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HƯỚNG DẪN SỬ DỤNG TÀI LIỆU ............................................................................................................................... 1
Cách học: .................................................................................................................................................................... 1
I. THE INTERNET ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Practice questions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1. Social media ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Online shopping ................................................................................................................................................. 3
3. Online communication ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Main points .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Social media ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Online shopping ................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Online communication ....................................................................................................................................... 5
II. ART ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Practice questions ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Public Art ............................................................................................................................................................ 7
2. Museums and Art Galleries ............................................................................................................................... 7
3. Government Support for Artists ......................................................................................................................... 7
4. The Role of Art in Society .................................................................................................................................. 7
5. Teaching Art to Children ................................................................................................................................... 7
Main points .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1. Public Art ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
2. Museums and art galleries ................................................................................................................................. 8
3. Government Support for Artists ......................................................................................................................... 9
4. The Role of Art In Society ................................................................................................................................ 10
5. Teaching Art to Children .................................................................................................................................. 10
III. SPACE .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
1. Expenditure on Space Exploration .................................................................................................................. 13
2. Spending Tax on Space Exploration ............................................................................................................... 13
3. Space Tourism .................................................................................................................................................. 13
4. Resources on Space Exploration ..................................................................................................................... 13
5. Outdoor space ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
1. Expenditure on Space Exploration .................................................................................................................. 14
2. Spending Tax on Space Exploration ............................................................................................................... 14
3. Life on Other Planets ........................................................................................................................................ 15
4. Resources on Space Exploration ..................................................................................................................... 16
5. Outdoor space ................................................................................................................................................... 17
IV. LAW AND ORDER ............................................................................................................................................ 19
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
1. Broadcasted Criminal Trials ............................................................................................................................ 19
2. Long-term Prison Sentences ............................................................................................................................ 19
3. Gun License ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
4. Ex- prisoners .................................................................................................................................................... 19
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
1. Broadcasted Criminal Trials ............................................................................................................................ 20
2. Long-term Prison Sentences ............................................................................................................................ 20
3. Gun License ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
4. Ex- prisoners .................................................................................................................................................... 22
V. TOURISM ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
1. Travel Through Media ..................................................................................................................................... 24
2. Remote Areas Travelling .................................................................................................................................. 24
3. Following Local Customs ................................................................................................................................ 24
4. Protect Local Culture ....................................................................................................................................... 24
5. Tourism on environmental problems ............................................................................................................... 24
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
1. Travel Through Media ..................................................................................................................................... 25
2. Remote Areas Travelling.................................................................................................................................. 25
3. Following Local Customs ................................................................................................................................ 26
4. Protect Local Culture ....................................................................................................................................... 27
5. Tourism on environmental problems .............................................................................................................. 27
VI. BUSINESS ............................................................................................................................................................ 30
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
1. Businesses Social Responsibility...................................................................................................................... 30
2. The Disappearance of Small Businesses ......................................................................................................... 30
3. Climate Change and Business ......................................................................................................................... 30
4. Marketing Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 30
5. Advertising New Products ................................................................................................................................ 30
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 31
1. Businesses Social Responsibility...................................................................................................................... 31
2. The Disappearance of Small Businesses ......................................................................................................... 31
3. Climate Change and Business ......................................................................................................................... 32
4. Marketing Strategy ........................................................................................................................................... 32
5. Advertising New Products ................................................................................................................................ 33
VII. ENTERTAINMENT ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Practice questions: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
1. Watching Live Events....................................................................................................................................... 36
2. Watching TV and Movies Alone ...................................................................................................................... 36
3. Dangerous Sports ............................................................................................................................................. 36
4. Impacts of Video Games................................................................................................................................... 36
5. Independent Filmmakers ................................................................................................................................. 36
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 37
1. Watching live events ......................................................................................................................................... 37
2. Watching TV and Movies Alone ...................................................................................................................... 37
3. Dangerous Sports ............................................................................................................................................. 38
4. Impacts Of Video Games.................................................................................................................................. 38
5. Independent Filmmakers ................................................................................................................................. 39
VIII. WORK .................................................................................................................................................................. 41
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 41
1. Changing Jobs .................................................................................................................................................. 41
2. Interviews ......................................................................................................................................................... 41
3. Societal Contribution ....................................................................................................................................... 41
4. Part-Time Jobs ................................................................................................................................................. 41
5. Job Satisfaction/Security .................................................................................................................................. 41
6. Jobs and gender equality.................................................................................................................................. 41
7. Human Capital Flight ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42
1. Career choosing ............................................................................................................................................... 42
2. Interviews ......................................................................................................................................................... 42
3. Societal Contribution ....................................................................................................................................... 43
4. Part-Time Jobs ................................................................................................................................................. 43
5. Job Satisfaction/Security .................................................................................................................................. 44
6. Jobs and gender equality.................................................................................................................................. 44
7. Human Capital Flight ...................................................................................................................................... 45
IX. ENVIRONMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 48
Practice questions: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
1. Plastic Bags ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
2. Marine Natural Habitats .................................................................................................................................. 48
3. Car-Free Days .................................................................................................................................................. 48
4. Overpopulation In Cities .................................................................................................................................. 48
5. Nuclear Power .................................................................................................................................................. 48
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 49
1. Plastic bags ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
2. Marine Natural Habitats .................................................................................................................................. 49
3. Car-Free Days .................................................................................................................................................. 50
4. Overpopulation In Cities .................................................................................................................................. 50
5. Nuclear Power .................................................................................................................................................. 51
X. LANGUAGE ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
1. Role of Computer in Language Skills.............................................................................................................. 53
2. Learning Languages and Customs .................................................................................................................. 53
3. An International Language ............................................................................................................................. 53
4. Golden Age of Learning Language ................................................................................................................. 53
5. The Prevalence of English ............................................................................................................................... 53
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 54
2. Learning Languages and Customs .................................................................................................................. 54
3. An International Language ............................................................................................................................. 55
4. Golden Age of Learning Language ................................................................................................................. 55
5. The Prevalence of English ............................................................................................................................... 55
XI. TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................. 58
Practice questions: .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
1. The Internet and School .................................................................................................................................. 58
2. Self-Driving Cars.............................................................................................................................................. 58
3. Artificial Intelligence ....................................................................................................................................... 58
4. Modern Electronics .......................................................................................................................................... 58
5. Technology and Communication ..................................................................................................................... 58
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 59
1. The Internet and School .................................................................................................................................. 59
2. Self-Driving Cars.............................................................................................................................................. 59
3. Artificial Intelligence ....................................................................................................................................... 59
4. Modern Electronics .......................................................................................................................................... 60
XII. EDUCATION ....................................................................................................................................................... 63
Practice questions ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 63
1. Free access to university .................................................................................................................................. 63
2. Mandatory education ....................................................................................................................................... 63
3. Horticulture and domestication ....................................................................................................................... 63
4. Purpose of education ........................................................................................................................................ 63
5. Food science ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
6. Single sex or mixed education ......................................................................................................................... 63
Main points ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 64
1. Free access to university .................................................................................................................................. 64
2. Mandatory education ....................................................................................................................................... 64
3. Horticulture and domestication ....................................................................................................................... 65
4. Purpose of education ........................................................................................................................................ 65
5. Food Science .................................................................................................................................................... 66
6. Single sex or mixed education ......................................................................................................................... 66


Tài liệu này sẽ cung cấp (1) Đề dự đoán và hỗ trợ các bạn lên ý tưởng cho 60 đề bài IELTS Writing
Task 2 với 12 chủ đề khác nhau

Cách học:

Bước 1: Các bạn sử dụng mục lục để lựa chọn topic mà mình muốn xem trong tổng cộng 12 topic.

Bước 2: Các bạn lựa chọn đề bài mình muốn xem trong topic đó bằng cách đọc danh sách đề trong
phần “Practice Questions”.
Bước 3: Các bạn sang trang tiếp theo để tham khảo danh sách ý tưởng cho mỗi đề. Các ý tưởng
này đã được chia làm các hướng khác nhau để giúp các bạn dễ dàng trả lời câu hỏi của đề.
Bước 4: Các bạn click vào các đường link trong phần Reference để đọc tài liệu tham khảo. Các tài
liệu này đều liên quan trực tiếp tới ý tưởng nêu trong danh sách, vậy nên các bạn hãy đọc kỹ để
hiểu rõ hơn ý tưởng và cách triển khai, đồng thời học thêm các từ vựng và cấu trúc hay.
*Trong trường hợp các bạn không truy cập được vào Link Reference, các bạn hãy thử đổi phần
mềm khác để mở tài liệu như Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, ...
Sau khi thực hiện các bước trên, các bạn sẽ hình thành được quan điểm của bản thân về vấn đề của
đề bài, và cũng sẽ nắm được các ý tưởng cụ thể để triển khai trong bài viết. Kết hợp với các từ
vựng học thuật các bạn học được, các bạn có thể bắt tay vào viết bài ngay cho nóng nhé.
Practice questions

1. Social media
The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the advantages?

2. Online shopping
Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier, while others disagree.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

3. Online communication
Online communication is becoming more popular than face-to-face communication in many companies.
Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?
Main points

1. Social media

The use of social media is replacing face-to-face interaction among many people in society.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the advantages?

Advantages of social media Disadvantages of social media

• People can communicate with each

other irrespective of geographical
boundaries • Constant use of social media may
• Companies can keep their clients cause people to lose their social skills
updated at any time • The quality of verbal communication
between people may falter

• 5 benefits of using social media
• Advantages and disadvantages of social media
• Top 14 advantages and disadvantages of social media

2. Online shopping

Some people say that modern technology has made shopping today easier, while others disagree.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

How has modern technology made How has modern technology made shopping
shopping easier? harder?

• It can lead to customers’ indecisions when

• Shopper can purchase an item
shopping online.
without leaving their homes
• The risk of people’s financial information
• People can search for a specific
being stolen by hackers is higher since that
item using filters on e-commerce
information is provided whenever a
transaction is made

• 20 advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce
• Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping
3. Online communication

Online communication is becoming more popular than face-to-face communication in many companies.

Do the advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages?

Advantages of online communication Disadvantages of online


• Employees can communicate with each

other irrespective of geographical • Communicating online makes it
boundaries difficult for people to convey their
• Communicating online is cheaper. thoughts and feelings
• The internet connection may
sometimes be weak, so it can be
difficult to conduct a meeting
without interruptions in the
audio/video feed

• 10 pros and cons of online communication for businesses
• Advantages and disadvantages of online communication
Practice questions

1. Public Art
Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more
works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in.
To what extent do you agree?
2. Museums and Art Galleries
Museums and art galleries should concentrate on local works rather than showing the
cultures or artworks from other countries.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
3. Government Support for Artists
Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists
such as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
4. The Role of Art in Society
Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world. However, these
days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science, technology,
and business.
Why do you think that is? What could be done to encourage more people to take interest
in the arts?
5. Teaching Art to Children
Art is considered an important part of society as well as an expression of its culture.
Do you think it is important for children to be taught art? Do you think children should
be encouraged to focus on arts rather than other subjects?
Main points

1. Public Art

Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting
in more works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better
places to live in.
To what extent do you agree?

Reasons to support public art Reasons against public art

• It can enrich the physical • Public art can easily be ignored
environments. by most locals.
• It can connect citizens to their • The space used for public art
neighbours and their shared can be used for more practical
history through the tangible purposes.
community asset. • The meanings of this art can be
• It can create a supportive inappropriately perceived by
learning environment. most people.
• Public art can be beneficial to • It can cost a considerable
the regional economic amount of money for
development. maintenance.
• Why public art is important
• Arts in cities - cities in arts
• The problem with public art
• Public art and argument

2. Museums and art galleries

Museums and art galleries should concentrate on local works rather than
showing the cultures or artworks from other countries.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of supporting local Disadvantages of supporting local

artworks only artworks only
Disadvantages of supporting local
artworks onl
• They can have many economic
• International artworks can help
diversify the art market.
• Local artworks can create a sense
• Works from foreign artist can
of culture.
foster cultural exchange.
• Supporting local artworks can
• They can act as symbols of
create a competitive environment
international politics.
for talented young artists.
• Why it’s important to support local art
• 5 reasons why local artists are important to your community
• Artworks as symbols in international politics
• World art day

3. Government Support for Artists

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists
as painters and musicians. Others believe that artists should be funded by alternative
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Government funding to artists Private funding to artists

• Government investing in art can • There are significant costs and

create jobs and produce tax dangers that arise from an
revenue. implicit contract to permanent
• The arts cultivate young state funding.
imaginations and facilitate social • Artists make a large sum of
skills. money through a various means
• Art can imply many civic of finance.
catalysts. • Artists will not be forced to
• Why government should invest in the arts
• Why should we fund the arts?
• Should the arts get public money?
• Why public funding of the arts should always be temporary
• Should the government fund the arts?

4. The Role of Art In Society

Art is considered an essential part of all cultures throughout the world.

However, these
days fewer and fewer people appreciate art and turn their focus to science,
and business.
Why do you think this happens? What could be done to encourage more
people to take
interest in the arts?

Causes for art oblivion Solutions for art oblivion

• Art subjects are not emphasized • The government should

at schools. subsidize artworks from talented
• Individuals encounter hectic artists.
schedules in their daily life. • The lawmakers should increase
• There are other more interesting art funding at schools.
forms of entertainment. • The promotion of museums and
• Art has lost the patronage from galleries are important.
the government. • Public art should be encouraged
in the cities.

• How the arts are being squeezed out of schools
• Arts a levels face steep decline, official figures reveal

5. Teaching Art to Children

Art is considered an important part of society as well as an expression of

its culture.
Do you think it is important for children to be taught art? Do you think
children should be encouraged to focus on arts rather than other subjects?
The importance of learning art The importance of learning other
• Many art courses offer to teach • Children need to have a balance
students to play an instrument of all subjects for holistic
so that they can improve certain development.
soft skills. • Studying is a prerequisite for
• Art can enhance children’ many employment prospects.
language ability. • Studying other subjects can
• Art can help children with improve students’ general
cognitive development. knowledge.
• The art of creating: why art is important for early childhood development
• The importance of art in child development
• Calls for balance between arts and science subjects

Practice questions

1. Expenditure on Space Exploration

Some people think the money spent in developing the technology for space exploration
is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this money.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Spending Tax on Space Exploration

Space exploration costs tax payers’ an exorbitant amount of money each year. What are
the advantages and disadvantages of spending money on space exploration?

3. Space Tourism
Space travel has been possible for some time and some people believe that space tourism
could be developed in the future.
Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

4. Resources on Space Exploration

Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while others think that
it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the universe in which we live. Discuss
both views and give your own opinions.

5. Outdoor space
More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no outdoor areas.
Do you think it is a negative or positive development?
Main points
1. Expenditure on Space Exploration

Some people think the money spent in developing the technology for space
exploration is not justified. There are more beneficial ways to spend this
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons to conduct space research Reasons to spend money on other


• People may find an alternative

place of living to solve the
problem of overpopulation.
• That the government funding
• Spending money on conducting
should be allocated to other
space research can foster a
urgent aspects such as education,
deeper understanding of the
medicine or constructing public
• Astronomical research might be
• Space exploration is believed to
considered important because it
be an exclusive privilege of
can showcase the scientific,
wealthy nations
technological, and economic
• Astronauts receive exposure to
breakthroughs of these countries.
natural dangers while in space.
• Space exploration allows people
to prove or disprove scientific
theories developed on Earth.
• Exploring space to prepare for earth’s future
• Why we explore
• 19 advantages and disadvantages of space exploration

2. Spending Tax on Space Exploration

Space exploration costs tax payers’ an exorbitant amount of money each

year. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending money on
space exploration?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending money on space

Advantages of space research Disadvantages of space research

• People may find an alternative

place of living to solve the • Research and development costs
problem of overpopulation. can be exorbitantly expensive.
• Space exploration allows people to • This trend cannot solve the
prepare for potential hazards from problem of poverty. This is
the universe. because there are many other
• Exploring space is one of the few social issues that needed to be
human endeavors that crosses addressed.
borders. • It only brings accolades to a few
• Space explorations foster a nations.
stronger bond between countries.

• Space research and its impact on social issues and problems
• Advantages and disadvantages of space exploration

3. Life on Other Planets

Some scientists think that there are intelligent life forms on other planets
and messages
should be sent to contact them. Other scientists think it is a bad idea and
would be
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Advantages of study about aliens Disadvantages of study about aliens

• Extra-terrestrials may be of
• People have limited technologies
advanced race which can help the
and the development may be
Earth to leverage their technology • The search for extra-terrestrial
to improve our standard of living. intelligence may be futile.
• People may be able to relocate to • Alien-beings may be hostile to
other planets to solve the problem human-beings.
of overpopulation.
• The study of astrobiology
therefore enriches the whole
scientific enterprise.

• The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

• Why Look for Extraterrestrial Life? Why public funding of the arts should
always be temporary

4. Resources on Space Exploration

Some people think that space exploration is a waste of resources while
others think that it is essential for mankind to continue to explore the
universe in which we live. Discuss both views and give your own

Space exploration is a waste of Space exploration is essential


• Many costly innovations were • Space exploration can satisfy

developed as a result of space humankind’s thirst for knowledge.
exploration. • Space discovery is one of the major
• There are more imminent problems momentums for the advancement of
on our planet that need combating. science.
• Space exploration potentially makes • Colonizing other plants may help to
space a gigantic garbage dump. mitigate the overpopulation
• Space travel allows people to detect
serious threats that could potentially
wipe out humanity.

• Space Exploration Debate
• “Space ExPloration is a waste of time and money”.
• Pros and cons of Space Travel
5. Outdoor space
More and more people in the city live in homes with small spaces or no
outdoor areas. Do you think it is a negative or positive development?

Negative Positive

• Living in confined spaces or no • Living in small spaces enables us to

outdoor areas takes a toll on save a considerable amount of
physical health. money.
• Living in scrammed spaces can • Living in small places can promote
induce lack of privacy. stress-Free Minimalism
• Living in small areas can make us • Tiny living spaces can reduce
become more easily distracted. carbon footprint.

• Bài mẫu Writing Band 8
• 7 reasons small spaces are the best spaces.
• Are There Mental Health Benefits to Living in a Small Space?
• Pros & cons of small space living
• The Health Risks of Small Apartments
Practice questions

1. Broadcasted Criminal Trials

In some countries, some criminal trials are shown on the television and the general
can watch them.
Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
2. Long-term Prison Sentences
Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences.
Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
3. Gun License
In some countries, it is legal for people to own military weapons when they have a
How does this affect society?
4. Ex- prisoners
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens
later, and it is often argued that these are the best people to
talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
Main points

1. Broadcasted Criminal Trials

Society is based on rules and laws. If individuals were free to do whatever

they want to do, it could not function.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the above statement?

Advantages Disadvantages

• These public court hearings can • Telecasted trials may reveal the
improve people’s legal defendants and witnesses’ privacy.
knowledge. • Televising court trials might
• They can act as a deterrent to heighten pressure on judges and
crime. juries
• It is a promotion of judicial • There is potential for physical and
transparency and justice. psychological interference on trial
• This practice is an act of orders.
protection to the public’s rights • Broadcasting court trials can lead
and media’s freedom of to misinterpretation of the judicial
expression. system.
• Televised trials: weighing advantages against disadvantages
• How does courtroom broadcasting influence public confidence in justice?
• Arguments for and against allowing television cameras into the courtroom

2. Long-term Prison Sentences

Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer
prison sentences.
Others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Advantages Disadvantages

• Times for inmates to regret and • Inmates might adversely

repent their wrongdoings. influence others.
• Certain criminals are beyond • Many misdemeanours should
redemption and should be receive non-custodial sanctions
isolated from society. and measures instead of
• A deterrent method to ensure incarceration.
that the legal system is followed • In-patient rehabilitation or
and upheld. treatment programs can be
applied in cases of defendants
with drug, alcohol, or psychiatric
• Televised trials: weighing advantages against disadvantages
• How does courtroom broadcasting influence public confidence in justice?
• Arguments for and against allowing television cameras into the courtroom

3. Gun License

In some countries, it is legal for people to own military weapons when

they have a license.
How does this affect society?

The effects of gun ownership on society

• An increase in the level of gun-related criminal cases.

• An increase in the profitability of weapon industry.
• Stimulate violent tendency in people, especially children.
• Firearms ownerships may be extremely dangerous if they are within the
accessibility of people with mental health.

• The impact of gun violence on children, families, & communities

• A booming US. Gun industry is adding more jobs
• Effects of gun violence

4. Ex- prisoners
Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often argued
that these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a
crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Agree Disagree

• Teenagers are more likely to accept • Police officers can visit schools and
advice from someone who has talk to young people.
experiences. • Social campaigns about crimes and
• This would boost empathetic and lawbreakers should be held
collaborative relationships. • Activities about crimes should be
held and delivered at school

• IELTS Writing Task 2 (Simon)
• Why ex-offenders should be given a role in cutting youth crime
• Knife crime: how former offenders can make great mentors for at-risk teens

Practice questions

1. Travel Through Media

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other people. We can
learn just as much from books, films, and the internet.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
2. Remote Areas Travelling
It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such
as the South pole.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
3. Following Local Customs
Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
4. Protect Local Culture
Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some areas
whereas others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no benefits.
Discuss both sides and gives your opinion.
5. Tourism on environmental problems
As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling. There is an
growing demand for more flights.- What problems does this have on the environment?-
What measures could be taken to solve the problems?
Main points

1. Travel Through Media

It is not necessary to travel to other places to learn the culture of other

people. We can
learn just as much from books, films, and the internet.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons to support virtual tourism Reasons to spend money on other


• The impact of tourism on

• Information might be outdated.
vulnerable destinations is
• Online travelers will lack
practical experience.
• This trend is cost-efficient.
• An upsurge in virtual travelers
• The immersive experience
will obviously lead to many
allows the viewer to imagine
drawbacks for the tourism
themselves at a travel

• What is virtual tourism and when should you make use of it?
• The complete guide to virtual tourism in 2021

2. Remote Areas Travelling

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural

environments, such
as the South pole.
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?
Advantages of remote areas travel Disadvantages of remote areas travel

• This practice might disturb the

• This is a novel type of travelling.
ecological balance.
• When visiting remote areas, • The cultural environment for
people, especially scientists, might locals is at risk.
acquire more knowledge about the • Travelling to remote natural areas
natural habitat. can be risky if the travelers are not
• It is an opportunity for cultural sufficiently prepared because
exchanges between communities. medical health might not be

• Traveling to antarctica: the pros and cons

3. Following Local Customs

Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and
behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Visitors follow local customs The host country welcome cultural


• If visitors do not acclimate the

• If a host country embraces new
host country’s customs, they might
cultures, it will develop a sense of
be considered being unfriendly to
tolerance in the local people.
• Tourism will be enhanced.
• It can be dangerous to not follow
• Cultural difference is essential in
every aspect of life as it leads to
• Travelers will enjoy the traditions,
innovation, productivity, problem
by taking part in the community
solving, and new opportunities.


• Ways to embrace cultural differences while traveling

• Understanding cultural differences: a guide for travel professionals
4. Protect Local Culture

Some people believe that to protect local culture, tourism should be banned in some
areas whereas others think that change is inevitable and banning tourism will have no
Discuss both sides and gives your opinion.

A ban on tourism to certain A ban on tourism is a feasible method


• Many tourists misbehave in tourist

• Tourism can provide an incredible
economic boost.
• Religious, linguistic, and
• Tourism can facilitate the process
sociocultural behavior will likely
of cultural exchange.
be more affected by the influx of
• Tourism is a powerful tool to
promote a country image on the
• Acculturation often turns into
global stage.
cultural assimilation.


• Over-tourism: causes, consequences and solutions

• Tourists not welcome: how to tackle the issue of over-tourism

5. Tourism on environmental problems

As a result of tourism and the increasing number of people travelling. There is an
growing demand for more flights. What problems does this have on the environment?-
What measures could be taken to solve the problems?

Problems Solutions

• Aviation can • Electric planes are promising for

tremendously contribute to noise shorter routes.
pollution. • Authorities can impose bans on
• Aviation activities can worsen the short-haul flights.
water environment. • Route optimization should be
• Aviation also induces serious air conducted by airlines.
• Aviation adversely affects the water

• The six problems aviation must fix to hit net zero
• Environmental effects of aviation
• Environmental Impact of the Aviation Industry
Practice questions

1. Businesses Social Responsibility

As well as making money, businesses also have a responsibility
towards society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. The Disappearance of Small Businesses

Small businesses are disappearing and being replaced by large
multinational companies. Do the advantages of this outweigh the
3. Climate Change and Business

Some think that climate change reforms will negatively affect business.
Others feel they are an opportunity for businesses.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

4. Marketing Strategy
Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and, as
a result, people gravitate towards buying their products.
What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage
people to buy local products?

5. Advertising New Products

In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their
products are new in some way.
Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
Main points

1. Businesses Social Responsibility

As well as making money, businesses also have a responsibility towards society.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons for greater business Reasons against greater business

responsibility responsibility
• Corporate social responsibility can • Businesses should not be
improve customers' perception of a responsible for social issues that
brand. they are not culpable.
• Being socially responsible can • Many companies have contributed
help business attract more to society by comply with tax and
shareholders. other vital regulations.
• Talents tend to work for a business • Individuals and government
with a high level of should also share the social
• Why your company should be more socially responsible
• The growing importance of social responsibility in business

2. The Disappearance of Small Businesses

Small businesses are disappearing and being replaced by large multinational companies.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of market predominant by Disadvantages of market predominant

large businesses by large businesses
• The loss in small businesses may • At the state level, a host country
create a disturbance to a large might be the beneficiary of
company’s supply chain. modern technology transfer from
• The disappearance of small international companies.
companies can lead to • These firms aid in the
unemployment rate crisis. improvement of the local public
• This trend may cause a loss in infrastructure.
national revenues. • Consumers can enjoy a diverse
range of products and services at
comparative prices.
• Small businesses are quietly dying by the thousands during the coronavirus
• American small business disappearing
• 19 advantages and disadvantages of multinational corporations

3. Climate Change and Business

Some think that climate change reforms will negatively affect business. Others feel they
are an opportunity for businesses.
Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

Climate change reforms affects Climate change reforms as an

businesses opportunity for businesses
• Businesses may see a surge in • Eco-friendly companies can
their operational or investment benefit from their investment in
costs to comply with new green technologies.
regulations. • This is an opportunity for carbon-
• Laws to accelerate the transition intensive companies to reshape
towards a low-carbon economy their business models.
can cause a ripple effect on the • The low-carbon transition is
economy. creating demand for new
• Such policies will result in further sustainable goods and services
critical social and political issues. worth trillions of dollars across all
• Climate business | business climate
• Climate change, new risks and opportunities for businesses
• Climate change is an opportunity for business to thrive
• Companies are under pressure on climate change and need to do more

4. Marketing Strategy
Large businesses have big budgets for marketing and promotion and, as a result, people
gravitate towards buying their products.
What problems does this cause? What could be done to encourage people to buy local

Effects of business marketing Measures to promote sales

Product marketing may entice • Government can subsidize small-
consumers to buy unnecessary medium-enterprises through fair
items. trade reforms.
• Marketing can be expensive and • Awareness campaign can be
drain profits, especially for smaller introduced to the population so
businesses. that they understand the
• Many promoting campaigns are importance of supporting local
not effective because of a lack of vendors.
further outcome research.
• This practice might lead to a • The ban on targeted advertising
hypercompetitive market, leading can be applied.
to the loss of many small local
• Top advertising problems today
• Advertising makes us unhappy
• EU parliament backs tighter rules on behavioral ads
• The disadvantages of target marketing

5. Advertising New Products

In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize that their products are new
in some way.
Why is this? What are the problems?

Problems with claiming products are

Reasons for claiming products are new
• Businesses can incentivize • Companies often disseminate
increased consumer demand. misleading information to
• It is a method of customer customers.
education. • Their employees may be exposed
• This practice can draw customers’ to public criticism from customers
interest in products. if the products unable to match the
unrealistic expectation.
• Businesses’ brand image may be
detrimentally affected with
deceptive acts.
• Tesla's success proves that what America needs is business, business, and
more business
• Negative effects of false advertising
• Price misleading advertising: effects on trustworthiness toward the source of
information and willingness to buy

Practice questions:

1. Watching Live Events

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more enjoyable
than watching the same event on television.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

2. Watching TV and Movies Alone

People these days watch TV, films, and other programs alone rather than with other
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

3. Dangerous Sports
Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think
people should have freedom to do any sports or activity.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

4. Impacts of Video Games

Today many children spend a lot of time playing video games and little time on sports.
What are negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize
the bad effects?

5. Independent Filmmakers
Films were produced by big companies in the past, but today people are able to make a
Is this a negative or positive development?
Main points

1. Watching live events

Watching a live performance such as a play, concert, or sporting event is more
enjoyable than watching the same event on television.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Reasons to support live events Reasons against live events

• Watching a live performance in • Watching a live show in person
person provides a more engaging can be exorbitantly expensive.
atmosphere for audiences. • Sometimes live events can be the
• People can enjoy promotion and insecure due to criminal attacks or
giveaways as a side benefit extreme fans.
• Socialization and networking can • Audiences may be exposed to
be improved. extreme weather conditions.
• 5 reasons people go to live sporting events
• 20 reasons why actually going to a sporting event sucks
• The sports riot: first we lose (or win), then we set this sucker on fire

2. Watching TV and Movies Alone

People these days watch TV, films, and other programs alone rather than with other
Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of watching programs Disadvantages of watching programs

alone alone
• People can enjoy greater flexibility • Watching programs alone can
as they can watch programs of loosen social bonds between
their preference without having to family members.
consult with anyone. • Excessive time watching television
• People can enjoy a quite can be habit-forming.
• TV viewers prefer to watch alone
• Pros and cons of watching TV alone
3. Dangerous Sports
Some people think that governments should ban dangerous sports, while others think
people should have freedom to do any sports or activity.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

A ban on extreme sports Freedom to play any sports

• Players are exposed to extreme • Every sport carries a degree
weather conditions. amount of risk.
• Players are vulnerable to serious • These events can produce many
or even fatal injuries. business opportunities.
• They are expensive in terms of • A regulation to ban extreme sports
organization and sports gears. can lead to much controversy in
public in terms of human rights
• 6 popular extreme sports and common injuries
• Injuries in extreme sports
• Benefits of doing extreme sports
• The thrill factor: the big business behind extreme sports

4. Impacts Of Video Games

Today many children spend a lot of time playing video games and little time on sports.
What are negative impacts of playing computer games and what can be done to minimize
the bad effects?

Problems of over-play computer games Solutions for over-play computer games

• Thoughtlessly playing video • Strengthen existing laws on age-
games can lead to many physical category.
and mental health issues. • Closer parental supervision.
• Minors can be susceptible to the • The government can ban the
violent contents in these games. advertisements of videos games on
• Children may loosen their friends’ media platforms.
• The health effects of too much gaming
• How to protect kids from violent video games
5. Independent Filmmakers
Films were produced by big companies in the past, but today people are able to make a
Is this a negative or positive development?

Advantages of independent movies Disadvantages of independent movies

• This trend can help explore hidden • This may raise many copy
talents in film industry. right infringement issues.
• It can create a competitive market • These movies can be at low-
so that major producers have to quality.
work hard to produce high-quality • They may not be subjected to
movies. censorship regulation which
• Producers of independent films are contain unsuitable contents for
able to express themselves freely young audiences.
without following the same
demands that big box office films
have to.
• Pros and cons of making a low budget film
• Why you should support independent film
• Why indie filmmakers may have an advantage over major studios during covid-
• 7 challenges facing independent filmmakers
Practice questions

1. Changing Jobs
The job market today is very competitive, and it is best to choose a career or field
of study early in order to get a good job later in life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Interviews
First impressions are important. Some people think that doing well in interviews is
the key to securing a good job.
To what extent do you agree?

3. Societal Contribution
Doctor, nurse, and teachers make a great contribution to the society and should be
paid more than entertainment and sports celebrities.
To what extent do you agree?

4. Part-Time Jobs
Many children are encouraged by their parents to get a part time job in their free time.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

5. Job Satisfaction/Security
Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while
others believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is
more important.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
6. Jobs and gender equality
Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some
certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?
7. Human Capital Flight
An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their
own poorer countries to work in developed countries.
What problems do this cause? What are the solution
Main points

1. Career choosing
The job market today is very competitive, and it is best to choose a career or field of
study early in order to get a good job later in life.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons to choose a career early Reasons against choosing a career early

• It can lay a foundation for tertiary • Many factors including family,
study. compensation or social
• They can be well-prepared with responsibility can affect
subtle knowledge and experience individuals’ career later in life.
for their future professional life. • Many people par excellence
• It can give young people a sense experimented with a large number
of security. of subject areas and professions
before settling on one.
• Most teenagers are not mature
enough to recognize what they
want to do in the future.
• Make up your mind: does choosing a career early help, or hinder?
• Why is career planning important at an early stage?

2. Interviews
First impressions are important. Some people think that doing well in interviews is the
key to securing a good job.
To what extent do you agree?

Other factors contribute to

The importance of interview
occupational decisions
• Job interviews provide an • Benefits including salaries that the
opportunity for candidates and company offer might not meet the
their potential employer to decide expectation of a potential
if their skills and attitudes align candidate.
with the company's needs. • The relationship with colleagues
• It is a chance for applicants to ask plays an important role.
questions to understand the • Job market is competitive and
workplace culture. there might be more potential
• Candidates can display their candidates.
professionalism to interviewers.

• 10 reasons candidates drop out of your hiring process — and what you can do
• Explanation about the importance of job interviews

3. Societal Contribution
Doctors or nurses make a great contribution to the society and should be paid more than
entertainment and sports celebrities.
To what extent do you agree?

Reasons to support higher paid for Reasons why public figures should be
social workers paid the same
• Health professionals are • Artists help people from
vulnerable to many diseases in the tediousness.
course of providing care to their • Sportspeople and artists contribute
patients. to many aspects of society.
• They often have to work nightshift • Celebrities tend to have short
with heavy workload. career than general practitioners.
• These jobs are often associated
with intense training during
and post college.
• Health workers deserve higher pay. The economics are grim.
• Essential but undervalued: millions of health care workers aren’t getting the
pay or respect they deserve in the covid-19 pandemic
• Why pay artists? Hey, would you do your job for free?

4. Part-Time Jobs
Many children are encouraged by their parents to get a part time job in their free time.
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of working parttime jobs Disadvantages of working parttime jobs

• Minors can learn how to manage • Many part time jobs are not related
their finance. to their future career.
• They can learn time management • There is a possibility of higher
skills. rates of absenteeism.
• They can gain useful, marketable • This may result in study
skills, distraction.

• Teenagers and part-time jobs: benefits, drawbacks and tips

5. Job Satisfaction/Security
Some people argue that job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others
believe that they cannot always expect job satisfaction and a permanent job is more
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Jos satisfaction Job security

• Dissatisfaction in the workplace • Today’s high costs of living and
might also cause several physical the effects of the pandemic means
health issues. that a sense of security is more
• Dissatisfaction in the workplace important than a sense of
might also cause several mental satisfaction.
health issues. • Job security will translate into a
• Keeping employees satisfied can lower employee turnover
lead to higher sales, lower costs, • Established job security also
and a stronger bottom line. boosts the organization's
• Employees who are more satisfied reputation.
with their job can increase job
• Importance of employee job security for workplace success
• What is job satisfaction and why is it important?

6. Jobs and gender equality

Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain
jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

Some jobs must be based on gender Gender equality at choosing jobs


• Women are expected to excel are • Many female-dominated fields are
customer service and Human now being ruled by males and
Resources. vice-versa.
• Areas like sales, operations, • Qualified women appear to be
engineering, IT, Resource and understated in specific functional
Development and facilities areas of the organization.
management are perceived as male • Men and woman are aspiring for
roles. their careers according to their
• Women are not eligible for job interest, level of creativity and
positions that require muscular their passion.
strength since biologically,
• Men due to their body
composition are considered to
carry more strength than women.

• Should jobs be gender specific?
• Gender equality in physically demanding occupations

7. Human Capital Flight

An increasing number of professionals, such as doctors and teachers, are leaving their
own poorer countries to work in developed countries.
What problems do this cause? What are the solutions?

Problems of brain drain Solutions for brain drain

• The countries of origin will lack • Governments can implement a
human resources to achieve fiscal policy to recruit highly
economic development targets. trained talents graduated from
• Remittances sent home from overseas.
labours overseas can also cause • Governments can offer more
appreciation in the exchange rate. lucrative salaries along with
• Developing countries will receive incentives to skilled professionals
less revenues from income tax. to entice them to live and work in
their country.
• The government should reward the
deserving candidates with
scholarships and increase facilities
for research-oriented activities.

• Brain drain problem
• Causes of brain drain and solutions: the Taiwan experience


Practice questions:

1. Plastic Bags
Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Some
people say they should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Marine Natural Habitats

Nowadays, it is possible to move ocean creatures from their natural habitat at sea and
have them relocated in amusement parks for the purpose of people’s recreation.
Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

3. Car-Free Days
Some people believe that international free-car days are effective ways to reduce the air
pollution. However, the others argue that there are several ways that are more effective
Discuss both views & give your own opinion.

4. Overpopulation In Cities
Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
What are the problems? What should governments and individuals do to tackle these

5. Nuclear Power
Atomic energy is becoming more and more popular energy source. However, some
people argue that nuclear power puts life on the Earth to danger.
What is your opinion?
Main points
1. Plastic bags
Plastic shopping bags are used widely and cause many environmental problems. Some
people say they should be banned.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons for a ban on plastic bags Reasons against a ban on plastic bags
• Plastics bags pollute both land and • It is hard to find other alternatives
water. to plastic packaging.
• They can be dangerous for • Potentially lead to negative job
wildlife. impacts.
• The cost accumulation of using • The production of alternative
plastics bags may be expensive. might cause more harm to the
• A ban on plastic bags opens more green land.
opportunities for new market.
• The hidden economic benefits of banning plastic bags
• The negative environmental effects of plastic shopping bags
• The economic effect of plastic bag bans
• Is your reusable tote worse for the environment than a plastic bag?

2. Marine Natural Habitats

Nowadays, it is possible to move ocean creatures from their natural habitat at sea and
have them relocated in amusement parks for the purpose of people’s recreation.
Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of marine habitats Disadvantages of marine habitats

relocation relocation
• These animals can serve as • This trend may result in animals’
ambassadors to their species and exploitation by means of
be used to teach visitors about performance.
their biology, natural history, or • This can affect the lifespan of
dangers they face. certain creatures since they are
• Marine zoological parks can be subjected to trauma and being
agents of change and examples of confined in a small living area.
how to treat animals responsibly. • Animals are subjected to captive
• They give them proper nutrition breeding which result in genetic
and aid them to combat certain degeneration.
diseases that affect their kind, in
order to ensure species survival.
• Hereditary defects and conservation genetic management of captive populations
• Pros and cons of marine zoological parks according to marine conservationists
3. Car-Free Days
Some people believe that international free-car days are effective ways to reduce air
pollution. However, the others argue that there are several ways that are more effective.
Discuss both views & give your own opinion.

A car-free day Other effective methods

• These days can reduce the level of • Governments should encourage
exhaust fumes from vehicles. the use of public transport.
• It can raise the awareness of • Government should enforce a state
drivers. regulation to set the limit on
• It can encourage physical certain air pollutants from the
activities. businesses’ operational process.
• It can decrease the rate of noise • Government can integrate the
pollution. teaching of environmental
protection in schools’ curriculum.
• 5 reasons your city should go car-free
• Pollution watch: how does world car-free day affect emissions?
• Why environmental education is important

4. Overpopulation In Cities
Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.
What are the problems? What should governments and individuals do to tackle these

Problems of overpopulation in cities Solutions for overpopulation in cities

• Damage to the environment will • Governments can invest in rural
be exacerbated as there are more areas by provide more basic
people consuming fuels. necessities.
• Overpopulation inflates to living • Another solution would also be for
expenses in urban areas. the government to introduce tax
• Overcrowding can raise the crime exemptions to couples who have
rate as poor living conditions may one child.
lead people to desperate measures. • Lawmakers can implement a one
child policy.
• Global trends in city population growth
• Urban threats

5. Nuclear Power
Atomic energy is becoming more and more popular energy source. However, some
people argue that nuclear power puts life on the Earth to danger.
What is your opinion?

Reasons to support nuclear energy Reasons against nuclear energy

• Nuclear is a zero-emission clean • There is a possibility that nuclear
energy source. reactor can melt down which cause
• Nuclear energy produces more devasting environmental and life
electricity on less land than any issues.
other clean-air source. • The initial costs for building a
• Nuclear is not intermittent, as nuclear power plant are relatively
nuclear power plants can run high.
without any interruptions for a • Nuclear waste can cause further
year. problems if not appropriately
• The pros & cons of nuclear energy: is it safe?
• Nuclear power: the pros and cons of the energy source
• 3 reasons why nuclear is clean and sustainable
Practice questions

1. Role of Computer in Language Skills

As computers translate quickly and accurately, learning foreign languages is a waste of
time. To what extent do you agree?

2. Learning Languages and Customs

Some think that students must travel to another country in order to learn its language and
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. An International Language
Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

4. Golden Age of Learning Language

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at
primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

5. The Prevalence of English

The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent
language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only
language to be spoken legally.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning one language in the world?
Main points

1. Role of Computer in Language Skills

As computers translate quickly and accurately, learning foreign languages is a waste of
time. To what extent do you agree?

Why computer is good for language The irreplaceable role of language

learners learning
• The artificial intelligence has • Learning a foreign language can
been advancing rapidly, becoming help people deepen a culture’s
more accurate in translation. understanding.
• The advent of speech and image • There are many implying
recognition can overcome the meanings of a sentence.
problems of text-to-text • Language learning can improve
translation. academic achievement.
• AI translators can also make • Language has a wide range of
travelling a whole lot easier. professional prospects.
• Will technology replace language learning?
• Translation technology is useful, but should not replace learning languages
• Will technology replace language learning?
• Ai translators: the future of language learning?

2. Learning Languages and Customs

Some think that students must travel to another country in order to learn its language and
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Benefits of learning language and Obstacle of overseas travel in learning

customs from overseas travel language and customs
• Students can be totally immersed • Overseas travel can be expensive.
in the language. • Tourists may be exposed to culture
• They can widen their shock.
perspective on different cultures • Many external threats
and traditions. occurring to tourists around the
• They can partake in traditional world.
festival or enjoy local delicacies.

• 5 reasons why exploring new cultures is the best part of travelling
• 10 reasons why studying a language abroad is better than at home
3. An International Language
Some believe that we should invent a new language for international communication.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of a global language Disadvantages of a global language

• An international language is an • An invention of an international
efficient tool for people to respond language can be time-consuming
to globalization. and cost inefficient.
• It can increase employability of • This can present challenges for
many people. non-native speakers regarding
• It can facilitate international trade. science communication.
• This poses a great threat to minor
• English as an international language: Challenges and possibilities
• The advantages and disadvantages of a global language

4. Golden Age of Learning Language

Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at
primary school rather than secondary school.
Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of learning a foreign Disadvantages of learning a foreign

language at primary school language at primary school
• At the age of 6 to 10, children’ • This can lead to potential
brain is hardwired for learning interference with the mother
new languages. tongue.
• The pronunciation of a new • This can cost a high amount of
language is easier at this age. money from teacher training to
• The cognitive benefits of learning setting up equipment.
a language have a direct impact on • Children may have their full
a child’s academic achievement autonomy in learning what they
• Early childhood & elementary
• Benefits of learning a second language as a child
• Bilingualism and speech & language disorders

5. The Prevalence of English

The development of tourism contributed to English becoming the most prominent
language in the world. Some people think this will lead to English becoming the only
language to be spoken legally.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning one language in the world?
Advantages of English language Disadvantages of English language
predominance predominance
• It can career prospects and • This will lead to the disappearance
employment opportunities can of many minor languages.
vastly increase. • It can pose a threat on cultural
• It may bring more business preservation.
opportunities. • Innovation and growth of language
• It can allow communication would cease to evolve.
between cultures.
• Advantages and disadvantages of English being a global language
• Hundreds of our languages are teetering on the brink of extinction
• Pros and cons of letting English be the global language
Practice questions:

1. The Internet and School

Some today argue that schools are no longer necessary because children can learn so
much from the internet and be educated at home.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Self-Driving Cars
In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling
inside these vehicles will be passengers.
Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

3. Artificial Intelligence
Some scientists believe that in the future computers will be more intelligent than human
beings. While some see this as a positive development others worry about the negative
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

4. Modern Electronics
Some old people today struggle with the use of modern technologies such as smartphones
and computers.
What is the cause of this? What are some possible solutions?

5. Technology and Communication

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of
In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that people make? Has
this been a positive or negative development?
Main points
1. The Internet and School
Some today argue that schools are no longer necessary because children can learn so
much from the internet and be educated at home.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons to support online learning Reasons against online learning

• Many online courses are free and • Looking at the screen for long
affordable for the general public. periods of time can be harmful.
• This trend can facility self-study • Online learning from home can
skills. also be very isolating.
• Learning from online platforms • Learners can be disoriented from
can exert greater flexibility. the huge amount of information on
the internet.
• Will the internet replace traditional education?
• Face off: will online learning replace traditional schooling?

2. Self-Driving Cars
In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling
inside these vehicles will be passengers.
Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of auto-drive cars Disadvantages of auto-drive cars

• Self-driving cars make driving • One downside of self-driving cars
more accessible. is that they would lead to large
• Driverless cars can cause far fewer employment losses.
accidents than humans. • One of the potential cons about
• They can prevent the physical self-driving cars is the possibility
symptoms of drivers such as of hacking.
fatigue or sleepiness. • The initial cost of automated
vehicles may be astronomically
• Self-driving cars: pros and cons

3. Artificial Intelligence
Some scientists believe that in the future computers will be more intelligent than human
beings. While some see this as a positive development others worry about the negative
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Positive side of computers Negative side of computers
• Errors are reduced. • Many employees may lose their
• People can overcome many risky job due to automatic machines.
limitations of humans by • If may encounter a situation that is
developing an AI Robot unfamiliar to them then they
• Some of the highly advanced perform incorrectly or else break
organizations use digital assistants down in such situations.
to interact with users which saves • Machines can hinder creativity
the need for human resources. because humans may become
overdependent in machines.

• Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence
• Pros and cons of artificial intelligence – a threat or a blessing?

4. Modern Electronics
Some old people today struggle with the use of modern technologies such as smartphones
and computers.
What is the cause of this? What are some possible solutions?

Causes of seniors struggling with new Solutions seniors struggling with new
technologies technologies
• Old people might not see the • Through simple instructions from
benefits they acquire from family members, it is possible that
computers thus leads to their old people can use certain
reluctance to learn. machines.
• Seniors generally have a lesser • Workshops should be set up in
frame of reference to enable them offices which impart training of
to absorb new knowledge. these gadgets to older people who
• The elderly may not want to exit are still working.
their “comfort zones”.
• 16 reasons why the elderly struggle with technology

5. Technology And Communication

Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of
Has this been a positive or negative development?
Advantages of technologies on social Disadvantages of technologies on
connection social connection
•Internet- based devices allow • People may experience virtual
business people to attend distance.
meetings in foreign countries. • Higher levels of technology use
• Technologies allow people to add up to significantly less time
reconnect with long-lost spent with others.
relationships. • Technology can be an effective
• People can make new friends on distraction in the current moment.
social networks.
• 3 ways technology can negatively impact your relationships
• What are the effects of technology on human interaction?
Practice questions

1. Free access to university

Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and
that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial
background they have.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2. Mandatory education
Some people think that children under 18 years old should receive full-time education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

3. Horticulture and domestication

It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

4. Purpose of education
Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become
useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

5. Food science
Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it.
Others think students should spend time on other important subjects.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

6. Single sex or mixed education

Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending. Others feel the genders
ought to be separated.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Main points
1. Free access to university
Some people believe that everyone has a right to have access to university education and
that governments should make it free for all students no matter what financial
background they have.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Problems with an exemption of tuition

An exemption of tuition fees
•An exemption to tuition fees • This practice may create a hyper-
means that people from lower competitive labour market.
socioeconomic backgrounds can • Students study college for free
have a chance to pursue higher may put a strain on the state
education. treasury.
• At the state level, society will • Students may not pay attention to
benefit from a high level of academic results and study
civilised citizens. because it will cost them nothing
• Crime rate can reduce significantly to re-take a subject.
as people can distinguish between
right and wrong.
• Free college education today, innovation tomorrow
• 31 important pros & cons of free college education

2. Mandatory education
Some people think that children under 18 years old should receive full-time education.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Reasons for compulsory full-time Reasons against compulsory full-time

education education
• It is impossible in remote areas, • It will form a foundation for
particularly in developing nations. children’s future orientation.
• In many third-world countries, the • Education can reduce the rate of
subsidization for education is low. juvenile delinquency.
• Many parents prefer home- • Education can bring significant
schooling because they believe economic returns for a country.
that their children can benefit from • Education can ensure the social
one-on-one attention. stability.
• Why parents choose home schooling
• Rural and remote education
• Right to education
3. Horticulture and domestication
It is suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep
Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages of horticulture and animal Disadvantages of horticulture and

domestication animal domestication
• Cultivation and animal husbandry • Children might be susceptible to
may develop greater children’s certain potentially infectious
social awareness which will be diseases.
crucial for them later in life. • Schoolchildren might injure
• These activities play an important themselves with farming tools.
role in encouraging students to • Many inner-city schools do not
participate in physical exercises. have easy access to farms.
• This practice can equip minors
with a foundation of agricultural
• Ask a farmer: why is it important to introduce children to agriculture?
• Child safety on farms

4. Purpose of education
Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become
useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their
Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Becoming useful for society Achieve personal goals

• Students will someday be a part of • Equipping young people with the
a community and need the skills to knowledge and skills they need to
exist within that society as secure a place at a good university.
thoughtful citizens. • An education can open pathways
• Education can give people to new opportunities, both
opportunities to transfer their occupational and social.
knowledge to others. • Different people will have
• Without education, a society different targets in their life.
would dissolve, no matter the
quality of its constituents.
• An introduction to equality of opportunity
• The purpose of education

5. Food Science
Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it.
Others think students should spend time on other important subjects.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Study of food science and preparation Other important subjects

Insightful knowledge into food • The core disciplines standard at
making can exert many benefits in most schools are imperative for
terms of improved well-being. one’s future career.
• Possessing a solid understanding • School curricula are already
of food and cooking can serve as notoriously hectic.
a basic survival skill. • Students can study food
• It is a prerequisite for students to preparation in their own time.
prepare for their adulthood so that
they can live independently.
• Five reasons to study food science
• Why you should study food science and nutrition

6. Single sex or mixed education

Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending. Others feel
the genders ought to be separated.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Separate Sex at School Mixed Sex at School

• There will be a more suitable • Students will get to socialise

curriculum for students. with the opposite sex more
• A more relaxing environment as often, improving their
students are not pressured to communication skills
impress the opposite sex. • With both boys and girls
• Breaking gender stereotypes. being given the same
opportunity at school, it
could potentially bridge the
equality gap.
• It can better prepare students
for the real world.

• Single-sex schools for children – pros and cons that parents should know
• Mixed gender classes vs the single gender classes: who wins?

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