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Trường Đại Học Công Nghiệp Dệt May Hà Nội ĐỀ KIỂM TRA THƯỜNG XUYÊN 1

KHOA TIN HỌC – NGOẠI NGỮ Học phần: Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Thời trang
Đối tượng: ĐHTT-K4
Sinh viên không được sử dụng tài liệu Thời gian: 45 phút

ĐỀ SỐ 1 Họ tên:………... ……… …. Lớp: ………….


I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete these sentences. (2.0 points)
1. As the PR manager, I’m responsible for the brand’s public ….
a) trend b) process c) image d) poster
2. A ……. is in charge of negotiating prices with suppliers.
a) stylist b) fashion designer c) buyer d) wholesaler
3. Working as a retail manager involves …..
a) manufacturing textile b) managing a team of staff
c) presenting design at fashion show d) organizing publicity events
4. One of my key responsibilities as a textile factory manager is ….
a) create a new look b) oversee production
c) organize a product launch d) draw design ideas
5. I work as a …. This means spending a lot of time doing interviews and editing them.
a) a fashion journalist b) designer
c) trend forecasting d) machine operator
II. Complete the text with past forms of the verbs below. (2.0 points)
Although western women ………….. (1. wear) trousers, or pants as they are also know,
for outdoor work, it ……. (2. is) only in the 1970s that they ………………… (3. become)
acceptable in the workplace. It ……………………. (4. is) Andre Corneques, a French
designer who 1st ………………. (5. introduce) trousers as a fashion item in the 1960s.
He …………………… (6. decorate) them with ribbons and precious stones and also
………………………. (7. embroider)them. Then …………. (8. come) trousers or pant
suits, and in 1978 Gloria Vanderbilt …………… 9. (sell) her 1st pair of designer jeans.

III. Reorder the words to make offers and requests. (2.0 points)
1. help / I/ particular / something / can / in / you / find?
2. can / any / are / samples / at / there / look / I?
3. list / at / take / your / I / a / could / price / look?
4. swatches / you / of / would / see / like / our / to / some?
5. I / statistics / some / could / see?
IV. Read the following text

Task 1. Answer the following questions (2.0 points)

1. When did the trend of cocktail dresses appear?
2. Which did the trend of cocktail dress symbolized for?
3. Which fashion houses were famous for this style in the 1920s?
4. At the first time, what kind of accessories was matched with cocktail dresses?
5. Who used fashion to express the new political rights?
Task 2. Translation (2.0 points): Translate the text into Vietnamese.

The end

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