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 Qualitative Journal Review Assignment

A qualitative study: The link between leadership and an innovative and an emotionally
intelligent organization.




Demetrice White

University of Southern Mississippi 

HCD 750: Qualitative Research Methods

Dr.  Casey M. Maugh Funderburk

October 30, 2022 








Qualitative Journal Review Assignment

A qualitative study: The link between leadership and an innovative and an emotionally
intelligent organization.

This qualitative study aimed to understand, from a shared perspective, what impact

leadership and the leadership's philosophy have on an organization's creative and emotionally

intelligent ability. Specifically, the relationship between leadership, emotional intelligence,

and the perceptiveness of innovation was investigated.

The author clearly defined the problem statement. Past research shows the impact that

leadership has on an organization and its processes for growth by way of mentoring and

coaching. Moreover, the philosophical leadership approach and how is directly related to the

culture within the organization. In recent years, it has been noted that leadership has an

extremely high impact and is intently interrelated to innovation and emotional intelligence.

Innovation and emotional intelligence have become hot topics in management and

organizational research. According to Kendra Cherry, Emotional Intelligence is considered a

person's capacity to perceive effectively, express, understand, and manage their emotions and

the emotions of others positively and productively (Cherry, Verywell mind, 2022). According

to many experts, leadership involves influence and concerns how the leader affects followers.

The ability to be innovative and emotionally intelligent involves an organizational culture

created by the leadership. The leadership also supports its followers through the contribution

process. Leadership enables others to contribute to the success and effectiveness of the

organization field (Wilde & Messina, 2019).

The theoretical framework clearly defined the proposed notion that emotional

intelligence involves five components that are categorized as: (a) self-awareness, or the

ability to recognize one's own emotions and how they affect one's thoughts and behaviors;

(b) self-regulation, one's ability to control and manage one's internal states and impulses; (c)

self-motivation; (d) empathy, understanding the emotions, needs, and concerns of other

people; and (e) social skills, which includes one's ability to read people's emotions, maintain

good relationships and induce desirable responses in others. Straightly research questions

were constructed to validate the information from subjects surveyed for data collection. The

author also clearly identified their research method. Emotional intelligence should play a key

role as companies look to hire employees. Employees who can manage their own emotions

and can perceive and understand the emotions in others will be more likely to be

transformational leaders and achieve a high degree of success in their roles.

The research results show a direct and measurable relationship between leadership,

emotional intelligence, and innovation. Leaders with higher emotional intelligence levels can

identify their feelings and those around them and utilize their emotional knowledge to solve

problems and help develop other leaders. I agree with the results and think that a person's

emotional intelligence plays a significant role in creating those around them and up-and-

coming leaders. Nowadays, organizations need to understand the importance of leadership

based on emotional intelligence and its vital role in establishing a culture of confidence,

integrity, empathy, and solid relationships. In addition, emotional intelligence may help

identify who is and is not likely to deal effectively with co-workers and subordinates and

which leaders are likely to deliver high-performance management skills. For example, even

though a person may possess highly technical skills, it may lead to staff turnover and

underperformance issues if they cannot manage their subordinates effectively. Therefore,

organizations wishing to maximize business outcomes should seek top executives with high

emotional intelligence levels. Further research can address the hindrances and obstacles that

Leadership philosophy faces with emotional intelligence (EI), innovation (I), and change in

the workplace. Also, this study established the need to examine further the relationship

between leadership and organizational behavior through the lens of EI and I.

I feel this paper was in line with my topic as it related to coaching and mentoring

subordinates concerning leadership development and the awareness of the Emotional

Intelligence role. We all perform these tasks to some extent, whether directly or indirectly, in

the workplace. In addition, our interaction with people can drive how they operate, grow with

the company, or leave the organization.


Cherry, K. (2022, October 16). Verywell mind. Retrieved from What Is Emotional
Guillaume, Oris & Austin, Amy. (2014). A Qualitative Study: The Link between Leadership
and an Innovative and an Emotionally Intelligent Organization.
Wilde, R., & Messina, P. (2019, May 3). ICMA PM Magazine. Retrieved from Leadership
and Influence:








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