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1. Absolutely (adv.)
• Completely
I trust/believe you absolutely.
You must be absolutely silent or the birds won’t appear.
• Adding force to a strong adj. or verb expressing strong emotion.
The food is absolutely delicious/disgusting.
I absolutely love/hate it.
• A strong way of saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’.
‘Are you going to the party?’ ‘Absolutely!’
2. Aggressive (adj.)
• Showing anger and a willingness to attack others.
• Violent
• A serious medical condition that quickly spreads in the body or gets worse.
The more aggressive the cancer is, the further and faster it spreads.
3. Attractive (adj.)
• Very pleasing in appearance or sound
• A beautiful person, painting, sight, etc.
• Causing interest or attention
We need to make the Chinese class attractive to children.
4. Audience (noun.)
• The group of people watching or listening to a television, show or radio, or
reading a book.
• A formal meeting with an important person.
An audience with the PM.
5. Automatic (adj.)
• A machine or device that can operate independently of human control.
An automatic door/gun
• Done without thinking about it.
An automatic response
• Certain to happen as part of the normal process or system
Citizenship is automatic for children born in this country.
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6. Cleanliness (noun.)
• The state of being clean, or the act of keeping things clean.
My mum checks the cleanliness of my bedroom every day.

7. Client (noun.)
• A customer
The restaurant provides lunch and dinner to its clients.

8. Complaint (adj.)
• Willing to do what other people want you to do.
• Willing to obey orders, rules or laws; obedient
Ross is a complaint child and he always does what the teacher tells him to do.
The company is complaint with the labour law.

9. Condense (verb.)
• To make a liquid thicker by removing some of the water
• To make a speech or writing shorter; summarise
I condensed my five-minute speech into one minutes/ my two-page writing
into one page.

10. Congregation (noun.)

• A group of people coming together for religious worship.
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11. Consequence: A consequence is what happens as a result of something you

did. If you do something good, you might get a good consequence like a
reward or a happy feeling. But if you do something bad, you might get a bad
consequence like getting in trouble or feeling sad. For example, if you study
hard for a test, the good consequence might be that you get a good grade.
But if you don't study at all, the bad consequence might be that you get a bad
12. Courteous /ˈkɜː.ti.əs/: Being courteous means being polite and kind to others.
When you're courteous, you use good manners and show respect for other
people's feelings. For example, if someone holds the door open for you, it's
courteous to say "thank you" instead of just walking through without
acknowledging them.
13. Creditable: Creditable means deserving praise, trust or respect. If something is
creditable, it's worth noticing and acknowledging because it's impressive or
well done. For example, if you worked really hard on a school project and got
an A+, that's a creditable achievement. It is also believable, trustworthy based
on solid evidence or high-quality work.
14. Curiously: Curiously means being interested in something and wanting to
learn more about it. When you're curious, you might ask questions or explore
something to find out more about it. For example, if you see a bug you've
never seen before, you might be curious and want to learn more about it.
15. Determination: Determination means being committed to a goal and working
hard to achieve it, even if it's difficult. When you're determined, you don't give
up easily and keep going even when things get tough. For example, if you
really want to learn how to ride a bike, you might fall down a few times, but if
you're determined, you'll keep trying until you succeed.

16. Discomfort: Discomfort means feeling a little bit uneasy or not quite right. It's not quite
pain, but it's not a comfortable feeling either. For example, if you sit in a chair for a long
time, you might start to feel discomfort in your back or legs.
17. Donation: A donation is something that you give to help someone else. It could be
money, clothes, toys, or anything else that someone else might need. People make
donations to help others who are less fortunate or to support causes they care about.
For example, if you donate some of your old clothes to a charity, they might give them
to someone who doesn't have any clothes to wear.
18. Enthusiastically: When you do something enthusiastically, it means you do it with a lot
of excitement and energy. You might jump up and down, clap your hands, or shout with
joy. For example, if you really love playing soccer, you might enthusiastically run onto
the field, high-fiving your teammates, and cheering when you score a goal.
19. Extravagant: Extravagant means doing something that is really over the top or fancy. It's
more than what is needed or expected, and sometimes it's even a little bit too much. For
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example, if you have a birthday party and your parents hire a clown, a magician, and a
bounce house, that might be considered extravagant.
20. Flawless: Flawless means that something is perfect, without any mistakes or problems.
It's just right and there's nothing wrong with it. For example, if you color a picture
perfectly, without going outside the lines or making any mistakes, you might say it's a
flawless work of art.

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