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21st Century Literature from the

Philippines and the World

First Quarter- Module 5
Different Contexts that Enhance the Text's
Meaning and Enrich the Reader's
English – Grade 12
Supplementary Learning Material
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's
meaning and enrich the reader's understanding

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21st Century
from the
and the World

Name: ____________________ Grade/Section: _________ Date:____________

Quarter1- Module No. 5: Different Contexts that Enhance the Text's

Meaning and Enrich the Reader's Understanding

Lesson 5: Literary Contexts


After this module, you should be able to:

1. Evaluate the context by relating the story of the text with the details from the
author’s biography.
2. Appreciate a literary form that surfaced from the age of information technology.
3. Share insights gained from personal experiences


Nowadays, it is easy for us to search for information because of the Internet.

Though away from the people abroad, we still get in touch with them through Facebook,
messenger, and so on. The social media become popular to everyone because of easy-
access and free to give your respond for what is posted online.

One of the popular literary forms in social media is blog. It pertains short for web
log and is personal account of memorable experience posted online by the writer. It is
easy for everyone to give comments and reactions especially those people who are
updated in the social media.

Thus, blog helps us to know the different issues we are facing right now. We
become more aware to the society, we give our feedback to the issues by giving
comments and reactions to one’s blog. This module 5 features blog as part of the literary
genre in 21st century and let’s find out how literary contexts are applied.


MELCQ1 Week No. 5 Competency Code: EN12Lit-Ie-28
Competency: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's meaning and enrich the reader's

I. Directions. Read and answer the following questions carefully. Write the letter
that corresponds to the correct answer.
______1. Which of the following is NOT referring to Blog?
A. It is a flash fiction.
B. It is a new literary forms in the 21st century.
C. This is usually open for reactions and comments from anyone on the
D. It is short for web log and is a personal account of a memorable
experience posted online by the writer
______2. Which of the following is referring to the idea that language, rather than existing in
isolation, is closely linked to the culture and society in which it is used?
A. Biographical Context C. Linguistic Context
B. Historical Context D. Socio-cultural Context
______3. Which of the following refers to a context defined purely in terms of what follows or
what precedes a particular segment that is undergoing a sound change?
A. Biographical Context C. Linguistic Context
B. Historical Context D. Socio-cultural Contex
______4. Which of the following newly- coined colloquial terms ha a meaning of “ a body of
woman has a child and isn’t super fit”?
A. Bodmom B. bodymom C. mombod D. mommybod
______5. Which of the following is the meaning of the newly-coined colloquial term high-
A. A baby who needs so much of material things
B. Fussy baby, requires additional attention
C. A baby who needs expensive things
D. A baby who needs love

WHAT’ S IN (Review)

Directions. Using a bubble map, write one word that can define creative


The Literary Contexts

Studying literature takes significant human experiences as its main subject. One
of the critics M.H. Abraham (1953) described four basic literary approaches to
interpretation in his study of Romantic theory and its critical tradition. These are the four
approaches expressive or considering purpose of the author, mimetic or considering the
literature as a reflection of the world and reality, pragmatic or considering effect of the
literature on reader, and objective or considering only the work.

The concept of context finally became known again as a necessary tool in

improving literary interpretation. The analysis of the work or close reading depends on the
MELC of reader’s
Q1 Week understandingCode:
No.5 Competency or conception of the internal elements of the text. So,
there is a literary contexts which means understanding and appreciating a literary
Competency: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's meaning and enrich
selection, a reader must understand the significant contexts in which it was written.
the reader's understanding

Some of the literary contexts are Biographical, Socio-cultural and Linguistic


 Biographical Context means about the author’s experiences, biography and

influences can be used to utilize in understanding the text.

 Socio-cultural Context- refers to the idea that language, rather than existing in
isolation, is closely linked to the culture and society in which it is used.

 Linguistic Context- It is a context defined purely in terms of what follows or

what precedes a particular segment that is undergoing a sound change.

These literary contexts helps the readers to understand further the text and
appreciates the text as well.


ACTIVITY NO.1: Examining the Literary Text

Directions: Read the literary selection and respond critically to the questions below. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.

Back- Braking
By Martine De Luna
Blog Link: https://

No isn’t a typo in today’s title. I have a point. It has to do with (1) my back and, (2) the art of
“braking.” I suppose this type of blog post is what they call a “brain f**t” but I can’t bring myself to call it
that. So let’s just call another “study” in the art of making things blissful. Ok? Ok.
I pulled my back the other week, see. It all began when I had a meeting at a café nearby, and had
to bring Krista with me. I was alone, and waited for my husband to pick me up after the meeting was
through. And so I carried Krista around in my sling, maybe for a good 40 minutes. I didn’t notice it of
course. Until we got home and my shoulders ached. So, I scheduled the home service masseuse to come
and work on me that night, to relax me a bit.
Well, turns out I will never ever hire that masseuse again, because while she was massaging me
she manipulated a nerve in my lower back, causing a small tearing of muscles. I only felt it keenly,
however, when I reached down the next day to pick up Krista from his high chair during Sunday brunch.
Immediately, I felt this piercing pain course through me. It was awful, enough to keep me hunched over. I
hated it!
For the next few days (well, whole of last week, actually!). I was mostly hunched over and wincing
in pain. I couldn’t do anything inside the house, and I felt so utterly useless. Thank God I had no important
matters to attend outside the house but even doing the daily chores was torture. Here’s a glimpse into the
mess in the kitchen, sigh!
What’s worse is that I couldn’t take care of both kids a hundred percent of the time, with my usual
faculties. I was instructed by my physical therapist to not lift anything, especially the baby (who now
weighs a hefty 18.7 pounds a 6 months old). You can imagine how hard this was for me and her, being
attached at the hip almost every day. (She is a high need baby). When it came to nursing, the only way to
safely do so was to lie down on my side and nurse the baby that way, but every time I’d go on my side, my
back would twitch in pain. I seriously had no comfort, whether I sat down or lay down. It was awful!
I received an e-mail from my friend Maricel during the middle of the week, which gave me much
comfort. She related the same kind of back problems that she used to have, and her empathy made me feel
a lot better. Part of her e-mail mentioned taking a rest, catching up on reading and just really slowing down
and waiting for the healing to happen, naturally, in time.

MELC Q1 Week No.5 Competency Code: EN12Lit-Ie-28
Competency: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's meaning and enrich
the reader's understanding

I back- read on some of the blogs I’d written in the past, like those and about slow living and being
less hurried. Of course, the posts spoke keenly to me because it was like the injury pulled the brake on my
life, forcing me to just stop and be injured. What a weird thing to say, but it’s true: It’s like who in that
moment was saying to just “be” in this state of helplessness and dependence on my loved ones and

So that’s why I say it’s been a ‘back- braking’ week.

As of this paragraph, I’m much better. It’s been almost two weeks since the stupid strained muscle
and nerve pinching, and I am doing well. There is still of back strain whenever I forget to stand up for a
time, which explains the short spurts that I’ve been writing this blog post! I also have to go back to doing
my back stretches to avoid sciatica, stretches that I’ve been lax about, hence, the injury. (Ok, ok, so the
masseuse isn’t to blame for my out- of shape #mombod. I have no excuse for it.
Being injured and unable to do my usual tasks is always humbling. It was like a force beckoning
me “halt” and step on my brakes abruptly. It wasn’t just about schedules being screwed up and
conveniently ordering take out. It was really a wakeup call for several things, like slowing down (again,
forever!)and getting back in shape (mea culpa!). I’ve actually been tapering down on work and on- but I
realize that balance with the working at home also need some “braking”, some thoughtful “stops” to our
current methods. With every change that happens for the kids- Vito needing more attention in his home
schooling (despite how intentionally relaxed about it). Krista needing more attention now that she is on
solids and starting to crawl--, changes also need to happen for Ton and me and the way we work and run
the household.
Braking when it’s in moving vehicle, prevents, safeguards, protects. I’m seeing the parallel in our
home and family and work life, too. My forced brake because of my back injury was protecting things like
our family dynamics, the quality of rest that I needed. Now that I’m out of the hellish pain, I can look back
at things with some kind of gratitude.
Ok, now that I’m recovered, it’s time to get down to the real deal of strengthening my core again,
and adjusting to the pace of life right now. I’ve had time to think and take stock. Now, it’s time live my next
stage as normal.
Has an injury or illness ever forced you to “brake”, too? What insights did you have?
Let’s talk about it in the comments, maybe?

Reference: Alonzo, R.I., Flores, E.R.,and Tayao,ML.G. “We Reflect,Take Stock, and Share Meaningful Events”.21 st Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World. p.87

1. What do you think is the reason why the author use the title “Back-braking?
2. What was the problematic incident mentioned by the writer on her blog? What was
her realization after what she had experienced?
3. What are the newly coined colloquial terms (example: e-mail) mentioned in the blog?
Write at least three and identify the meaning.
4. Are the word choice of the writer appropriate for the text? Why or why not?
5. At the last portion of the blog, the writer asked you to give your insights. What
would be your answer to her question?

ACTIVITY NO.2: Let’s Do This…

Directions: Write your own blog about your experiences in this pandemic. How do
you cope up with this situation? What lessons you learned from it. Post your
output in the Facebook group page created by your subject teacher. Your
classmates will
give their comments about your work.

Grading Rubric

Criteria 1-Needs Improvement 2- Good 3- Very Good

Content The topic and main ideas are not Main ideas are clear but not well Main ideas are clear and well
clear supported by detailed supported by detailed and correct
information information
MELC Q1 Week
Organization of No.5
is no clear flow ofCode:
ideas. EN12Lit-Ie-28
Information is relevant; but is Information is relevant and
Ideas Competency: Discuss how different not organized.
contexts enhance the text's presented
meaningin a logical order.
and enrich
Sentence Structure, Sentences arethedifficult to
reader's Most sentences are well
understanding All sentences are well constructed
Grammar and understand and make numerous constructed but make several with the correct grammar and
Spelling errors in grammar and spelling errors in grammar and spelling. spelling.



1. After I read the story, I realized that_____________________________________.

2. The blog was written by the blogger to ___________________________________.
3. Her blog is biographical in context because________________________________.
4. It is also linguistic in context because ____________________________________.
5. And most of all it shows; socio-cultural in context because______________________.
6. I can relate to this blog because___________________________________________.


Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer that corresponds to the

___________1. Which of the following approaches considers literature as a reflection of the

world and reality?
A. expressive B. mimetic C. objective D. pragmatic

___________2. Which of the following literary contexts perceives in the blog of Martine De
describes her experience as a millennial working mom?
A. Biographical Context C. Linguistic Context
B. Historical Context D. Socio-cultural Context
___________3. Which of the following pertains to understand and appreciate a literary
selection, a reader must understand the significant contexts in which it was
A. Context C. Text
B. Literary Context D. Close Reading
___________4. Which of the following is a short for web log and is a personal account of a
memorable experience posted online by the writer?
___________5. Which of the following words refer to message distributed via electronic
A. chat B. E-mail C. personal message D. text


MELC Q1 Week No.5 Competency Code: EN12Lit-Ie-28
Competency: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's meaning and enrich
the reader's understanding

Alonzo R I., Flores E. R., and Tayao, M. G. (2017).21st Century Literature

from the Philippines and the World. .Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc.

Sanchez, L. A., (2019) 21st Century Literature from the Philippine

and the World. Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.

MELC Q1 Week No.5 Competency Code: EN12Lit-Ie-28
Competency: Discuss how different contexts enhance the text's meaning and enrich
the reader's understanding
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office-


Calbayog Street, Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City 1500

Telefax: (632) 79552557

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