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What are you waiting for?

And so on

1. We often say something sounds like a plan to say that what someone has suggested is a great idea.

2. I just got here is very common and means that the person has arrived at the location only moments
or minutes ago.

3. To freshen up means to make oneself clean by washing or changing into clean clothes / to improve
one’s skills or knowledge of something

4. If you cut an activity short, it means that you stopped doing it sooner than expected.

5. Literally, grab means to take something with your hand, but we usually also use it a little bit more
loosely in collocations such as grab some food or grab something to eat meaning to get or buy food or
to set plans to eat something

6. If you say that you’re starving, you mean that you’re really hungry.

7. Ma’am is a word we use to address a woman in a polite and respectful manner.

8. We commonly say rough to describe a period of time when we’ve had problems or difficulties.

9. A prototype is a new type of machine or device which is not yet ready to be made in large numbers
and sold.

10. When something malfunctions it doesn’t work properly.

11. Withstand means that something can resist something and remain unaffected.

12. The expression stage name is a name that an actor or entertainer uses instead of his or her real
name when they work.

13. What planet are you from/on? Is a rhetorical question, meaning that you make a statement instead
and do not expect an answer. It’s usually asked ironically to show that you think someone has crazy
ideas or doesn’t know about something that most people know about.

14. When someone says that something is not rocket science, it means it’s not difficult. In other words,
it’s easy to understand.

15. If something or someone is riddled with (something), they are full of something bad.

16. I feel that, slang I understand, agree with, or can relate to what you’re saying.

17. In American English, the 0 digit is almost always pronounced “zero” if it is by itself. It is sometimes
pronounced “oh” when reading or reciting strings of digits, such as telephone numbers or numeric
codes, or in names that involve digits, such as “Highway 101”, which will be read as “Highway One-Oh-

18. The verb take out means to remove something from a location, we often use take out when we’re
talking about removing something from our house or removing something from a closet, we can also use
it to talk about removing food from a restaurant when we take out our order. E.g. : “Can you take out
the trash, please?”

19. A waiter is a person at a restaurant or perhaps a café that takes your order, we typically use the
word “waiter” to talk about staff who are male. E.g. : “I’ll call the waiter”

20. A park is a place in your city or in your community that’s usually big and open and green there might
be places to sit or places for kids to play, it’s a public space that the community can use to enjoy some
fresh air and get some exercise.

21. A traffic light is the light that you see above a street when you’re using a car or when you’re walking
around your city, in many American cities the lights are green, yellow and red. You may also hear these
called traffic signals. E.g. : “For your safety, check the traffic lights”

22. A sign is something you see on the side of the road or next to the road that give you some
information about something coming up or it gives you an action to do / a command. E.g. : “Stop when
you see the stop sign”

23. A subway is an underground transportation system, so this is different from a train, a train is above
the ground, a subway is usually below the ground, maybe in some cases the subway comes up out of the
ground or comes outside for a short period of time but usually subways are all underground
transportation systems. E.g. : “I take the subway to the office”

24. A headache is a pain in your head. E.g. : “My headache is getting worse”

25. A symptom is something that you notice that gives you a clue about your sickness, so common
symptoms are like fever or a sore throat, these are like the parts of an illness. E.g. : “What are you

26. Get the job done means to fulfil one's task, to do what is required to do.

27. “ever” emphasizes your entire life’s experience. If you say, for example, “have you seen that
movie?”, it sounds like maybe it’s a recent movie, but if you say “have you ever seen such and such
movie?”, it sounds like maybe the movie is a little bit older. So especially in cases where you’d like to
emphasize something that’s not so recent, you might consider using “ever” in your questions.

28. Who is always associated with people. Which is used with things.

> “They have lived in Germany”, in this case it means show only a life experience.

> “They have lived in Germany since 1999”, in this case it means they live in Germany now.

> “I have studied English for two years”, this shows us a length of time, period of time, a duration of
your studies, it shows your studies are continuing, you are still studying English. Two years ago you
started and you have continued since that time, you have continued study in for two years. So this
shows us that you have studied English, and how long you have studied English, lots of information here.

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