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Name: Penaverde Jr., Carlo C.

Date Performed: 29/10/2022

Course/Section: CPE 232 CPE31S24 Date Submitted: 30/10/2022
Instructor: Engr. Jonathan Taylar Semester and SY: 1st semester
Midterm Skills Exam: Install, Configure, and Manage Log Monitoring tools
1. Objectives
Create and design a workflow that installs, configure and manage enterprise
availability, performance and log monitoring tools using Ansible as an Infrastructure as
Code (IaC) tool.
2. Instructions

1. Create a repository in your GitHub account and label it

2. Clone the repository and do the following:
2.1. Create an Ansible playbook that does the following with an input of a
config.yaml file and arranged Inventory file:
2.2. Install and configure Elastic Stack in separate hosts (Elastic Search, Kibana,
Logstash) • Install Nagios in one host
2.3. Install Grafana,Prometheus and Influxdb in seperate hosts
2.4. Install Lamp Stack in separate hosts (Httpd + Php,Mariadb)
3. Document all your tasks using this document. Provide proofs of all the ansible
playbooks codes and successful installations.
4. Document the push and commit from the local repository to GitHub.
5. Finally, paste also the link of your GitHub repository in the documentation.
3. Output (screenshots and explanations)

- First I create my respiratory and name it CPE_MIDEXAM_PENAVERDE, add a

readme file.

- This is the respiratory I do.

- And then go to SSH to get the link of my respiratory.

- And then I add my CPE_MIDEXAM_PENAVERDE respiratory as my file.

- Input the command ‘ls’ to see the output of my respiratory.
- Use the ‘cd’ command to get inside the respiratory.
- After creating the roles using the mkdir command, go inside the roles file then
create the recommended servers that we need using mkdir command then.
- And then use nano inventory and /etc/ansible/hosts to prepare the exact hosts
or their own.

- Assemble the recommended server then input their IP address.

- And for the default system prepare the system to identify it to another server.

- Select the nagios using ‘cd’ command and then use the nano command to
install_nagios.yml and then to input the code inside it.
- This is the code to install Nagios.

- Run it using the ansible-palybook –ask-become-pass install_nagios.yml to see if it's

- So if you search it this is the output will be.

- In this figure I go to inside the elastic_server and then use nano command
elastic.yml to input the code for the elasticsearch.

- This is the code for elasticsearch.

- After configuring the command and input the packages run it using
ansible-playbook. As you can see it was successful.
- This is the output.

- This is the output for kibana.

Lamp Server
- In this figure I go to inside the lamp_servers and then use nano command
elastic.yml to input the code for the elasticsearch.

- In this figure I go to inside the IGP_server and then use nano command
elastic.yml to input the code for the elasticsearch.

IGP Installation
Lamp Stacks



All the Output from ansible-playbook

- This is the output of all code that I input in my .yml. As you can see it failed
because the grafana is not already installed in my centos so I need to install it
- But I need to pass it early and it’s already working in my centos.
- Git push to include my midterm exam file in my respiratory.
- To check, go to the github website and select your midterm exam.

GitHub link:

Conclusions: (link your conclusion from the objective)

- Finally, by introducing new Manage enterprise, I was able to meet the

objectives of this midterm exam. I looked for a way to install Elastic Stack
on both CentOS and Ubuntu servers in the procedure section. When I
figured out how to install it on both servers, I turned it into an Ansible
playbook that can install and run services on both Ubuntu and CentOS
servers. I used Elastic Stack, a tool that allows users to take data from
any source in any format and search, analyze, and visualize it in real
time, as I installed Nagios, Grafana, Influxdb, Prometheus, Lamp Stack,
and started the service. ELK Stack is used by product groups for the core
products within each group: Elasticsearch (software), Logstash
(software), and Kibana (web application). Prometheus is a program that
can store data as time series and generate temporary derived time series
as a result of inquiries Nagios is open-source software for monitoring
computer systems. It can be run on a Linux operating system to screen
devices that run on Windows, Unix, and Linux operating systems.

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