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1. She had an accident when paragliding. Two cloud joined and became
one.She had no way to escape from it but go round it. Then, she sucked
into the monster thunderstorm. She came into the conscious state.
2. The glider suddenly reopened. Doctors suppose that the
consciousness saved her life.
Clauses: 2 types
1. Main clauses (independent clause): completed meaning, can stand
alone as a sentence
2. Subordinate clauses (dependent clause): cannot stand alone as a
sentence, start by subordinators ( if, although, after, because,…)
- adjective clause(MĐQH bổ nghĩa cho N), noun clause, adverb clause
(when, before, after)
Sentence structure:
1. Simple sentence: 1 main clause
2. Compound sentence: 2 or more main clauses ( coordinating
conjunction (, FANBOYS in the middle of the sentence), ; , conjunctive
adverb (;however, moreover, what’s more, therefore,)
3. Complex sentence: 1 main clause, >= 1 subordinate clause (because)
4. Compound-complex sentence: >=2 main clauses, >= subordinate
Writing letters
Formal letters: yours sincerely, yours faithfully, best regards
Informal letters: best wishes, lots of love, kiss and hugs
- Informal: idioms, phrasal verbs, casual, omission of pronouns (câu
mệnh lệnh), abbreviated
- Formal: non-colloquial, passive voice, abbreviated
- Semi-formal: formal greetings, informal endings
Dear Sir,
I am writing to place a complaint against your latest magazine
article in which you said that parents should not set any rules for
children. As a researcher in education field, I am afraid that there is a
slight problem with your viewpoint. It is clear that parents should not be
so strict to their children because this attitude may lead to the distance
among family’s relationships. However, family rules are necessary
because children need them to develop their personalities and not have
negative thoughts about life. I would much appreciate it if you can
rethink what you had written and consider more carefully when writing
anything next time. I am looking forward to hearing your response and
action for this issue.
Yours faithfully,
Le Thi Thu Hue

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