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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Quarter 1- Module 6
Lesson 1: Critical Approaches in
Writing a Critique
Wow! Earth-terrific!
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Uses appropriate critical approaches in writing a
critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.

Before answering this module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple
instructions below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit.
Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated

in every page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts
about the lessons. Writing enhances learning, which is
important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you
have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know

after completing the lessons in the module.
• Pretest - This will measure your prior knowledge and the
concepts to be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson - This section will measure
what learning and skills did you understand from the
previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview
of the lesson.
• Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with
a partner.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and
applications of the lessons.
• Check your Understanding - It will verify how you learned
from the lesson.
• Post Test - This will measure how much you have learned
from the entire module.

Lesson Critical Approaches in
1 Writing a Critique

In this module, you will have to use appropriate critical
approaches in writing a critique such as formalism, feminism, etc.
Specifically, this module will help you to:
 define the different critical approaches used for critiquing a
 differentiate these critical approaches; and
 state the importance of using critical approaches in reviewing or
critiquing a concept.
Let us continue exploring the critical approaches in writing a critique. I am
sure you are ready and excited to answer the Pretest. Smile and cheer up!

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. This critical approach is concerned with differences between economic
classes and implications of a capitalist system.
A. Feminism C. Marxist criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-response criticism
2. A critique paper focusing on how literature presents women as
subjects of sociopolitical, psychological, and economic oppression
A. Feminism C. Marxist criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-response criticism
3. A reaction paper that states and explains the reviewer’s reaction as an
audience of a work.
A. Feminism C. Marxist criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-response criticism
4. A review paper focusing on the language used in the text employs
A. Feminism C. Marxist criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-response criticism
5. When a text or concept has relevant connection with the history or
author’s personal experience, the critical approach to use
A. Historical-Biographical C. Marxist Criticism
B. Formalism D. Reader-response criticism

Great! You finished answering the questions. You may request your
facilitator to check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!
Direction: Read the short text carefully and write the major points and
subpoints of the text through a sentence outline. Use a separate sheet.

With the increasing popularity of Information and Communication

Technology (ICT), social networking sites (SNS) have become an integral part
of our lives. One of these SNSs is Facebook, a popular site which has over
one billion active users around the world. Generally, there are two main
functions of Facebook: for personal use and for educational purpose.
People use Facebook for their personal use to communicate with
friends and relatives. For example, if there are important events to celebrate,
a Facebook user can just send a personal message, post an invitation on
his/her timeline, or create an event or invite friends. Facebook is also
extensively used to interact with other people. Reconnecting with childhood
friends and former colleagues is also made easy: a user just needs to type
the name of the person in the search tab and then add that person as a
The second major function of Facebook is for academic purposes. It
has several features that can be used for teaching. For instance, teachers
can simply update their statuses or send messages to make announcements
on submission deadlines and assignments. Facebook can be used as a
venue for students to display their works, such as speaking constructive
comments, students would have a sense of authorship, intellectual
discussions can also be conducted on Facebook through its chatting
Undoubtedly, Facebook is a viable tool for personal and academic
success. Not only does it enhance and provide a positive influence in
classroom practices, it also helps individuals collaborate, communicate, and
reconnect. Nevertheless, people should still be responsible enough so that
this great invention would not be misused and put to waste.

Source: Barrot, J. (2016). Academic Reading and Writing For Senior High School.
Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Have you heard of or watched video logs or vlogs on “unboxing” of a
product? This kind of online activity today involves evaluation and personal
comments on a product. A vlogger states his or her assessment on various
features of a product using a set of criteria. “Unboxing” in vlogs has similar
purpose with that of writing a critique paper. But they differ in terms of
platform and approaches used. For you to sound “legit” in your critique
paper, you should use critical approaches or also known as literary lenses.

So, let us begin exploring the different critical approaches in writing a

critique paper.

Critical Approaches/ Literary Lenses in Writing a Critique
There are several ways or viewpoints by which you can analyze and
critique a certain material. A material can be critiqued based on its aspects,
its approach to gender, your reaction as the audience, its portrayal of class
struggle and social structure, history or author’s life.
1. Formalism claims that literary works contain intrinsic properties
and treats each work as a distinct work of art. In short, it posits that
the key to understanding a text is through the text itself; the historical
context, the author, or any other external contexts are not necessary
in the interpreting the meaning.
The following are the common aspects looked into formalism:
 Author’s techniques in resolving contradictions within the
 Central passage that sums up the entirety of the work.
 Contribution of parts and the work as a whole to its
aesthetic quality.
 Relationship of the form and the content.
 Use of imagery to develop the symbols in the work.
 Interconnected of various parts of the work.
 Unity in the works.
2. Feminist Criticism also called feminism focuses on how literature
presents women as subjects of socio-political, psychological, and
economic oppression. It also reveals how aspects of our culture are
patriarchal, i.e., how culture views men as superior and women as
The following are the common aspects looked into when using
 How culture determines gender
 How gender equality (or the lack of it) is presented in the
 How gender issues are presented in literary works and
other aspects of human production and daily life
 How women are socially, politically, psychologically, and
economically oppressed by patriarchy
 How patriarchal ideology is an overpowering presence
3. Reader-response Criticism is concerned with the reviewer’s
reaction as an audience of a work. This approach claims that the
reader’s role cannot be separated from the understanding of the work;
a text does not have meaning until the reader reads it and interprets
it. Readers are therefore not passive and distant but are active
consumers of the material presented to them.
The following are the common aspects investigated when using
reader response criticism:
 Interaction between the reader and the text in creating
 The impact of the reader’s delivery of sounds and visuals
on enhancing and changing meaning.
4. Marxist Criticism is concerned with differences between economic
classes and implications of a capitalist system, such as the continuing
conflicts between the working class and the elite. Hence, it attempts to
reveal that the ultimate source of people’s experience is the
socioeconomic system.
The following are the common aspects investigated when using
Marxist criticism:
 Social class as represented in the work
 Social class of the writer/creator
 Social class of the characters
 Conflicts and interactions between economic classes
5.Historical-biographical Criticism is concerned with how history and
author’s biography are reflected or represented in a certain literary
The following are the common aspects investigated when using
Historical-biographical criticism:
 Author’s life and times
 Author’s personal life
 The text’s characters’ life and times
Source: Barrot, J. & Sipacio, P.J. (2016). Communicate today. English for academic and
Professional purposes for senior high school. Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Activity 1: Identifying critical approach or literary lens
Directions. Study the groups of topics. Encircle the letter of the topic that
does NOT belong to the group. Then, write the critical approach or literary
lens that is appropriate for the remaining three topics in each number.
1. _______________________
A. The Philippine Efforts for National Independence
B. Writer’s Childhood Experiences as A Filipino
C. Readers’ Psychological Perceptions on National Identity
D. The English Language Status Across History
2. _______________________
A. Imagery and Local Colors Used in the Text
B. Rhythm and Rhyme of Stanzas
C. Text Message and Its Impact to the Readers
D. Literary Devices Used in Unfolding of Plot

3. _______________________
A. Women’s Tone and Men’s Tone in Turn-taking
B. White- and Blue-Collar Jobs: Work Opportunities
C. Gender Equality in Advertisements
D. Women’s Empowerment
A. First World and Third World Countries: COVID-19 Vaccines
B. Employee and Employers’ Speech Opportunities
C. Elite Group and the Industry
D. National and Local Government History
A. Readers’ Reflection on Character Portrayal
B. Readers’ Understanding of the Conflict and Theme
C. Readers’ Perception on Text Impact
D. Readers’ List of Important Story Details

Activity 2: Analyzing the text and the critical approach used

Directions. Read and analyze the review of the film entitled Seven Sundays
by Cathy-Garcia Molina. Then, complete the chart below by providing the
necessary information.

The film opens with a beautiful montage that poignantly shows the
Bonifacio family growing over the years. There are no faces except for those
in old photographs, and yet one understands the story behind it.
We soon meet the patriarch, Manuel, a widower and former barangay
official, full of energy and charismatic at 69 years old. He is celebrated by
the members of his closely-knit provincial community and every person he
runs into offers a gesture of kindness. Everyone showers him with attention;
everyone except his children, that is.
Manuel, played by Ronaldo Valdez, soon learns that he is sick with
barely two months to live, and only seven Sundays to spend with his
children and grandchildren.
Manuel’s four children lead busy lives of their own, but are forced to
spend their weekends with their ailing father. Each sibling has a problem he
or she is hiding from the rest of the family. Their problems are common to
many adults of this generation, and it’s easy to find yourself in one, two, or
even all of them— if your memory serves you right.
Allan, Bryan, Cha and Dexter represent the challenges many of us go
through as adults, and this is part of the movie’s irresistible charm: its
ability to mirror who we are or who we were at some point in our life.
Effective portrayal is a key element in this film. At first we think
Enrique Gil is merely reflecting his public persona—that of popular and
idolized millennial—but he sets us straight by dropping that self-assured
stance and showing a more sensitive side to his character.
It isn’t the first time Cristine Reyes has played someone’s wife in a
movie, but it’s probably the first we’ve seen her utterly deglamorized and
where redemption isn’t achieved through a makeover. As Cha, Cristine
shows that she has graduated from being a sexy star, and can now segue
into more seriously dramatic roles moving forward.
Bryan, the second born, is an overachiever with a lot to prove, but
with a painful secret that he tries to mask with calculated indifference. He’s
arrogant and insensitive, and Dingdong Dantes’ convincing portrayal makes
it easier for us to dislike him, at first.
Later on, he becomes more than just some cocky businessman and
delivers a compelling performance as a man of strong character despite
repressed emotional struggles, and does so with incredible depth.
Aga Muhlach’s Allan is far from the dreamboat we’ve grown
accustomed to seeing him portray. As a middle-aged father with a failing
business, Aga, like Cristine, doesn’t have that special, superficial packaging
that would save him from a sloppy performance, if need be. He doesn’t need
saving, however, and proves that he also doesn’t need to be in top physical
form to gather our sympathy and melt our hearts.
It’s a sign that he can embrace his age and graduate from heartthrob
roles if he chooses, deliver an endearing performance, and still be the man
of our dreams. Aga is nowhere past his prime; on the contrary, he seems to
be getting better with age, if this comeback vehicle is any indication.
There appears to be quite a few sidebar stories within the plot, but it’s
fascinating how they all get together without leaving anyone out. There are
quite a few comedic moments propelled by Ronaldo Valdez and Ketchup
Eusebio’s presence, but it’s also the veteran actor’s scenes that stir the most
emotions in the film. He is a representation of our fears and our regrets, of
what we could and should have done.
The comedic elements are familiar and the formula is present in most
Pinoy comedies, adding to the film’s entertainment value, and giving viewers
room to recover from their tears. “Seven Sundays” successfully balances
comedy with the dramatic elements throughout most of the film, but falters
at keeping this balance towards the end.
The final scene lends truth to the saying less is more and impinges on
the film’s artistic value. Too much of this tacky brand of comedy for the sake
of entertainment is an eyesore on the film’s otherwise beautiful terrain.
Sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes heartwarming; sincere and often
too close to home. Overall, “Seven Sundays” is an exceptionally beautiful
film that captivates the audience with a well-written script, entertaining
sequences, memorable performances, and an evocative message that
plunges deep into our consciousness.
Source: Interaksyon. (2017). “Review – Seven Sundays”. Retrieved from:

Main Idea:

Purpose of the text:

Critical approach
used by the writer:


 Critical approaches are also called literary lenses that are used to
provide well-balanced critique of a text, object or concept.
 The following are the key points looked into each critical approach:
1. Marxism- economic classes and implications of a capitalist
2. Formalism- language used and text structure
3. Feminism- women’s empowerment and gender equality
4. Historical-biographical- author’s life and times
5. Reader-response criticism- reviewer’s reaction as an audience of
a work
 There are other several critical approaches that can be used aside
from Marxism, Feminism, Formalism, Historical-biographical and
Reader-response criticism.


Directions. Answer the following questions using your own words in 3-5
1. What are critical approaches or literary lenses?

2. Why are critical approaches or literary lenses important in critiquing?

3-5. How do the two approaches in each number differ from each other?
A. Formalism versus Reader-response Criticism

B. Marxist Criticism versus Feminist Criticism
C. Historical-Biographical Criticism versus Marxist Criticism

Directions: Identify what is being asked or described in each item. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
______ 1. Why is using critical approach in critiquing a concept significant?
A. To use academic language
B. To elicit the most important details of a text
C. To provide a well-balanced critique
D. To identify the structure of a text
______ 2. Which among the choices should you use when analyzing the
social stratification of a society?
A. Formalism C. Marxism
B. Reader-Response D. Feminist
______ 3. Which is NOT a critical approach in writing a critique?
B. Marxism C. Reader-Response
C. Formalism D. Mannerism
______ 4. What critical approach should be used when analyzing the
author’s life and times?
A. Historical-biographical C. Marxism
B. Formalism D. Reader-Response
______ 5. The following is a characteristic of Reader-Response criticism
A. The readers passively consume the material.
B. The readers respond and analyzes the material.
C. The readers may have more than one interpretation of the
D. The reader’s role cannot be separated from the
understanding of the work.

Lesson 1: Critical Approaches in Writing a Critique
Directions: Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by
completing the chart below.

I thought…

What were your thoughts or

ideas about the critical
approaches in writing a critique
prior to the discussion of this

What new or additional ideas I learned that…

did you learn after taking up
this lesson?

Barrot, J. & Sipacio, P.J. (2016). Communicate today. English for academic
and Professional purposes for Senior High School. Quezon City,
Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Barrot, J. (2016). Academic Reading and Writing For Senior High School.
Quezon City, Philippines: C&E Publishing, Inc.

Interaksyon. (2017). “Review – Seven Sundays”. Retrieved from:


Writer: Krislene C. Dela Cruz, MT II

Editor: Ross Marie Ann B. Gomez, MT II
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio Jr., Education Program Supervisor
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V,
Schools Division Superintendent-Manila
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, Division EPS in Charge of LRMS
and Lady Hannah C Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5. a
1. c 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. a

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