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A. Background of the Study

English is an international language used by many people in the world to communicate

between nations, therefore students are required to master this subject in school. In learning
English, students are influenced by some reasons. Each student has different reason in
studying English such as learning English to get better job or learning English to
communicate with people around the world.

However, learning English cannot be separated with motivation. Many students are
hesitant to learn English because they do not have a strong motivation and a goal for what
they are studying. Thus learning English becomes difficult and boring. In other words,
success or failure someone in learning English depends on his motivation level.

Motivation plays a significant role for the students to be active in learning activity. It
shapes students’ behaviour in receiving the knowledge of the learning process. Learners’
motivation and attitude are the most significant factors in language learning. When a student
has a goal-directed activity in embracing their goal and attempting to learn the skills, they are
motivated to learn. Students' motivation can be stimulated by understanding the purpose and
concept of the learning activity. It develops their enthusiasm for learning. According to
Crookes and Schimts (2001), cited in (Ihsan 2016) Motivation refers to the learners’
orientation in learning a second language as their goal. Motivated students work harder to
learn. They strive to invest in learning progress in order to acquire knowledge. Therefore,
they should have set learning goals. There are many studies that mention that motivation has
a powerful impact on student learning.

On etymologically, Purnama, et. al. (2019) explain that motivation is from the Latin word
which is movere (to move). It means an action that triggers a stimulus in a person. Motivation
plays a crucial role in language learning. It is a concept of success in the learning process.
As reported by Hayikaleng, et. al. (2016) Motivation is an important component for
students to be successful in learning English.

According to Harmer (2001), Motivation in learning can be divided into two categories;
intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is motivation from the
individual. Meanwhile, extrinsic motivation is a motivation that is driven by external rewards
or outcomes that make the person acts or performs the task.

Nowadays, the students are transferring from offline learning to online learning. It makes
the teaching and learning process could not be done by face-to-face learning. The teachers
should deliver the material through online media. Besides, the teaching and learning process
become not maximal like the previous time. It is also one of the factors that decrease the
students’ learning motivation. Because, it limits the interaction between teachers and
students. Due to the limitation, the students could not perform better in the learning English
especially for speaking ability. As we know that, speaking is the one skill to do
communication widely especially in giving and receiving information.

Speaking is the main skill used in human daily life. In this era the people are forced to be
mastery in English to support their development. Speaking skill is one of the essential skills
that should be mastery by the students. Speaking skill is essential to the students’ ability to
participate effectively in the workplace and community. The goal of English teaching and
learning are focusing on the students’ ability in communication in English.

Brown (2001) states that speaking as an interactive process of constructing meaning that
involves producing, receiving, and processing speech of sounds as main instruments. In
addition, Cameron (2001) states that speaking is used to express meanings so that other
people can make sense of them. It can be said that speaking as an interactive process when
people share the information, and express their mind in oral words. Therefore, Speaking skill
is one of the productive and expressive language skills used to communicate directly or
face to face with other parties for certain purposes. Speaking skills are a set of abilities to
express ideas, feelings, or thoughts adequately and accurately (Kurniati & Ervina, 2019).
Speaking skill also means a person's skill in language when expressing opinions or conveying
messages according to the needs of his listeners. Students can communicate their ideas and
maintain good relations with others. The main purpose of speaking skills is to communicate.
While speaking, in general, has a purpose of informing, entertaining, and persuading.

Some factors hinder students' speaking skills; First and foremost is the fear of
making mistakes, according to Aftat (2008), cited in (Dalem 2017) that students' fear
is associated with correction and criticized evaluation. Second, shyness, students feel shy to
speaking English in class. Speaking in front of the class is a common phobia encountered by
students that causes their minds to go blank and forget what to say (Baldwin, 2011 cited in
(Dalem 2017)). Third, Anxiety refers to the feeling of nervousness when learning a foreign
language (Horwitz, 1991 cited in (Dalem 2017)). Fourth, a lack of confidence often occurs
when students do not understand what the speakers are saying.

To prevent difficulties in speaking English, an interesting and easy-to-use learning media

is needed. The development of technology provided opportunities for the development
of social media. With the support of advanced technology, social media are very popular
among people. It has many features for education that can be used as a language learning
medium. One of the most popular social media is TikTok. It's a social media network on a
video platform. It has various contents and functions on TikTok. Several studies found
that using social media as a student learning platform to motivate students to learn
English had positive effects. Sharma (2019) concludes that social media applications are
functional tools to improve EFL learners' English skills as well as their motivation to
learn. On the other hand, Gupta and Bashir (2018) stated that social media has four
main purposes. They served entertainment, socialization, informational, and academic
purposes. TikTok is a social media that allows users to share their content in the form of a
short video. It is the latest social media application that allows users to create interesting
videos and interact with others in comments or even private chats (Deriyanto and Qorib
2018). Currently, TikTok is one of the most popular social media. It is very popular among
young people. It offers interesting and easy-to-use features with special effects in
the application. There are many trending songs and hashtags that users can use to
create content. It is a platform with various video content. TikTok is a place where the user
can freely express themselves with creativity and innovation. There are many
tools that can be used on TikTok such as duets, sharing, video challenge with other
people from all over the world. As a result, the massive use of TikTok as a social media will
be an effective learning platform for students. They can learn any language content and
skill repeatedly.

In order to explore the proposed topics, there was some previous research that supported
the study. First article based on Yang (2020), the study was about “High school students'
perspectives on using TikTok to learn English in and out of the EFL classroom”. Its aimed to
identify student perceptions of using TikTok for language learning. Data was collected from
quantitative survey research of 187 high school students. The research instrument was an
online questionnaire. The study found that students positively rated the implementation of
TikTok as a learning aid. The study supported the proposed topic. It should be noted that the
study focused more on student perspectives. The limitation of the study was the lack of an
actual implementation to confirm the impact of using TikTok to improve students' English
learning performance.

Next, the second article based on the study “Students’ Perceptions Toward The Use
of TikTok Video in Learning Writing Descriptive Text at MAN 1 Gresik” by (Syaifuddin et.
al.2021). The study aimed to identify students' perceptions of using TikTok when
writing descriptive texts. The research conducted a quantitative descriptive type using a
questionnaire as the survey approach. The study sample consisted of 85 students from the
Islamic Higher Secondary School of 1 Gresik. Afterwards, the results revealed that students'
interpretation of TikTok application is beneficial when writing descriptive text. Using TikTok
is recommended to create a meaningful language learning process. This study helped the
proposed topic because it showed that using TikTok motivated students to
actively participate in the learning process. However, the limitation of the study focused
on the performance of writing skills

Moreover, according to Pratiwi, et. al. (2021), the study was about the “Utilizing TikTok
Application as Media for Learning English Pronunciation”. The study tried to figure out how
a TikTok application can become a learning medium for students' pronunciation skills.
The study participant was the student of English Educational Suryakancana University. Data
collection was conducted with observation and a questionnaire using a qualitative approach.
The study found that the TikTok application helps students learn the language. Respondents
received a positive attitude and a strong desire to use the TikTok application. Its focused only
on pronunciation skills.

From several previous studies we can conclude that the use of TikTok application as a
learning platform is a significant issue that we need to address. The research's stream is
English Language Teaching (ELT) and emphasized students' motivation for speaking ability
through the use of TikTok. The gap between the previous studies was the limitation of the
experiment to show that TikTok is a learning platform that encourages students' speaking
skills. In addition, there were still fewer than studies on the use of TikTok as a popular
language learning platform. Therefore, the current research study wants to seek and recognize
the integration or effect of using TikTok as a learning aid to improve students' motivation to
speak. Furthermore, the present study will also determine the level of motivation of students
in speaking skills through the use of TikTok application in the teaching and learning process.

The outcome of the above discussion showed that social media has a connection to
language learning. Tiktok is becoming one of the most viral social application to use in the
teaching and learning process. There are also various English learning programs on Tiktok
that can motivate students to learn English such as tongue twister, duet in a conversational
dialogue. It also encourages students to speak English well by practicing various content they

Recent research has found that there are several links between TikTok and students'
motivation for speaking skills. The author wants to identify and show the effect of TikTok on
students' motivation on speaking skills. This research wanted to determine how the use of
TikTok as a learning platform impacted students to develop students' motivation in speaking
skills. This study aims to identify the level of student motivation related to speaking skills
through the use of TikTok application.

B. Statement of Research Problem

1. What is the level of students’ motivation in speaking skills by using TikTok in the
teaching and learning process?
2. What is the effect of TikTok in developing students' motivation to perform English
speaking skills?

C. Objective of The Research

1. To define students' level of motivation to speak English when using TikTok
application in teaching and learning activities.
2. To identify the effect of applying Tiktok in motivating students’ speaking skills.

D. Significant of The Research

The researcher hopes this research will give contribution to:
1. The study can be used as a process to improve English teaching both teacher and
2. For students, the students will be easy to learn speaking English.
3. For the teachers, this study is expected to be widening the skill of the teachers in
using the appropriate technique in teaching speaking.

E. Scope of The Research

The scope of this study conduct at the students of X grade in SMAN 1 Palu. It focuses
on teaching in speaking by using TikTok application. The writer would limit this
study, it will be done at language class of SMAN 1 Palu because this research is in
accordance with their major. Besides, most of the students are active in social media
and the school gives the opportunity for the students to use their smart-phone to
support teaching and learning process.

F. Definition of Key Term

1. Speaking skill
Speaking ability is the ability to communicate and express or convey ideas and
information. It’s how the students can conduct the good communication in target
language. The skills involved in oral production and interaction, such as fluency,
accuracy, coherence.
2. Motivation
Motivation is a thought, feeling within the individual that provides internal
strength to take actions to achieve certain goals. Motivation in learning is the
tendency of students to carry out learning activities that are driven by a desire to
achieve the best possible achievement or learning outcomes. Learning motivation
is also a need to develop one's abilities optimally so that they are able to do better,
achieve and be creative.
3. TikTok application
TikTok is a short video application that allows users to create and share 15-second
videos, on any topic, to the entire community. The TikTok application is used by
young people as a media of expressing themselves through singing, dancing and
lip syncing.


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