.
Two main objectives have been achieved: (1) the systematic fundamental study of active and passive control
devices to implement in the design of HAWT and their effectiveness in controlling static and dynamic stall
phenomenon, and (2) achieve high efficiency using the combined devices of flow control depending by the locally
flow characteristics on blade.
In the paper “Wake Study Methods of Wind Turbines” the authors Bogdan Suatean*, Alexandra
Colidiuc , Stelian Galetuse**, Florin Frunzulica**, ( *POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace

Engineering Polizu 1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania, **POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering , Polizu 1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania, PhD coordinator ) proposed two different
methods for determination of the aerodynamic performance of horizontal axis wind turbines (HAWT). The methods
presented have various levels of complexity to calculate the aerodynamic performances of HAWT, starting with a
simple method, the lifting line method, and ending with a CFD approach.
The results presented are still in a preliminary stage, and cases should be studied to obtain more information (the
first author is Phd Student). In general the two methods presented in this paper give a close agreement on axial
velocity, tangential velocity and pressure values.
The constant loaded rotor disc represents an ideal test case since an exact one-dimensional solution exists. It is
moreover a challenge for many advanced numerical methods, since the edge of the disc is singular. The general
behavior of the flow field with increasing thrust level is a corresponding increased expansion of the wake region.
Increasing the thrust level above CT | 1 results in a change in the flow regime towards an unsteady flow is mainly
governed by the thrust level and the Reynolds number.
The authors found out the following advantages of the actuator disc method:
- the boundary conditions on the disc provides good approximations
- there is no interaction between the flow induces by the rotor and the limit of the domain.
The information presented in the next paper “Aerodynamic Characteristics of Wing Profiles for Wind
Generators” authors, Alexandra Colidiuc*, Bogdan Suatean*, Stelian Galetuse** ( *POLITEHNICA University of
Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering
Polizu 1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania,** POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace
Engineering, Polizu 1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania; PHD coordinator ) suggests that the power generated by
the oscillating wing have significant advantages. Parallel information were presented for two different types of
aerodynamic airfoils. The advantages and disadvantages of each airfoil type were evaluated. A series of equations
has been determined to verify if the power generated by an oscillating airfoil is higher than the one generated by a
fixed airfoil. Additional, these airfoils will be used to determine the wind energy produced by a wind turbine. Any
energetic system which converts the free wind into energy is an advantage system.
In the paper “Methods to Improve the Performance of the Turbomachines Using the Flow Control”, authors
I. Malael, ***H. Dumitrescu, ***Al. Dumitrache, ( * POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Aerospace
Engineering., ** COMOTI National Research & Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Bucharest, ***Institute of
Mathematical Statistisc and Applied Mathematics „ GHEORGHE MIHOR-CAIUS IACOB” ), the passive technique
of the lift coefficients increasing used as Gurney flap is investigated. The Gurney flap, first introduced by Lieback, is
a small tab attached perpendicular to the lower surface of the airfoil in the vicinity of the trailing edge, with a height
that can vary from 1% to 5%. The increase in lift comes primarily from the effective increased camber on the lower
surface without adversely disturbing the upper surface flow. The flow structure downstream of a Gurney flap has
dual circulation regions occurring the significant turning of the upper-surface trailing edge flow. Both flow turning
and reduced form drag due to the longer attached flow produce the increased lift. In the paper a CFD analysis is used
for centrifugal compressor cases.
In these applications, the Gurney flap has been found to enhance performance machine. The numerical analyses
were done with the commercials CFD codes, Ansys Fluent 2D case and Ansys CFX for the compressor cases. The
computational grid is fine using a y+ value equal to 1 near the wall. For numerical simulations, the authors use the k-
 SST turbulence model of Menter.
There are two main conclusions of this study:
1. For attached flow conditions the Gurney flap is very effective at increasing circulation around an airfoil
leading to a net increase in generated lift compared to the baseline airfoil. The lower pressures on the leeward side


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have a tenddency to creatte a favorablee pressure graddient over thee upper surfacce of trailing eedge, causing g the flow to
follow the fflap and turn.
2. Usingg CFD techniiques the auth hors predict p erformances ofo a centrifuggal impeller (rrotor). The apppearance of
the recircullation area leaaving the rotoor does not deecrease the effficiency of thee rotor and dooes not have influence
i on
the flow off the stator.
The papper is well doccumented with h many figurees that justify the
t efficiency of the Gurneyy flap.
In the laast paper of thhis session, entitled “3D CCFD Modelin ng and Simulation of NRE EL Phase VI Rotor” the
authors: R. Mahu*, F. Popescu**, F. Frunzulicc†, Al. Dum mitrache†† (* TENSOR SRLL, Bucharestt, Romania,
“Dunreaa de Jos” University
U of Galai, Dom mneasc 111, RO-800012, Galai, Rom mania, † POL LITEHNICA
University of Bucharestt, Faculty off Aerospace E Engineering, Polizu 1-6, RO-011061,
Bucharest, Ro omania , ††
“Gheorghee Mihoc – Caaius Iacob” In nstitute of Maathematical Statistics
S and Applied Mathhematics, P.O O. Box 1-24,
RO-0101455, Bucharest, Romania) in nvestigate a known confiiguration because the NR REL Phase VI V Unsteady
Aerodynam mic Experimennt provides an n excellent vaalidation test case for commputational fluuid dynamics analyses of
horizontal axis wind tuurbines (HAW WT). The 2-bbladed (based d on specially y S809 airfoiil), 10 m diaameter, stall
regulated HHAWT has a power
p rating of
o 20kW.
This coonfiguration has investigateed numericallyy by many reesearchers usiing different ggrid topologiees and CFD
codes. Mucch of the num merical analy ysis was a bliind compariso on pre-test prrediction usinng a very large range of
performancce, aeroelastic, and CFD codes. Results ppublished from m this study inndicated that thhere was a wiide variation
in the preddiction capabbility. Comparisons with w wind tunnel data were mostly “not faavorable”. Geenerally, the
numerical rresults are in better
b agreemeent with the exxperiments foor the pre-stall load cases.
The maiin objective ofo the paper is to take a firstt step towards the assessment of the accuuracy and reliaability of the
commerciaal CFD solver for the predicction of the floow field, aerodynamic load ds and perform mance of a typpical HAWT
using the NNREL Phase VI V wind turbin ne dataset.
The papper is organizzed as followss: (1) a short description off the investigaated configura ration, (2) the hybrid grid
construction methodologgy, (3) descrip ption of the pphysical and numerical
n models used. Soome of the co omputational
results are showed and comparisons
c are
a made withh the experimeental results fo or rotor perforrmance (bladee torque and
blade root bbending moment) and surfaace pressures. Flow visualizzations around d blade of HAWAWT are also presented.
Numerical results preesented in thee paper were oobtained using g ANSYS FL LUENT® v12..1 CFD code. The results
show that uusing a relativvely fine mesh h and the SST T k-omega turrbulence modeel, the numeriical model is able to give
an accuratee evaluation of o turbine torque in the prre-stall regimee in axial flow w conditions and can pred dict the stall
initiation prrocess very well.
The papper is well doccumented with h many figurees, including views
v and reprresentations off the numericaally results.
In concclusion, these seven papers had an interddisciplinary ch haracter and studied currennt issues and phenomenon
related to thhe design and operation of wind
w turbiness.

ndru Dumiitrache
Mailing adddress: Institutee of Mathemaatical Statisticss and Appliedd Mathematicss of the
Romanian Academy,
O.Box:1-24, Ro-010145
R Bucharest 1, RO OMANIA
E-mail: alex
x_dumitrache@; alexandru.du umitrache@im
Studies: 19772 College graaduated in Pittesti.
1972-1977 Aeronauticall Engineering g Faculty off the POLIT TEHNICA Un niversity of
1999 Dr.Ingg. [Ph.D.(a/c EEng.)], Aerodyynamics, POL LITEHNICA U University of Bucharest
Background profile: Aiircraft Engineeer with expeerience in aerrodynamic an nd structural
computer deesign, in com mputation of potential
p and viscous (turbbulent modelss) flows and
their interacctions, compuuter applicatiions, mainly mathematicall models and d numerical
Professional experiencee:
Present – 11991 Senior Researcher:
R Institute
I of M
Mathematical Statistics
S and Applied
A Mathhematics of the Romanian
Academy oof Science
2003: Queeen’s Universitty of Belfast, Aerodynamic
A and Turbulen
nce Laboratory y, Belfast, Noorthern
K. “Flow contrrol on wind tu
Ireland, UK urbine blade”,, Postdoctoral Researchshipp – Royal Sociiety, UK.


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2004: Écoole de Tecchnologie Su upérieure (288.03-28.06.20004), GPA Department, Montreal, CANADA,
“Multidiscipiplinary Optim mization Stan
ndardization Approach fo or Integration
n and Configgurability”, Postdoctoral
1990 – 19882 Researcherr and since Ju une 1990 Senioor Researcheer
National Innstitute for Scientific and d Technical Creation (IN NCREST), Aerodynamics Department, Bucharest,
1977 – 19882 Structural Design Engin neer
Aircraft Sttructure Desiggn Departm. off the Aircraft Company in Bacau
B (actuallly AEROSTA AR S.A.).
Professional Associations and Resea archships:
German Soociety of Applied Mathemattics and Mechhanics, GAMM M.
European M Mechanics Socciety, EUROM MECH.
European C Consortium foor Mathematiccs in Industry, ECMI.
The Europeean Conferencce for AeroSpace Sciences E EUCASS
Scientific ppublications: 3 books, 40 papers, 60 paapers presenteed to nationall and internatiional conferen
nces and 40
internal sciientific reports (Topics: Aerodynamics
A s, Laminar an
nd turbulent boundary layyers, Turbulen nce models,
Viscous-Invviscid Interaction Models, Wind
W Turbinee).

Flo rin Frunzu

Complete office
o addresss: University POLITEHNIC
P CA of Bucharrest, Faculty of Aerospace
Engineeringg - Departmennt of Aerospacce Sciences “E Elie Carafoli””, Gh. Polizu street,
s no. 1-
7, code 010737, sect.1, B
Bucharest, ROM MANIA
Tel: +4021.402.39.67, Faax: +4021.318 8.10.07, E-maiil:
Date and place of b birth: Februaary 04, 1968 8, Turnu-Mggurele, jud. Teleorman,
Education: 1987 – 1992 University “POLITEHN NICA” of B Bucharest, Aeronautical
duated in 19922 as Engineerr Diploma
Faculty: Aeronautical Strructures Speciialization, grad
1995 – 20002 PhD in n Fluid Mech hanics and Aerodynamic
A cs, with Thesiis: Personal
Contribution to Solving EExternal and Internal
I Flowss with Euler SySystem of Equaations
Final degreee: 2002, PhD D, Lecturer, University
OLITEHNICA A” of Bucharrest, Faculty
of Aerospace Engineerinng - Department of Aerospaace Sciences “Elie
“ Carafoli””
Present poosition:
-Lecturer, PhD, at Facuulty of Aerospace Engineeriing, University y “POLITEHN NICA” of Buccharest
-Researcheer at Institute of Mathematiical Statistics and Applied Mathematics,
M Bucharest, Roomania.
Scientific aactivity: Pubblications: 60 scientific pappers presented
d at Internatioonal Conferennces and/or published
p in
Engineeringg Journals andd Proceedingss and 2 books..
Domains of interest: CFD, Analy ysis of aeronnautical structtures using FEM,
F Aeroaccoustics, CA AD, Applied
mathematiccs in sciences..


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