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Why do you support the LGBTQ+ community

Why do I support the LGBTQ+ community? Its simple, they are humans to just like us. I may not be
part of the said community but I can say that even without the context of gender all of us human
being deserve the equality in all aspects of life. There is no need for us the bring others down only
because they are different from the rest of us. I want all of us to realize that all of us came from
nothing so who are we to decide who gets more and who doesn’t. Who are we to decide that male
and female are superior from other genders. Ok so lets say that it is forbidden in our religion. I agree
with you on that since I myself is part of the Christian religion but that doesn’t stop me from
supporting the LGBTQ+ community why? Because it is not my Job to judge them. Other than that isn’t
it also part of our belief to love your neighbors? When we discriminate the LGBTQ+ community. Do
we practice this belief? We do not need everyone to support the LGBTQ+ community but what we
need is to have respect for everyone because it is the right thing to do.

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