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Feature Store

1. Repo architecture:
- ansible folder:
- deploy_dataflow folder: use for deploying data pipeline on google cloud
- batch_processing folder: contain pyspark scripts to process batch data
- stream_processing folder: contain pyflink scripts to process streaming data
- config folder: PostgreSQL config sent to Debezium
- data_validation folder: use Great Expection to validate data
- deltalake folder: contain scripts to write csv files into deltalake format used for
building lakehouse
- gcp folder: necessary scripts and dependencies jar files when deploying data
pipeline on google cloud compute
- gke folder: deploy minio service using k8s
- jar-files folder: dependencies jar files needed to run flink and spark
- models folder: trained models
- PostgreSQL_utils folder: contain functions to interact with PostgreSQL such as:
create table, insert data to PostgreSQL
- run_env_airflow folder: environment to run airflow service
- utils folder: helper functions
- Note: This repo is implemented on 100GB diabetes data stored on Google Cloud

2. Installation
- Tested on Python 3.9.12 (recommended to use a virtual environment such as Conda)
- Install requirements: pip install -r requirement.txt
- Data: diabetes data collected from different sources on the internet
- Docker engine
3. Data pipeline on prem
- How to guide:
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f airflow-docker-compose.yaml up -d
- MinIO is used to storing diabetes data
- We can access MinIO console at port 9001

- Steps to manually interact with MinIO:

1. Click to Buckets

2. Choose Create Bucket

3. Name the bucket and click to Object Browser

4. Choose bucket had created on the console

5. Click Upload to upload any files or folders

- Besides, we can upload files or folders to MinIO using scripts:
- How to guide:
cd utils
- To improve queries's performance, csv files data are converted to deltalake format,
which will organize metadata for us and turn MinIO from datalake storage to
lakehouse storage
- How to guide:
cd deltalake
- Csv files early will be converted to parquet files and log file added
- In _delta_log file, we can check changes on the parquet file

- In this example, we have added 768 samples to the parquet

3.1. Batch processing
- Pyspark comes into plays when raw diabetes csv files needed to be preprocessed
before feeding to models
- Notice that some columns of dataset such as: Pregnancies, BloodPressure,
SkinThickness, Insulin, Age have wide value ranges. Therefore, these columns
needed to be scaled into 0 and 1, so min-max scaler is chosen
- How to guide:
cd batch_processing
- Processed data will be stored in PostgreSQL data warehouse for later used
3.2. Data validation
- Before training new models, data in datawarehouse needed to be validated to ensure
that data in a gold zone
- To validate data, great expectation will run this task
- In data_validation folder, there are 2 notebook files:
- full_flow.ipynb: Create an expectation suite to validate all numerical fields of
the dataset will not be null

- In this example, all validated cases are successful. Data is ready to be served
- reload_and validate.ipynb: Reuse the expectation suite to validate new data
3.3. Streaming data source
- Besides csv files data, there is also a streaming diabetes data
- A new sample will be stored in a table in PostgreSQL
- Then Debezium, which is a connector for PostgreSQL, will scan the table to
check whenever the database has new data
- The detected new sample will be push to the defined topic in Kafka
- Any consumer can get messages from topic for any purposes
- How to guide:
cd postgresql_utils
./ register_connector ../configs/postgresql-cdc.json
- Create a new table on PostgreSQL
- Insert data to the table
- We can access Kafka at port 9021 to check the results
- Then click Topics bar to get all existing topics on Kafka

- dunghc.public.diabetes_new is my created topic

- Choose Messages to observe streaming messages
3.4. Streaming processing
- To handle this streaming datasource, Pyflink is a good option to do this task
- How to guide:
cd stream_processing
- This script will check necessary keys in messages as well as filter
redundant keys and merge data for later use

- Processed samples will be stored back to Kafka in the defined sink

- dunghc.public.sink_diabetes is the defined sink in my case


- Messages from sink will be fed into diabetes service to get predictions
- From then, New data is created
- Notice, we have to validate predictions from the diabetes model to
ensure labels are correct before using that data to train new models
3.5. Manage pipeline
- Airflow is a service to manage a pipeline
- In this repo, airflow is used to running training script on every first day of
- How to guide:
- Airflow is accessed at port 8080

- We can login to Airflow console with Username and

Password are airflow
- Click to docker_cb DAG to see details
- To run script immediately, click to Trigger DAG

- Logs of training script will be displayed on Logs Bar

- New training models will be saved at path run_env/models
4. Deploy data pipeline on Google Compute Engine
- How to guide:
cd ansible/deploy_dataflow
- To initialize a compute engine, json key file of service account on google
cloud is located at secrets folder
ansible-playbook create_compute_instance.yaml
- To create virtual machine instances using ansible. Configuration of machine
was defined in file create_compute_instance.yaml
- Virtual machine is ready to run
- Before moving to next step, substitute External IP of created compute
engine to inventory file in ansible folder

ansible-playbook -i ../inventory deploy.yml

- To deploy a data pipeline on the cloud. It takes approximately 10 minutes to
copy all dependencies files and run all used services.

- Services are accessed at External IP:Port

- Note: Used ports needed to open firewall on Google Cloud

5. Deploy MinIO on Google Kubernetes Engine
- Besides, Google Kubernetes Engine is also an optimal service to deploy
- After deploying MinIO, we can use that service similar to Google Cloud
5.1. Create GKE
- How to guide:
- Go to Google Kubernetes Engine
- Click CREATE to config cluster
- Choose SWITCH TO STANDARD CLUSTER to change mode
of the cluster

- To saving moneys, go to default-pool, fill 1 in Size to set

number of nodes in cluster is 1
- Go to Nodes, choose the kind of machine you want to use in
Machine type, each kind of machine has a different price. In my
case, I chose e2-standard-16(16 vCPU, 8 core, 64 GB
memory) and set up storage up to 120 GB in Boot disk size

- Click CREATE to create configured cluster

- When cluster is on, click Actions

- After that, choose Connect to get command line to connect to the

5.1. Set up MinIO on GKE
- How to guide:
+ kubectx -> gke_asr-callcenter_us-central1-c_cluster-1
+ cd GKE/minio
+ helm install --namespace minio-operator --create-namespace
minio-operator operator-5.0.10.tgz --values
+ kubens minio-operator
+ k apply -f service.yaml
+ k get all

- MinIO Operator can be accessed at port 30000 of node that created

on cloud has external IP is
SA_TOKEN=$(kubectl -n minio-operator get secret console-sa-secret -o
jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
echo $SA_TOKEN

- Copy key and paste to Enter JWT placeholder to login into MinIO

- Next step, set up a Tenant

helm install --namespace tenant-ns --create-namespace tenant-ns
tenant-5.0.10.tgz --values tenant/tenant-custom-values.yaml
kubens tenant-ns
k apply -f tenant1-service.yaml
k get all

- MinIO Tenant can be accessed at port 31353 of node that created

on cloud has external IP is

- Username and Password to login into MinIO is minio123

- We can interact with MinIO Tenant similar to part 3

- We can also check used storage and available storage of the Tenant
on MinIO Operator Console

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