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The Nu Moorish International ofScience and

Be it known to all courts, Sovcmm€nq and other that t, Khaliq Madu Alim El am a Naturat (Indigenous), free,born
Sovcrcign' The Nu Moorish-Intern-ational Group l4F, *1i o"r"[pi*, and rhi Moorish Scisnoe Tonplc of Amcrica
(Proph€t Noblc Drew Ali) (Mu'ur, Moon) or Moorish "i.s"r*;
Amcrica National--Citizen Amcrica or autt oiry for this srarenrcnt is
same 8s it is for all free Sovcrcigrs wcryrhere rhc ago.old, timclcss,
ficcdoms, and rcsponsibilitics of 0rL sovcriign Inai{o$l t
*a uoi".o"t *.p*, f"r;; indnsic rights, propcrty,
;;;;;; when suc}r tcnn is dcfined in srarutcs of rhe united
States or statutes of the several states when iuctr definition "r"'n;;;
includes .ftin"i"r cntitics. I refusc to u" &t"o as a fedcrally
cealed €ntity which is only capablc of eorercising ccrtain rights,- privitegcs, or $atc
or immunitics * ,p"Jn""fii grultod by federal or srare
Sovqmmeots' I voluntarily choose to comply wirh thc man-hade laws,ivhich scrvs to bring harmony to
sociery, but no such laws,
nor their anforcerg havc any authority over me

"Therg cvcry m8n is indcPelrdent of all lawg-cxccpt^those prcscribed by nature.-He is Nor bound by ury insritutions formod by his
fcllow men without trit en oen ,".'xi"ii. z u.c. grs irig6ii-d.E zo.
I am not in any juridiction, for I am notof zubject status. Consistcnt wirh
rhc ctcmal tradition of natunl common law, unless I
have harmod or violalod som1n9 their ptopcrty, I have committeo no crime; and am lhereforc not slbject
in accordancc with the following U.S. Suprcmi Court case to any penalty. I ac{

"The individual may stsnd upon his

carry on his privatc busines in his own way.
examinarionJ to the State, since he
by the law of the land
[Common Law] long
process of law, and in
accordancc with thc a rcfusal to incrimiartc and his propecy
fr,om arrest or law. He owcs nothing to thC'prblic
riShts'" upon thcir

Thus, be it
not entq into
common law rigbt not to be compcllcd to pcrfonn unOo
intcntionally. Arid -v ktir"r rhat I did
I do nor acccpt rhe liability sssocirod wiG,rnc
or commercial agroemert.

As such, &e hiddcn or unrevealed conhacts that

inapplicable to mg and are null and void- IfI havc
conhac6, I havc done so undcr duress, for lack
trot acc@tcd thern in a manner thet binds me to
becausc of the abscncc of fult disclosure of
under contract law. Without a valid
of the minds," and thcrsfore no.ralid
thc datc affixod bclow I havc nwcr
ury of my natural common law rights,
and all contracts, Sgreementrs, forms,
any federal or statc governmcot or

GOR |5
d.- r
State of ^ilb.-
?0,t? .lr
Bcfore mg a Notary for the abovc
Known to meor named tn and who e(ecutcd the foregoing duly snch
pc{son that hc said tnstnmcnt for the purposcs therein free and act
and deed.


Affiant is / is not Personally known to me ( ) ln Red


My Commission Expircsl I t Z//A iloE R*St*€aFlodd.

Nedb Tns
l.yCdtnt$lonEE 1t3t4


The Nu Moorish lnternational of Science and

Affidavit: Declaration of Nationaliff

PURSUAI{TTO U.N.21583, MS 2U599.

I' Khaliq Madu Alim El do hcrcby and herewith declare that I am a mernbcr of The Moorish Internarional
Group of Scicnce and
Developmcnt and (Prophct Nobte Dncw Ali) and Hcr Highness, vcrdiacee
'fiare" runica lnrmcry iv.rt it"* of the Amcrica
National Citizen North Gate, (Naga) Mubn. I AIr{ aNaturd Acing (Natural pcrson). I am NOT
Neg;, nhcf Colored or African-
Amcrican or clc. I am NOT Civilizer Mortuus, a label or gnmr"ti-"a|, adjoctiye, r
nU in propria pisona, Sui Juriq tSu"a i. ii
Propcr Person); In-Full'Life s]st u whote (human) being, with un.a.l'len-ablc righrs
ano i.Ior wirh privileges. I am NoT a
DUMMY' Arlificial Person;.trfranchisc Corpora:ion, \iard-To-Tho-stats, or etc... I AN,t an Indigcnous
Ab.original phrec
M.TY or "A Child of Light."-Thus, I-willinglland knowingly e-*qfi:crry rigrrr to a nationat;ty i
choosc ro comply
with Clcator's laws (Natural Larvs). I am not-in any E:rrhliiurisdiction, iot
I A Status.
i"r "ol'un*iry
not of subjcct rt"tus, but Freelold Class Truth
Consis-tcnt wirh thc ctcrnal tradition of nanrnal common law unlcss I have harmcd
, or violatod someone, or thcir propertn I have
committed no crime; and am thereforc not subject to any pcnalry. Thus, be it known
to all, in the nature of UCC f-30t (*UCC t-
207), that I reserve my natural corimon law right not to be compcl lod to perform
undcr any contract that I did not enrer into
knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally. And furrhennorg I do not acccpt the liability
associared with the compclled and
preterdod "benefit" ofany hidden or unrcvealed
As such, thc hidden or unrcvealed contracts
that supposedly creatc obligations to
to mg and arc null and void. If I havc
participated in any of the
uoder durtsg threat" and
coercion for lack ofany
I am not a -Unitcd Thc Unitcd
jurisdiction as U.S. Constitution with
Affidavit. I am not a a "franchisc of, a
"subjcct of, a oI", or nsubject to thc

I am NOT a legal "person" bom or the "Unitcd Stares, ' NOT subject to thc jurisdiction of the legislative
dernocracy of drefedeml "United Srates" of Columbia Pucrto Rioo, U"S. Virgtn Islands, and Guanr, American Samoa)
or any other territory, anea or cnclave United Sratcs." The tenn'United States" and "U.S." a,c NOT to be constued or
assumed under any circumstances lo
I'U.S. cldzen"
dcocrlbcd ln 26 CtrR
sues of America" I rm NOT r
l4o Amendment of
reference to the
tte Constitution mtlntaitring rlght is lnvalld. (Sec A Hlstorlc Overview of the Unlawfol Eaectnent of
tbe 14|| Ancndneot by the of Utah; Deyett v Turoer, (1967) rB9 P. 2d.266; Stete v Phlllips, (f9?5) S40
P.26.936) Therefore I rm an rcspcct to tbe federal "Uolted Strtca ll


Statc JA*-
mu -
Beforc mg a Notary the abovc state
Known !o mc or proved to in and who e,(ccuted the foregoing such
pcrson acknowledgcd that he instrumcnt for the purposcs hcr free and voluntary act
and deod


Afrant is / is not Personally known to me ( ) THUMB PRINT

in Red
NOTARY t4z J (Seal)

My Cornrni3s,ion Expiresl l,A -

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