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History Form 2 Mock Test Time: 1 hour 20 minutes Marks: 60 Name: a ) Class: © There are 8 pages of test paper and 5 pages of answer sheet. ¢ Write your name, class and class number on the first page of the test paper and answer sheet. © Write all the answers on the answer sheet. ¢ Answer all the questions in Sections I-VI. Choose one question in Section VII. © Return the test paper after the test. e =~ Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. aAtns © Aristo Educational s Lid 1 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks) Choose the correct answers. 1. Which of the following is not the main feature of the Industrial Revolution? A. Urbanization B. Mechanization C. Use of steam D. Industrialization 2. Which of the following British policies contributed to the start of the Industrial Revolution? A. Forced farmers to work in factories B. Encouraged children to work in coal mines C. Banned the formation of trade unions D. Granted patents for inventors to protect their rights 3. Which of the following ideas was suggested by Marx? A. Capitalism B. Communism C. Utopian socialism D. Colonialism 4, Which of the following was not the main achievement of the Voyages of Discovery? A. Reached the Cape of Good Hope B. Discovered Asia C. Reached the southern tip of South America and discovered a passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific D, Proved that the Earth was round 5. Which of the following countries was the first to open the doors to China? A. Japan B. France C. Britain D. The United States 10 Educational Press Lid aA2n 6. a 10. Which of the following descriptions about China in the late 19th century is correct? ‘A. China successfully ended some unequal treaties with Western countries. B, The reform movements successfully turned China into a rich and strong country. C. China's five reform movements ended in failure. D. China had not been colonized by other countries. Which of the following descriptions about the Meiji Reforms is incorrect? A. Japan kept its feudal social system. B. The Japanese government supported private capitalists to develop industry and commerce. C. The Japanese government learned from Western countries. D. The Meiji Reforms turned Japan into a rich and strong country. Which of the following treaties is not about the British rule over Hong Kong? A. The Convention Respecting an Extension of Hong Kong Territory B. The Treaty of Hong Kong C. The Convention of Beijing D. The Treaty of Nanjing, Which industry benefitted the most from the free port policy of Hong Kong in 18412 ‘A. Banking industry B. Manufacturing industry C. Iron and steel industry D. Entrepot trade Which of the following was the earliest form of public transport in Hong Kong? A. Tram B. Bus C. Peak tram D. Ferry Il Correction (8 marks) Circle the mistakes in the sentences and write the correct answers in the spaces provided. 1. Inthe 17th century, the ‘Hundred Days' Reform’ started in Britain, Many farmers lost their farmlands. 2. Italian merchants monopolized trade in the Indian Ocean. 3. Inthe 19th century, ideas of the ‘Black Man's Burden’ became popular inthe West. Westerners believed that it in task to bring civilization to backward regions. was thi 4. The Heung Yee Kuk was established in 1926. It advised ‘the government: on affairs concerning Hong Kong IL Chronological Order (4 marks) Arrange the following events in chronological order beginning with the earliest. A. The Qing Dynasty restricted foreign trade. It only opened Guangzhou to foreign trade. B. _ Britain leased the New Territories. C. The rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate ended D. China ceded Hong Kong Island to Britain. 1. >2. 23. 24. IV Matching (5 marks) Match the sentences with the people in the pictures. A. Loverthrew the Qing Dynasty and ended the Late Qing Reform indirectly. B. Iwas the first Governor of Hong Kong. C. _ Limproved the steam engine. It greatly contributed to the development of the Industrial Revolution. D. Iwas the first navigator to sail from the Atlantic to the Paci lended the Hundred Days' Reform. Later, | changed my mind and started the Late Qing Reform. F . h ‘ cienewese 2. Watt 3. Pottinger 4, Magellan 5. Sun Yixian Dowager Cixi 1 2. aa 4. 5. V__ Fill in the Blanks (5 marks) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. In 1637, the Tokugawa Shogun introduced a policy of (1), _..» Only afew Dutch, Korean and Under the threat from American Chinese merchants were allowed to live and trade in (2) Commodore Perry Japan and the United States signed the (3). Japan opened its doors. To prevent further Western expansion, Japan carried out the Meiji Reforms. It was a great success. During the period in 1895-1905, Japan defeated China and (4)... _..« This was the first time in modern history that an Asian country had defeated a European power. By the early 20th century, there were no more (5) between Japan and Western powers. All these showed that Japan successfully resisted Western expansion. 3 § a9 Aristo Educational Press Ltd VI Data-based Questions (18 marks) Study Sources A and B, and answer the questions that follow. Question 1 Source A: An excerpt about | the worry of aChinese attacked our country, Our military forces were official about the crisis, easily defeated and we lost two wars. Later, faced by China in 1898 "About a half century ago, British battleships Prince Gong led a reform movement, But it was not successful. ... Today, the British set up a large sphere of influence in our country at will. We must carry out reforms again. (a) Identify the reform movement carried out by Prince Gong in Source A. (1 mark) (b) Why did the official in Source A be reforms again? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and ve that China must carry out the situation in China between 1895 and 1898. (3 marks) (©) Which two responses had been adopted by China towards Western expansion by 1898? Explain your answer with reference to Source A and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Aristo Educational Press Ltd “bw Question 2 Chinese compradors were employed by foreign merchants, They acted as an intermediary between the mainland and foreign merchants, They accumulated a lot of wealth. ... Some Chinese compradors became property developers and the richest class in the Chinese community. Robert Hotung was one of the famous compradors. He was the first Chinese allowed to live in non-Chinese residential area - the Peak. ... The government started to respect Chinese professionals. For example, barrister Ng Tingfang was appointed as the first Chinese unofficial members of the Legislative Council in 1880 fa) © Source B: An excerpt | about Chinese compradors © in the late 19th and early | 20th centuries According to Source B, how did Chinese compradors become the richest class in the Chinese community? (2 marks) “Apart from some rich merchants and professionals, Chinese people still had a low political and social status in the early 20th century." Explain this view with reference to Source B and using your own knowledge. (6 marks) Aristo Educational Press Ld VII Essay-type Question (10 marks) Answer any ONE question. Answer the question in paragraph form and complete sentences. 1. During the Industrial Revolution, what changes did the invention and use of the steam engines bring about in the textile industry and transportation? 2. "The Voyages of Discovery were the wishes of many European rulers and merchants. Improvements in shipbuilding and navigation helped them fulfill their wishes." Explain this view. THE END History Form 2 Mock Test Answer Sheet Class: Name: ... ( ) 1 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks) Il Correction (8 marks) 4. Inthe 17th century, the 'Hundred Days' Reform’ started in Britain, Many farmers lost their farmlands. 2. Italian merchants monopolized trade in the 3. In the 19th century, ideas of the'Black Man's Burden’ became popular in the West. Westerners believed that it was their task to bring civilization to backward regions. 4, The Heung Yee Kuk was established in 1926. It advised the government on affairs concerning Hong Kon. Enclosure Movement ‘Mediterranean region White the New ‘Territories I Chronological Order (4 marks) IV Matching (6 marks) V__ Fill in the Blanks (5 marks) reat of Tunequa «seclusion | 2, Nagasaki Russia | 5, "neal eet treaties VI Data-based Questions (18 marks) Answer all the questions. 1._@)__ The SelF-Strengthening Movement, (1 mark) (b)__ Clues from the Source: The reform led by Prince Gong was not successful, Britain had set up a large sphere of influence in China, (1 mark) Your vas defeated 1a Faced the Russia, France, Germany and Japan set up their spheres of influence in China. Ch danger of being partitioned. @ marks) carted military resistance and carried out reforms Clues from the Source: China was defeated ewice by Britain about a half century ago, (1 mark) Later, Ps __Xour own knowledge China fought against Britain is foreign expansion. (1 mark) Itaimed to re Reform o save China from being partitioned. (2 marks) 2. (a) They acted as middlemen to trade with the mainland. (1 mark) Some Chinese compradors became property developers. (1 marl) Clues from the Source: Robert Horung was allowed to live in non-Chinese resident ment started to respect Chinese professionals, For exampk arrister Ng Tingfang was appointed to be the first Chinese unofficial member of the Legislative Council in 1880. (1 ark) These showed the social and political status of some Chinese meschants and professionals increased. Your own knowled, * Politically, the Hong Kong government allowed the Chinese elite to take part in government affairs. But only a very few Chinese could take part in government affairs. British and European residents occupied all impostant government pos The political status of the Chinese people was still very low, (2 marks) * Socially, the Hong Kong government caeried out many discriminatory policies against the Chinese people. For example, it enforced a curfew on local Chinese from 1842 to 1897; it passed the Peak District Reservation Ordinance (1904), which reserved the Peak as a residential area for non-Chinese residents. All these showed that the social status of the Chinese people VII Essay-type Question (10 marks) Answer any one of them, Question 1 (Suggested answer) Before the invention of the steam engine, textile machines mainly relied on humans and water as enei ach Spinning Mule and the Power Loom were powered by steam. ‘This increased the output and efficiency of the ¢ stile industry during the Industrial Revolution, In transportation, sailing ships were the main means of sea transport, while oxcarts and horse carts Jand transport was quite low. Afier the invention of the steam engine, engineers used steam to drive different means of new transport. Transportation became more efficient. For example, American engineer also carry alot of passengers and cargo and travel to distant places. Regular steamship services between Europe and the United States started As for land transport, British en the world. Many other countries built large railway networks since then. Trains became the main means of, Jand transport. __To sum up, he invention and the use of the steam engines increased the output and efficiency of the textile industry It also encouraged the rise of new means of transport. Transportation became more efficient Question 2 (Suggested answer) With regard to European rulers, strong kings arose in the 15th century: ‘They wanted to find new lands and valuable things such as gold and other precious metals, They were therefore willing to sponsor voyages. With regard to European merchants, they faced great obstacles in the trade between the East and the West. During late Medieval ‘Times, goods from Asia such as sill, porcelain, tea and spices were in great demand in Europe, However, the Ottom: an Turks and Arab Muslims controlled the land trade routes . They levied very high trade taxes. Italians merchants mi nopolized trade in the Mediterranean region. As a result, the cost of trade with the East was high. Sometimes, there were even. supply disruptions, Therefore, many European merchants wanted to find a new sea route to Asia in order to trade with Asian directly at lower costs Finally, shipbuilding and navigation allowed navigators to make safer journeys and travel greater distances To sum up, during the 15th and 16th centuries, European rulers and merchants supported the Voyages of Discovery because of different reasons. Improvements in shipbuilding and navigation contributed to the start of the Voyages of Discovery. THE END

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