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Title: High-End Tuition Fee: Struggles of the unenrolled Nursing Students due to the lack of


• Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory of motivation which states that five categories of
human needs dictate an individual's behavior. Those needs are physiological needs, safety
needs, love and belonging needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Maslow’s
Hierarchy of Needs perfectly depict this research title, It was stated on the theory of
Maslow that a human’s need was categorized based on their importance, and the resources
or wealth of a human is on the 3rd level of importance, and by the looks and possible
interpretation to the theory, physical wealth of a human is intercorrelated to the other
aspects of being a healthy and well human, like physiological needs of a human that can
only be quench by having a physical wealth. And that also applies to the education of the
human, and by having deficient physical wealth, human is bound to be also worried on
their other state like their mental health.

• Classical and neoclassical Theories of poverty, classical traditions view individuals as

largely responsible for their own destiny, choosing in effect to become poor (e.g., by
forming lone-parent families). The concept of ‘sub-cultures of poverty’ implies that
deficiencies may continue over time, owing for example to lack of appropriate role models,
and that state aid should be limited to changing individual capabilities and attitudes (i.e.,
the laissez-faire tradition). Neoclassical theories are wider ranging and recognize reasons
for poverty beyond individuals’ control. These include lack of social as well as private
assets; market failures that exclude the poor from credit markets and cause certain adverse
choices to be rational; barriers to education; immigrant status; poor health and advanced
age; and barriers to employment for lone-parent families. These theories are intercorrelated
to the idea of the research title as it precisely depicts the root cause or the basis of the
financial capabilities of a person, and if he/she can alter his/her birth’s financial status of
being poor by sheer dedication or hard work

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