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Michael Cruz

Professor Encinias
CAS 115

Creating a scene

During the court scene, after helpless witnesses testified the truth against Enrique. It is time for
Enrique’s testimony. Enrique says he doesn’t know what they are talking about. He claims that
he’s innocent of committing genocide and would never do such a thing. The court ruled that
Enrique was guilty and sentenced him to prison. Usually, Enrique gets sick whenever he
becomes anxious and usually ends up at the hospital, but this time he doesn’t. Instead of helping
him, the guards take Enrique and arrest him. His family believes that what the Indigenous
witnesses say is true. They now don’t want anything to do with Enrique anymore. The guards
take Enrique away and lock him in a cell. He has been sentenced to a life sentence. Enrique cries
every night. He cries that he is innocent and shouldn’t be locked in this cell. He then begins to
whine about how lonely he is, and how he wishes he has company. A female guard approaches
him. This is unusual because you would expect all the guards to be male in an all male prison.
But this guard was no male. Underneath her police uniform, there was a dress. It was the same
dress that the Mayans wore. Enrique asks if she can keep him company. She says yes. He asks
her to tell him her name. She says her name is Alma. They begin to have a conversation. Enrique
talks about that he is innocent and would never commit such an act. He says he respects the
Mayan population. Alma then begins to cry. She cries loudly that the whole prison hears. She
cries out that he is a liar! She says how he drowned her children in front of her! She even says
that he shot her in the head after watching her children die. Erique discovers that Alma was a
spirit haunting him for her murder, and the murder of her children. One of the guard members
heard what Alma had to say and couldn’t stand to look at Enrique anymore. He goes up to
Enrique’s cell, chokes him, and kills him. Enrique’s arrest wasn’t enough for Alma to avenge her
children. She had to confront him during his prison, and watched the guard murder him.

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