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Zahid Ullah Khalid

Im-057 sec b

Assignment no 1: Case Study of Syngenta

QUESTION NO 1:Describe the main features of a hierarchical organization structure?

Answer: In hierarchical organization structure, there are many layers of management from
which the highest level has the decisions taking authority (senior management) which is then
followed by other levels. Feedback and response which is crucial factor for buisness comes from
lower levels. Through hierarchical structure promotion opportunities for lower and medium
level management arises as a result stress level reduces in employee and managers but
communication and information flow is still a problem.

QUESTION NO 2: Explain two benefits to Syngenta of using a matrix management structure?

Answer: A matrix structure often referred to as project team structure
1. People of different working areas having different expertise, skills, abilities and
experience when works together in matrix management structure bring innovation
,style ,creative ideas etc in research and technology which is beneficial for Syngenta
project having all variety of skills to achieve the targets.
2. People working together can individually get trained and supported by each other’s
abilities, experience of handling aspects in different ways and sharing the knowledge
with each other hence the communication medium is also improved by using matrix
management structure

QUESTION NO 3: Consider what possible disadvantages there might be for Syngenta in

adopting a more hierarchical structure for managing a project?

1. For managing a project, effective utilization of time is very important but by

adopting hierarchical structure employees may wait for approval for every action
and the progress delays
2. Due to these delays and less responsibilities, employee’s morale and dedication is
being affected for the project
3. Communication and the information flow is also being affected due to large number
of levels of management and their availability
4. Due to less number of opportunities of promotion, employees motivation and
dedication also decreases
5. By not involving different departments and not utilizing there skills and expertise
,project targets are also not achieved

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Zahid Ullah Khalid
Im-057 sec b

QUESTION NO 4: Evaluate the extent to which employee empowerment is essential for

Answer: Employee empowerment is very essential for Syngenta as they relies on
research and development of new product and for new product development market
research and the contribution of every level of management is very important for
Syngenta as they bring innovation, ideas, creativity, offer there abilities, expertise and
skills. Market research involves feedback and response from all levels of management
which is essential for business in competitive market. Employee morale, dedication and
desire increases through empowerment. Syngenta HR team provides training ,support
and development chances for employees by offering them training course and helping
them. Syngenta also give awards to employees and publicized them.

Q1: how many levels of hierarchy does the operations functional area have?
A: There are four hierarchy levels of management on operational functional area
Q2: What is span of control of operations management for Brand A?
A: For brand A span of control is narrow as 2 supervisors are reporting to 1 operation
Q3: What is span of control of control for supervisor 1 for Brand A?

A: For Brand A span of control for supervisor1 is wide as 6 number of operatives are
reporting to supervisor 1

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