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1.1.2 Study: Understand the Heroic and Study Guide

English 12 Sem 1
Name:  Savannah Espinoza
Date:   8-24-22

Write the definitions of the following words.

If you come across a word you don't know, write it in a blank space below. Try to
figure out what the word means by looking at its context. Then use your dictionary or
the Internet to look up the correct definition for the word.

1.1.2 Study: Understand the Heroic and Monstrous 1/4

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Word Definition

epic A long poem about a hero whose actions affect and

reflect an entire nation. Epics have a hero, supernatural
figures, cultural values, and a broad setting.
oral tradition The practice of communicating information and stories
by spoken, rather than written, word.

cultural values A groups ideas about what is right, fair, and admirable.

archetype The original model or pattern on which something is

based; a typical example of something.

A struggle or problem.

Character in a work or fiction who is trying to achieve a

protagonist particular purpose and who is usually the main character.

antagonist Character or force in a work of fiction who tries to stop the

protagonist from achieving his or her purpose; the villain
of a story is often a antagonist.
internal conflict A struggle between the character and himself or herself;
the struggle happens in the characters heart and mind.

A struggle or problem between a character and an outside

external conflict force.

Write a short answer to each question.

1. How are a society's oral tradition and cultural values related?

Society's oral tradition and cultural values are related because even if one has a different way
of telling a story or speaking. They both will always tell the truth and make sure that anything
they say or do is always the right and fair thing.

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2. What are some characteristics of an epic poem?
Some characteristics of an epic poem would be a plot that always centers around a hero, a
setting that is large, there are supernatural forces- such as gods, angels, demons etc.

3. In traditional stories, like epics, what do monsters usually represent? What do

heroes represent?
Monsters usually represent the things in stories where they are the bad people... they do
everything in there power to try and beat the hero. Monsters usually have powers or
supernatural things. Heros represent the people who try and save the world from the
monster. Heros are usually the successful ones in the story.

4. How can archetypes help you understand a society's cultural values?

Archetype can help me understand a society's cultural values because an archetype
is someone who has a pattern with something. So with this it helps me understand
a society's cultural values because they both want what they think is good for the

5. What is the difference between internal conflict and external conflict?

Internal conflict is where there is a struggle between a character and him or herself. It
usually has a conflict within its heart or mind. An external conflict is where there is a
struggle or problem between a character and someone else from the outside.

6. What is the difference between a protagonist and an antagonist?

A protagonist is someone who often tries there best to achieve a goal they have set for
themselves. An antagonist is someone who tries to stop the protagonist from accomplishing
there goal.

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7. Why is it inaccurate to say that the conflict in a story is always about a clash
between "good guys" and "bad guys"? What are some exceptions?
It is inaccurate to say that the conflict in a story is always about a clash between good guys
and bad guys because there can be a conflict where it is one person who is having a struggle
with them self. They could be having trouble choosing a choice. Some exceptions would be
like for instance if a drug addicts struggles to reach for his or her substances.

8. What can a protagonist's approach to conflict show about the cultural values
behind a work of literature?
A protagonists approach to conflict shows about the cultural values behind a work of
literature because it shows that, that person always has a goal in mind for what they need to

9. How is a hero in a traditional story, such as an epic poem, similar to the average
person? How is a hero unlike an average person?
A hero in a traditional story is similar to an average person because the hero often looks just like a
normal person. You might not ever be able to tell the difference between an average person and a
hero. A hero is unlike an average person because when needed they have supernatural powers or
can do things a normal person cannot.

In one or two sentences, write down the gist, or main point, of this study.
This study had me explain the differences between conflicts and the people that have to do
within a story line. This study also was good because it had me figure out the definitions of
different words that are important in specific stories.

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