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History Form 2 Mock Test Time: 1 hour 20 minutes Marks: 60 Name: ann ) Class: © There are 8 pages of test paper and 5 pages of answer sheet. © — Write your name, class and class number on the first page of the test paper and answer sheet. © Write all the answers on the answer sheet. © Answer all the questions in Sections I-VI. Choose one question in Section VII. © — Return the test paper after the test. © Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. 1 Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks) Choose the correct answers. 1. Which of the following was not the main feature of the Renaissance? ‘A. Revived the ancient Greco-Roman civilization B. Challenged the teachings of the Church C. Opposed religions except the Roman Catholic Church D. Paid attention to humanism 2. Which of the following people was called the ‘Father of Humanism"? A. Petrarch B. Shakespeare C. Leonardo da Vinci D. Fracastoro 3. Which of the following was not the feature of the Renaissance architecture? Tall pointed arches Pediments Stone pillars pOP PP Round domes 4. Which of the following people first proposed ‘heliocentrism'? A. Aristotle B. Copernicus C. Galileo D. Bruno 5. Which of the following was not the main idea of the Enlightenment? ‘A. Opposed absolutism B. Suggested that there was a social contract between the government and the people C. Suggested that people enjoyed the right of freedom D. Suggested that people with a common history, religion, language and customs should join together 10 Educational Press Lid “A2n 6. Which of the following acts was passed by Britain to impose tea tax on the Thirteen Colonies? A. The Intolerable Acts B. The Coercive Acts C. The Townshend Acts D. The Stamp Act 7. Which of the following incidents changed the attitude of the North American colonists and made them disloyal to the British king? A. The Seven Years' War broke out between Britain and France. B. Britain refused to repeal the Coercive Acts. C. The North American colonists knew about the crimes of Britain and advantages of independence after reading Common Sense. D. The Thirteen Colonies got military support from France. 8. — Which of the following descriptions about the United States after the American Revolution is incorrect? A. The United States became a federal republic. B. The United States passed the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights to protect the rights of its people. C. The United States faced economic difficulties. D. The United States ceded the land east of the Mississippi River to Britain. 9. Which of the following was the reason for Louis XVI to call the Estates-General? A. He wanted to force the Third Estate to withdraw from the National Assembly. B. He wanted to change the voting system of the Estates-General. C. He wanted to impose taxes on the First Estate and Second Estate. D. He wanted to impose taxes on the Third Estate. 10. Which of the following countries invaded France in February 1792? Britain and Austria Austria and Prussia Prussia and the United States The United States and Russia Sea “AgW Aristo Educational Press Ltd Il Correction (8 marks) Circle the mistakes in the sentences and write the correct answers in the spaces provided. 1, The Italian peninsula was the birthplace of the ancient Greek civilization. 2. Absolute rulers used the idea of ‘natural rights’ to justify their rule. 3, After the Napoleonic Wars, Britain tightened its control over the Thirteen Colonies. 4. On July 14, 1789, the people of Faris attacked the Palace of Versailles. The French Revolution started, Il Chronological Order (4 marks) Arrange the follo 1g events in the chronological order beginning with the earliest. A. The proclamation of the Tennis Court Oath B. Martin Luther posted the Ninety-Five Theses Paine published Common Sense D. Napoleon introduced the Code Napoleon 1. >2. 23. 24. IV Matching (5 marks) Match the statements with the people in the pictures. A. led the Jacobins and ruled France between 1793 and 1794. B. I sponsored Florentine architects to build the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. I was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in 1775. D. Iwas called the 'Father of Anatomy’. E. The Thirteen Colonies proclaimed the Declaration of Independence and did not pledge loyalty to me again. “ 1. Vesalius 2. George Ill 3. Washington 4, Robespierre 5. Cosimo Medici Vv Fi in the Blanks (5 marks) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. From 1814 to 1815, European leaders held the (1) .. , which aimed to restore the old order of Europe before the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, to prevent French expansion in the future, and to stop the spread of (2) and nationalism in Europe. Russia, Prussia and Austria formed the (3) ..scnmun tO maintain absolute rule, They suppressed many revolutions against the absolutism Aiter this congress, revolutions and unification movements started in Europe. Although most of these revolutions failed, (4)... AN (5) osm BECAME unified in 1870 and 1871 “arn Aristo Educational Press Ltd VI Data-based Questions (18 marks) Study Sources A and B, and answer the following questions. Question 1 | Source A: Information | about a painting by human bodies, Michelangelo deliberately showed his. |) _ Michelangelo Although the Church did not allow people to cut up anatomical knowledge in his paintings to express his discontent. ... Scholars find out that in the Creation of ‘Adam, the neck and belt of God are unnatural. After making a comparison, the scholars realize that they implicitly show the anatomy of the human brain and backbone. ... (a) How did Michelangelo express his discontent about the order of the Church to ban anatomy? Cite relevant clues from Source A to explain your answer. (3 marks) (b) _ State the features of Michelangelo's paintings with respect to his themes and skills with reference to Source A and using your own knowledge. (5 marks) 10 Educational Press Lid Ab w Question 2 "We do not have a seat in the British Parliament. There is no need to pay taxes. ... In the incident which happened three years ago (1770), the British soldiers killed our fellow people. Today, we still remember this incident clearly. Although Britain cancelled some of the taxes, it is still unwilling to repeal the tea tax. Therefore, we must take an action to protect our rights. Identify the ‘incident’ in Source B. (1 mark) Source B: View of a North American colonist about the taxation policy of Britain in November, 1773 According to Source B, why did the North American colonists have to take an action? (2 marks) "B in repeatedly ignored the demands of the Thirteen Colonies. This led to the outbreak of the American Revolution in the end." Explain this view with the reference to Source B and using your own knowledge. (7 marks) Aristo Educational Lid VII Essay-type Question (10 marks) Answer any ONE question. Answer the question in paragraph form and complete sentences. 1. Since the 11th century, what new knowledge had Europeans absorbed apart from religious doctrines? How did this new knowledge contribute to the start of the Renaissance? 2. What was the influence of the Enlightenment on the outbreak of the American Revolution? What was the influence of the American Revolution on the outbreak of the French Revolution? THE END History Form 2 Mock Test Answer Sheet NAME? oo nnnnnnnens ¢ ) Class: I Multiple Choice Questions (10 marks) 1. 2048 A 4. 8B 5. D 6. 7. 8 oD 9. 10. B Il Correction (8 marks) 1, The Italia in peninsula was the birthplace of the Gncient reabetzeton 2. Absolute rulers used theidea of fatural right) to justify their rule. 3. After the flapoleonic Wars) Britain tightened its control over the Thirteen Colonies. 4. On July 14,1789, the people of Paris attacked the The French Revolution started. Ill Chronological Order (4 marks) ancient Roman divine sight of kings Seven Years’ War Bastille IV Matching (5 marks) v VI Data-based Questions (18 marks) Answer all the questions. Clues from the Source: * He implicitly painted the anatomy of the human brain and backbone in the neck and belt of God in the Creation of Adam. (2 matks) (b)_ Clues from the Source: Themes: Michelangelo's paintings were about religion, such as the Creation of Adam. (1 mark) * He showed his anatomical knowledge in his paintings to express discontent about the order of the Church to ban anatomy. @ marks) Your own knowledge + Because of his anatomical knowledge, Michelangelo was good at showing detailed body and facial expressions in his paintings ‘The Creation of Adam and the Last Judgement show this painting skill. 2 marks) ‘The Boston Massacre. (1 mark) ‘The North American colonists did not have a seat in the British Parliament. ‘There was no need to pay taxes, (1 mark) After the Boston Massacre, Britain was still unwilling to repeal the tea tax. ‘Therefore, they took an action to protect theie sights. (1 mark) Clues from the Source: «The North American colonists did not have a seat in the British Parliament. ‘There was no need to repeal the tea tax. This led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773. (1. mark) * Britain continued to ignore the demands of the Thirteen Colonies. It even passed the Coerve Adts after the Boston Tea Party in order to tighten its control over the Thirteen Colonies. (1 mark) "The North American colonists demanded that Britain should abolish these acts and give them. equal rights like other British. However, the fighting between British troops and a colonise militia at Lexington showed that Britain refused the demands of the colonists, Finally, the colonists started the American Revolution to fight for theie rights, (2 marks) “it VIL Essay-type Question (10 marks) Answer any one of them, y provider of education. People could only learn about Lith century. This contributed to the start of the Renaissance, Between the 11th and 13th centuries, European Christians started the Crusades against the Arab astronomy. Arab civilization wa far more advanced than European civilization, brought back a lot of Arab artworks and advanced scientific knowledge. ‘This broadened the horizons of Europeans and revived their interest in ancient Greco-Roman art and learning, This contributed to the _On the other hand, many universities were established in European towns from the 12th century ‘The universities also kept many books related environment. ‘They studied subjects other than Christianity. to the ancient Greco-Roman civilization. This encouraged scholars and students to find out more about it. _Puropeans gradually found out that many teachings of the Church were wrong after they had absorbed new knowledge. ‘They started to question Church teachings, ‘This weakened Church influence on people's minds. This also contributed to the start of the Renaissance. “aww th liberty. They also criticized absolute rule and opposed political and soci Voltaire and Rousseau were famous Enlightenment thinkers. ‘The colonists learnt that they had the right to overthrow an absolute government. Under the influence at fr tights. This led to the outbreak of the American Revolution. In the end, the ‘Thirteen Colonies declared. independence from Britain in 1 brought back the ideas of liberty and equality they also shared their experiences with the French people. ‘The success of the American Revolution encouraged the French people to fight for theie rights and end absolutism and social inequality. ‘This contributed to the outbreak of the French Revolution. THE END

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