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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

abase :: lower: humiliate abash :: embarrass abdicate :: renounce: give up aberrant: Markedly different from an accepted norm. aberration: Deviation from a right, customary, or prescribed course. abet: To aid, promote, or encourage the commission of (an offense). abettor :: encourager abeyance :: suspended action abeyance: A state of suspension or temporary inaction. abhor :: detest abjure :: renounce upon oath abjure: To recant, renounce, repudiate under oath. ablution :: washing ablution: A washing or cleansing, especially of the body. abominate :: loathe: hate aboriginal :: being the first of its kind in a region: primitive: native abortive :: unsuccessful: fruitless abrade :: wear away by friction: erode abrogate :: abolish abrogate: To abolish, repeal.

21. abscond :: depart secretly and hide 22. abscond: To depart suddenly and secretly, as for the purpose of escaping arrest. 23. absolve :: pardon an offense 24. abstemious :: temperate: sparing in drink, etc. 25. abstemious: Characterized by self denial or abstinence, as in the use of drink, 26. abstinence :: restraint from eating or drinking 27. abstruse :: obscure: profound: difficult to understand 28. abstruse: Dealing with matters difficult to be understood. 29. abut: To touch at the end or boundary line. 30. accede: To agree. 31. accelerate :: move faster 32. accessory :: additional object: useful but not essential thing 33. acclivity :: sharp upslope of a hill 34. accolade :: award of merit 35. accomplice :: partner in crime 36. accord :: agreement 37. accost :: approach and speak first to a person 38. accoutre :: equip 39. accretion :: growth: increase 40. accrue :: come about by addition 41. acetic :: vinegary

42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61.

acidulous :: slightly sour: sharp: caustic acknowledge :: recognize: admit acme :: top: pinnacle acoustics :: science of sound: quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in acquiesce: To comply; submit. acquiescent :: accepting passively acquittal :: deliverance from a charge acrid :: sharp: bitterly pungent acrid: Harshly pungent or bitter. acrimonious :: stinging: caustic actuarial :: calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics actuate :: motivate acumen :: mental keenness acumen: Quickness of intellectual insight, or discernment; keenness of adage :: wise saying: proverb adage: An old saying. adamant :: hard: inflexible adamant: Any substance of exceeding hardness or impenetrability. adapt :: alter: modify addiction :: compulsive, habitual need

62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83.

addle :: rotten: muddled; crazy adduce :: present as evidence adept :: expert at adhere :: stick fast to adipose :: fatty adjuration :: solemn urging admonish :: warn: reprove admonition: Gentle reproof. adroit :: skillful adulation :: flattery: admiration adulterate :: make impure by mixing with baser substances adumbrate: To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem. adumbration :: foreshadowing: outlining adventitious :: accidental: casual adverse :: unfavorable: hostile adversity :: poverty: misfortune advocate :: urge: plead for aesthetic :: artistic: dealing with or capable off appreciation of the beautiful affable: Easy to approach. affected :: artificial: pretended affiliation :: joining: associating with affinity :: kinship

affirmation :: solemn pledge by one who refuses to take an oath affluence :: abundance: wealth affray :: public brawl agape :: openmouthed agglomeration :: collection: heap aggrandize :: increase or intensify aggrandize: To cause to appear greatly. aggravate: To make heavier, worse, or more burdensome. aggregate :: sum: total aghast :: horrified agile: Able to move or act quickly, physically, or mentally. agility :: nimbleness agitate :: stir up: disturb agnostic :: one who is skeptical of the existence or knowability of a god 98. agog: In eager desire. 99. alacrity :: cheerful promptness 100. alacrity: Cheerful willingness. 101. albeit :: although 102. alchemy :: medieval chemistry 103. alcove: A covered recess connected with or at the side of a larger room 104. alias :: an assumed name

84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97.

105. alienate :: make hostile: separate 106. alimentary :: supplying nourishment 107. alimony :: payment by a husband to his divorced wife 108. allay :: calm: pacify 109. allege :: state without proof 110. allegory :: story in which characters are used as symbols: fable 111. alleviate :: relieve 112. alleviate: To make less burdensome or less hard to bear. 113. allocate :: assign 114. alloy :: a mixture as of metals 115. allude :: refer indirectly 116. allusion :: indirect reference 117. alluvial :: pertaining to soil deposits left by rivers, etc. 118. aloof :: apart; reserved 119. aloof: Not in sympathy with or desiring to associate with others. 120. altercation :: wordy quarrel 121. altruism :: unselfish aid to others; generosity 122. amalgamate :: combine; unite in one body 123. amalgamate: To mix or blend together in a homogeneous body. 124. amass :: collect 125. ambidextrous: Having the ability of using both hands with equal skill or ease. 126. ambiguous :: doubtful in meaning

127. ambiguous: Having a double meaning. 128. amble :: move at an easy pace 129. ambrosia :: food of the gods 130. ambulatory :: able to walk 131. ameliorate :: improve 132. ameliorate: To relieve, as from pain or hardship 133. amenable :: readily managed; willing to be led 134. amenities :: agreeable manners; courtesies 135. amiable :: agreeable; lovable 136. amicable :: friendly 137. amnesia :: loss of memory 138. amnesty :: pardon 139. amorphous :: shapeless 140. amphibian :: able to live both on land in water 141. amphitheater :: oval building with tiers of seats 142. ample :: abundant 143. amplify :: enlarge 144. amputate :: cut off part of body; prune 145. amuck :: in a state of rage 146. amulet :: charm; talisman 147. analogous :: comparable 148. analogy :: similarity; parallelism 149. anarchy :: absence of governing body; state of disorder

150. anathema :: solemn curse 151. anathema: Anything forbidden, as by social usage. 152. ancillary :: serving as an aid or accessory; auxiliary 153. andirons :: metal supports in a fireplace for cooking utensils or logs 154. anemia :: condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles 155. anesthetic :: substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness 156. animadversion :: critical remark 157. animadversion: The utterance of criticism or censure. 158. animated :: lively 159. animosity :: active enmity 160. animosity: Hatred. 161. annals :: records; history 162. annihilate :: destroy 163. annuity :: yearly allowance 164. annul :: make void 165. anomalous :: abnormal; irregular 166. anomaly :: irregularity 167. anonymous :: having no name 168. antagonism :: active resistance 169. antediluvian :: antiquated; ancient

170. antediluvian: Of or pertaining to the times, things, events before the great flood in 171. anthropoid :: manlike 172. anthropologist :: a student of the history and science of mankind 173. anticlimax :: letdown in thought or emotion 174. antidote: Anything that will counteract or remove the effects of poison, disease, or the like. 175. antipathy :: aversion; dislike 176. antiseptic :: substance that prevents infection 177. antithesis :: contrast; direct opposite of or to 178. apathetic :: indifferent 179. aperture :: opening; hole 180. apex :: tip; summit; climax 181. aphorism :: pithy maxim 182. aplomb :: poise 183. aplomb: Confidence; coolness. 184. apocryphal : Of doubtful authority or authenticity. 185. apocryphal :: not genuine; sham 186. apogee :: highest point 187. apogee: The climax. 188. apostate :: one who abandons his religious faith or political beliefs 189. apostate: False.

190. apothecary :: druggist 191. apothegm :: pithy, compact saying 192. apotheosis :: deification; glorification 193. apotheosis: Deification. 194. apparition :: ghost; phantom 195. apparition: Ghost. 196. appease :: pacify; soothe 197. appease: To soothe by quieting anger or indignation. 198. appellation :: name; title 199. append :: attach 200. apposite :: appropriate; fitting 201. apposite: Appropriate. 202. appraise :: estimate value of 203. apprehend :: arrest a criminal; dread; perceive 204. apprehensive :: fearful; discerning 205. apprise :: inform 206. apprise: To give notice to; to inform. 207. approbation: Sanction. 208. appurtenances :: subordinate possessions 209. aptitude :: fitness; talent 210. aquiline :: curved; hooked 211. arable :: fit for plowing 212. arbiter :: a person with power to decide a dispute; judge

213. arbitrary :: fixed or decided; despotic 214. arboreal: Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. 215. arcade :: a covered passageway, usually lined with shops 216. archaeology :: study of artifacts and relics of early mankind 217. archaic :: antiquated 218. archipelago :: group of closely located islands 219. ardor :: heat; passion; zeal 220. ardor: Intensity of passion or affection. 221. arduous :: hard; strenuous 222. argot :: slang 223. argot: A specialized vocabulary peculiar to a particular group. 224. aromatic :: fragrant 225. arraign :: charge in court; indict 226. arrant :: thorough; complete; unmitigated 227. arrant: Notoriously bad. 228. arrogance :: haughtiness 229. artifacts :: products of primitive culture 230. artifice :: deception; trickery 231. artisan :: a manually skilled worker 232. ascertain :: find out for certain 233. ascetic :: practicing self-denial; austere 234. ascetic: Given to severe self-denial and practicing excessive abstinence and

235. asceticism :: doctrine of self-denial 236. ascribe :: refer; attribute; assign 237. ascribe: To assign as a quality or attribute. 238. ashen :: ash-colored 239. asinine :: stupid 240. askance :: with a sideway or indirect look 241. askew :: crookedly; slanted; at an angle 242. asperity :: sharpness of temper 243. asperity: Harshness or roughness of temper. 244. aspersion :: slanderous remark 245. aspirant :: seeker after position or status 246. aspiration :: noble ambition 247. assail :: assault 248. assay :: analyze; evaluate 249. asseverate :: make a positive statement or solemn declaration 250. assiduous :: diligent 251. assiduous: Unceasing; persistent 252. assuage :: ease; lessen pain 253. assuage: To cause to be less harsh, violent, or severe, as excitement, appetite, 254. asteroid :: small planet 255. astral :: relating to the stars 256. astringent :: binding; causing contraction

257. astringent: Harsh in disposition or character. 258. astute :: wise; shrewd 259. astute: Keen in discernment. 260. atheistic :: denying the existence of God 261. athwart :: across; in opposition 262. atonement: Amends, reparation, or expiation made from wrong or injury. 263. atrocity :: brutal deed 264. atrophy :: wasting away 265. attenuate :: make thin; weaken 266. attest :: testify; bear witness 267. attribute :: essential quality 268. attrition :: gradual wearing down 269. atypical :: not normal 270. audacious: Fearless. 271. audacity :: boldness 272. audit :: examination of accounts 273. augment :: increase 274. augury :: omen; prophecy 275. augury: Omen 276. auspicious :: favoring success 277. auspicious: Favorable omen 278. austere :: strict; stern

279. austere: Severely simple; unadorned. 280. austerity :: sternness; severity 281. authenticate :: prove genuine 282. autocrat :: monarch with supreme power 283. autocrat: Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or 284. automaton :: mechanism which imitates actions of humans 285. autonomous :: self-governing 286. autopsy :: examination of a dead body; postmortem 287. auxiliary :: helper, additional or subsidiary 288. auxiliary: One who or that which aids or helps, especially when regarded as 289. avarice :: greediness for wealth 290. avarice: Passion for getting and keeping riches. 291. aver :: state confidently 292. aver: To avouch, justify or prove 293. averse :: reluctant 294. aversion: A mental condition of fixed opposition to or dislike of some particular 295. avid :: greedy; eager for 296. avouch :: affirm; proclaim 297. avow :: declare openly 298. avow: To declare openly.

299. avuncular :: like an uncle 300. awe :: solemn wonder 301. awry :: distorted; crooked 302. axiom :: self-evident truth requiring no proof 303. azure :: sky blue.

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