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Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic

fragment of classical stit logic

arXiv:2203.09225v1 [cs.LO] 17 Mar 2022

Daniil Khaitovich 1
International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics and Formal Philosophy, HSE
Moscow, Russia

STIT (sees to it that) semantics is one of the most prominent tools in modal logic of agency,
widely used among both philosophers and responsible AI scholars. STIT logic surveys the
properties of agents seeing to it that some state of affairs holds without specifying concrete
actions by which that state of affairs is guaranteed. In comparison with other multi-agent modal
logics, the main advantage of STIT theories is expressive power. STIT logic allows to study
not only statements about agents’ abilities to perform certain actions (as it is in variations of
Coalition Logic or Propositional Dynamic Logic), but about what choices they make and what
they de-facto achieve as well.
Nevertheless, in some occasions such expressivity may be redundant. This paper surveys a
specific fragment of classical STIT logic, which has only strategic modal operator [i]φ , what
stands for the fact that agent i has an ability to see to it that φ holds. The neighbourhood
semantics for the fragment is presented, accompanied with the soundness, canoniciy hence
strong completeness results. Furthermore, the paper presents basic considerations on epistemic
extension of the presented fragment.

Keywords: Modal logic, stit logic, neighbourhood semantics.

1 Introduction
The stit (abbreviation for “sees to it that”) theory is one of the most prominent modal
theories of agency. In stit framework, actions of individuals are studied via sentences
of the form “agent i sees to it that φ holds”, where the syntactic construction “agent i
sees to it that” is treated as a modality [i : stit] (we will use a simpler notation: [stit]i ).
Stit grows out from a tradition of modal theories of agency 2 and originated from a
series of seminal articles by Belnap, Perloff and Xu [2].
In classical stit theory, agent’s power to see to it that some state of affairs holds is
called a causal ability. The notion ignores any mental attitudes, such as desirability,
awareness or purposefulness of the potential action. Casual ability is formalized via
a bimodal formula 3[stit]i φ , i.e. it is possible that agent i sees to it that φ obtains.
Besides the causal abilities, stit theorists study epistemic abilities, i.e. agent’s power

2 Detailed overview of the stit prehistory could be found in [12]
2 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

to knowingly see to it that φ . The discussion on epistemic abilities and their logical
form is still open: Horty and Pacuit propose to treat epistemic abilities via action
types and to introduce a new modal operator [kstit]i φ , what reads as “agent i executes
an action type that she knows to guarantee the truth of φ ”:
If the epistemic sense of ability requires that some single action must be known by
i to guarantee the truth of φ , then this must be the action type, not one of its various
tokens [8].
While Broersen argue that epistemic ability may be presented simply by adding
knowledge operator Ki φ , which satisfies its standard definition from modal epistemic
logic. In that case, epistemic ability may be represented as 3Ki [stit]i φ – it is possible
that agent i knows that she sees to it that φ [3].
In the paper, we study causal ability as a single monotonic modal operator. In
order to present its axiomatisation, we translate standard stit semantics to neighbour-
hood one and prove correctness and strong completeness w.r.t. a specific class of
neighbourhood frames. We show that the mentioned class is modally invariant with
BT+AC frames for strandard stit logic. At the end of the paper, some general consid-
erations on getting the same result for epistemic abilities are presented.

2 Basic theory of sees to it that

The language of ”classical” stit logic Lcstit is defined as follows. For a countable
set of propositional variables Var = {p1 , p2 , . . .} and a finite set of agents Ags =
{i1 , i2 , . . . , in }:

φ := p | ¬φ | φ ∨ φ | 2φ | [stit]i φ

where p ∈ Var, i ∈ Ags. Atomic propositions and Boolean connectives have their stan-
dard meaning.
Sees to it that semantics is built upon a branching time structures of the form
hTree, <i, where Tree = {m1 , m2 , . . .} is a non-empty set of moments and < is a
strict partial order on Tree, satisfying backward linearity constraint, i.e. for any
m1 , m2 , m3 ∈ Tree, if m2 < m1 (m1 is preceded by m2 ) and m3 < m1 , then either
m3 < m2 or m2 < m3 or m3 = m2 . It is worth noticing that the constraint works only
for predecessors: it is totally possible that for some m1 , m2 , m3 ∈ Tree: m2 < m1 and
m2 < m3 , but m3 and m1 are not <-comparable at all.
A maximal set of linearly <-ordered moments is a history. Each history represents
one of the possible complete courses of events in the world. Formally speaking, the
set of histories is defined as

H = {h ⊆ Tree | ∀m1 , m2 ∈ h(m1 < m2 ∨ m2 < m1 ∨ m1 = m2 )∧

∀m3 6∈ h∃m4 ∈ h(¬(m4 < m3 ∨ m3 < m4 ∨ m4 = m3 ))}

If some moment m occurs somewhere throughout the history h, it can be said

that h passing through m. The set of histories passing through m is denoted as Hm .
Moment/history pair of the form m/h, such that h ∈ Hm , is usually called an index.
Khaitovich 3

Definition 2.1 A branching time (BT) frame is a tuple

F = hTree, <i

where Tree is a non-empty set of moments and < is a strict partial ordering on
Tree, satisfying the backward linearity condition. BT frame is extended to a BT

M = hTree, <, ν i
where ν : Var → 2Tree×H is an evaluation function, mapping each propositional
variable to a set of indices, in which the proposition is satisfied.
In stit theories, agency is understood as an agents’ ability to restrict the set of
possible histories to a specific subset. I.e., agent i sees to it that φ at some moment
m means that agent i determines that the world will evolve according to one of the
histories, satisfying φ at the moment m.
In order to formalize that intuition, BT models should be extended with the finite
set of agents Ags = {i1 , i2 , . . . , in } and with a specific function Choice, mapping each
agent i and moment m into a partition Choicem i of Hm . Each element of that partition,
X ∈ Choicem i , represents a set of possible outcomes of i’s specific action at m. Respec-
tively, Choicem i is a collection of such sets. For the sake of simplicity, X ∈ Choicem i ,
such that h ∈ X, is denoted as Choicei (h). m

It is important to state that Choice function enjoys the property called indepen-
dence of agents. For all a, b ∈ Ags, m ∈ Tree: X ∈ Choicem m
a ∧Y ∈ Choiceb → X ∩Y 6= 0 /
for any X,Y ⊆ 2 . Informally, the property means that every set of agents’ choices is
consistent: there is no way any agent could execute an action, which would deprive
other agents of any choices available for them.
Definition 2.2 BT+AC model
BT+AC model is defined as a tuple

M = hTree, <, Ags,Choice, ν i

which is BT model extended with a set of agents Ags and Choice function defined as
Definition 2.3 Lcstit semantics
M , m/h |= p ⇔ p ∈ ν (p)
M , m/h |= ¬φ ⇔ M , m/h 6|= φ
M , m/h |= φ ∨ ψ ⇔ M , m/h |= φ or M , m/h |= ψ
M , m/h |= 2φ ⇔ ∀h′ ∈ Hm (M , m/h′ |= φ )
M , m/h |= [stit]i φ ⇔ ∀h′ ∈ Choicem ′
i (h)(M , m/h |= φ )

3 Translating stit semantics to neighbourhood semantics:

strategic case
In this section the strategic fragment of Lcstit is surveyed. The fragment is obtained
by abandonment of [stit]i φ formulas, allowing only statements about agents’ abilities.
4 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

Such statements are treated by a strategic stit modality: [i]φ stands here for agent i has
an ability to achieve φ . Strategic stit modality [i] may be seen as an abbreviation for
3[stit]i . The equivalence of such expressions is shown in the section as well. In order
to present strategic stit fragment and its axiomatisation, the classical Krpke semantics
for Lcstit is changed to neighbourhood semantics, since [i] operator loses normality 3 .
It is not hard to notice that Choice function works similarly with neighbourhood func-
tions for classical modal logic: it takes an index and returns a collection of subsets of
indices [13].
Another feature worth being observed is redundancy of the main branching time
frame component, strict partial order on the set of moments: in Lcstit there is no for-
mula, whose semantics somehow mentions < relation. To conclude, standard stit
model, as it is presented in [8], may be redefined as atemporal and neighbourhood
one. It simplifies the task of providing logic, complete w.r.t. corresponding class of
3.1 Neighbourhood stit: one-shot games and strategic abilities
The one-shot strategic stit logic’s language Losstit is defined as follows:

φ := p | ¬φ | φ ∨ φ | 2φ | [i]φ | [∃i ]φ

where p ∈ Var, i ∈ Ags. [i]φ stands for “agent i is able to see to it that φ ” (what
intuitively corresponds to 3[stit]i φ in classical stit), h∃i iφ – “agent i is able to execute
an action, which does not prevent φ ” (or “agent i could not prevent φ ” for [∃i ]φ ),
what may be seen as 3¬[stit]¬φ equivalent. Historical necessity modality, as well as
Boolean connectives, have their standard meanings. Dual of every modal operator is
defined standardly as well.
It is possible to consider a one-shot model, i.e. a model for a set of agents simul-
taneously taking some actions at the unique moment.
Definition 3.1 One-shot strategic stit (osstit) frames

F = hW, {Choicei }i∈Agsi

• W = {w1 , w2 , . . .} is a non-empty set of states. It is suitable to think of W as a set
of historically accessible indices, i.e. {m/h | h ∈ Hm } for a unique moment m.
• Choicei : W → 22 is a neighbourhood function, defined for every agent.
Choicei (w) is a set of possible outcomes of i’s actions, available for her at w.
· Every function Choicei is monotonic (closed under supersets), does not contain an
empty set and contains W itself, i.e. for all i ∈ Ags, w ∈ W : 0/ 6∈ Choicei (w),W ∈
Choicei (w).
· Choicei ⇂ (w) denotes a non-monotonic core of neighbourhood Choicei (w).
The non-monotonic core is a set of neighbourhoods, which are not supersets
for any other neighbourhoods: Choicei ⇂ (w) = {X | X ∈ Choicei (w) ∧ ¬∃Y ∈
Choicei (w)(Y ⊆ X)}. Choicei ⇂ (w) represents all proper actions, available for
i at w, without redundant weaker ones. It should be noted that non-monotonic
3 the seminal paper showing why normal moda logic is inadequate for ability: [9]
Khaitovich 5

core enjoys the next property (un): Choicei ⇂ (w) = W . Informally, it says that
there is no historically possible state, which could not be an outcome of some
proper action of an agent.
· Another crucial property is independence of agents (ind): for all a, b ∈ Ags, X,Y ⊆
W , w ∈ W : X ∈ Choicea (w) ∧Y ∈ Choiceb(w) → X ∩Y 6= 0. / Or, interchangeably,
X ∈ Choicea (w) → W \ X 6∈ Choiceb(w). The property states that every choice of
actions is consistent: there is no way for one agent to take an action, such that
another agent would be deprived of some of her choices.
· Agents’ abilities are historically necessary, i.e. neighbourhoods stay the same
over all states (nec): ∀w, w′ ∈ W ∀X ⊆ W : X ∈ Choicei (w) → X ∈ Choicei (w′ ) for
any agent i ∈ Ags.
The one-shot strategic stit model M = hF ,V i extends osstit frame with a standard
evaluation function V : Var → 2W .
Definition 3.2 Neighbourhood strategic stit semantics
M , w |= p ⇔ w ∈ V (p)
M , w |= ¬φ ⇔ M , w 6|= φ
M , w |= φ ∨ ψ ⇔ M , w |= φ or M , w |= ψ
M , w |= 2φ ⇔ ∀w′ ∈ W (M , w′ |= φ )
M , w |= [i]φ ⇔ Jφ K ∈ Choicei (w)
M , w |= [∃i ]φ ⇔ ∀X ∈ Choicei ⇂ (w)∀w′ ∈ X(M , w′ |= φ )
As usual, Jφ K abbreviates {w ∈ W | M , w |= φ }. The reader may observe that the
following definition for [i]φ is equivalent to the given above:
M , w |= [i]φ ⇔ ∃X ∈ Choicei ⇂ (w)(X ⊆ Jφ K)
The equivalence of the definitions immediately follows from Choicei (w) being
monotonic. As for the [∃Si ]φ , it can be redefined as a normal modal operator. Consider
a binary relation Ri = ( Choicei ⇂ (w))2 , where w is arbitrary, since Choicei ⇂ (w)
be the same for all w ∈ W , what follows from (nec) property. Ri is an equivalence
relation, connecting all elements of i’s neighbourhoods from non-monotonic core.

M , w |= [∃i ]φ ⇔ ∀w′ ∈ W (wRi w′ → M , w′ |= φ )

The validity of the given definition can be simply verified.
Notice that 2 operator can be viewed as a special case of strategic sees to it that
modality, namely, [0]./ On semantic level, it could be defined via a special neigh-
bourhood function Choice0/ , such that Choice0/ : w 7→ {{W }} for all w ∈ W . In some
occasions it is more suitable to treat 2 as the special case of non-normal modality,
while usually it is addressed as an universal S5 modality.
3.2 Axioms for Losstit
Theorem 3.3 (Soundness and definability) Recall that the following three proper-
ties hold for one-shot strategic stit frames:
• (ind) ∀w ∈ W ∀X,Y ⊆ W : X ∈ Choicea(w) ∧Y ∈ Choiceb (w) → X ∩Y 6= 0/
6 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

(PL) All tautologies of classical propositional logic

(S52) S5 for 2 modality
(S5[i]) MCT4’B logic for [∃i ]
(Incl) 2φ → [i]φ
(M) [i](φ ∧ ψ ) → ([i]φ ∧ [i]ψ )
(N) [i]⊤
(D) ¬[i]⊥
(Pos) 2φ ≡ [∃i ]φ
(Nec-A) [i]φ → 2[i]φ
(Ind) [1]φ1 ∧ [2]φ2 ∧ . . . ∧ [n]φn → 3(φ1 ∧ φ2 ∧ . . . ∧ φn )
(RE) From φ ≡ ψ , infer [i]φ ≡ [i]ψ
(MP) From φ , φ → ψ , infer ψ
Table 1
Axioms for Losstit

• (nec) ∀w, w′ ∈ W ∀X ⊆ W : X ∈ Choicei (w) → X ∈ Choicei (w′ )

• (un) Choicei ⇂ (w) = W

F |= [a]φ ∧ [b]ψ → 3(φ ∧ ψ ) ⇔ F |= (ind) 4

Proof. Left to right – immediately follows from the semantics. Right to left: assume
F 6|= (ind), i.e. ∃w ∈ W ∃X,Y ⊆ W : X ∈ Choicea (w) ∧ Y ∈ Choiceb (w) ∧ X ∩ Y =
/ Let V be an evaluation such that Jφ K = X, Jψ K = Y . Consequently, Jφ K ∈
Choicea (w), Jψ K ∈ Choiceb (w). By semantic definition of [a] and [b], hF ,V i, w |=
[a]φ ∧ [b]ψ . Since X ∩ Y = 0,
/ Jφ K ∩ Jψ K = 0,
/ i.e. hF ,V i 6|= φ ∧ ψ . It follows that
hF ,V i, w |= [a]φ ∧ [b]ψ ∧ ¬3(φ ∧ ψ ) and hence F 6|= [a]φ ∧ [b]ψ → 3(φ ∧ ψ ). 2

F |= [i]φ → 2[i]φ ⇔ F |= (nec)

Proof. Left to right – immediately follows from the semantics. Right to left: assume
F 6|= (nec), i.e. ∃w, w′ ∈ W ∃X ⊆ W : X ∈ Choicei (w) ∧ X 6∈ Choicei (w′ ). Let V be
a valuation such that Jφ K = X. Then, Jφ K ∈ Choicei (w) and Jφ K 6∈ Choicei (w′ ). By
semantics of [i], hF ,V i, w |= [i]φ and hF ,V i, w′ 6|= [i]φ . Since 2 is an universal
modality and there is w′ ∈ W , not satisfying [i]φ , we can conclude that hF ,V i, w |=
¬2[i]φ , i.e. hF ,V i, w |= [i]φ ∧ ¬2[i]φ , hence, F 6|= [i]φ → 2[i]φ . 2

F |= 2φ ≡ [∃i ]φ ⇔ F |= (un)
Proof. Left to right
– immediately follows from the semantics. Right to left:
F 6|= (un), i.e. Choicei ⇂ (w) 6= W . The only way that could be true is Choicei ⇂
⊂ W , since every neighbourhood is a collection of subsets S
of W , consequently,
Choicei ⇂ (w)\W = 0. / Let V be a valuation function such that Choicei ⇂ (w) = Jφ K.
4 Here and further F |= (p) means that frame F satisfies condition (p)
Khaitovich 7

Notice that [∃i ]φ is true at w iff Choicei ⇂ (w) ⊆ Jφ K by definition of [∃i ]φ . Hence,
hF ,V i, w |= [∃i ]φ . By hypothesis, W \ Choicei ⇂ (w) is not empty, then J¬φ K 6= 0/ as
well, hence hF ,V i |= ¬2φ . Finally, hF ,V i, w |= [∃i ]φ ∧ ¬2φ , from which it follows
that F 6|= 2φ ≡ [∃i ]φ 2
Cases for (M), (N), (D), (RE): standard definability results for monotonic neigh-
bourhood frames such that every neighbourhood contains W and does not contain
0/ [6]. (S5) and (Incl) cases: well-established result for modal logic with universal
modality [5].
Theorem 3.4 (Completeness) Let C be a class of all osstit frames, corresponding to
Definition 7.Let C |= φ stand for F |= φ for every F ∈ C. As usual, Σ |=C φ means
that φ is a semantic consequence of some set of formulas Σ in all C-frames. Then, for
arbitrary Γ ⊆ Losstit , φ ∈ Losstit , the following holds:

Γ |=C φ ⇔ Γ ⊢Losstit φ
See Appendix. 2
3.3 Modal invariance of C and BT+AC frames
It is important to notice that Choicei ⇂ function lacks one crucial feature, which
BT+AC Choice function enjoys: while Choice returns a partition of Hm , Choicei ⇂
does not partition W . It is easy to find the exact property of partition, which Choicei ⇂
lacks. A collection of subsets P ⊆ 2W is a partition iff
(i) 0/ 6∈ P
(ii) P=W
(iii) ∀X,Y ∈ P : X ∩Y = 0/
While the first two properties are met by definition of osstit frames, the third one is
failed. Nevertheless, it is not modally definable: if a class of monotonic neighbour-
hood frames is modally definable, then it is closed under disjoint unions, generated
submodels, bounded morphic images and ultrafilter extensions [6]. It is not the case
for such class, where a non-monotonic cores are partitions of the frame’s domain.
Let a subclass of C-frames, enjoying a property (iii) on its non-monotonic cores, be
denoted as P.
Theorem 3.5 P is not modally definable
Let F1c = hW1 , N1c i and F2c = hW2 , N2c i be a non-monotonic cores of two monotonic
neighbourhood frames F1 and F2 .
(i) W1 = {w1 , w2 , w3 , w4 }, N1c (w1 ) = {{w1 , w2 }, {w3 , w4 }} and for all other worlds,
namely, w2 , . . . , w4 , N0c/ = N1c (w) = {W1c }. Obviously, F1 ∈ P
(ii) W2 = {w1 , w2 , w3 }, N2c (w1 ) = {{w1 , w2 }, {w2 , w3 }} and for all other worlds,
namely, w2 , . . . , w4 , N0c/ = N2c (w) = {W2c }. It is not hard to see that F2 6∈ P, since
{w1 , w2 }, {w2 , w3 } ∈ N2c (w) and {w1 , w2 } ∩ {w2 , w3 } 6= 0/
8 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

(iii) Let f : W1c → W2c be a function, such that

f : w1 7→ w1
f : w2 7→ w2
f : w3 7→ w3
f : w4 7→ w2

(iv) f is a surjective bounded core morphism from F1 to F2 . For all w ∈ W1 :

(a) If X ∈ N1c (w), then f [X] ∈ N2c ( f (w))
(b) If Y ∈ N2c ( f (w)), then there is an X ⊆ W1 , such that f [X] = Y and X ∈ N1c (w)
As it was noted before, F1 ∈ P, F2 6∈ P and F2 is a bounded morphic image of F1 .
Consequently, P is not closed under bounded morphic images and hence not modally
definable. 2
Proposition 3.6 Losstit is sound and strongly complete w.r.t. a class of Kripke frames,
modally invariant with BT+AC.
One more important fact is that the non-monotonic core of P-frames may be seen
as one-shot classical stit frames, i.e.

hm, Ags,Choice, ν i

where m = {m/h | m ∈ Tree, h ∈ Hm } and Choice is a set of N c -functions, indexed by

elements of Ags. In these models, the semantic definition for ability is

M , m/h |= 3[cstit]i φ ⇔ ∃X ∈ Choicem

i : X ⊆ Jφ K))

which is equivalent to non-monotonic core version of [i]φ definition in C-frames. As

it was showed above, P differs from C with the only property, which is modally unde-
finable. Hence, Losstit is sound and strongly complete w.r.t. P-frames as well.
As it was noted in [1], BT+AC frames could be replaced by standard Kripke frames
without loss of modal invariance. The class of such Kripke frames is nothing but a
disjoint union of P frames, where indices are treated as possible states. From the basic
modal logic theory it is known that modally definable class of frames is closed under
disjoint unions, consequently, Losstit is sound and strongly complete w.r.t. Kripke
version of BT+AC frames, defined in accordance with [1].
Definition 3.7 Disjoint Union
Let M = {hWn , {Choiceni}i∈Ags ,Vn i | n ∈ I} be a U
collection of disjoint one-shot
strategic stit models. The disjoint union of the models Mn = hW, {Choicei}i∈Ags ,V i
is defined as follows:
(i) W = Wn
(ii) V (p) = Vn (p)
(iii) For any n ∈ I, i ∈ Ags, X ⊆ W , w ∈ Wn : X ∈ Choicei (w) ⇔ X ∩Wn ∈ Choiceni (w)
Khaitovich 9

tr(p) p
tr(¬φ ) ¬tr(φ )
tr(φ ∨ ψ ) tr(φ ) ∨ tr(ψ )
tr(2φ ) 2tr(φ )
tr([i]φ ) 3[stit]itr(φ )
Table 2
Translation from Losstit to Lcstit

Definition 3.8 Strategic stit to standard stit translation

Theorem 3.9 Let M = hTree, <, Ags,Choice, ν i be a BT+AC a model. Then, for
a set of one-shot strategic stit models M = {hW m , {Choicem }i∈Ags ,V m i}n∈Tree , such
that W m = {m/h | h ∈ Hm } for every m ∈ Tree, Choicem m 5 m
i (w) = Choicei ↾ , V (p) =
ν (p)|W , the following holds:

M, m/h |= φ ⇔ M , m/h |= tr(φ )

for every m/h ∈ W m .

Proof. Follows directly from Definition 3.7 and Proposition 3.6. 2

4 Conclusion and further research

We have proposed a fragment of classical stit logic, Losstit , with a non-normal strategic
modality [i]φ . The neighbourhood semantics for the fragment was presented, as well
as soundness and strong completeness of Losstit w.r.t. corresponding class of neigh-
bourhood frames. The latter was obtained by standard method of canonical model
construction. Nevertheless, a number of issues are open to further investigation.
It is interesting to consider epistemic extensions of Losstit . It will allow us to
reason about epistemic abilities: agent may be able to knowingly see to it that φ , i.e.
she may be aware of the potential result of an action she is able to execute.
It may be fruitful to construct such extension by adding a [Ki ]φ modality, what
stands for “agent i has a strategy to knowingly see to it that φ ”. In comparison with
causal strategic stit, the behaviour of the epistemic modality should differ in some
Consider a case of epistemically ideal agents, i.e. agents’ knowledge is factual,
closed under logical consequence and agents do have positive and negative introspec-
tion. Given absolute rationality, it is natural to assume that [Ki ] operator obeys (M),
(N) and (D) axioms, just as its “causal counterpart” [i]. Epistemic abilities are histori-
cally necessary, so (Nec) [Ki ]φ → 2[Ki ]φ looks intuitive as well.
Obviously, the notion of epistemic ability is stronger than just the causal one.
If an agent is able to knowingly see to it that some state of affairs holds, then she
is causally able to do it as well: on the level of axioms, it may be represented as
(Kn − A) [Ki]φ → [i]φ .

5 by Choicem m
i ↾ we mean Choicei , closed under supersets
10 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

Another way to construct an epistemic version of strategic stit logic is to explicitly

introduce knowledge in the language by adding Ki φ (agent i knows that φ ) modal op-
erator for every i ∈ Ags. This step allows to investigate epistemic abilities by treating
formulas of the form
[i]Ki φ
as well as studying knowledge about ability

Ki [i]φ
and their interplay. Nevertheless, on the level of semantics this extension will
require the addition of ∼i relations to the osstit frames. The desired properties of
the indistinguishability relations and their connections with Choice functions are not
clear: the most recent discussions on the topic could be found in [8], [4].
The computational issues left untouched as well. It is known that the general
group STIT (i.e. allowing expressions of the form [stit]Γ φ , where Γ ⊆ Ags) without
time operators is neither decidable nor finitely axiomatizable in case |Ags| > 3 [7].
It is also known that SAT problem for classical atemporal STIT with single-agent
modalities is NEXPTIME-complete if |Ags| > 2 [1]. Since Losstit may be seen as a
fragment of the latter, SAT complexity for it is worth investigating.
Khaitovich 11

Let L language be:

φ := p | ¬φ | φ ∨ φ | [i]φ | [∃i ]φ | 2φ
for i ∈ Ags, p ∈ Var. Let F be a frame

F = hW, {Ni }i∈Ags i

(PL) All tautologies of classical propositional logic

(S52) S5 for 2 modality
(S5[∃i ]) MCT4’B logic for [∃i ]
(Incl) 2φ → [i]φ
(M) [i](φ ∧ ψ ) → ([i]φ ∧ [i]ψ )
(N) [i]⊤
(D) ¬[i]⊥
(Pos) 2φ ≡ [∀i ]φ
(Nec-A) [i]φ → 2[i]φ
(Ind) [1]φ1 ∧ [2]φ2 ∧ . . . ∧ [n]φn → h∀i(φ1 ∧ φ2 ∧ . . . ∧ φn )
(RE) From φ ≡ ψ , infer [i]φ ≡ [i]ψ
(MP) From φ , φ → ψ , infer ψ
Table .1
Axioms for L

(M) Monotonicity of Ni
(N) W ∈ Ni (w)
(D) 0/ 6∈ Ni (w)
(T) ∀w ∈ W (w ∈ Ni (w))
(4’) ∀w ∈ W X ⊆ W (X ∈ Ni (w) → Ni−1 (X) ∈ Ni (w))
(B) ∀w
∈ W X ⊆ W (w ∈ X → W \ (Ni−1 (W \ X) ∈ Ni (w)))
(Pos) Ni ⇂ (w) = W
(Nec-A) Ni (w) = Ni (w′ )
(Ind) ∀X ∈ Na (w),Y ∈ Nb (w)(X ∩Y 6= 0)
Table .2

Canonicity: a class of frames satisfying (M), (N), (D) is such frames where Ni
is monotonic, does not contain 0/ and contains W . The corresponding logic MND is
canonical, hence, strongly complete w.r.t. that classSof frames [6, p. 31, 44]. A class
of frames satisfying (S5[∃i ]) are such frames where Ni ⇂ is monotonic, closed under
intersections, reflexive, transitive and symmetric. The corresponding logicL(S5[i]) is
canonical hence complete w.r.t. that class of frames [6, p. 31, 44]. (S52 Incl) is
strongly complete w.r.t. the class Kripke frames with total accessibility relation [11,
p.100]. Therefore, fusion of all three logics satisfying MND S5([∃i ]) S5(2) is
12 Neighbourhood semantics and axioms for strategic fragment of classical stit logic

canonical hence strongly complete w.r.t. the class of fusions of corresponding frames,
i.e. the frames with monotonic Ni functions
not containing 0/ and containing W , mono-
tonic reflexive transitive symmetric Ni ⇂ and universal binary relation Ri .
It is left for us to prove that (Pos), (Nec-A) and (Ind) are canonical as well.
Definition .1 Minimal canonical model
For a monotonic modal logic L and the basic modal language language L, the
minimal canonical model is

M c = hW c , Nic i
such that
(i) W c = {Γ, ∆, . . .} is a set of maximal L -consistent sets of L-formulas. By |φ | ⊆
W c we denote a proof set of φ , i.e. |φ | = {Γ | φ ∈ Γ}
(ii) N c : W c → 22 such that N c (Γ) = {|φ | | 2φ ∈ Γ}
(iii) V c : Var → 2Wc is an evaluation function such that Γ ∈ V c (p) iff p ∈ Γ
It is important to notice that monotonic modal logic M is not valid on its minimal
canonical model, but it is valid on such model, where instead of N c there are the same
function which is closed under supersets [11]. We will denote it here and further as
Nc ↾ and call it the supplementation of N c .
Now we are ready to construct a canonical model for our logic.
Definition .2 Canonical model for L

M c = hW c , {νic ↾}i∈Ags,V c i
(i) {Γ, ∆, . . .} is a set of maximal L -consistent sets of L-formulas.
(ii) νic : W c → 22 is a minimal L - canonical neighbourhood function associated
with [i] modality. νic ↾ is a supplementation for νic
(iii) V c : Var → 2W is an evaluation function such that Γ ∈ V c (p) iff p ∈ Γ
(iv) Notice that if |φ | = W c , then |2φ | = W c ; if φ is consistent (i.e. |φ | 6= 0),
/ then
|3φ | = W c .
S c
(v) As for [∃i ]φ , it is contained in some Γ ∈ W c iff νi (Γ) ⊆ |φ |.
Given the soundness and definability results from Theorem 3.3, the task is to show
that (Pos), (Ind) and (Nec-A) are valid in that canonical model.
Theorem .3 ((Pos), (Ind) and (Nec-A) are valid on L -canonical model)
Proof. (Pos)

M c |= 2φ ≡ [∃i ]φ
The left-to-right direction is obvious, so we concentrate on right to left. We prove
it by contraposition.
Suppose there is a Γ ∈ W c , such that M , Γ |= [∃i ]φ ∧ ¬2φ . Then, νic (Γ) ⊆ φ
(hence, by definition [∃i ]φ ∈ Γ and from the Γ L -consistency of Γ it follows that
Khaitovich 13

2φ ∈ Γ) and W c \ |φ | 6= 0/ (by semantics definition of ¬2φ ). From the latter it is

/ Then, |¬2φ | = W c , and if it is so, then
follows that ¬φ is consistent, i.e. |¬φ | 6= 0.
Γ ∈ |¬2φ |, i.e. ¬2φ ∈ Γ. Hence, Γ contains both 2φ and ¬2φ , so it is inconsistent,
what leads to contradiction.
Proof. (Ind)

M c |= [a]φ ∧ . . . ∧ [b]ψ → 3(φ ∧ . . . ∧ ψ )

Suppose that for arbitrary Γ it is true that M c , Γ |= [a]φ ∧ [b]ψ . By definition,
|φ | ∈ νac ↾ (Γ) and |ψ | ∈ νbc ↾ (Γ). From that, by definition of νic ↾, [a]φ ∧ [b]ψ ∈ Γ.
Then, since Γ is L -consistent, (Ind) ∈ Γ and Γ is closed under Modus Ponens, so
/ i.e. M c |= 3(φ ∧ ψ )
that, 3(φ ∧ ψ ) ∈ Γ. From that, by definition |φ ∧ ψ | 6= 0, 2
Proof. (Nec-A)

M c |= [i]φ → 2[i]φ
Suppose that for some Γ it is the case that M c , Γ |= [i]φ , i.e. |φ | ∈ νic ↾ (Γ), then
[i]φ ∈ Γ. Since Γ is L -consistent, 2[i]φ ∈ Γ, i.e. |[i]φ | = W c hence M c |= 2φ

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