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Michael Cruz

Fear: Word picture from La Llorona

“Fear” exemplifies what Enrique feels in this scene. Enrique is sleeping peacefully in his bed
along with his wife. As he is sleeping, he starts to hear a noise as if someone is in the house. At
first he ignores it because he is aware that everyone in the house is sleeping. He then hears some
weird screeching noise which in my perspective, it sounds a little bit like somebody crying. The
sink in the bathroom also turns on even though the light in the bathroom is turned off. As soon as
he arises from his bed, he immediately goes into his room where he keeps all his guns. This part
of the scene itself tells us a lot about who Enrique is. He is a violent man who is always
assuming the worst. He goes to the bathroom, turns on the light, turns off the sink, and checks
the shower to see if anyone was there. The bathroom was empty. However, this doesn’t stop him
from his search. As he goes downstairs, the movie plays a ticking audio to bring more suspense
into the scene. He searches for whoever is out there roaming around in his house. At last, a girl
from behind him slowly walks up. He immediately shoots that person without seeing who it is.
His servants come to stop him and immediately tell him that it was just another one of his
servants walking around the house, and that there was no danger. This scene proves that Enrique
is guilty of genocide. Even though he is afraid to admit it, he indeed fears that someone is out
there to kill him for all of what he has done.

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