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Urban Tribes
Who are the
Hippies, like other cultural
movements, have different
ways of dressing and behaving
according to the time in which
they live.

According to this, we can

qualify hippies with the
following characteristics:
Their outward appearance is denoted by long hair on
both men and women, along with which the men had
long beards. Many people not associated with the
counterculture considered this long hair an offense, or
"unhygienic", or considered it "a woman's thing".
Brightly colored, and some rare styles, (dyed shirts, or clothes of Hindu inspiration). They wore
skirts, dresses and wide shirts of many colors. They wore different accessories, lots of bracelets on
their hands and necklaces on their necks and their hair was adorned with a scarf. They also wore
tight jeans and wide sunglasses.
Behavior of peace
and freedom
There is n
r w i t h l o v e , o repress
Peace, toget
h e by anyon ion
to d e v e l o p i n e, there
eve r y t h i n g h a d person w is no
f p e a c e a n d ho impos
a t m o s p h e r eo es
an a r s o r himself o
y , w i th o u t w n them,
h a r m o n everythi
a r m t h e m ,
t s t h a t c o u l d h ng was b
confli c
m o ng on a spir ased
g u n i t y a it of free
thus achievin f t h e dom,
e i n hab i t a n t s o doing wh
ea c h o f t h at one fe
community. convenie
nt to do.

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