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Practica Limbii Engleze An 3 16.03

Model 8
1. Pe de o parte, New York este centrul culturii si puterii. Atractiile New Yorkului includ
zgarie nori incredibili, teatrele de pe Broadway, muzee exceptionale si magazine elegante.
Orasul este si centrul financiar, de asigurari, de publicitate si de comunicatii a tarii. Pe de alta
parte, New York este si un oras al saraciei si degradarii. Fiind orasul cel mai mare al
Americii, cu o populatie de peste 7 milioane de oameni de diferite etnicitati, New York este
afectat de conflicte interrasiale, mahalale si dificultati financiare. New York este adeseori
numit si “bomba care nu a explodat”.
2. I will never be able to forget what happened years ago in Constanta, as I was sipping my
usual cup of coffee. I had been sitting there for about half an hour and I would have rather
stayed there than go inside the stuffy hotel, when a strange man approached me all of a
- How have you been and how long have you been here?
- I’m sorry, I answer. You must have me confused, I don’t believe I have ever seen you
Model 9
1. Anglia se afunda in valuri de carti. Cu 65000 de titluri noi aparute in ultimul an si sute de
milioane de titluri vandute, se pare ca apetitul pentru volume printate devine din ce in ce mai
agresiv in fiecare an. Librariile au vanzari in valoare de 1,2 miliarde de lire, fara sa includem
numeroasele cluburi de carte sau bibliotecile publice. Se pare ca un numar semnificativ de
oameni considera cartile a fi un cadou ideal de aniversari sau de sarbatori – sunt relativ
ieftine, usor de gasit si sunt acceptabile social si cultural la toate nivelurile si sectoarele
2. Mihai had written to his oldest brother, saying that unless he helped him, he would be
unable to continue living in that house. He had the hope that he would lend him some money
so that they could get out of the trouble they were in. A few months after, he received a letter
from his brother, calling him and Ana to the city, where he would help them find work.
Maybe as servants in a large house! Mihai and Ana read the letter they had memorized once
more, but still could not decide. They didn’t know what was the best thing to do.
Model 10
1. Inceputurile transmisiunilor radio in anii 1920, au adus o noua sursa de informare si
divertisment in casele americane. Presedintele Franklin D Roosevelt a inteles utilitatea
radioului ca o sursa de comunicare: discutiile sale “ca de la gura sobei” informau natiunea cu
privire la miscarile economiei in timpul Marii Depresii si miscarile armatei in timpul celui
de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial.
Disponibilitatea pe scara larga a televizorului dupa Cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial i-a facut
pe directori sa regandeasca programele. Radioul nu putea concura cu prezentarea vizuala a
dramei, comediei sau a spectacolelor variate, furnizate de televizor; ca urmare, multe posturi
de radio au trecut la un format de muzica inregistrata si stiri.
2. his dream had come true, he had become strong and great. The harder he worked, the
greater his success. And still, now, he stood unmoving and stunned by the music he could not
understand. It seemed to him that if he were to enter, he would find happiness there. But it
was very difficult for him to take that step and he got to thinking he couldn’t stand in front of
the glass for hours. He should he going. However, he was so overwhelmed by that music, that
he would have rather stayed there in the street that make his way to the park.
Phrasal Verbs
124. Nu te lasa purtat de entuziasm. Sunetul tobelor s-a stins incet. Nu o sa scapi cu o scuza
ca aceea. Nu vreau umbrela asta veche. Arunc-o. Au scos Latina obligatory de la examenul
de admitere de la Cambridge. Am plecat la rasaritul soarelui. Luam o pauza si bem o cafea?
Sindicatul a anulat greva in ultimul minut. A primit o amenda de 5 lire. Cred ca a scapat usor.
O sa venim cu totii sa te insotim la gara.
125. ask in – a invita; letting in – a oferi; break in – a spart casa; run out – ramas fara; hold
out – a rezista; call in – a semna de intrare; come out – apare; give in – a renunta; move in – a
se muta in; move out – a se muta afara din; come out – a iesi; going in – a se inscrie; looked
out – avea vedere la; look out- atentie; make out – a intelege/distinge
Carry on- a purta; take on – a prelua; cut down – a reduce; putting on – a lua in (greutate);
look back – a isi aduce aminte de; put down – a starpi; handed down – a da; a prelua
127. 1 out, on. 2. Away with, out. 3. Up, out of.4. of, in 5. Out 6. Up 7. On 8. Out , away 9.
Down up
Is this child being cared for (by anyone)?
I’d rather you left earlier.
The price of cars has gone up (lately).
By the time they got to the station, the train had already left.
George may not come this afternoon.
Would you mind speaking a little louder?
Nobody plays chess better than Alex in our class.
If the weather weren’t so bad, we could leave the house.
The rabbit was being chased by the fox.
He must be lying in his bedroom.
My clothes are much less expensive/cheaper than his.
The teacher was given a beautiful painting.
They can’t have done it.
Her house is too big for her to manage.
If he had found a taxi, he wouldn’t have missed the train.
How kind of you to remember my favorite color.
You could have told the truth.
What a smart boy your friend is.
CPE 04.05
We had a fight into the night, and none of us backed off. When we went to sleep I promised
her I would think over the reasons of my stubbornness. A wicked thought had crept up into
my head. Before nodding off, I began to picture a pretend talk between a Spaniard (tawny,
certainly) and a Frenchmen (skeptical, naturally), who had stopped to see the commotion in
front of plaza del toros. Later on, I fell asleep, exhausted. I was going to continue in the
morning. It wasn’t to be though, and in the afternoon something came up that forced me
return to Bucharest.
Rehearse adverbial clauses, noun clauses,

Tell me if you like me (if you like me este completive directa!!!! Nu conditionala!)

La exercitiile cu clauzele – cate 3 din fiecare

Dnul Bingley era aratos si manierat, avea o prezenta placuta, si manière decente, fara
pomp.Surorile sale erau femei frumoase, cu manière elegante. Cumnatul sau, dnul Hurst, doar
arata a gentleman, dar prietenul sau, dnul Darcy, a captat de indata atentia intregii sali prin
tinuta sa eleganta, inalta, trasaturi deosebite, aer nobil si informatia care a circulat in primele
cinci minute de la intrarea sa, cum ca ar fi scos 10 mii de lire pe an. Domnii l-au declarat a fi
un specimen exemplar, doamnele au exclamat ca era mult mai chipes decat Dnul Bingley si a
fost privit cu mare admiratie aproape jumatate de seara.
Manners – common noun, countable, abstract
Brother in law – subject, compound noun
Handsome – good-looking, charming, beautiful, stunning, fine
Him to be a figure – direct object clause, accusative-infinitive construction
He was looked at – passive voice, past tense simple, indicative mood.
I would have wanted to see that small, Greek statue head, blonde, blue eyed, as she is now, to
see whether she would look at me with disdain, indifferently. Through unbelievable
circumstances, I never came across her. I contacted all of her friends, even made one of them
my lover, all so I could hear about her, but as soon as the conversation touched upon her, still,
fearful and never knowing “how the tide would turn”, they wouldn’t say a word, avoiding all
talk, and the details I asked for, in a seemingly indifferent tone of voice, for I had no chance
of discovering a thing otherwise, were still, somehow unerringly, denied.
Mircea Nedelciu – Proza scurta
The guy in front of me pulled out the sandwiches his wife had prepared for him and noisily
chewed on them, with no great enthusiasm. I was never able to eat as boringly as this guy.
Maybe because I was never too full or something. 11 am. Nearly four hours to go by train. I
would fill the notebook up, even the covers and sides, and will have to buy another in
Focsani. I can’t focus on anything anymore. The fat man that came on board at Ploiesti is
telling something about luggage thieves on trains (using all the possible clichés). I look out
the window at think of Greta. Here I am on the train to Focsani! Why? Maybe I could never
rationally justify myself to someone. I should be more outgoing, entering the conversation,
maybe one of these guys is from Focsani and could help me.
There was nothing left to say. But neither could I remain quiet, standing face to face all night.
A night from which, we children, were nevertheless excluded from; we should have been
surprised – if we still had it in us to be surprised – that we hadn’t yet been sent to bed. It was
true that we should have been fed before bed. But no one seemed to remember that.

Ana Blandiana – Proiecte de trecut

Everything I am interested in now is finding a way to write it down, of having it remain, of
tumbling beyond the borders of dreams, in a more-real existence, what I have seen here
today. I knew I could not have set forth a more impossible purpose, just as I knew the odds of
actually accomplishing my objective were nearly null. However, as far as I was concerned, I
needed to try. I needed to write what I had seen, even if the paper I was writing on was more
than likely just present in my dreams, just as I was a character only present in a dream, a
piece of paper that would be gone with all the secrets written down on it, like I would be
gone, with the awakening of the person dreaming of us. And still, no matter how precarious
this solution, it was the only one I would have at my disposal, in the hopes that, like the
millions of things beyond my understanding in the whirlwind of the universe, there was a
way, above my understanding, to perpetuate the truth.
CPE 06.05
To inform
To admit
I don’t like Peter coming late.
I was woken up by the dog barking.
Tom’s delighted with having won the prize.
Helen’s mother found it annoying when Helen answered her back.
Paul, congratulations on having been promoted.
John is responsible for hiring and firing the staff.
I don’t believe my neighbor is capable of stealing my chickens.
Tom apologized for being late.
I’m used to living alone.
We suspect one of the night watchmen of stealing the painting.
Collin is fonder of playing tennis than going fishing.
I’m annoyed at you for drinking so much last night.
After being examined .... to operate
Kept... being thoroughly examined
Being interviewed
Of getting
Being checked

Types of clauses
We met where we had met before.
Put it back where it belongs.
She shall have music wherever she wants.

I’ll do it while you are sleeping.
She hasn’t written since she got in the accident.
I met him as I was finishing my walk.

We must finish now, for we won’t have time later.
I can’t go because I am feeling ill.
You can’t expect him to know the story seeing that he wasn’t present at the lesson.

Take your thick clothes lest you catch a cold.
Make haste lest we would be late.
We came a little earlier that we have the time to set up.

The river was no so high, so we were able to cross.
I was so curious to know that I peeked at the end.
You speak so fast that no one can follow.

Comparison or manner
The more difficult you find it, the more satisfying the result will be.
Man reaps as he sows.
It is not so easy as they say.
Although we arrived last, we shall leave on time.
Even though it was the right thing to do, I should not have dropped such a tempting
No matter how inexperienced we are, we shall try our hand at it.

What will you tell him supposing he finds out the truth?
They will certainly be thee in time provided the traffic isn’t bad.
If I managed to complete the task, they would be pleased.

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