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Alvaro Martinez

The Role of Social Media in Modern Society

Social media is playing a massive role in the world, the digital era has become faster

and easier to access for new and older generations. By simply touching an icon or accessing a

web address, we can interact and share thousands of opinions, experiences, and products that

others want to offer us. The most popular social networks such as Facebook, Instagram,

Twitter, and others allow us to navigate, analyze and develop in one way or another the use

of social media depending on our needs, tastes, and experiences.

First of all, to keep you informed, social media is one of the tools that facilitate access

to information. For example, when we use the social network Twitter, we can access first-

hand the knowledge of news and evidentiary what happens in real-time. Otherwise, many

people can also add information and be shared by others, in turn, they can give their opinion

and attach images or videos to add or support the news. For example, in the case of

Facebook, you can add information with more imagines or videos because on Twitter you can

only put 280 characters to express your opinion or idea. In addition, when the war started

between Ukraine and Russia, for the control of Ukrainian territory, thousands of people did

not have access to the internet, it was there that thousands of Ukrainians joined together

including the president of Ukraine in order to show the world what was happening in real-

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Second, we can find several ways to learn new languages with the use of social

networks either to study or to learn new languages such as English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Another way to use social networks is with the theme of learning new things and in this case,

it is that of new languages because today with the use of technology we can help others to

understand, analyze and better organize their skills when learning and teaching. For example,

when you look for how to pronounce certain words in English you can find thousands of

answers and people who want to make it easier. that is why we must be aware of the

magnitude that is being achieved when using a social network. For instance, when you want

to improve your pronunciation with respect to certain words or sentences you can find native

speakers to help you with pronunciation or find out in pronunciation groups where they will

advise you in the best way.

Finally, follow and inspire others to do what they want. For example, if you want to

make a food recipe and you want to learn it fast and easy, you can find a lot of information

about it, for this case you will have other tools like Pinterest, which is one of the most used

social networks today for the use of guides, user manuals and among others in order to

facilitate the user to follow some plan, culinary recipe and thousands of things more, as well

as when creating a wooden chair or table, installation of solar panels, create a house for

children or even find architectural plans of houses and buildings for the purpose of providing

an accompaniment and show others what could be done. In addition, you can search and find

near your location thousands of restaurants of your interest which are in a range of the most

favorite by users nationally or internationally, such as the TripAdvisor application which

allows us to search and book any restaurant in your area.

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In summary, many people can do thousands of things with the help of technology and

even more with social networks, it is already the interest and taste of everyone who wants to

use digital platforms, however, platforms are not always used for positive purposes and that is

where some they take the opportunity to use them in a bad way. we must use technology for a

positive purpose. In this way, you will facilitate how we take advantage of technology and

the tools that allow us to interact, analyze, discuss, and among others.

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