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J. Phycol.

24, 203-208 (1988)



Alicia J. Ho$mann
Departmento de Biologia Ambiental y d e Poblaciones, Facultad d e Ciencias Biolbgicas, Pontificia Universidad
Cat6lica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile

ABSTRACT components mainly have been found to control the

Excised ligulae of Glossophora kunthii (C. Ag.) J. development of reproductive structures, although
‘4g. were cultured i n photoperiods of 4-24 h and photon environmental control of some phases of vegetative
fluence rates of 10-75 pmol. n - 2 . s - 1 . Daylength znter- growth also has been described. Moreover, photo-
acted with zrradiance on the growth of the ligulae. Max- periodic responses may depend on the level of ir-
imal growth of primary ligulae occurred i n long-day reg- radiance (Dring 1984). T h e aim of the present study
imens with high irradiances suggesting a n effect of was to investigate the role of daylength in fertility
irradiance on photosynthesis and growth. I n contrast, and assess how the interactions of daylength and
growth of secondarj ligulae was greatest i n short-daj re- irradiance affect vegetative growth and reproduc-
gimes. Differences uere signiJicant at the hzghest irradi- tive structures in Glossophora kunthii.
ance tested. Diferentiation o f tetrasporangia on the lig- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ulae is a short-day photoperiodic response. Dajlengths of
8.5 h or less induced a sharp increase i n numbers offertzle Glossophora kunthii forms membranaceous thalli with a few di-
chotomous branches. Plants grow from a large apical cell (Fig.
ligulae and tetrasporangia attaining maturity Interrup- la, b) to form thalli up to 25 cm long, 6-14 mm wide, and 150-
tions o f the dark perzod decreased the development of te- 300 pm thick. These thalli consist of a central layer of large cells,
trasporangza; the number of interruptions had a cumu- an epidermal layer and, occasionally, an intermediate layer of
lative inhibitory effect. Differentiation of reproductive one to three cells (Fig. lc). T h e frond surface bears a large num-
structures u1as injuenced bg interactions of photoperiod ber of small superficial ligulae that are differentiated near the
and irradiance. Maximum numbers of tetrasporangaa were thallus apex and grow up to 3-4 mm long. Ligulae grow from
an apical cell, and their morphology is similar to that of the frond
formed at short-dug regimes and low irradiances; differ-
(Fig. Id-f). In older ligulae, at some distance from the thallus
entiation ulas completelj inhibited at long-day conditions apex, a few epidermal cells at the borders of the ligulae may
and high irradiance. differentiate into apical cells and give rise to lateral outgrowths.
Tetrasporangia develop mostly on the surface of the ligulae fac-
Kej index words: brown algae; fertility; Glossophora ing the frond (Fig. lg) and less frequently on the thallus surface.
kunthii; growth; irradiance; night-break; photoperiodic Excised ligulae are easily cultured in large numbers.
responses Mature Glossophora kunthii plants were collected subtidally at
Las Cruces, central Chile (33”15’ S, 71”38’ W) and transported
Glossophora kunthii (C. Ag.) J. Ag. is a brown alga to the laboratory in plastic buckets filled with seawater. Fronds
of subantarctic distribution (Levring 1941, 1960, were then washed with filtered seawater. Ligulae were excised
with a pair of forceps and examined under a dissecting micro-
Lindauer et al. 1961) that grows in the subtidal and scope. Sterile ligulae with only one apical cell (Fig. 2) were se-
in tidal pools. The species has an isomorphic life lected and incubated in 60 mm Petri dishes containing enriched
history, and individual plants are perennial (Sante- seawater (SWM3, McLachlan 1973). Two mL of a stock solution
lices and Vera 1984). Seasonal differences observed of 250 mg. L-’ germanium dioxide were added per liter of culture
in vegetative growth and spore production (Hoff- medium to inhibit diatom growth (Lewin 1966). T h e culture
mann, unpubl.) suggest that these stages are regu- medium was changed each week without further addition of ger-
manium dioxide, although no damage was detected on the ligulae.
lated by environmental conditions. Photomorpho- Ligulae were examined weekly to check for epiphyte growth.
genetic responses have been described in relatively Whenever possible, epiphytes were eliminated and heavily epi-
few Phaeophyta (Dring 1984). They include change phytized ligulae were discarded.
from crustose to upright growth and onset of re- Culture chambers equipped with cool white fluorescent tubes
production (Nakahara and Nakamura 197 1 , Dring (Philips 40W) and set at 8:16, 12:12 or 16:8 h LD cycles were
and Luning 1975, Bird and McLachlan 19’76,Terry used for the experiments. Different irradiances were obtained by
and Moss 1980, ten Hoopen et al. 1983). Growth varying the distances to the light sources; photon fluence rates
were measured using a LI-COR Model 185-A quantum meter.
and gametogenesis respond to different irradiances Temperature was set at 15” C ( ? l o C) and monitored by ther-
and to red and blue light interactions in some species mometers with their bulbs immersed in 100 mL distilled water.
(Dring and Luning 19’75, Muller and Clauss 19’76, T h e interactive effects of daylength and it-radiance were tested
Liining 198 1 , Hoffmann and Santelices 1982, Dring at 8:16, 12:12 or 16:8 h LD with photon fluence rates of 10, 25,
et al. 1985, Stroemgren 1985). Photoperiod and light 50, or 75 fimol.m-2.s-1.Two replicate dishes were used for each
condition tested. Results were evaluated on day 30 of the exper-
iments. After eliminating all ligulae on which epiphytes had de-
veloped, the following parameters were measured on 15 ligulae
AccPptrd: 1 Februarj 1988. per dish in each experimental condition: (i) number of new apical


second, all periods of darkness were interrupted during one week;

in a third set, dark periods were interrupted during two weeks;
and, in the fourth, dark periods were interrupted throughout
the three weeks of the experiment. Dark periods were not in-
terrupted in the control treatment.
Results were analyzed using factorial analysis of variance (AN-
OVA) after angular transformation whenever pertinent. Inter-
actions were tested using Tukey’s test (Sokal and Rohlf 1981);
only the significant differences (P < 0.05 for both tests) are dis-
cussed in the text.

Plants were either tetrasporophytic or sterile.
Much higher percentages of tetrasporophytes have
been recorded in nature for several species of the
Dictyotales (Wynne and Loiseaux 1976).
After about one week in culture, some epidermal
cells of the ligulae differentiated into apical cells
(Fig. 3). T h e number of new apical cells increased
under higher irradiances in the three photoperiods
tested (Fig. 6). ANOVA showed a significant inter-
action of the effects of photoperiod and irradiance
on the number of apical cells that developed. T h e
largest numbers of new apical cells differentiated in

the 12: 12 h LD cycle under all irradiances. Tukey’s
test showed a significant effect of irradiance on the
numbers of cells at 10 and 25 pmol.rn-*.s-l. At 75
-1 pmol-m-2.s-1 the number of new apical cells was
I similar in the three photoperiods. After one week,
FIG.1. Morphological structure of Glossophora kunthii. (a) frond, the apical cells began to divide and gave rise to sec-
(b) apical cell, (c) frond cross-section with central cell layer and ondary ligulae (Fig. 4).
epidermal cell layer, (d) ligula bearing tetrasporangia, (e) apical Although the primary ligulae showed some growth
cell of ligula, (f) cross-section of ligula, (g) epidermal layer in under all culture conditions (Fig. 7A), their area
front view, (h) tetrasporangial initial, (i) tetrasporangial initial
before division, (j) tetraspores, (k) released spores. Scale bar for depended on photoperiod, irradiance, and their in-
g-k = 100 pm. teractions (ANOVA). T h e largest primary ligulae
developed in the 12:12 h LD cycle under all irra-
diances tested, although no significant differences
were found with ligulae incubated in a long-day pho-
cells differentiating on the margin of the ligulae; (ii) area of the
ligulae; (iii) number of ligulae bearing tetrasporangia, numbers
toperiod. T h e ligulae grew significantly less in the
of tetrasporangia per ligula and proportions of tetrasporangia at short-day photoperiod under irradiances between
different stages of maturity. The following stages were distin- 10 and 50 pmol.m-2.s-1 (Tukey’s test). In contrast,
guished: (stage 1 ) tetrasporangial initials werejust discernible due at 75 pmol.m-2.s-1 ligulae attained the same size as
to their larger size, as compared to epidermal cells; (stage 2) in the other photoperiods.
tetrasporangial initials had turned dark and reached their max- T h e area of the secondary ligulae was also affected
imum size before dividing; (stage 3) cruciate division had taken
place. The area of the ligulae was calculated with a polar com-
by photoregime (Fig. 7B). In the three photoperiods
pensating planimeter (Los Angeles Scientific Instrument C o . , Los tested, the area tended to be larger under increasing
Angeles) on contours obtained with a camera lucida. Primary and irradiances. Under 75 pmol.m-2.s-1, ligulae cul-
secondary ligulae areas were measured separately. tured in the short-day photoperiod grew signifi-
T o determine the critical daylength for fertility response, pho- cantly more than those cultured in the 12:12 and
toperiods of 4 , 6 , 8 , 10, 14, 18 and 20 h daylength were obtained 16:8 h LD cycles (Tukey’s test).
by placing light-tight boxes over the culture dishes during dark-
Although after four weeks in culture both pri-
ness and removing them at the hours when dishes had to be
exposed to light. One set of dishes was exposed to continuous mary and secondary ligulae had grown more under
light. The culture dishes received a photon fluence rate of 10 the highest irradiance than under the other irradi-
pmol.m-2.s-1. Four culture dishes containing 30 ligulae each ances tested, most of the ligulae had turned pale as
were used as replicates. compared to those grown under lower irradiances.
To test for short-day responses, the dark period in an 8: 16 h Tetrasporangia began to differentiate on the lig-
LD cycle was interrupted in the middle by one-hour white light ulae after approximately two weeks in culture (Fig.
periods. The light had the same photon fluence rate (10 pmol.
m-2. s-I ) as the main photoperiod. In order to test for cumulative
4). Some of the epidermal cells underwent a peri-
effects of light interruptions, four treatments with different num- clinal division. T h e distal cell (tetrasporangial initial)
bers of interruptions of darkness were set. In the first treatment darkened, increased in volume and projected out
the dark period was interrupted on the first night only; in the from the epidermis (Fig. 5). Cruciate tetrasporangia


FIGS.2-5. Developmental stages of ligulae. FIG. 2. Isolated ligula, showing large apical cell (arrow). FIG. 3. Cross-section of a ligula
showing central layer of large cells and epidermal layer. One epidermal cell (arrow) is probably changing into a secondary apical cell.
FIG. 4. Ligula with lateral outgrowths (“secondary” ligulae) that develop after approximately three weeks in culture. Tetrasporangia
are differentiating on the epidermal surface. FIG. 5. Tetrasporangium developing on the epidermal layer. Stalk cell is visible.

developed (Fig. 1 h-j). Finally the cells separated, some spores were released after 28 days in culture
and four spores were released (Fig. 1k). (Fig. 9). Tukey’s test showed a significant effect of
T h e development of reproductive structures was 4,6 or 8 h daylength on the percentages of mature
influenced by photoperiod. At daylengths between tetrasporangia. In 12 h daylength, around 25% of
4 and 8.5 h, tetrasporangia differentiated in SO-SO% the tetrasporangia attained stage 2 or 3. Between
of the ligulae. In contrast, daylengths over 8.5 h 14 h and 18 h, most reproductive structures re-
induced a sharp decline in fertility, with about 15% mained at stage 1, and very few tetrasporangia
fertile ligulae (Fig. 8). Results show that the critical reached maturity.
daylength is about 8.5 h for the fertility response Daylength also influenced the number of tetra-
and that longer daylengths reduce the differentia-
tion of tetrasporangia. In addition, the degree of
maturity of the reproductive structures varied with A - PRIMARY LIGULAE
daylength. ANOVA showed a significant effect of
photoperiod on the stage of maturity reached by
tetrasporangia. At 4-8 h daylengths, 60-65% of the
reproductive structures attained stage 2 or 3, and


t, I I I

Y 41

1 I I
I 1 I 10 25 50 75
Z 10 25 50 75

IRRADIANCE ( p mol m-2 s1 )

FIG. 6. Interactions of daylength and irradiance on differ- FIG. 7A, B. Interactions of daylength and irradiance on the
entiation of new apical cells on ligulae of G. kunthii after 30 days growth of (A) “primary” and (B) “secondary” ligulae of G. kunthzz
in culture. 16:8 h LD cycles (0);12:12 h LD cycles (0);8:16 h after 30 days in culture. 16:8 h LD cycles (0);12:12 h LD cycles
LD cycles (A). Each point represents the mean for 30 measure- (0);8: 16 h LD cycles (A). Each point represents the mean for 30
rnents. measurements.




57 0

4b 2



8 16 87i301130

FIG. 10. Effects on differentiation of tetrasporangia of one-

hour interruptions in the middle of the dark period in a 8:16 h
LD cycle. Interruptions were performed the first night only, or
during one to three weeks throughout the experiment. The up-
I I 77-
permost line represents the control treatment, with uninter-
rupted dark periods.
4 6 I
Ib 12 f4
1 I
16 18 20 24
One-hour light interruptions of the dark period
FIG.8. Effects of daylength on tetrasporangial differentiation.
Each value represents counts of about 140 ligulae. Vertical bars
significantly decreased the differentiation of tetra-
are 95% confidence limits. sporangia in ligulae incubated under a short-day
photoperiod (ANOVA). However, the magnitude of
the inhibition depended on the number of inter-
sporangia reaching maturity. After 30 days in cul- ruptions (Fig. 10). In the control experiment, where
ture, under 8 h daylength the average number of the dark period was not interrupted, tetrasporangia
mature tetrasporangia per ligula was 5.52 f 0.66 developed on almost 90% of the ligulae after 30 days
( f S D ) , under 12 h daylength, 0.39 k 0.41, and un- in culture. When only the first dark period was in-
der 16 h daylength, 0.83 f 0.29. terrupted, 80% of the ligulae became fertile. When
the dark periods were interrupted in the course of
one or two weeks, fertility dropped to 60% and 46%,
respectively; and when the dark periods were inter-
rupted during three weeks, only 5% of the ligulae
became fertile.
T h e differentiation of reproductive structures was

4 6 8 ?O 12 14 16 18
10 25 50 75

I RRAD I ANCE ( p m o l mi’<’

FIG.9. Effects of daylength on stage of development attained FIG. 11. Interactions of photoperiod and irradiance on at-
by tetrasporangia. Each bar represents % tetrasporangia attaining tainment of fertility (differentiation of tetrasporangia) of G. kun-
stages 1, 2, or 3 under different daylengths, after 30 days in thii after 30 days in culture. 16:8 h LD cycles (0);12:12 h LD
culture. cycles (0);8: 16 h LD cycles (A).

10 25 50 75 10 25 50 75 10 25 50 75
( p mol m-2 s- 1 )
I I 1

16:8h LD 12:12h L D 8:16h LD

FIG. 12. Interactions of daylength and irradiance on growth of “primary” and “secondary” ligulae and on fertility (differentiation
of tetrasporangia) of G. kunthii. Each circle represents 10% of fertile ligulae.

significantly influenced (ANOVA) by the interac- apical cells differentiated under all conditions tested,
tions of photoperiod and irradiance (Fig. 11). In the possibly reflecting a release from the dominance ex-
8:16 h LD cycle a higher proportion of the ligulae erted by the apical cell of the thallus from which
became fertile when compared to the other pho- ligulae were obtained. T h e existence of such apical
toperiods under all irradiances tested. Fertility de- dominance was demonstrated in several algal species,
pended on irradiance (Tukey’s test): the highest per- among them some Dictyotales (Russell 1970, Dahl
centage of fertility occurred under low irradiance 1971, Moss 1974, Ducreux 1977, Gaillard and
(10 pmol .mP2.s-I). L’Hardy Halos 1980). Primary ligulae grew more
In the 12:12 h LD cycle, tetrasporangia differ- under long-day and neutral regimes with high ir-
entiated on 20-30o/c of the ligulae, depending on radiance than under short-day regimes with low ir-
irradiance, but no clear effects were recognizable radiance. This is probably due to the effect of day-
on fertility under different amounts of irradiance. length and irradiance on photosynthesis and growth
In the 16:8 h LD cycle, very few ligulae became rather than to a photoperiodic response. In contrast,
fertile, some tetrasporangia developed but their the secondary ligulae grew significantly more in
maturation depended on irradiance. Under 10 pmol. short-day than in long-day regimes, suggesting that
m-2.s-1, 8 ligulae (14.6%) became fertile. Tetra- a photoperiodic response could be involved in this
sporangial development began in 36 cells of the 8 stage of development.
ligulae, but only 22% reached stage 3. Under 75 Apparently high irradiance not only influenced
pmol .m-2.s-1, differentiation of tetrasporangia be- the growth of ligulae but also some specific devel-
gan in 22 cells of 7 ligulae (9.5%), but the tetraspo- opmental processes, resulting in decoloration of the
rangial initials remained pale and none developed ligulae. In Dictjota dichotoina (Hudson) Lamouroux,
beyond stage 1. irradiation with wavelengths over 500 nm resulted
in fading of the thalli accompanied by a dark col-
DISCUSSION oration of the tip region (Miiller and Clauss 1976).
Glossophora kunthii has a well defined critical day- Tetrasporangia began to differentiate under most
length in the formation of tetrasporangia. This re- experimental conditions, but the number and de-
sponse is inhibited by short light-breaks in the mid- gree of maturity reached were regulated by the in-
dle of dark periods. At least 15.5 h darkness are teractions of photoperiod and irradiance. A higher
required in order for over 50% of the ligulae to number of tetrasporangia differentiated under short-
become fertile. Most of the responses reported in day regimes and low irradiance than under the other
brown algae are short-day mediated (Dring 1984). conditions tested. Long-day photoperiods, or high
Interruptions of the dark period had a cumulative irradiance, apparently hindered the attainment of
effect: the interruption of one dark period resulted full maturity.
in a 10% decrease in fertility, whereas further in- Photoperiodic regulation of development has been
terruptions progressively decreased the proportions demonstrated in about 40 algae, among them nine
of fertile ligulae. Phaeophyta (Dring 1984). So far, all brown algae
Daylength and irradiance had varying effects on with photoperiodic responses have heteromorphic
growth and fertility, as shown in Figure 12. New life histories (Nakahara and Nakamura 1971, Dring

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