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UNIT CONTENTS + Indefinite Pronouns « Adverbs -ly * Economy Vocabulary + Extreme weather ——_ N —— GRAMMAR EXERCISE 1 Choose the correct indefinite pronoun. y for the tickets, They were free 1. Tdidn’t have to pay ... shea i Sy ting ns it tourists .. : jidn’t like the city. There were os 2 Ms ae b) somewhere O)every her a) anywl Tthink I’ve missed the train. There’s .. “+ 0m the Platform, 3 1) anybody b) everybody @ Dob a 4, He can’ itis suitase, Theres... heavy init F & @ something b) everything ©) anything R 5. The law says that ..... +» has to wear a seat belt, G) everybody b) anybody ©) somebody * 6. The restaurant was full. There was anywhere b) nowhere ++ to sit, ¢) somewhere EXERCISE 2 The indefinite Pronouns in these sentences are incorrect. Rewrite ‘them correct 1. Has somebody seen mY passport? -vneeeinybody, js 2 Iwas hungry because there was a DoT ning. 3. There en a t nob nything to eat, sony at the checkin desk. 4. We a ae nehere to alec sarey yes fe 5. Can Lhave anything to ink neds DILE| MoDULE 7 ren g, r1g080 somewhere ag long as there’s a beach, RAMMAR PN EAF: 1s to megt nobody from London 71a aOR ae se that be is every oo mazing in the spring. exercise 3 te the dialogue with indefinite pronouns. comple Lit [’ve been thinking about the holidays. Let’s go 1) Sones, different this year. Phil Were you thinking of 2). Lit Well, jevenpresbyat work went to Monte Carlo last year. She said it was great! Phil But 4) €¥6 afford a holiday. Lit You said the same last year and we: did socks Gee all summer. I don’t know 6). SNOW. RABY....--- except us who spends their holidays in their garden! Phil Well, if you can think of 7) Som ANG ee cheap to do, I'll agree to it. Hater Lie a) Sameboady says that camping is cheap. Phil OK. Let’s go and buy a tent. = 1 GRAMMAR ae nite pronouns. way 1) &MESy away 1) SNH < . may mean you cant 80 ete ° 7 ow-cost flights may ome, a) same price as it costs (0 : oe = not : “ms s Nov - tak can’t travel 3). waney xe soe sovide is produced You ‘ tonnes of carbot ee vathout eontbuting to global warming. Se Complete the article with indefi my 1g... be done to solve the problem? Currently, ms So, can 4) 5, i. yeventr Kn to control the carbon CMissig, seem to be aes aa 5 has managed to discover an alternative fyey to i 20M 5 aircraft. 6). 200! A ANOG..... tO stop the demage si eed 10 do 7)S0MHeAHIOG : se erivng on inivdals ont the Rights they take i nor the sey causing. aa who would choose a train over a plane When ey ig isn’t 8)... AM § travel over 1,000 km to a business meeting or a family wedding. re o One thing is clear. F the issue of aircraft carbon emissions is not addressed, there i fly to. soon be 9)... - attractive to fly ADVERBS SPELLING =LY ENGLISH GRAMMAR RULES Adjective vs. Adverb Review Adjectives describe nouns (things). * My dog is stow, Slow is an adjective since it describes the subject (my dog). * How is my dog? Stow er Sad GRAMMAR EXERCISE 1 ee “orem yn the following adjectives into adverbs jore ‘Tu 1, beautifol +e 2, happy ae , ba +-ly= 4. loud ae 5, lucky an a nce +-ly= 7. proud as 8, kind ye careful ca 10, late + y= nsf eye lowly a2. glad +-ly= in gp J 13, courageous +-ly= & us 14, brilliant +aly= \pvi‘licably 45, safe + y= altel 16, dangerous +-y= OM ‘| BEADING Thu beg ‘This is the type of economy which is idealized by Communist countriey, ba proven historically to be much less efficient than the marker ec; es, to humian error and high levels of corruption in the command economy, p, Eien government agents wind up stealing the goods re SUPPOSED to be dig hich is steered by ct werr t The middle ground is a market economy W! ; Ament, ag, i ile ground, econo, the most common form in the world. In this middle OMS Wo 5 late’ an economy to grow ny politicians to figure out how to best ‘stimulate’ an S10. The gon, ment can grant a‘substdy” toa certain group of people is ene industry, yg, an allow those People to keep their proj ‘ ift of money, which ¢ is basically cheap for consumers. The government can print money-, pine | MopULE 1v | lll COMPREHENSION phic ofthe flowing est defines bauer 2 @tn of money = rade of goons without the use of meney ‘A hybrid yystem which Wes money vometimes p, Asystem of edit following can best describe mone 4, Whieh of the Gold py. Silver ¢,_ Anything agreed () Mtheabove .es a ‘market economy’ work? ind governments 4. How do People conduct «economic transactions» freely = The government controls all economic transactions» ¢. dconomic transactions» are secondary to environmental concerns p. None of the above 5, How does a ‘command economy” work? People conduct «economic trans ctions» freely © The government controls all «economic transactions» ¢,

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