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Chapter 9

1. Ram and Nita fell in love. But why could they not get married?

R= because she is engaged to another man.

2. Why did Ram decided to go to Mumbai?

R= to go to the television show who will win a million.

3. Why did Ram give money to the man in the hospital and what

was he given in return?

R= to save the life of his son.

Chapter 10

4. Where did Ram meet his friend Salim?

R= when I return to Mumbai.

5. What happened to Maman in the end?

R= they killed him.

6. How did Salim’s story help Ram with the next question?

R= because they had bet on that cricket match.

Chapter 11

7. What is voodoo and in which country do people usually

practise it?
R= It is a religion in Haiti that people who practice it do many
strange things like magic.

8. What was Prakash Rao planning to do?

R= do a voodoo magic so that he would give more money to

his wife and him but in the end, they ended up killing him.

9. Why did the police not find his gun?

R= because the doctors they told the police that he had died

from a heart attack and not from a weapon.

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