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EXTENSION 1 (page 4)
4 1. had … wanted 9. weren’t wearing
Vocabulary (page 1) 2. invited 10. was
1 1. adventurous 4. fit in 3. seemed 11. stayed
2. side with 5. aware of 4. was 12. had … seen
3. likely 6. involved 5. started 13. have shown / have
6. became showed
2 1. f 2. b 3. d 4. e 5. a 6. c 7. arrived 14. hope
3 Possible answers: 8. rode 15. get
1. get married 5. her grandmother 5 Possible answers:
2. get embarrassed 6. a brother and a sister 1. am going 5. Have … had
3. they weren’t getting along 7. she speaks French 2. Do … want 6. am waiting
4. dangerous 8. school 3. have made 7. are going
4 1. spoilt 6. aware of 4. am visiting
2. strict 7. bring up 6 1. Amy didn’t go to work today.
3. live up to 8. thoughtful 2. Terry was playing football while I was dancing (at
4. chores 9. get along the performance).
5. get to school 3. Where do you live?
(page 2) 4. We’re having dinner right now.
5. Joe hadn’t travelled to Spain before last month.
5 1. get pocket money 6. spoilt
6. They left several hours ago.
2. chores 7. irritating
3. rejected 8. get there
4. fit in 9. gets good marks EXTENSION 2
5. alike 10. surprising
6 1. It’s not painful. / It’s painless. Vocabulary (page 1)
2. She’s thoughtful. 1 Possible answers:
3. Susan is dependable. 1. religion
4. The film was amusing. 2. getting along with their parents
5. We were surprised that we won the competition. 3. run outside
4. excited
Grammar (page 3) 5. tree
1 Possible answers: 6. bad music
1. was walking, found 2 Possible answers:
2. is late, doesn’t have 1. see a doctor
3. love, heard 2. a tree to sit under
4. go, are waiting 3. needed a good wash
5. didn’t understand, was speaking 4. take special care of our plants and flowers
6. am thinking, told 5. going to rain
2 1. has lived 10. arrived 6. should stay off the roads
2. moved 11. realised 7. small seat
3. had never seen 12. hadn’t done 8. hailstones
4. wasn’t 13. forgot 9. discussion about it
5. had slept 14. had stayed out 10. told her what we were planning
6. had studied 15. didn’t eat 11. stay out in the cold too long
7. wasn’t 16. arrived 12. ruined
8. Have … tasted 17. had eaten (page 2)
9. haven’t tried
3 1. increased 6. breeze
3 Possible answers: 2. rainfall 7. clear up
1. He’s going to the cinema. 3. forecast 8. overcast
2. You’re going to fall. 4. freezing cold 9. controversial
3. There’s going to be a big party afterwards. 5. boiling hot 10. reach
4. Her sister will be very angry.
5. I’ll have more time to talk.

Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

4 1. forecast 4. major (page 2)

2. lightning 5. sandstorm 3 Possible answers:
3. freezing cold 6. prevent 1. She was really impressed with it.
5 Possible answers: 2. We’re exactly the same size.
1. remain 4. snowstorm 3. She thinks I need to get fit.
2. increase 5. forecast 4. It was such a controversial topic.
3. freezing cold 5. We enjoyed it but didn’t take it seriously.
6. The performance isn’t until next month.
Grammar (page 3) 4 Possible answers:
1 1. will be getting 4. will have received 1. turning it on 4. to bring some
2. will be watching 5. won’t have left 2. to wear sunscreen 5. to look at it
3. will have been studying 6. will be appearing 3. playing 6. hearing his voice
2 Possible answers: 5 1. manage 5. daily
1. will begin 4. will give 2. face 6. keep going
2. will be sleeping 5. will be living 3. struggle 7. performance
3. are going to slip 6. will still be dating 4. focus on
3 1. My brother is getting married on Monday. (page 3)
2. At 8.15, I’ll be watching my favourite TV show. 6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3. By 2.30, the plane will have landed.
4. In a few days, the teachers’ strike will be over. Grammar (page 4)
5. It will probably rain tomorrow.
6. By Friday, Nelson will have taken his driving test. 1 Possible answers:
1. must 4. should / have to
(page 4) 2. Can 5. might / may
4 Possible answers: 3. May 6. shouldn’t
1. I am going to stay indoors. 2 Possible answers:
2. You’ll get frostbite. 1. would have washed 5. couldn’t do
3. I’ll have finished my work. 2. must carry 6. Could … help
4. We’ll go out for dinner. 3. should have arrived 7. must be
5. We’ll be landing in a few minutes. 4. had to leave 8. could have driven
5 Possible answers: 3 1. We don’t have to have daily rehearsals.
1. are going to have 6. will have finished 2. He must have been disappointed when he missed
2. will take 7. will be hiding the concert.
3. will go 8. will jump 3. Terry can play five musical instruments.
4. will decorate 9. will ask 4. The tickets might be sold out.
5. will help 5. Everyone must arrive on time.
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers. 6. I might not be able to meet you tonight.
(page 5)
EXTENSION 3 4 Possible answers:
1. must show ID in order to get in
Vocabulary (page 1) 2. might still be open
1 Possible answers: 3. could have found your missing key
1. outstanding 4. struggling 4. must have seen us
2. daft 5. pointed out 5. you have to complain all the time
3. kept going 6. alive 5 Possible answers:
2 1. performance 5. give up 1. I should have worn a jacket.
2. awesome 6. worth it 2. We shouldn’t have cancelled our picnic.
3. survive 7. bored to death 3. It must have rained.
4. managed 8. waste of time 4. I should have eaten less.
5. We should have asked for directions.
6 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

EXTENSION 4 3 Possible answers:

1. I would have done my homework if I had known
Vocabulary (page 1) about it.
2. If I won the lottery, I would travel to South America.
1 Possible answers:
3. If you take an interest in people, people want to
1. It was hidden in the drawer.
make friends with you.
2. People will never forget his crime.
4. There wouldn’t have been an accident if you hadn’t
3. I know I can tell her anything.
been on the phone.
4. It’s not suitable for children.
5. If you didn’t have such long showers, there would
5. Everything is ready.
be more hot water for everyone in the house.
6. He doesn’t do anything risky.
6. I’ll walk to school with you if you want me to.
2 Possible answers:
1. She goes skydiving at weekends. (page 4)
2. They depend on her completely. 4 1. Unless we meet on 7th April, I won’t be available to
3. The police are now investigating the issue. meet you.
4. He insists on speaking with you. 2. If George hadn’t given Patrick a free ticket, he
5. You shouldn’t go onto it. wouldn’t have gone to the concert.
6. I hope I will have finished it by then. 3. If you had a receipt, you could return the jeans.
7. There is a lot of crime there. 4. She will get a discount when she has a student ID.
5. Before Sharon leaves her house, she will call you.
(page 2)
6. If you wrap up bread, it doesn’t get stale.
3 1. sneaky 4. require
5 1. are 6. hadn’t been
2. suspicious 5. illegal
2. should see 7. wouldn’t believe
3. employees 6. rights
3. hadn’t been 8. seemed
4 1. believe in 6. agree with 4. wouldn’t have won 9. had known
2. hear from 7. apologise to 5. wouldn’t have 10. would never have
3. argue about 8. argue with succeeded awarded
4. rely on 9. apologise for
5. insist on 10. care about
5 Possible answers: EXTENSION 5
1. of 6. illegal Vocabulary (page 1)
2. in 7. warned
3. rights 8. risky 1 1. e 3. b 5. f 7. h
4. in 9. threat 2. a 4. c 6. g 8. d
5. in 10. on 2 Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.
3 Possible answers:
Grammar (page 3) 1. exercise 4. cancer
2. balls 5. build muscles
1 1. would have gone, had recommended 3. failed an exam
2. won’t say, give
3. were, wouldn’t open (page 2)
4. would be, were 4 Possible answers:
5. hadn’t heard, wouldn’t have known 1. it will kick in soon 5. is feeling miserable
6. doesn’t tell, will be 2. my marks have improved 6. don’t last a long time
7. won’t need, start 3. keeps me sane 7. should lift weights
8. had returned, wouldn’t have needed 4. will be very stressful 8. haven’t got self discipline
2 Possible answers: 5 1. improves 6. injure
1. they had been more careful 2. mood 7. cut down on
2. it doesn’t rain 3. overdo 8. get in shape
3. we recount the scores 4. exhausted 9. avoids
4. you returned his calls 5. work out
5. they feel they can rely on you
6. you want to succeed in life

Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

(page 3) EXTENSION 6
6 Possible answers:
1. Because they don’t fit. Vocabulary (page 1)
2. He stopped meeting his friends and didn’t leave the 1 Possible answers:
house. 1. illiterate 5. compulsory
3. Because he doesn’t walk anywhere. 2. drop out 6. courage
4. In order to strengthen my muscles. 3. figures out 7. attend
5. I exercise every day. 4. stand up for 8. revise
6. To record people’s conversations.
7. I didn’t dress warmly enough. 2 Possible answers:
1. Cooking 4. listening
Grammar (page 4) 2. afford 5. cancer
3. pass 6. Art
1 1. were warned, didn’t follow
2. was watched, wasn’t working, missed 3 Possible answers:
3. doesn’t eat, was told 1. university 4. a course
4. borrowed, will be repaid 2. marks 5. a story
5. had worked, wasn’t listed 3. rabbit
2 1. a. Alcohol shouldn’t be given to a child. (page 2)
b. A child shouldn’t be given alcohol. 4 1. cheated 7. wiped out
2. a. The pictures they’d painted were shown to their 2. got into trouble 8. were recorded
parents. 3. paid attention 9. brand-new
b. Their parents were shown the pictures they’d 4. speak up 10. ridiculous
painted. 5. no trace of 11. stand up for
3. a. A blanket was brought to Kelly (by the nurse). 6. attended 12. used to
b. Kelly was brought a blanket (by the nurse).
4. a. Is free parking offered to patients (by the 5 Possible answers:
hospital)? 1. illiterate 5. enrol
b. Are patients offered free parking (by the 2. would 6. encouraged
hospital)? 3. figured out 7. attended
4. courage 8. achieved
3 1. Is the computer being used at the moment?
2. How often do you have your eyes checked?
3. Why weren’t you invited to Sam’s party last week? Grammar (page 3)
4. Where should the medicine be stored? 1 1. The ticket collector announced that that train would
(page 5) leave in an hour.
2. The clerk announced that my / our luggage had
4 Possible answers: been found.
1. It had been stolen.
3. The teacher suggested that I / we put / suggested
2. It is being shown at the cinema.
putting one main idea in each paragraph.
3. We are being followed.
4. Anna complained that I wasn’t / we weren’t playing
4. They are sold at the ticket office.
the game according to the rules.
5. He mustn’t be told.
5. Kerry mentioned that the teacher hadn’t put the
6. It is required to bring three litres of water.
homework assignment on the school website.
5 1. have / get their dog walked 6. Peter told the teacher that their group hadn’t
2. have / get their library books returned finished yet.
3. was having / getting my hair cut 7. The guard insisted that I had to have an employee
4. was having / getting her groceries delivered ID in order to enter.
5. have / get their prescriptions picked up 8. The lifeguard shouted not to swim so far from the
6. had / got his furniture rearranged shore.
6 1. is bleeding 4. broke
2. injured 5. must have … repaired
3. should have / 6. will repair
get … examined 7. won’t do

Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

2 1. Tammy asked me where I had got that skirt. EXTENSION 7

2. The server asked if / whether he could get me / us
anything else. Vocabulary (page 1)
3. Elliot wanted to know which bus we / they were
1 Possible answers:
going to take.
1. music, games 4. news, weather forecasts
4. Dad asked if / whether the boys had had enough to
2. computer, TV 5. hospital, police station
3. iPad, tablet
5. Mum wondered how my sports shoes had got onto
the top shelf. 2 Possible answers:
6. Tom wanted to know if / whether Daisy would be at 1. It is going to be a very tough exam.
the party that night. 2. We can’t host it because our house is too small.
7. Sam asked me if / whether I would be wearing a 3. I’ll be cheering for them.
dress for the party that night. 4. She always wears the latest styles.
8. The waiter asked what flavour ice cream I / we 5. It’s out of date.
wanted. 6. It includes cutting-edge technology.
7. I wish it were more reliable.
(page 4) 8. Anyone can download it.
3 1. The suspect admitted (that) he was the one who 9. It has state-of-the-art equipment.
had robbed the bank.
(page 2)
2. The teacher reminded me not to forget to put my
name on the paper. 3 Possible answers:
3. Neville warned us that it was freezing cold out 1. I can’t go into the other room to talk
there. 2. you need to give it to me again
4. Jayden suggested (that) we watch / suggested 3. a young child can use it
watching a film that afternoon. 4. don’t like coming to work any more
5. Mike advised us to order tickets that day if we 5. I can’t look up the information right now
wanted to get good seats. 6. we’re taking it to the garage
6. Maria promised Susanna (that) she would always 4 1. awareness 5. championship
be her friend no matter what. 2. violence 6. rehabilitation
7. Gregory threatened to tell the teacher what I / we 3. decision 7. government
had done. 4. importance 8. examination
8. Caitlin wondered where everyone had gone.
5 1. friendship 5. possibility
4 Possible answers: 2. entertainment 6. weakness
1. he had received the highest mark in his exam 3. prevention 7. appearance
2. to study harder 4. confusion 8. difference
3. we ordered the daily special
4. he hadn’t studied as hard as he should have (page 3)
(page 5) 6 1. addiction 5. ability
2. every once in a while 6. screen
5 1. Jesse wanted to know if / whether the following day 3. decisions 7. carry on
the day after / the next day would be a holiday. 4. come up with
2. The secretary told me to drop off the forms
sometime the following week / the week after. Grammar (page 4)
3. Mum ordered the boys to stop fighting right then.
4. The clerk mentioned that the package had arrived
1 1. who / that 4. whose
2. when / that 5. which / that
the month before / the previous month.
3. that / when 6. where
5. Andrew announced that their neighbours had got a
new puppy the day before / the previous day. 2 1. We took care of a bird whose wing was broken.
6. The school psychologist suggested (that) we meet / 2. Where are the pyjamas I wore last night?
suggested meeting again the following week / the 3. My grandmother is learning to a use a computer
week after. that / which is very user friendly.
7. Jeff admitted that he had never cleaned his 4. Dave is going to buy the latest mobile phone, that /
computer screen. which Henry has already got.
5. My computer, which hasn’t worked properly for a
long time, crashed yesterday.
6. Make sure he gets the supplies he needs today.
7. The festival is on Monday, when I have a maths

Vocabulary and Grammar Answer Key

3 1. I don’t remember the restaurant where we had our 5 1. accommodation 6. luggage

first meal. 2. value 7. overnight
2. Do you know the man who / that is talking outside? 3. youth hostel 8. check out
3. That is the girl whose twin brother sat next to me 4. unusual 9. sights
last year. 5. ordinary 10. dislike
4. Where is the money that / which Mum gave us?
5. Did you taste the cake which / that my brother Grammar (page 3)
made? 1 Possible answers:
(page 5) 1. is going to
2. that / who
4 1. I just read some comments by Selena Gomez, who 3. could / would have got
I’m following on Twitter. 4. has been delayed
2. James decided to watch television, which helps him 5. had / got … delivered
relax. 6. will be photographed
3. Sam, whose arm is broken, didn’t play in today’s 7. which / that
game. 8. has played
4. Independence Day, when we watch fireworks, is an
exciting time. 2 1. The blue suitcase wasn’t packed by Nicki.
5. Eleanor, who studied music at university, plays in a 2. If he doesn’t have a good map, he won’t find the
symphony orchestra. / Eleanor, who plays in a hotel. / He won’t find the hotel if he doesn’t have a
symphony orchestra, studied music at university. good map.
6. Everyone knows the dance from that video that / 3. Kate lost the necklace which was given to her by her
which went viral and was seen by millions. boyfriend.
4. By 5 pm they will have finished the bike race.
5 1. who / that 5. that / which 5. Sofia told me that she was leaving on the 3 pm train.
2. who 6. whose 6. The travel agent might have called while we were out.
3. when 7. which 7. The doctor couldn’t speak with me.
4. where 8. If I were you, I would wear sunscreen.
6 Possible answers: 9. The announcer said that the train would arrive in
1. I don’t know anyone three minutes.
2. are similar to me
(page 4)
3. lives have been difficult
4. is by the sea 3 Possible answers:
5. I met my boyfriend 1. should have brought my wallet
2. get / have this suit cleaned
3. where I bought my tennis racquet
EXTENSION 8 4. didn’t have so much work, I would go out
5. I will have visited 10 museums
Vocabulary (page 1) 6. to have / get my hair cut
1 1. d 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. e 4 Possible answers:
2 Possible answers: 1. will learn / would learn
1. Yes, across the street. 2. take / took
2. Because I want to sit closer to the front of the room. 3. are taught
3. We have to show the officials our passports. 4. are offered
4. I’m visiting my brother, who lives in New York City. 5. have / get your back massaged
5. Because I don’t know when I want to come back. 6. will have recovered
7. are organised
3 Possible answers: 8. can’t afford
1. showers 5. tours of the city 9. should be turned off
2. bus 6. your name 10. cover
3. drinks 7. career 11. will get
4. how tired I am
5 Possible answers:
(page 2) 1. the weather turns bad
4 1. unlock 5. irrelevant 2. knew a lot of information
2. underestimate 6. impossible 3. breakfast had already been served
3. unnecessary 7. illegal 4. we will have arrived home
4. independent 8. dislike 5. should go to different shops
6. I might not have booked it

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