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Module 5: Week 5:
Explaining How the Elements Specific to a One-Act-
PLay Contribute to the Development of Its Them

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Santos, Erica Lorraine Y. Ms. Rolanne Gonzales
Plot of the Radio PLay
"Sorry, Wrong Number"
Exposition Rising Climax

Falling Denouement
Sorry, Wrong Number started by building the feeling of mystery and
such in its opening. It started with an impatient Mrs. Stevenson who
feels uneasy because her husband's phone line has been busy over the
couple of times she tried to reach him. Setting is near Queensboro
Bridge at night.

Rising Action
The rising action is when Mrs. Stevenson overhears a murder plan as
she tries to make sure someone helps but sadly, no one did. She is
afraid that a woman will be murdered but she can't get the police to
help her.
The suspense and frustration build to a frenzied climax as Mrs. Stevenson
discovers that she herself is the intended target of the murder and that
her husband is the mastermind of the plot.

Falling Action
Mrs. Stevenson hears someone in her house. They pick up the phone
and listen in on her conversation. A train goes by and Mrs. Stevenson
screams, the man in her house kills her with the plan she overheard on
the phone earlier.
The drama ends when the police ask about the nature of the
caller's emergency. The killer picks up the phone, explains that he's
fine, and says that he never meant to dial the police. He apologizes
for dialing a wrong number and hangs up.

Sorry, Wrong Number

By Lucille Fletcher
Have a happy day po,
Module 6: Week 6:

Santos, Erica Lorraine Y.

Submitted by:
Ms. Rolanne Gonzales
Submitted to:
Personal Safety Practices:
The Importance of
Health Protocols
Certain measures will be needed to
reduce the risk of exposure and spread
of COVID-19.
As COVID-19 continues to exist in our communities, it is more important than ever to
follow strict protocols to ensure the health and safety of the campus community.
These protocols are in place for the health, safety and wellbeing of our community.
Following health protocols is everyone’s responsibility and creates a caring
environment where we are all doing our part to help keep our community healthy.
It is important to follow health protocols in this time of pandemic. And even when
the pandemic is gone. Because following health protocols can make us much more
safe and healthy, it can prevent us from having sickness or anything that can cause
harm to us. Also, it will prevent the virus to spread, and it can be a big help to
lessen people who have the virus.
Have a happy day po,

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