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Speak English With Vanessa

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Real Conversation Conversation + Quiz!
Dear English Learner,

Get ready to speak confidently! I recommend reading the worksheet out loud and using
the blank space on the last page to answer my challenge question. Click here to watch
the original video. Thanks so much for learning English with me!

Your teacher,

Did you have any specific inspirations when choosing the name Matilda?

To scroll through: to move information on a computer or smartphone screen so you can

see more content
I scrolled through all of them.
He scrolled through the webpage looking for the answer to his question.

What sold me on…: something that causes you to become interested in and excited
about something
What sold me on the name was the nickname, Tilly.
What sold me on buying that car was its safety ratings and fuel efficiency.

To lag behind: to move slowly and fall behind on something

I don’t know why the US is lagging behind.
Since the pandemic, many students are lagging behind on their education. 1
To grow on (someone): to like something or someone more as time passes
That name (Matilda) has grown on me quite a bit.
I didn’t want a dog, but now that we rescued this one from the shelter, it’s starting to
grow on me.

Many families hesitate before deciding to have a third child. So, was it your case? Did
you have any concerns about deciding to have a third child?

It came down to…the most important part of something

It came down to the question of, “Would I feel like I was missing out on the unknown?”
When we were trying to decide whether or not to start our own business, it came down
to the desire to create a flexible life for our family.

To shoot for: to try, to make an effort for something

Were you shooting for a girl at all?
I wasn’t shooting for a personal record with my running, but I beat my best time by 2

Is this pregnancy different from your pregnancies with the boys?

Trimester: a period of three months

Morning sickness happens during the first trimester.
The third trimester of a pregnancy seems to take so much longer than three months!

Did you plan the baby? Or was it a surprise?

Surprise VS Accident
Surprise: indicates something that you were not expecting but is positive; you are
excited about it
Was it a surprise when you found out you were pregnant again?
I was so surprised when I found $20 in my pocket! 2
Accident: indicates something that you were not expecting that is negative; you are not
excited about it
Did you plan to have another child or was it an accident?
I didn’t mean to run over the mailbox at the end of the driveway, it was an accident.

To be put on the spot: to force someone to answer a difficult question or make a

decision about something quickly
This question puts you on the spot.
I don’t like to be put on the spot, I want to have time to think about my answer.

Will you give birth at home like you did with Theo and Freddie?

Should you need…: another way of saying “if you need”

They have all of the medical supplies should you or your baby need something.
Should you need more information, call or email me.

Do you think Freddie and Theo will be jealous about their little sister?

Growing pains: changes experienced when something is growing or becoming larger

With everything, there are growing pains.
When both my parents remarried in the same year, there were some growing pains
because of all the new family members, but now we’re a big, happy family!

I’ve found that…:another way of saying “I have learned” or “In my experience”

In general, what I’ve found is that having a newborn is okay, but having a
three-year-old is hard.
I’ve found that spending more money on higher quality items actually saves me money,
rather than buying cheap things all the time. 3
Will you have some help with the kids after she’s born? What about grandparents? Is
this normal in your country?

To be set in stone: when something is fixed and unchangeable

It’s not set in stone yet who will help.
Your future is not set in stone. If you want to change your life, you can!

To be sane: reasonable, sensible, able to act rationally

We have some babysitters who help us so that I can stay sane.
Fresh air and sunshine help me stay sane, especially when I am working long hours.

To be taken care of: to attend to or provide for someone’s needs

We will be taken care of.
We are always well taken care of when we stay with my family for the holidays.

Is it expensive to have a baby in the US? Will you receive a government subsidy for a
newborn baby?

It’s not worth it: when something requires more effort than the reward you receive for it
You get some money off of your taxes for children, but it’s not worth it.
For many Americans, an expensive college degree isn’t worth it because they
graduate with a lot of debt and can’t find a job that pays well.

The short end of the stick: when something is unfair

When you’re self-employed, you get the short end of the stick.
Growing up, I always got the short end of the stick when it came to playing with my
cousins. They took all the best toys and wouldn’t let me play!

That’s what I thought: an emphasized way to show that you agree with someone
That’s less than I thought. -That’s what I thought!
He’s eating a steak, but isn’t he a vegetarian? -That’s what I thought! 4
Life with Three Kids
Do you want to have another baby after Matilda?

Out of the question: not possible, not manageable

Four children is as out of the question as possible.
Buying a new house is out of the question right now because it would be too

How will you arrange your day between professional duties, housekeeping, and three
beautiful children?

Nanny VS Babysitter
Nanny: an experienced child care professional who provides long term care for children
We could have a nanny, but we have good babysitters.
My friend works as a nanny and loves seeing the kids she cares for grow up.

Babysitter: someone who cares for children short term or as-needed

We have really good babysitters, so we don’t need to have a nanny.
We have tickets to a concert Saturday night, so we need to find a babysitter to stay
with the kids.

Hours: the time during which a person or a business is operating

Dan has the same hours as our oldest son.
I like the food at that restaurant but they have weird hours–they’re never open for
dinner on the weekends!

Whether you know it or not: another way of saying “you may not know it, but it is true”
A lot of people help to make this business run, whether you know it or not.
Whether you know it or not, there are a lot of people who care about you and want
the best for you. 5
Worth of: amount or equivalent of something
I’m filming four months worth of YouTube videos in advance.
It’s a good idea to save up six months worth of living expenses in case of emergencies.
How can you keep up your relationship with each other when you have three children?

To check in with: to talk with someone to get a report or find out information
Couples therapy helps us to check in with each other.
We scheduled a meeting to check in with the rest of the team on the project.

The brink of…: when something is very close to happening

You don’t have to be on the brink of divorce to see a couple’s therapist.
They were on the brink of a disaster, but their friends and family helped them through

Do you have any recommendations for someone who is pregnant for the first time?

In the picture: when someone is present or involved

I hope the partner is in the picture.
Her mom wasn’t really in the picture when she was growing up, so she is very close
with her dad and sister.

To give some perspective: to get a clear, accurate idea of something

Talking with someone who has more children can give some perspective.
Becoming a parent gave me some perspective on how hard it must have been for my
parents when they were raising me and my siblings.

Advice from a mother of 11 children

To be grounding: a technique to help you stay present and connected

It can be really grounding to hear their advice.
Spending a few quiet moments in nature can have a really grounding effect. 6
The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson

To be your best self: to stay true to yourself and your values

Reading this book can help you be your best self after having a baby.
In order to be your best self, do what brings you happiness, purpose, and meaning.

To be set up for: to prepare for or to be in a position for something

Taking a birth class together sets you up for being parents together.
I want my kids to be set up for success in life, so I am teaching them how to work hard
and take care of themselves.

A helpful playlist with birth advice by Bridget Teyler

(she also has a free and a paid birth course that are awesome) 7
What has it been like having 3 kids so far?

1. Unheard of: something really unusual or impossible

Sleeping through the night is unheard of for a baby.
It’s unheard of to speak English fluently after studying for only one week.

2. To tend to someone: to take care of the needs of a person

Who do I tend to now?
My sister tends to our grandmother because they live in the same town.

3. To take a step back: to stop doing something or being involved in something

Sometimes you have to take a step back.
Whenever I feel overwhelmed by a problem at work, I go outside to get some
fresh air. It helps me to take a step back and re-evaluate the problem.

4. Intangible: something that cannot be physically held or measured

The reward for taking care of children is intangible.
Being able to spend so much time with my family is an intangible benefit of my

How do you handle competition between siblings?

5. To hold back: to hesitate to speak or act

They were not holding back with their questions.
We hold back on helping our kids with everything, because they need to learn
how to do things for themselves.

6. By nature: a naturally occurring characteristic

By nature, the prize in a family is the parent’s attention. 8
By nature, I am a more straightforward person and my sister is more reserved.

7. The squeaky wheel: with people, it means that a person who complains or
causes problems is more likely to get attention than someone who doesn’t
My brother was the squeaky wheel of the family.
She was a great employee, but because her co-worker was a squeaky wheel,
no one noticed her accomplishments.

8. Headstrong: someone who wants to do things their own way

Freddie is more headstrong than I was.
Being headstrong isn’t always a bad trait, but you need to know how to get
along with other people.

9. To get/be glossed over: to overlook or ignore something or someone

By default, the middle child gets glossed over.
When we were buying our house, they glossed over the fact that the roof
needed to be replaced.

10. To dread: to hat something; be afraid or uneasy about something

Some people dread going to family gatherings.
I dread shopping during the holiday season, so I try to purchase all my gifts
throughout the year.

11. To mellow out: to calm down and relax

We’ve mellowed out with age.
She was really nervous about going to the party, but once she started talking to
people, she mellowed out and had fun.

12. To be touchy: to be oversensitive and irritable

Theo isn’t touchy about things Freddie says.
Politics are a touchy subject, so I try to not bring them up in conversation. 9
The challenge of raising (or parenting) children at a time when technology ends up
taking over the parents' role. Are tech devices dumbing down our children?

13. Starting them young: to begin doing something when a child is young
We take our kids on hikes as often as we can–we are starting them young so
that they love and appreciate nature.
Startin’ ‘em young!

14. Set: (adjective) a particular time and place

We have a set time of day to watch TV.
I like to have a set schedule for my day because it helps me stay focused and
get work done.

15. The elephant in the room: an obvious problem or difficult situation that people
don’t want to talk about because it makes them uncomfortable
The elephant in the room is phones.
When she was arrested for drunk driving, it became the elephant in the room
when she showed up at parties.

16. Peers: someone your own age, level, or experience

I think it will be tricky when their peers have phones.
When I need an opinion on something, I like to ask my peers.

17. Like-minded: someone who has similar values, interests, or priorities

It’s easier when you have like-minded friends.
She and I have different personalities, but we have been friends for over twenty
years because we are like-minded. 10
How do you and Dan usually manage the housework and childcare? How did you
decide which of you will take care of what?

18. Could you wash the dishes?

I will do the dishes for you.
Don’t worry. I got it.

19. Asterisk: to indicate that there is a limiting fact or consideration for something
There was a little asterisk that we put on these rules.
We put ourselves on a budget, but there was an asterisk for supporting
organizations or causes that we really care about.

20. To barge in on someone: to come into a room without warning or knocking first
You can go to the bathroom without a child barging in on you.
I was in the middle of an important meeting when he barged in and started
asking questions.

21. To be cut and dry: when something is clear and simple, settled and decided
Delegating chores is a lot more cut and dry for other couples.
The election is not as cut and dry as everyone thinks it is.

Bonus: How is Dan feeling going back to work after helping you to teach us English for
a long time?

22. To be at each other’s throats: when people are disagreeing and arguing
We weren’t at each other’s throats, but the change has been good.
No one was surprised to learn that they broke up–they were constantly at each
other’s throats. 11
What age does school start? What’s it like?

1. Out of pocket: a cost that is paid for directly

Parents have to pay for preschool out of pocket.
The amount of money I have to pay out of pocket for health insurance is

2. Pull out of a hat: when something is chosen randomly, so as to be fair

A charter school pulls kids’ names out of a hat.
For Christmas, all my cousins pull names out of a hat to see who they buy a gift

3. Vastly: to a great extent

Just because you pay for a school doesn’t mean that it has vastly better
education quality.
I vastly underestimated how challenging this hike was going to be!

4. As of: the time or date from which something starts

What percentage of Americans are homeschooling as of 2021?
As of 8 o’clock this morning, I have eaten six cookies.

5. Good-hearted: kind and well-meaning

There are a lot of good-hearted people in education.
I don’t agree with everything he says, but I know he is good-hearted.

6. To look down on: to act superior to someone or something

You are looked down on if you choose a different education system.
They used to look down on me for wearing that brand of clothes–now it’s in
style and everyone is wearing them! 12
Do most American students go to universities after their graduation?
Is it considered important?

7. Shoulda (should have): something that didn’t happen, but you wish it had
I shoulda thought of that.
I knew there was a chance of it raining today. I shoulda grabbed my umbrella!

8. On the rise: becoming greater, increasing

Graduation from school is on the rise in general.
The cost of housing in the US is on the rise.

9. __ by __: when things aren’t done a set way, but separately

Is college important? -Well, it’s probably family by family.
Loans are given on a case by case basis.

10. What you get out of it: to receive a benefit from something
College is way too expensive for what you get out of it.
For some people, business school is worth the cost for what you get out of it.

Is it hard to find a job if you don’t have a university degree?

11. To mean something: to be important or hold value

A 4-year degree means something.
Being a graduate of that program really means something–it’s so challenging
that most people drop out and never finish.

12. Assertive: having a confident and forceful personality

If you’re an assertive person, you can get a good job.
I haven’t always been assertive, it is a skill that I have built over many years with
a lot of practice. 13
13. Of your own volition: to do something without being told or asked; voluntarily
She took some classes of her own volition, and that’s why I hired her.
He saw the problem and fixed it of his own volition, so his boss promoted him.

14. Would have: to talk about something that did not happen in the past
I would have loved to do that. (common)
I would have loved to have done that. (correct) 14
Quiz Time!
See the answers on final page, after the challenge question

1. It is considered rude to _______ to someone’s house without knocking first.

a. take a step back
b. barge in
c. tend to

2. Everyone says she’s ______, but I just think she’s headstrong and likes things to
be done a certain way.
a. touchy
b. unheard of
c. mellowed out

3. I was ___________ a B on that test, but I got a C instead. I should have studied
a. growing on
b. set up for
c. shooting for

4. As the middle child, I always got __________ because I didn’t get to do all the fun
stuff my older sibling did, and I didn’t want to play with my younger sibling.
a. taken care of
b. the short end of the stick
c. dread

5. I didn’t like this movie at first, but it is starting ________ me.

a. to grow on
b. to lag behind
c. to barge in 15
6. I didn’t mean to break the glass. It was an _________.
a. elephant in the room
b. surprise
c. accident

7. My mom always makes sure everyone in the family is ________.

a. taken care of
b. taking a step back
c. holding back

8. We are ______________ another war unless they can agree on peace.

a. set up for
b. on the brink of
c. taking a step back from

9. I _______ think that most action movies are actually pretty boring.
a. dread
b. shoulda
c. tend to

10. When life gets stressful, I like to ____________ and think of all the reasons I
have to be grateful.
a. be set up for
b. mean something
c. take a step back 16
Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: What term best
describes you and why: touchy, headstrong, mellowed out, or assertive?

Sample answer: I think people would say that I am headstrong when it comes to the
decisions I make for my personal life. When I know what I want to do, there is no
stopping me. But I also think people would say that my personality has mellowed out,
especially as I have gotten older. I don’t feel the need to be headstrong in every aspect
of my life. Sometimes I just want to relax and have fun.

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Quiz Answers:

1. b. barge in

2. a. touchy

3. c. shooting for

4. b. the short end of the stick

5. a. to grow on

6. c. accident

7. a. taken care of

8. b. on the brink of

9. c. tend to

10. c. take a step back 18

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