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Movie Recommender system using Sentiment Classification


In Todays era, Recommendation systems are the most important intelligent

systems that plays in giving the information to the users. Previously approaches in
recommendation systems (RS) include Content-based-filtering and collaborative
filtering. Thus, these approaches has certain limitations as like the necessity of the
user history as they visit .So as to make back the effect of such dependencies, this
research paper provides a hybrid RS are those which mixes both Collaborative
filtering, Content based filtering with sentiment analysis of movies. In this research
paper, we developed a recommender system based on the sentiment of the user to
suggest the movie to the user based on their view history.

Sentiment analysis is a sub-domain of opinion mining where the analysis is
focused on the extraction of emotions and opinions of the people towards a
particular topic from a structured, semi-structured or unstructured textual data.
These are mostly seen in e-commerce applications and knowledge management
systems like entertainment, online-shopping and tourism. In existing system used
SVM and Random forest algorithms .In existing system movie recommendation is
not possible .only user give the reviews and rating.
1. recommended movie is not possible in existing system.
2. In existing system using svm and random forest got lowest accuracy and low
Algorithms: SVM and Random forest.

Movie Recommendation Systems helps us to see looking for our preferred movies
and also reduce the time to find our favorable movies. The first important thing is
to see the movies that we have watched and visited in our past based on that RS
suggests us some recommendation movie. Now-a-days, with increase in amount of
online data , RS arevery beneficial for taking decisions in several activities ofday-
to-day life. RS are mainly classified into two categories: Content-based filtering
(CBF) and Collaborative filtering(CF). While designing and working of the movie
recommender system as designed based on the sentiment of the user and their
feedback on the particular movie. Our system will suggest the best movie to the
user based on their previously watched movie and the rating of the user. The
sentiment of the user is recorded in the form of good and bad. If user likes the
movie they can give Good smiley and if the experience is not good they can Give
Sad reaction, based on that recommendation of movie is given to the user.


1. recommender system as designed based on the sentiment of the user and
their feedback on the particular movie.
2. Sentiment analysis is a powerful text analysis tool that automatically mines
unstructured data (social media, emails, customer service tickets, and more)
for opinion and emotion, and can be performed using machine learning and
deep learning algorithms.
3. To implement an algorithms for automatic classification of text into positive
and negative.
Algorithms: KNN algorithm, Collaborative filtering,Content based filtering.


⮚ System : Intel i5 6 core.

⮚ Hard Disk : 500 GB.
⮚ Monitor : 15’’ LED
⮚ Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
⮚ Ram : 32GB.


⮚ Operating system : Windows 10.

⮚ Coding Language : Python
⮚ Tool : PyCharm, Visual Studio Code
⮚ Database : MYSQL

DeepanN Nagar,Prashant Chaudhary,Anmol Chauhan, ‘Movie Recommender
system using SentimentAnalysis ’, 2021 International Conference on Innovative
Practices in Technology and Management (ICIPTM) Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 15
March 2021 INSPEC Accession Number: 20051339 DOI: 10.1109/TCSS.2020.2993585.

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