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 Executions, they argue, are 

cruel and immoral. Human life is valuable and everybody has

a right to live. No one has the right to take away a human life, not even organised states.
 Human rights activists argue that death penalty is a form of revenge against offenders and
revenge is not necessarily about social justice.
 Another important argument supported by abolitionists is that the death
penalty discriminates against minorities and the poor, as it is people from these groups
that are more likely to be sentenced to death. For example, although African Americans
make up only about 13% of the US population, almost 50% of convicts on the death row are
African American.
 There is also always the possibility of a wrongful verdict that might irrevocably sent
innocent people to the death row.
 Finally, opponents of capital punishment argue that empirical reality disproves some of the
arguments of defenders of the death penalty. There is no proof that the death penalty
or long prison sentences have a strong deterrent effect. Crime rates are no lower in
countries with death penalty.
 Furthermore, the costs of carrying out a death sentence can be much more
expensive than keeping a criminal in jail, due to legal costs, number of appeals but
also security and incarceration costs.

It is for these reasons that opponents of the sentence ask for the death penalty to be abolished.

Where do you stand in this debate? After looking at death penalty's pros and cons, do you consider
that capital punishment is a fair and appropriate measure for atrocious crimes or is it inhumane
and should be banned?  

8. There’s no possibility of redemption or rehabilitation. 

Prison population









alternative punishment

life sentence

the poors
1. альтернативное наказание = hukuman alternatif
2. аморально = amoral, asusila
3. бедные люди = masyarakat miskin
4. безопасность = keamanan
5. бесчеловечно = tidak manusiawi/kejam
6. гражданское общество = masyarakat sipil
7. дискриминировать = mengadakan diskriminasi
8. доказательство = bukti/pembuktian
9. дорогой = berharga/mahal
10. жестокий = kejam/bengis
11. искупле́ние = penebusan/perbaikan
12. казённый счёт = biaya/tanggungan negara/pemerintah
13. Ка́знь = hukuman mati
14. казнь через повешение = hukuman gantung
15. Наказа́ние = hukuman
16. неви́нный = tidak bersalah
17. незако́нный оборо́т нарко́тиков = penyalahgunaan narkotika
18. неправосу́дный верди́кт = keputusan juri pengadilan (верди́кт) yang melanggar hukum
19. о́ бщество = masyarakat
20. пожи́ зненное заключе́ние = hukuman penjara seumur hidup
21. электри́ ческий стул = kursi elektrokusi
22. после́дствие = konsekuensi
23. Пра́ва челове́ка = hak asasi manusia
24. Государственное право = hukum tata negara
25. преступле́ния = kejahatan/tindakan kriminal
26. расхо́ д = pengeluaran
27. реабилита́ция = rehabilitasi/pemulihan
28. Рискованный = beresiko
29. социа́льная справедли́ вость = keadilan sosial
30. Тюре́мное заключение = tahanan penjara
31. Тюрьма́ = penjara
32. Уби́ йство = pembunuhan
33. Уголо́ вник = nara pidana
34. Челове́ческая жизнь = nyawa manusia
35. Юри́ ст = pengacara

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