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Ivanchik (Kazmerchuk) Nadiia

Ukrainian culture code

To define Ukrainian culture code, it seems to me, I should first define the
general notion of culture code, which is a self-actualized human mentality - a
unity of value orientations, socio-normative establishments, fundamental
features of characteristics specific to some nation, or human grouping. But
what makes us Ukrainians?
As for me, the main secret of our mentality is history of our nation. It was a
thorny path through the hard years of surviving that made us who we are now.
People from abroad usually don't respect us or treat us a second chop people.
For sure, we made our contribution on this matter, but still, we are kind, open-
hearted, hospitable and generous people.
We leave in a multi-cultural country. That's why there are so many interesting
things about us. The first thing about Ukrainians that is known to everyone is a
special secret of our cuisine - called SALO (salted pork fat). This cuisine
ingredient can be cooked as a separate dish as well as added to anything
including desserts like "salo in chocolate" (only for whimsical gourmets).
Ukrainian humor usually deals with Ukrainian everyday life, Russians, other
ethnic minorities and Ukrainians themselves.
Ukrainians generally carry themselves in a very polite, civilized manner. Men
often hold the door open for a woman when she enters the building and if there
is a shortage of seats, men will give up their seats to the woman.
Ukraine superstitions play a significant role in the social life. It's probably
impossible to know all of them. Some are very common, but some are taken
seriously only by a limited number of older people.
When it comes to the topic of Ukraine superstitions, there is a fine line
between what is considered to be a superstition compared to what is actually a
tradition or custom. Some things which in some other culture are regarded as
superstitions, Ukrainians may consider as traditions or customs. Here are some
of them:
 If someone gives good wishes, or you talk about your good fortune, you
must spit three times over your left shoulder to keep your good
fortune.If this strikes you as too bizarre, then knocking on wood should
also produce the desired effect.
 Before leaving a house for a long (even for a couple of days) journey.
You and everyone in the house should sit for a minute in silence.
 Ensure that all your debts are settled before 31st December; otherwise
you will be in debt for the whole of the next year.
 Before entering a newly built house, send a cat in first to greet the house
 If a knife falls down from the table, a male guest will come soon. If a
spoon or a fork falls down, a female guest will come soon. If you don't
want them to come, you have to immediately knock three times with the
utensil on the table and say 'stay at home'.
 If your right palm itches you're going to spend money. If your left palm
itches you're going to receive some money.
 If someone gives you an animal as a gift (a kitten, a canary or a puppy,
for example), you should give them a symbolic sum of money. One
hryvnja is enough.
 If you do not recognize someone when you see them or call them on the
phone, this person will get rich.
 It's good luck to break a dish.
 It is considered quite rude to whistle while indoors.
 When you are celebrating a birthday, it is tradition to celebrate it on the
day or after, but it is considered bad luck to party before the day arrives.
 An unmarried girl mustn't sit at the corner of a table, or she won't be
wed for seven years. So, if she is 15 only, it might be O.K.
 Don't give handkerchiefs, mirrors or sharp objects as presents. If you
decide to give a purse or a wallet, then remember to put some money in
it first.
Thankfully, many Ukrainians believe that a person who doesn't know the
Ukraine superstitions is free from it. But you still have a chance to be stopped
from doing something "wrong". So, if you cross your fingers everything is
going to be OK.
So that's who we are. And it seems to me that we like what we have due to the
way we changing things.

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