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Page SHIP STABILITY NOTES AND EXAMPLES (CHAPTER SIX. Drydocking When «ese sto deyock ee ul to Dave ber sumed bythe ser, This enables the stern co be et on the blocks, and then used ass pot to align the kes slong the block. the vse isnot immed by the stern greater ul wil Beneaded inthe manips ‘ofthe mooring cle Forward and af When the vessel frst couches the blocks, the whole of the veel’ wsight is being up. | pated by the buoyancy ot the waterAs water i pumped fom the dick, part ste | ‘uovaney of she waters ranseread to the keel lock, ts isclld the UPTHRUST (P. [ei be shown ther cis upehrust causes loss of GM. | proven the fas of GM easing ins | (2) The vesel should ave anadesuate GM, | (0) Free sucein the tanks should be st @ isin, (©) The vewel should not be wired too fr by the stern, The rita time during the drydocking operation i jast before the vest takes che blocks fore and a. Une she jon the bleks tzouphost he length, the totes caiot beset up the, and i should be ensured tat ahe wl as posine sab a the te When the vessel fas taken the blocks overall pumping ofthe cock ets nl he shores fave been se up ight When plising the shores on the ship's side, i sould be seen that the end of the hore it over a frame and, i posible, a the Geercetion ofa fame and a desk winger the greater srengh isa pois ‘A tcl time abo eccus when refloating. The distribution of weight should be sire ‘to that when the ssselerydoekes. Tank soundings sould be taken st soon the vessel his alten tke blocks over Similar soundings shoul he obaine® before refoting. 1 any ca plug othe botom of the veil have Been removed the mate should ee tha ‘they have been replaced before the dock flood ‘Wiis in rydock fee hose from the shore should be connected othe ships fire msn. All dschargesoversde shold be noppal. Sil STABILITY NOTES AND EXAMPLES Pages {TO FIND THE UPrHRUST Inthe diagram above P isthe upehrus. 4 the dance of che stermpost from the cenere of oration T isthe wim ‘In onter to tave the veste on the blocks fre and sft, 1 moment Ins to be caused to hange the wisn T centres, This moment could be cased by loading 2 weight for Ward of the CF discharging « weigh rom abaf the CF, shifting a weight fom aftco Torearé ot pushing spat te ter put of che ship “The st naned method is vitally what the wpebate does. The moment cases sP xa Then: The momen cuted = The moment robe caso ee Pxs Tx NCT ion hi a i Tx Met tem (Note: This sth upthrusca the intant the rcm take the blocs ‘uptras at say time prio wo this can be found by substituting the chinge of trim fo tt ine for Fin the equation above When vese! is on the blocks ani on an even Keel the upchrst wil ncesse by an Atount equi ca the TPC for every ceatmese of water Sate pumped out of the Jock Le. P= TRC x the numberof centimetres the water has fallen. Page 86 SHIP STABILITY NOTES AND EXAMPLES ‘TO FIND THE LOSS OF G., ‘gnsidr the vessel heeled to an angle can be the mull angle thet theres (eg. second of are) fe Taking moments about M (Considering two be fixed) Wrz - PEN + WrGZy or W x Gisind -P x KM sind Wx GyMsind then W GM ~ G90) a Px kM Px KM ie GH GM Pa kM (or the bss of Gxt) Alteratively if Pig considered asa weight discharged from che ea, the shit oF G or less of GM canbe foundby taking momenss about G. ‘Then The loss of CM e Pe KG es Pe Eid of th above approxi formulae may be wed in working ove probleme. ‘ls there is» teense inthe effective GM and therefore the Gz thre will be prac ally no ference in the Righiay Moment whichis the iportant quantity in Ship Seabliy The reason chat the eating oraents wl be the umes bocase the sffezent Gzs wll be multiplied by diferent dspcements using the fis formals the dspace rent will be W, whereas wll be W -P when using the second formal, SHIP STABILITY NOTES AND EXAMPLES rages? WORKED EXAMPLE 37 {4 yest of 3000 tonnes dispiement, KA (considered fixed) 4.5 mettes MCT tem 50 foanes mets i rimmed $0 ci by the ter. The secnpost 40 mete abate the centre Utlfoction. Calcite the ose t GM atthe ane the stem snes the blocks pe CoTRMCTIm | 50580. s60,0mn05 bi ips» Ei BOE EE viet nade wars oot W 3000 oe a bn “A sesel of 4900 tonnes dispheement TPC 12, KM (considered fted) 4.2m, KG 3.2m {Goon ae even kee. She eters deydock and see down onto the blocks, What ber “save GM when = farther 0.49 metres of water pumped Sor the dose? Bs re x cnetier pape tee a Hage ee cucu = ace c= ney Oe, ezxa ines Se. Besicn - TEE. M8522. oyyp are eal toate meciech = 5i6ta

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