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In 3 sentences, describe

the following words.


listening to music counting drawing animals

making a poster painting spelling long words colouring

The car is color black. alien TV
Robot I always watch on TV ship
car doll.
watching TV is fun

I want to see an alien.

1. The robot has orange color. There are aliens in movie. The ship is fun.
2.The robot can walk.

game Store candy store Book store

phone glass/sun glass game

My phone is slow
The glass is small. The game is fun! The candy store have many candies

There are many games in the game store The book stor is big.
Describe the words in 3 sentences.
단어를 3개의 문장으로 묘사하시오.

sour taste

i e
1. The kiwi taste sweet.
2. The kiwi is small 1. The lime is small.
3. The kiwi is color green. 2. Lime is delicious.
3. lime has a green color

1. the sand is very small(tiny).

u 2. you can see sand on the beach
o o a o a
1. The coconut has water inside. 1. It has a yellow color.
2. The coconut is big. 2. It's good to eat every summer.
3. The coconut is sweet. 3. Mango is a good fruit.

Look at the picture and describe it. 그림을 보고 묘사하세요.

She is reading a book
The girl is playing on the sand
The boy is playing in the water

The boy is playing a guitar


The boy is closing the door of the car

the boy is playing soccer

make a sentence for each words.

r i c e

Rice is color white

g r a p e s

The grapes are delicious

b u r g e r

The burger is big.

t o m a t o

The tomato is delicious

l e m o n a d e
The lemonade is sour.

당신이 마지막으로 농구를 한게 언제입니까?


surfing board

단어를 사용해서 문장을 만들어 볼까요 give name of the pictures and make a sentence
badminton racket
cup monster pen or pencil Train sofa

1. The cup is small My pen is long. The train is big. Badminton racket The sofa is soft.
is round.
The monster is fantastic!
let's have words review :)
let's do a word test.
have you experience being the winner?
당신은 승자가 된 경험이 있습니까?
그 이야기는 모두 무엇에 관한 것입니까?
what is the story all about?
당신이 마지막으로 농구를 한게 언제입니까?
당신이 마지막으로 농구를 한게 언제입니까?
when was the last tiime you played basketball?

당신이 가장 좋아하는 농구선수는 누구입니까?

who is your favorite basketball player?

당신의 경험은 어땠나요? 공유할 수 있나요?

how was your experience? can you share it?
그 이야기는 모두 무엇에 관한 것입니까?
what is the story all about?

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