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Types of Claims Performance Task

Formulate a claim (40 points)

You are an editorial writer in your school paper. Since the Philippine Elections 2022 is
fast approaching, your goal is to encourage your schoolmates to be educated voters through
writing about the responsible use of social media and the negative effects of sharing fake
news. Make sure to include the three types of claims (fact, value or policy) and underline
them. Your writing will be posted in your school's page. It will be checked by your coach first
through the rubrics below.

CATEGORY 10 8 6 4
Content Contains all of Contains Contains No example of
examples of three examples of two example of one types of claims
types of claims out of the three out of the three was observed.
types of claims types of claims
Mechanics Virtually no Few spelling and A number of So many spelling,
spelling, punctuations spelling, punctuation and
punctuation or errors, minor punctuation or errors that it
grammar errors grammatical grammatical interferes with the
errors errors meaning
Organization Very informative Somewhat Gives some new Gives no new
and well informative and information but information and
organized organized poorly organized very poorly

Use of Facts Supports topic Supports topic Uses very few Uses no facts or
skillfully with with limited facts, facts or definitions
facts, definition, definitions definitions
and details

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