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Balintawak, Bantigue, Bantayan, Cebu
First Monthly Test in Mapeh 5
S.Y 2021-2022

Name: _________________________________________________Score: _________

Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________Date: _________
MUSIC Score: _________
A. Directions: Write your answers on the space provided.
1-5. Fill in each blank with the name of the note or rest.
_____________1. _____________4.

_____________2. _____________5.


6-10. Identify the value of each note or rest. Write your answer on the space provided.
6. ______beats 9. ______beat

7. ______ beats 10. ______beat

8. ______beat

11-15. Identify the appropriate musical term used for each of the following tempo.
________________11. Gradually getting fast
________________12. At a walking pace
________________13. Pretty lively
________________14. Very fast
________________15. Gradually getting slow
16-20. Identify the appropriate musical terms used for the following dynamics.
________________16.As loud as possible
________________17. Moderately soft
________________18. Soft
________________19. Gradually getting softer
________________20. Moderately loud

Performance Test
Make a video of this activity: (10 points)

Dance the “COPINES” by Aya Nakamura.

You will be rated according to how you move to the rhythm of the song.

Submit your video to my messenger account.

ART Score: _________
A. Directions: Write True if the statement is true and False if not. Write your answer on
the space provided.
________1. Heritage architecture is replaceable.
________2. The Philippines is rich with stories about its art and culture.
________3. Heritage conservation is the sole responsibility of the government.
________4. Pottery is one of the earliest forms of art in the Philippines.
________5. The illusion of space and the illusion of depth can be shown in drawing artifacts.
________6. Artifacts are intangible objects made by people in the past.
________7. Heritage architecture includes ancestral houses and churches.
________8. The bahay kubo or nipa hut is a typical Filipino home in the rural areas.
________9. Artifacts can add to what we already know or change what we thought we knew
about the past.
________10. Our own traditions and adaptations to foreign influences created a heritage that is
distinctly Filipino.

11-14. Name the four (4) basic shading techniques. Write your answers on the spaces
1. _____________________ 3. ____________________
2. ______________________ 4. ____________________

Performance Test:
 In the box below, Draw three old potteries that show space by placing the potteries
outdoor (garden) or indoor (kitchen) scene
 Add 3D effects to your drawing by using the three shading techniques
(hatching, cross-hatching, and scribble hatching)
 Make sure to determine the light source before you start shading.
 Adjust the density of the lines as you move from or toward the light source.
P.E Score: _________
Directions: Write your answers on the space provided.
1-5. Identify the intensity in each physical activity below as low, moderate or high.
___________1. Playing Basketball
___________2. Jogging
___________3. Playing Volleyball
___________4. Stretching
___________5. Brisk walking
6-10. Identify the physical activities and exercises below as cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength or flexibility.
___________________6. One-Mile Run
___________________7. Curl-Ups
___________________8. Flexed Arm Hang
___________________9. V-Sit and Reach
___________________10. Shoulder Stretch
11-15. Identify what health-related physical fitness component is referred to in each item.
___________________11. It refers to the proportion of the fat part of the body to the lean part.
___________________12. It is the ability of the muscles to exert effort over a period of time.
___________________13. It is the ability of the heart, blood vessels, and the respiratory system
to deliver oxygen throughtout the body.
___________________14. It is the ability of the muscles to exert an external force or to lift a
heavy weight.
___________________15. It is the ability to move the joints freely and without pain through a
wide range of motion.
16-20. Give the everyday physical activities that you should engage yourself in according
to the Physical Activity Pyramid.
HEALTH Score: _________

Directions: Write your answers on the space provided.

1-5. Identify the effects of mental, emotional, and social health concerns referred to in
each item.
______________1. It involves hitting, beating, throwing, choking, burning, biting, pinching and
shaking the victim.
______________2. It is a condition where excessive self-consciousness goes beyond common
______________3. These are rapid changes in mood. These extreme shifts of ups and downs
make it difficult for the person to enjoy a good quality of life.
______________4. It is unwanted, aggressive behavior that is represented or has the tendency
to be repeated over time.
______________5. It is a subtle type of bullying. It affects a person’s self-confidence because
he or she feels humiliated by hurtful things that other people say.
6-10. Identify each item if it refers to mental, emotional and social health.
______________6. Express one’s emotions in a healthy manner
______________7. Handle stress and solve problems effectively
______________8. Have an alert mind
______________9. Accept one’s own strength and weaknesses
______________10. The ability to make self-sacrifices particularly when it comes to giving
one’s time and energy.
11-15. Classify if the statement describes a healthy or unhealthy relationship.
______________11. Father admitted that he was wrong and is not embarrassed to tell his son
that he is sorry.
______________12. Jasmin throws things at her younger sister when she does not obey her.
______________13. Rafael hates being part of a team unless he is the leader.
______________14. Monica’s grandmother forgot to cook her favorite snack, but she still loves
and respects her.
______________15. Leo shows appreciation, empathy, and compassion to the members of his

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