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Why is the 

division of powers important for a country?

" Every man who has power is inclined to abuse it, he goes until he finds limits, so
that power can not be abused, it is necessary that, by the disposition of things,
power hold the power " Montesquieu
From ancient civilizations, such as Rome and Greece, The division of powers
existed in a vague meaning, but it was those foundations that showed us
the correct way, or at least the most just of how to govern.

In classical Athens, the functions of the state were separated:

The Heliea (judicial) and the Boulé (legislative) were chosen by lot among the
citizens, while   Strategos (executive) were elected annually by vote. Aristotle, an
Athenian citizen and philosopher, analyzed sovereignty and divided it into three
elements: "He who deliberates, who commands and who judges".

The Roman Republic was a political regime that reached almost 500 years, maybe

of the reasons why it lasted a long time is because it was a balanced system. The
principal elements of the republic must cooperate so that it works. For example, for
a war, the consul-monarchy-will need, both a resolution of the senate -aristocracy-
for the sending of legions, and the approval of the people-democracy.

Later a great illustrator thinker, Montesquieu postulate in his essay The Spirit of the

Laws, which basically says that the system of separation of powers and
constitutional monarchy are the best guarantees against despotism, tyranny,
dictatorship and absolute power. According to the French author, the branches
of powers should not concentrate in the same hands. It is a theory of each
power counteracts and balances the other two. The model is taken from the
political system of   United Kingdom, the King is the head of Power, executive,
the   House of Lords, judicial and there is popular representation in the House of
Commons, legislative.

But, why is this important? Why does everything just a single organism perform this
This division is required for any faction of the branches is more powerful
than another and thus dominate the nation, an example would be Venezuela:
"The prosecutor general of the public prosecutor, Luisa Ortega was one of the first
who raised her voice against the regime's intention to take the three branches of

Not content with just exercising control of the executive branch, Chavismo had
been infiltrating the judicial branch for years , the magistrates of the Supreme Court
of Justice (TSJ), the judicial body in Venezuela. The attempts of the Supreme
Court to limit the legislative power come from much further back. In 2016,
Chavismo magistrates began to assume the functions of parliamentarians
(legislative body),
they stopped a law that gave amnesty for political prisoners and an Economic
Emergency Law.

The next step of the chavismo was to take the legislative power canceling the
National Assembly , by decree announced that it would assume "the powers to
legislate on matters" With this, end the power of Parliament and Chavismo is left
with control of the executive power, at the head of Nicolás Maduro, the legislature,
with the National Assembly practically annulled and, finally, with the control of
justice, at the hands of the TSJ "

Another good example is the Julius Caesar`s one, Julius Caesar wanted to
become emperor and thus occupy the executive branch, so called in our times, and
to achieve this the Senate, the legislative part, did not allow it since the king or
emperor would govern to his pleasure no matter what the Senate opined, then on
the Idus of March, Brutus murdered Cesar and thus ended his avaricious idea of
became emperor of one of the biggest empire of the ancient ages.

This examples shows the importance of why the institutions of the branches of
power should exist in each country and be quite strict, because if one faction
becomes more powerful, the other two can appease it and not let a dictator,
despotic or absolutist monarch to control the three branches, leaving in their hands
the path of an entire country at his service, and as Montesquieu said "Power
defeats power."

Also the branches of power are important for a country to can carry well all the
processes that it has, and not that a single governmental entity manages it since
no judicial or executive case would be made effective by the slowness that this
would entail, in conclusion the branches of power also help streamline the
processes that each country needs.

Miguel Melo Ortiz

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