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This is Your Main Headline... Use This to Grab Your Visitor's Attention (Make Them Want to Read On) Use this Subheading for the Most Important Differentiator of Your Product eof ths section, dont list features or even benefits of your product or service © Tomake best oduct. it's about your visitor. What's important here isnt about your p @© _Themoreyouknow about your ideal prospect, the more precise you can be in your “thisis for yout. list. @© _Mostimportantly: dont be afraid of imiting your audience. Don't make vague statements that include everyone. Make statements that clearly address your target market. If noone stops reading and leaves here, the sectionis pointless. @ Apoint you make here could include the elements: who your visitor is, what they do, what they've tried and a problem they stillhave. Eg. "You're a small business owner and you're aware of security Don't Fear the Feature List! Deliver a Wow-Factor With the List in this Section! or each feature, some text to explain the benefits plus the sheer number of features make this an effective selling point: Information/Services Avisual element For information products. use section youre selling service. use this youre selingto.atech-sawy Get instant access to our PRODUCT NAME now! ‘Asubheading. an image and a strong call to action: this section is all about toclickthe button and start the purchase process. Yes, | Want to Get [Benefit] Now >> A Text Section with a Subheading ‘Thisis the most repeatable section on the page. You c2n use text sections like this repeatedly, to explain details about your product, elaborate on the major benefits you offer and much more. Beware the wall of text. Weve used many visual elements and alot of visual variety on this page. Ths is meant to keep readers engaged. Make sure that you dont hit them with a wal of text in our text sections. Lots of text isnt a bad thing, but break itup with short paragraphs, highlighted text and occasional mages. ‘Address your visitor's objections. text section like this is ideal for addressing objections. Whenever you get pre-purchase questions especially pay attention to anything that's keeping your prospects from making a purchase. What makes them hesitate? What are they Unsure about? These are points you can address here, on your sles page. ‘Add Testimonials for Social Proof “Testimonials area great way to add some social proof to your sales page and they usually increase corwersions (although it's till something you should te: John Doe, ACME Ine What the Perfect Testimonial Looks Like ‘We've created a simple but excellent testimonial layout for you here. It consists ofa headline (the bet sentence or statement from the testimonial), the testimonial text itself an image and a name/oylne. ‘And of course it's all beautifully designed so your testimonials make a great impression!" Jane Doe, therCorp This is the "What You Get" Section. This is another call to action section, with afew conversion boosting elements. ‘Add a heading and a large image of your product. In the text section above the product, describe exactly what your customer gets after making the purchase. The clearer your Visitor is about what they will get, the less friction there is before the purchase. Get Your Copy Now >> Try It Out 100% Risk-FREE for 30 DAYS! ‘Add your guarantee statement or money back guarantee here. Describe what your guarantee entails as well as a reason why you're offering it. It's also worth testing different guarantees ‘against each other, although offering a standard money-back guarantee is afaily safe bet. Bele) iegta Pe ALU we 7 unsure, Testimonials area great way to sway undecided visitors ors have had several opportunities to purchase the product, sof they're stil scrolling at this point, they're still Testimonials With Specific Details Win ‘Don't just ist testimonials that are gushingly positive about your product or company in general. Although thosecan help, the best testimonials are ones that includ For example, customer saying how something went wrong, but your support staff was extremely fast and helpful can be better than ust another customer saying everything Jane Doe Here are answers to some frequently asked questions: + Why Add This FAQ Section? + Boring Technical Stuff Goes Here ‘An FAQ section lke this is a great way to address {Questions like “does this work with my operating more possible objections that your visitors might have system? don't make for thriling sales page content, (and do iin a compact way) but they can easily be addressed in this section. + Browse forthe Information You Need + Heatmaps Are Your Friend Get instant access to our PRODUCT NAME now! subheading, an image and a strong call to action: tis sections all about getting your visitor toclick the button and start the purchase process. Yes, | Want to Get [Benefit] Now >>

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