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Name: Binas-o, Louie M.

Date: January 1, 2022

Grade 12 – LENZ



Mandatory vaccination with Covid 19 should not be imposed on Filipinos since it

violates their human and constitutional rights and does not inevitably improve vaccine
uptake. The EU-funded investigation looked into previous epidemics and pandemics
before Covid 19 and found no evidence to back up the idea of forced vaccination. The
survey highlighted that nations "where vaccination is mandated do not usually reach
better coverage than a neighbor or similar countries where there is no legal duty" in the
Baltic and Scandinavian countries.

Mandatory vaccination, on the other hand, is not a treatment for anything.

Indonesian correspondent Wahyudi Soeriaatmadja stated in a report in The Strait Times
on February 16 that "Indonesia has made coronavirus vaccination for citizens
mandatory" and that "people who are eligible for vaccination but refuse a jab can be
penalized" with fines, social aid delays, or suspension of public services. Indonesia is
still battling with the proliferation of the Delta variety after six months. In the United
States, the situation is likewise similar.

According to the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, mandatory vaccination may be

warranted for highly contagious and dangerous diseases. Despite the fact that Covid 19
is contagious due to its low case fatality rate, the public health department of England
does not designate it as a high-risk infectious disease. COVID-19 severity, which is
closely linked to age, divides individual judgments of vulnerability among populations.
The death rate for adults over the age of 80 is expected to be 7.8%, but only 0.0016
percent for youngsters and 0.04 percent for those under the age of 70, according to the
study. Forced vaccination of young and healthy persons who are at low risk of
contracting Covid- 19 will be frowned upon in a democratic society.
COVID-19 vaccine should not be mandatory and should only be delivered under
the conditions of informed consent, according to the Human Rights Commission's
Human Rights Advisory on Covid-19 Vaccination CHR(V) A2021-001. This means that
the vaccination program must follow medical ethics, be culturally appropriate, respect
religious beliefs, and be designed in such a way that it protects the privacy of the
participants while still promoting their health. It assures that vaccination is done at one's
own risk.

The Republic of the Philippines' 1987 Constitution, Article 2, Section 11, provides
that "the State values the dignity of every human individual and ensures full respect for
human rights."

In one of his late-night public appearances, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte

warned that local officials should jail people who refuse Covid-19 immunizations inside
their homes. Mr. Duterte claimed his proclamation was "the law of necessity" since the
coronavirus emergency overrode norms safeguarding freedom of travel. "They shouldn't
be allowed to leave their houses if they don't want to be vaccinated." "They may argue
there isn't a law, but should I wait for one when so many people will die?" ”. The
president's directive, according to Edre Olalia, is unconstitutional and hazardous. She
went on to say that the demand for vaccines outstripped the availability of vaccines.
That criterion cannot be imposed by the president unless it is judged and accepted by
the constitution as well as the advice of reputable experts.

In the 1905 US Supreme Court case of Jacobson v Massachusetts, bioethicist

Wesley J. Smith presents the similar topic from the United States surrounding the
obligatory vaccination. His statement reads: "The decision does not stand for the notion
that because of a health emergency the federal government — or even state authorities
— can force everyone to get vaccinated." It states that unless the Constitution requires
it, the authorities cannot impose a national legal standard on a locality.

The trials and pharmacological processes that surround them, despite the
positive news, have yet to be reviewed. Because the initial trials only started in April
2020, there isn't much information on long-term safety and efficacy. Exactly how long
immunity lasts is unknown. The purpose of none of the research was to see if the
vaccination might prevent significant sickness or virus spread. It is also important to
examine the efficacy of a COVID-19 vaccination, even if it is proven to be safe (i.e.,
there are no adverse side effects). However, while flu vaccines have been shown to be
just 50-60% effective, tuberculosis vaccines have been shown to be 80% effective.

Vaccination is rarely a good idea. The successful implementation of novel

COVID-19 immunizations will take time, communication, and trust. It's not a good idea
to rush it. It is not mandatory to get vaccinated.

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